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Strains of the murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus type 4 (MHV-4) which contained a mutation in the E2 peplomer glycoprotein were obtained by selection for resistance to neutralization by monoclonal antibodies. Characterization of six variants representing two independent epitopes on E2, E2B and E2C, by in vitro neutralization and antibody-binding assays demonstrated that selection for an alteration in epitope E2B also resulted in changes in epitope E2C and vice versa. We observed a mutation frequency of approximately 10(-4.3) to 10(-4.6), which is consistent with the expected occurrence of single point mutations. The variant virus strains were attenuated with respect to neurovirulence when compared with wild-type MHV-4. Mice normally develop encephalomyelitis and die after wild-type MHV-4 infection. Mice receiving 2- to 3-log-higher doses of the variant strains survived and developed demyelinating disease. As the disease progressed, evidence of remyelination and ongoing demyelination was observed up to 65 days after infection. Virus reisolated 15 days after infection retained the variant phenotype. The data indicate that the E2 glycoprotein plays a central role in determining the cellular tropism and virulence of MHV-4 in the mouse.  相似文献   
Summary The DNA sequences of the mercuric resistance determinants of plasmid R100 and transposon Tn501 distal to the gene (merA) coding for mercuric reductase have been determined. These 1.4 kilobase (kb) regions show 79% identity in their nucleotide sequence and in both sequences two common potential coding sequences have been identified. In R100, the end of the homologous sequence is disrupted by an 11.2 kb segment of DNA which encodes the sulfonamide and streptomycin resistance determinants of Tn21. This insert contains terminal inverted repeat sequences and is flanked by a 5 base pair (bp) direct repeat. The first of the common potential coding sequences is likely to be that of the merD gene. Induction experiments and mercury volatilization studies demonstrate an enhancing but non-essential role for these merA-distal coding sequences in mercury resistance and volatilization. The potential coding sequences have predicted codon usages similar to those found in other Tn501 and R100 mer genes.  相似文献   
Hydroxylamine mutagenesis was used to alter the tar gene that encodes the transmembrane Tar protein required for chemotaxis. Mutants defective in chemotaxis were selected, and the mutation was characterized by DNA sequencing. Two classes of mutations were found: nonsense and missense. The nonsense mutations were distributed throughout the gene, while the missense mutations were found to cluster in a region that includes 185 amino acids at the C-terminal end of the Tar protein. Partial characterization of mutant phenotypes suggested that some are completely defective in signaling while responding to attractants and repellents by differential methylation. Other mutants are undermethylated and constantly tumble, while yet another class of mutants is overmethylated and biased toward constant swimming with little or no tumbling. These mutants will be useful in experiments designed to understand the mechanism of chemotaxis.  相似文献   
We have developed a procedure for the long-term storage of lobster (Homarus) sperm. Sperm are collected from males by electrically stimulating the area around the gonopore. They are transferred with a bamboo stick to a plastic test tube containing paraffin oil and are stored for variable periods of time at 4–7°C. Sperm stored up to 289 days appear morphologically normal (equivalent to unstored sperm) when examined by phase contrast microscopy and electron microscopy, and morphologically normal sperm are able to undergo acrosome reactions. After longer periods of storage, degenerative changes begin to develop in sperm. These include loss of the nuclear spikes, condensation of the subacrosomal material, and distortion of the acrosome. Sperm stored better in spermatophores that had thick walls than in those with thin walls. In some spermatophores, bacteria were found in the sperm mass after storage; in general, sperm in these spermatophores were morphologically abnormal. This technique provides a means for saving lobster sperm for subsequent use in experiments or for artificial insemination of female lobsters. It may be adaptable to other invertebrate species that produce spermatophores.  相似文献   
Distance distribution functions, p(r), radii of gyration, Rg, and radii of gyration of cross section, Rq, of apotransferrin, monoferric transferrin, and diferric transferrin have been compared. The alteration of Rg and Rq upon iron binding has been determined by a difference method. An unusual feature of the stepwise structural changes of transferrin upon iron saturation is that binding of the first ferric ion is responsible for more than half of the whole change in Rq, whereas Rg alters significantly only after the binding of the second ferric ion.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to subject groups of male rats each to a specific 10% simulated increase in body weight, ranging from 1.1 to 2.0 g. Constant centrifugation was employed. After 30 and 60 days, rats were sacrificed and perfused with 10% BNF. The humerus, radius, ulna, femur, and tibia were removed, cleared of all soft tissues, weighed, decalcified with EDTA, and reweighed. Bone mineral content (BMC) was determined using the formula: [(Wu - Wd) divided by Wu] X 100. Tukey's multiple range test was used. The data suggest that male weanling rats subjected to simulated increases in body weight, within the range used in this study, undergo enhanced BMC, a bimodal curve describing the relationship between BMC and simulated increases in body weight.  相似文献   
Resonance Raman, optical absorption, and circular dichroism spectroscopic techniques have been used to examine the effect of the addition of inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) to a series of carp and human methemoglobin derivatives. Markers of spin equilibrium in the high-frequency region (1450-1650 cm-1) of the resonance Raman spectrum yield high/low-spin ratios consistent with direct magnetic susceptibility measurements. Changes in the low-frequency region (100-600 cm-1) of the resonance Raman spectrum appear to correlate with the quaternary structure transition. Changes in the ultraviolet absorption spectra and the circular dichroism spectra also appear to be related to the quaternary structure change. By using the resonance Raman spin markers, we find that those derivatives of carp methemoglobin which are in spin equilibrium have a larger ratio of high-spin to low-spin populations than the corresponding derivatives of human methemoglobin. Upon the addition of IHP to the methemoglobins the spin equilibrium is shifted toward a larger high-spin population. This change in equilibrium is larger for the carp protein than for the human protein. We obtain an IHP-induced change in the free energy difference between the high-spin and low-spin states of 300 cal/mol for those human methemoglobins in which a quaternary structure change occurs and 600 cal/mol for carp methemoglobins. Our data are consistent with a quaternary structure change induced by IHP in all the carp methemoglobins studied (F-, H2O, SCN-, NO2-, N3-, and CN-) and in the F-, H2O, and SCN- derivatives of the human protein but not in the NO2-, N3-, and CN- derivatives. The Fe-CN stretching mode has been identified by isotopic substitution and found to be unchanged in frequency in carp CN- metHb when the quaternary structure is changed. On the basis of our results we conclude that the protein forces at the heme due to the addition of IHP do not significantly affect the position of the iron atom with respect to the heme plane. Rather, the changes in spin equilibrium may be caused by protein-induced changes in the orientation of the proximal histidine or tertiary structure changes in the heme pocket which affect the porphyrin macrocycle. Either of these changes, or a combination thereof, leads to changes in the iron d orbital energies and concomitant changes in the spin equilibrium.  相似文献   
Slow charge movement in mammalian skeletal muscle   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Voltage-dependent charge movements were measured in the rat omohyoid muscle with the three-microelectrode voltage-clamp technique. Contraction was abolished with hypertonic sucrose. The standard (ON-OFF) protocol for eliciting charge movements was to depolarize the fiber from -90 mV to a variable test potential (V) and then repolarize the fiber to -90 mV. The quantity of charge moved saturated at test potentials of approximately 0 mV. The steady state dependence of the amount of charge that moves as a function of test potential could be well fitted by the Boltzmann relation: Q = Qmax/(1 + exp[-(V - V)/k]), where Qmax is the maximum charge that can be moved, V is the potential at which half the charge moves, and k is a constant. At 15 degrees C, these values were Qmax = 28.5 nC/microF, V = -34.2 mV, and k = 8.7 mV. Qmax, k, and V exhibited little temperature dependence over the range 7-25 degrees C. "Stepped OFF" charge movements were elicited by depolarizing the fiber from -90 mV to a fixed conditioning level that moved nearly all the mobile charge (0 mV), and then repolarizing the fiber to varying test potentials. The sum of the charge that moved when the fiber was depolarized directly from -90 mV to a given test potential and the stepped OFF charge that moved when the fiber was repolarized to the same test potential had at all test potentials a value close to Qmax for that fiber. In nearly all cases, the decay phase of ON, OFF, and stepped OFF charge movements could be well fitted with a single exponential. The time constant, tau decay, for an ON charge movement at a given test potential was comparable to tau decay for a stepped OFF charge movement at the same test potential. Tau decay had a bell-shaped dependence on membrane potential: it was slowest at a potential near V (the midpoint of the steady state charge distribution) and became symmetrically faster on either side of this potential. Raising the temperature from 7 to 15 degrees C caused tau decay to become faster by about the same proportion at all potentials, with a Q10 averaging 2.16. Raising the temperature from 15 to 25 degrees C caused tau decay to become faster at potentials near V, but not at potentials farther away.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
A technique is described for intermittent collection of portal venous blood from guinea pigs through a catheter advanced from an ileal tributary of the cranio-mesenteric vein into the portal vein and for the collection of bile from a catheter in the gallbladder after ligature obstruction of the common bile duct.  相似文献   
Summary ThreeAlnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. clones, obtained byin vitro propagation techniques, were inoculated with four strains ofFrankia. The ability of these clones to nodulate and fix nitrogen was previously reported; this study deals with the performance of 12 different combinations of pairs of symbionts.Shoot fresh weight, shoot height and collar diameter were measured 60 and 82 days after inoculation. Shoot fresh weight seems to be more sensitive and reliable than the other parameters. Nitrogenase activity, measured by the acetylene reduction assay, was assayed 78 days after inoculation and was consistent with the biomass measurements.Better growth was observed when type N strains were used. Significant growth differences were observed between clones AG-2 and AG-8 on the one hand and clone AG-4 on the other. Thus, the use of genetically defined host plants and microsymbionts permitted the demonstration of significant performance variation even among cloned plants from the same provenance (AG-4 and AG-8).The duration of the experiment influenced the results with differences becoming less significant with time. This might be caused by an external limiting factor such as the pot size, competition for light,etc. But it could also be indicative of differences in nodulation speed among the treatments.  相似文献   
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