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Boreal forests occupy nearly one fifth of the terrestrial land surface and are recognised as globally important regulators of carbon (C) cycling and greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon sequestration processes in these forests include assimilation of CO2 into biomass and subsequently into soil organic matter, and soil microbial oxidation of methane (CH4). In this study we explored how ecosystem retrogression, which drives vegetation change, regulates the important process of soil CH4 oxidation in boreal forests. We measured soil CH4 oxidation processes on a group of 30 forested islands in northern Sweden differing greatly in fire history, and collectively representing a retrogressive chronosequence, spanning 5000 years. Across these islands the build-up of soil organic matter was observed to increase with time since fire disturbance, with a significant correlation between greater humus depth and increased net soil CH4 oxidation rates. We suggest that this increase in net CH4 oxidation rates, in the absence of disturbance, results as deeper humus stores accumulate and provide niches for methanotrophs to thrive. By using this gradient we have discovered important regulatory controls on the stability of soil CH4 oxidation processes that could not have not been explored through shorter-term experiments. Our findings indicate that in the absence of human interventions such as fire suppression, and with increased wildfire frequency, the globally important boreal CH4 sink could be diminished.  相似文献   
Many migrating birds undertake extraordinary long flights. How birds are able to perform such endurance flights of over 100-hour durations is still poorly understood. We examined energy expenditure and physiological changes in Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremite during natural flights using birds trained to follow an ultra-light aircraft. Because these birds were tame, with foster parents, we were able to bleed them immediately prior to and after each flight. Flight duration was experimentally designed ranging between one and almost four hours continuous flights. Energy expenditure during flight was estimated using doubly-labelled-water while physiological properties were assessed through blood chemistry including plasma metabolites, enzymes, electrolytes, blood gases, and reactive oxygen compounds. Instantaneous energy expenditure decreased with flight duration, and the birds appeared to balance aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, using fat, carbohydrate and protein as fuel. This made flight both economic and tolerable. The observed effects resemble classical exercise adaptations that can limit duration of exercise while reducing energetic output. There were also in-flight benefits that enable power output variation from cruising to manoeuvring. These adaptations share characteristics with physiological processes that have facilitated other athletic feats in nature and might enable the extraordinary long flights of migratory birds as well.  相似文献   
The effective management of leachables in pharmaceutical products is a critical aspect of their development. This can be facilitated if extractables information on the materials used in a packaging or delivery system is available to assist companies in selecting materials that will be compatible with the drug product formulation and suitable for the intended use. The Extractables and Leachables Safety Information Exchange (ELSIE) materials working group developed and executed a comprehensive extraction study protocol that included a number of extraction solvents, extraction techniques, and a variety of analytical techniques. This was performed on two test materials, polyethylene (PE) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), that were selected due to their common use in pharmaceutical packaging. The purpose of the study was to investigate if the protocol could be simplified such that (i) a reduced number or even a single extraction technique could be used and (ii) a reduced number of solvents could be used to obtain information that is useful for material selection regardless of product type. Results indicate that, at least for the PVC, such reductions are feasible. Additionally, the studies indicate that levels of extractable elemental impurities in the two test materials were low and further confirm the importance of using orthogonal analytical detection techniques to gain adequate understanding of extraction profiles.KEY WORDS: extractables, extraction technique, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride  相似文献   
The data-independent acquisition (DIA) approach has recently been introduced as a novel mass spectrometric method that promises to combine the high content aspect of shotgun proteomics with the reproducibility and precision of selected reaction monitoring. Here, we evaluate, whether SWATH-MS type DIA effectively translates into a better protein profiling as compared with the established shotgun proteomics.We implemented a novel DIA method on the widely used Orbitrap platform and used retention-time-normalized (iRT) spectral libraries for targeted data extraction using Spectronaut. We call this combination hyper reaction monitoring (HRM). Using a controlled sample set, we show that HRM outperformed shotgun proteomics both in the number of consistently identified peptides across multiple measurements and quantification of differentially abundant proteins. The reproducibility of HRM in peptide detection was above 98%, resulting in quasi complete data sets compared with 49% of shotgun proteomics.Utilizing HRM, we profiled acetaminophen (APAP)1-treated three-dimensional human liver microtissues. An early onset of relevant proteome changes was revealed at subtoxic doses of APAP. Further, we detected and quantified for the first time human NAPQI-protein adducts that might be relevant for the toxicity of APAP. The adducts were identified on four mitochondrial oxidative stress related proteins (GATM, PARK7, PRDX6, and VDAC2) and two other proteins (ANXA2 and FTCD).Our findings imply that DIA should be the preferred method for quantitative protein profiling.Quantitative mass spectrometry is a powerful and widely used approach to identify differentially abundant proteins, e.g. for proteome profiling and biomarker discovery (1). Several tens of thousands of peptides and thousands of proteins can be routinely identified from a single sample injection in shotgun proteomics (2). Shotgun proteomics, however, is limited by low analytical reproducibility. This is due to the complexity of the samples that results in under sampling (supplemental Fig. 1) and to the fact that the acquisition of MS2 spectra is often triggered outside of the elution peak apex. As a result, only 17% of the detectable peptides are typically fragmented, and less than 60% of those are identified. This translates in reliable identification of only 10% of the detectable peptides (3). The overlap of peptide identification across technical replicates is typically 35–60% (4), which results in inconsistent peptide quantification. Alternatively to shotgun proteomics, selected reaction monitoring (SRM) enables quantification of up to 200–300 peptides at very high reproducibility, accuracy, and precision (58).Data-independent acquisition (DIA), a novel acquisition type, overcomes the semistochastic nature of shotgun proteomics (918). Spectra are acquired according to a predefined schema instead of dependent on the data. Targeted analysis of DIA data was introduced with SWATH-MS (19). For the originally published SWATH-MS, the mass spectrometer cycles through 32 predefined, contiguous, 25 Thomson wide precursor windows, and records high-resolution fragment ion spectra (19). This results in a comprehensive measurement of all detectable precursors of the selected mass range. The main novelty of SWATH-MS was in the analysis of the collected DIA data. Predefined fragment ions are extracted using precompiled spectrum libraries, which results in SRM-like data. Such targeted analyses are now enabled by several publicly available computational tools, in particular Spectronaut2, Skyline (20), and OpenSWATH (21). The accuracy of peptide identification is evaluated based on the mProphet method (22).We introduce a novel SWATH-MS-type DIA workflow termed hyper reaction monitoring (HRM) (reviewed in (23)) implemented on a Thermo Scientific Q Exactive platform. It consists of comprehensive DIA acquisition and targeted data analysis with retention-time-normalized spectral libraries (24). Its high accuracy of peptide identification and quantification is due to three aspects. First, we developed a novel, improved DIA method. Second, we reimplemented the mProphet (22) approach in the software Spectronaut (www.spectronaut.org). Third, we developed large, optimized, and retention-time-normalized (iRT) spectral libraries.We compared HRM and state-of-the-art shotgun proteomics in terms of ability to discover differentially abundant proteins. For this purpose, we used a “profiling standard sample set” with 12 non-human proteins spiked at known absolute concentrations into a stable human cell line protein extract. This resulted in quasi complete data sets for HRM and the detection of a larger number of differentially abundant proteins as compared with shotgun proteomics. We utilized HRM to identify changes in the proteome in primary three-dimensional human liver microtissues after APAP exposure (2527). These primary hepatocytes exhibit active drug metabolism. With a starting material of only 12,000 cells per sample, the abundance of 2,830 proteins was quantified over an APAP concentration range. Six novel NAPQI-cysteine proteins adducts that might be relevant for the toxicity of APAP were found and quantified mainly on mitochondrion-related proteins.  相似文献   
Successful control of falciparum malaria depends greatly on treatment with artemisinin combination therapies. Thus, reports that resistance to artemisinins (ARTs) has emerged, and that the prevalence of this resistance is increasing, are alarming. ART resistance has recently been linked to mutations in the K13 propeller protein. We undertook a detailed kinetic analysis of the drug responses of K13 wild-type and mutant isolates of Plasmodium falciparum sourced from a region in Cambodia (Pailin). We demonstrate that ART treatment induces growth retardation and an accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins, indicative of a cellular stress response that engages the ubiquitin/proteasome system. We show that resistant parasites exhibit lower levels of ubiquitinated proteins and delayed onset of cell death, indicating an enhanced cell stress response. We found that the stress response can be targeted by inhibiting the proteasome. Accordingly, clinically used proteasome inhibitors strongly synergize ART activity against both sensitive and resistant parasites, including isogenic lines expressing mutant or wild-type K13. Synergy is also observed against Plasmodium berghei in vivo. We developed a detailed model of parasite responses that enables us to infer, for the first time, in vivo parasite clearance profiles from in vitro assessments of ART sensitivity. We provide evidence that the clinical marker of resistance (delayed parasite clearance) is an indirect measure of drug efficacy because of the persistence of unviable parasites with unchanged morphology in the circulation, and we suggest alternative approaches for the direct measurement of viability. Our model predicts that extending current three-day ART treatment courses to four days, or splitting the doses, will efficiently clear resistant parasite infections. This work provides a rationale for improving the detection of ART resistance in the field and for treatment strategies that can be employed in areas with ART resistance.  相似文献   
Cervical cancer is a multi-stage disease caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) infection of cervical epithelial cells, but the mechanisms regulating disease progression are not clearly defined. Using 3-dimensional organotypic cultures, we demonstrate that HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins alter the secretome of primary human keratinocytes resulting in local epithelial invasion. Mechanistically, absence of the IGF-binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) caused increases in IGFI/II signalling and through crosstalk with KGF/FGFR2b/AKT, cell invasion. Repression of IGFBP2 is mediated by histone deacetylation at the IGFBP2 promoter and was reversed by treatment with histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. Our in vitro findings were confirmed in 50 invasive cancers and 79 cervical intra-epithelial neoplastic lesions caused by HPV16 infection, where IGFBP2 levels were reduced with increasing disease severity. In summary, the loss of IGFBP2 is associated with progression of premalignant disease, and sensitises cells to pro-invasive IGF signalling, and together with stromal derived factors promotes epithelial invasion.  相似文献   
The downstream functions of the DNA binding tumor suppressor p53 vary depending on the cellular context, and persistent p53 activation has recently been implicated in tumor suppression and senescence. However, genome-wide information about p53-target gene regulation has been derived mostly from acute genotoxic conditions. Using ChIP-seq and expression data, we have found distinct p53 binding profiles between acutely activated (through DNA damage) and chronically activated (in senescent or pro-apoptotic conditions) p53. Compared to the classical ‘acute’ p53 binding profile, ‘chronic’ p53 peaks were closely associated with CpG-islands. Furthermore, the chronic CpG-island binding of p53 conferred distinct expression patterns between senescent and pro-apoptotic conditions. Using the p53 targets seen in the chronic conditions together with external high-throughput datasets, we have built p53 networks that revealed extensive self-regulatory ‘p53 hubs’ where p53 and many p53 targets can physically interact with each other. Integrating these results with public clinical datasets identified the cancer-associated lipogenic enzyme, SCD, which we found to be directly repressed by p53 through the CpG-island promoter, providing a mechanistic link between p53 and the ‘lipogenic phenotype’, a hallmark of cancer. Our data reveal distinct phenotype associations of chronic p53 targets that underlie specific gene regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   
Legumes have an intrinsic capacity to accommodate both symbiotic and endophytic bacteria within root nodules. For the symbionts, a complex genetic mechanism that allows mutual recognition and plant infection has emerged from genetic studies under axenic conditions. In contrast, little is known about the mechanisms controlling the endophytic infection. Here we investigate the contribution of both the host and the symbiotic microbe to endophyte infection and development of mixed colonised nodules in Lotus japonicus. We found that infection threads initiated by Mesorhizobium loti, the natural symbiont of Lotus, can selectively guide endophytic bacteria towards nodule primordia, where competent strains multiply and colonise the nodule together with the nitrogen-fixing symbiotic partner. Further co-inoculation studies with the competent coloniser, Rhizobium mesosinicum strain KAW12, show that endophytic nodule infection depends on functional and efficient M. loti-driven Nod factor signalling. KAW12 exopolysaccharide (EPS) enabled endophyte nodule infection whilst compatible M. loti EPS restricted it. Analysis of plant mutants that control different stages of the symbiotic infection showed that both symbiont and endophyte accommodation within nodules is under host genetic control. This demonstrates that when legume plants are exposed to complex communities they selectively regulate access and accommodation of bacteria occupying this specialized environmental niche, the root nodule.  相似文献   
Genome stability is jeopardized by imbalances of the dNTP pool; such imbalances affect the rate of fork progression. For example, cytidine deaminase (CDA) deficiency leads to an excess of dCTP, slowing the replication fork. We describe here a novel mechanism by which pyrimidine pool disequilibrium compromises the completion of replication and chromosome segregation: the intracellular accumulation of dCTP inhibits PARP-1 activity. CDA deficiency results in incomplete DNA replication when cells enter mitosis, leading to the formation of ultrafine anaphase bridges between sister-chromatids at “difficult-to-replicate” sites such as centromeres and fragile sites. Using molecular combing, electron microscopy and a sensitive assay involving cell imaging to quantify steady-state PAR levels, we found that DNA replication was unsuccessful due to the partial inhibition of basal PARP-1 activity, rather than slower fork speed. The stimulation of PARP-1 activity in CDA-deficient cells restores replication and, thus, chromosome segregation. Moreover, increasing intracellular dCTP levels generates under-replication-induced sister-chromatid bridges as efficiently as PARP-1 knockdown. These results have direct implications for Bloom syndrome (BS), a rare genetic disease combining susceptibility to cancer and genomic instability. BS results from mutation of the BLM gene, encoding BLM, a RecQ 3’-5’ DNA helicase, a deficiency of which leads to CDA downregulation. BS cells thus have a CDA defect, resulting in a high frequency of ultrafine anaphase bridges due entirely to dCTP-dependent PARP-1 inhibition and independent of BLM status. Our study describes previously unknown pathological consequences of the distortion of dNTP pools and reveals an unexpected role for PARP-1 in preventing DNA under-replication and chromosome segregation defects.  相似文献   
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