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Summary In contrast to that in paraffin-embedded tissue, the reactivity of monoclonal PCNA antibody PC10 on cryostat sections requires a special fixation procedure as the target epitope is seemingly not accessible to its antibody. A panel of 18 fixation protocols was investigated. Chilled methanol or acetone, or PLP (paraformaldehyde-lysine-periodate) was found to be unsuitable for skin preparations. A two-step fixation protocol was developed for normal skin and basal cell carcinomas. They were fixed first in 3.4% buffered formaldehyde, followed by fixation in 2:1 v/v ethanol-acetic acid. Following this fixation regime, cryostat sections displayed the same PCNA/PC10 labelling pattern as paraffin sections of formalin-fixed tissue.  相似文献   
Stratigraphic analyses of organic carbon, organic nitrogen and algal and bacterial carotenoids in short cores of profundal sediments of four alpine lakes (Tovel, Leit, Paione superiore and Tom) were used to reconstruct their trophic history. In addition, depth distribution of carbonaceous particle concentrations provided information on lake contamination from atmospheric deposition. In three lakes (Tovel, Leit and Tom), sedimentary carotenoids unique to sulfur photosynthetic bacteria (okenone and isorenieratene) provide evidence of changes in the oxygen, light and sulfide conditions in the water column. All the lakes are oligotrophic or moderately productive, and the algal community is dominated by Chlorophyta, Pyrrhophyta and Cryptophyta. Cyanobacteria are rather poorly represented. The steep increase of carbonaceous particles in the uppermost sediment layers of all the lakes suggests that lake contamination by atmospheric transport of pollutants began in the 1940s to 1950s. These data, coupled with those from a parallel study on Chrysophycean scale-inferred pH, indicate recent acidification in those which are poorly buffered (Paione superiore and Leit).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Verbeugungstriller männlicher Brandenten, eine epigame Lautäußerung, weist sowohl in syntaktischen wie auch phonetischen Parametern zyklische jahreszeitliche Veränderungen auf. Die Gesamtdauer der Lautäußerung vergrößert sich allmählich im Laufe des Frühjahrs. Dafür sind eine Verlängerung des tonalen Eingangselements und eine Vermehrung der Elemente der abschließenden Phrase verantwortlich. Dagegen verkürzt sich das 2. Element gleichzeitig. In allen untersuchten Elementen erhöht sich die Tonhöhe parallel zur Verlängerung des Rufes. Diese Veränderungen des Ausdrucksverhaltens geben vermutlich Änderungen innerer Zustandsgrößen wieder.
Seasonally changing bird call: the trill call of male Shelducks (Tadorna tadorna)
Both syntactic and phonetic features of the trill call accompanying the whistle-shake in adult male Shelducks are subject to cyclic annual changes. In the course of spring, the duration of the whole call increases gradually. This is caused by a prolongation of the first call element and insertion of additive elements in the final phrase. In contrast the second element is shortened by about 10 ms. At the same time, the pitch of all measured elements is raised. These findings are discussed in the framework of hormonal regulation and communicative function.
Conditions for maximising transient expression of GUS in leaf mesophyll protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype C24 were investigated. It was found that the factors most influencing expression levels, with optimum levels in parenthesis, were plasmid DNA quantity (100 g per 5 × 105 protoplasts), inclusion of carrier DNA (50 g), PEG pH and amount (pH above 6, and total PEG concentration at least 9% w/w) and the topological form of the DNA. Linearised plasmid DNA with long flanking sequences 3 and 5 to the marker gene yielded the highest levels of GUS expression.Abbreviations 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GUS -glucuronidase - MU methylumbelliferone - PEG polyethylene glycol - X-gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--glucuronic acid  相似文献   
A hybrid hybridoma secreting a bispecific hybrid mAb (bsmAb), which recognizes both the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) and the drug doxorubicin, was produced by somatic hybridization of two hybridomas. The bsmAb obtained was able to retarget doxorubicin cytotoxicity in vitro specifically on EGF-R-positive cells exerting at the same time an antidotal effect on cells that did not overexpress the EGF-R. Distribution studies in mice indicate that the bsmAb selectively delivers the drug to tumour cells and modifies doxorubicin biodistribution with a statistically significant decrease of drug concentration in the intestine, which is the main target of early anthracycline toxicity. In keeping with this finding is the remarkable antidotal activity exerted by bsmAb in mice treated with doxorubiein, which is proved by retardation in loss of body weight and mortality. The effectiveness on tumour growth of the mAb followed by the administration of doxorubicin appears to be equal to that of the drug alone; however, the bsmAb exerts a remarkable antidotal activity.  相似文献   
The development of the tectum mesencephali was studied in the frog Rana temporaria and the salamander Pleurodeles waltl by means of nuclear staining and by labeling of cells with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). The general spatial and temporal pattern of cell proliferation and cell migration is the same in both species, despite drastic differences in overall tectal morphology. However, the salamander species differs from the frog species by (1) a generally lower cell proliferation rate, (2) a reduction in the activity of the lateral proliferation zone, and (3) a reduction in the formation of superficial cellular layers. Because point (3) affects processes that occur late in ontogeny, our experiments provide evidence that the simple morphology of the tectum of Pleurodeles waltl, compared with the multilayered tectum of Rana, is a consequence of a paedomorphic alteration of the ancestral developmental pattern of the amphibian tectum.  相似文献   


Understanding cetacean species' distributions and population structure over space and time is necessary for effective conservation and management. Geographic differences in acoustic signals may provide a line of evidence for population-level discrimination in some cetacean species. We use acoustic recordings collected over broad spatial and temporal scales to investigate whether global variability in echolocation click peak frequency could elucidate population structure in Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris), a cryptic species well-studied acoustically.


North Pacific, Western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

Time period


Major taxa studied

Blainville's beaked whale.


Passive acoustic data were collected at 76 sites and 150 cumulative years of data were analysed to extract beaked whale echolocation clicks. Using an automated detector and subsequent weighted network clustering on spectral content and interclick interval of clicks, we determined the properties of a primary cluster of clicks with similar characteristics per site. These were compared within regions and across ocean basins and evaluated for suitability as population-level indicators.


Spectral averages obtained from primary clusters of echolocation clicks identified at each site were similar in overall shape but varied in peak frequency by up to 8 kHz. We identified a latitudinal cline, with higher peak frequencies occurring in lower latitudes.

Main conclusions

It may be possible to acoustically delineate populations of Blainville's beaked whales. The documented negative correlation between signal peak frequency and latitude could relate to body size. Body size has been shown to influence signal frequency, with lower frequencies produced by larger animals, which are subsequently more common in higher latitudes for some species, although data are lacking to adequately investigate this for beaked whales. Prey size and depth may shape frequency content of echolocation signals, and larger prey items may occur in higher latitudes, resulting in lower signal frequencies of their predators.  相似文献   
Machine grading is frequently required to prepare the terrain when building high-altitude ski slopes in the Alps. However, this kind of disturbance alters the natural environment, destroying the vegetation and hampering its reestablishment. Thus, specific restoration plans are necessary to encourage the recovery of vegetation, which is already affected by different natural constraints in this harsh environment. One of the main critical factors affecting plant growth in high-altitude areas is the lack of available nitrogen (N) in the soil. In this context, the addition of a slow-release N fertilizer was carried out in an experimental revegetated ski slope between 2,800 and 2,900 m above sea level in the western Italian Alps. Both vegetation and soil were monitored during a 5-year period in order to test the effectiveness of N addition on the restoration process. Even if effects on soil carbon and N contents were negligible, vegetation was remarkably affected by the fertilization, since the total vegetation cover and the species richness significantly increased. Against the expectations, there was a remarkable increase in spontaneous forbs, rather than in most of the sown graminoids, which slightly varied during the experimental period. Actually, graminoids responded in different ways, mostly increasing (likewise forbs), but the slight decrease of the dominant Festuca nigrescens (Chewing's Fescue) masked their spread. This study confirms the noteworthy role of N in high-altitude alpine soils and consequently its importance to improve the restoration process of degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   
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