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An apoplastic isoperoxidase from zucchini (APRX) was shown to bind strongly to polygalacturonic acid in their Ca(2)+-induced conformation. By homology modeling, we were able to identify a motif of four clustered arginines (positions 117, 262, 268, and 271) that could be responsible for this binding. To verify the role of these arginine residues in the binding process, we prepared three mutants of APRX (M1, R117S; M2, R262Q/R268S; and M3, R262Q/R268S/R271Q). APRX and the three mutants were expressed as recombinant glycoproteins by the baculovirus-insect cell system. This procedure yielded four active enzymes with similar molecular masses that were tested for their ability to bind Ca(2)+-pectate. Recombinant wild-type APRX exhibited an affinity for the pectic structure comparable to that of the native plant isoperoxidase. The mutations impaired binding depending on the number of arginine residues that were replaced. M1 and M2 showed intermediate affinities, whereas M3 did not bind at all. This was demonstrated using an in vitro binding test and on cell walls of hypocotyl cross-sections. It can be concluded that APRX bears a Ca(2)+-pectate binding site formed by four clustered arginines. This site could ensure that APRX is properly positioned in cell walls, using unesterified domains of pectins as a scaffold.  相似文献   
Molecular phylogenetic relationships among members of the odonate genus Libellula (Odonata: Anisoptera: Libellulidae) were examined using 735 bp of mitochondrial COI and 416 bp of 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Considerable debate exists over several relationships within Libellula, as well over the status of two putative genera often placed as subgenera within Libellula: Ladona and Plathemis. Parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses of the separate and combined data sets indicate that Plathemis is basal and monophyletic and that Ladona is the sister clade to the remainder of Libellula sensu stricto (s.s.) (all species within the genus Libellula, excluding Plathemis and Ladona). Moreover, two European taxa, Libellula fulva and L. depressa, were found to occupy a sister group relationship within the Ladona clade. Relationships within Libellula s.s. are less well resolved. However, monophyletic lineages within the genus are largely consistent with morphologically based subgeneric classifications. Although tree topologies from each analysis differed in some details, the differences were in no case statistically significant. The analysis of the combined COI and 16S data yielded trees with overall stronger support than analyses of either gene alone. Several analyses failed to support the monophyly of Libellula sensu lato due to the inclusion of one or more outgroup species. However, statistical comparisons of topologies produced by unconstrained analyses and analyses in which the monophyly of Libellula was constrained indicate that any differences are nonsignificant. Based on morphological data, we therefore reject the paraphyly of Libellula and accept the outgroup status of Orthemis ferruginea and Pachydiplax longipennis.  相似文献   
The impact of the 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol-producing biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens F113Rif on the diversity of the resident community of culturable fluorescent pseudomonads associated with the roots of field-grown sugar beet seedlings was evaluated. At 19 days after sowing, the seed inoculant F113Rif had replaced some of the resident culturable fluorescent pseudomonads at the rhizoplane but had no effect on the number of these bacteria in the rhizosphere. A total of 498 isolates of resident fluorescent pseudomonads were obtained and characterized by molecular means at the level of broad phylogenetic groups (by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis) and at the strain level (with random amplified polymorphic DNA markers) as well as phenotypically (55 physiological tests). The introduced pseudomonad induced a major shift in the composition of the resident culturable fluorescent Pseudomonas community, as the percentage of rhizoplane isolates capable of growing on three carbon substrates (erythritol, adonitol, and L-tryptophan) not assimilated by the inoculant was increased from less than 10% to more than 40%. However, the pseudomonads selected did not display enhanced resistance to 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol. The shift in the resident populations, which was spatially limited to the surface of the root (i.e., the rhizoplane), took place without affecting the relative proportions of phylogenetic groups or the high level of strain diversity of the resident culturable fluorescent Pseudomonas community. These results suggest that the root-associated Pseudomonas community of sugar beet seedlings is resilient to the perturbation that may be caused by a taxonomically related inoculant.  相似文献   
We analyzed the composition of aggregate (lake snow)-associated bacterial communities in Lake Constance from 1994 until 1996 between a depth of 25 m and the sediment surface at 110 m by fluorescent in situ hybridization with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes of various specificity. In addition, we experimentally examined the turnover of dissolved amino acids and carbohydrates together with the microbial colonization of aggregates formed in rolling tanks in the lab. Generally, between 40 and more than 80% of the microbes enumerated by DAPI staining (4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole) were detected as Bacteria by the probe EUB338. At a depth of 25 m, 10.5% +/- 7.9% and 14.2% +/- 10.2% of the DAPI cell counts were detected by probes specific for alpha- and beta-Proteobacteria. These proportions increased to 12.0% +/- 3.3% and 54.0% +/- 5.9% at a depth of 50 m but decreased again at the sediment surface at 110 m to 2.7% +/- 1.4% and 41.1% +/- 8.4%, indicating a clear dominance of beta-Proteobacteria at depths of 50 and 110 m, where aggregates have an age of 3 to 5 and 8 to 11 days, respectively. From 50 m to the sediment surface, cells detected by a Cytophaga/Flavobacteria-specific probe (CF319a) comprised increasing proportions up to 18% of the DAPI cell counts. gamma-Proteobacteria always comprised minor proportions of the aggregate-associated bacterial community. Using only two probes highly specific for clusters of bacteria closely related to Sphingomonas species and Brevundimonas diminuta, we identified between 16 and 60% of the alpha-Proteobacteria. In addition, with three probes highly specific for close relatives of the beta-Proteobacteria Duganella zoogloeoides (formerly Zoogloea ramigera), Acidovorax facilis, and Hydrogenophaga palleroni, bacteria common in activated sludge, 42 to 70% of the beta-Proteobacteria were identified. In the early phase (<20 h) of 11 of the 15 experimental incubations of aggregates, dissolved amino acids were consumed by the aggregate-associated bacteria from the surrounding water. This stage was followed by a period of 1 to 3 days during which dissolved amino acids were released into the surrounding water, paralleled by an increasing dominance of beta-Proteobacteria. Hence, our results show that lake snow aggregates are inhabited by a community dominated by a limited number of alpha- and beta-Proteobacteria, which undergo a distinct succession. They successively decompose the amino acids bound in the aggregates and release substantial amounts into the surrounding water during aging and sinking.  相似文献   


The iridocorneal angle forms in the mammalian eye from undifferentiated mesenchyme between the root of the iris and cornea. A major component is the trabecular meshwork, consisting of extracellular matrix organized into a network of beams, covered in trabecular endothelial cells. Between the beams, channels lead to Schlemm's canal for the drainage of aqueous humor from the eye into the blood stream. Abnormal development of the iridocorneal angle that interferes with ocular fluid drainage can lead to glaucoma in humans. Little is known about the precise mechanisms underlying angle development. There are two main hypotheses. The first proposes that morphogenesis involves mainly cell differentiation, matrix deposition and assembly of the originally continuous mesenchymal mass into beams, channels and Schlemm's canal. The second, based primarily on rat studies, proposes that cell death and macrophages play an important role in forming channels and beams. Mice provide a potentially useful model to understand the origin and development of angle structures and how defective development leads to glaucoma. Few studies have assessed the normal structure and development of the mouse angle. We used light and electron microscopy and a cell death assay to define the sequence of events underlying formation of the angle structures in mice.


The mouse angle structures and developmental sequence are similar to those in humans. Cell death was not detectable during the period of trabecular channel and beam formation.


These results support morphogenic mechanisms involving organization of cellular and extracellular matrix components without cell death or atrophy.  相似文献   
By pharmacological manipulation of endogenous adenosine, using chemically distinct methods, we tested the hypothesis that endogenous adenosine tempers proinflammatory cytokine responses and oxyradical-mediated tissue damage during endotoxemia and sepsis. Rats were pretreated with varying doses of pentostatin (PNT; adenosine deaminase inhibitor) or 8-sulfophenyltheophylline (8-SPT; adenosine receptor antagonist) and then received either E. coli endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide; 0.01 or 2.0 mg/kg) or a slurry of cecal matter in 5% dextrose in water (200 mg/kg). Resultant levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1beta, and IL-10 were measured in serum and in liver and spleen. Untreated, 2 mg/kg lipopolysaccharide elevated serum TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-10. PNT dose dependently attenuated, without ablating, the elevation in serum TNF-alpha and IL-1beta and raised liver and spleen IL-10. PNT also attenuated elevation of TNF-alpha in serum, liver, and spleen at 4 and 24 h after sepsis induction, and 8-SPT resulted in higher proinflammatory cytokines. Modulating endogenous adenosine was also effective in exacerbated (8-SPT) or diminished (PNT) tissue peroxidation. Survival from sepsis was also improved when PNT was used as a posttreatment. These data indicate that endogenous adenosine is an important modulatory component of systemic inflammatory response syndromes. These data also indicate that inhibition of adenosine deaminase may be a novel and viable therapeutic approach to managing the systemic inflammatory response syndrome without ablating important physiological functions.  相似文献   
Optical microscopy, when applied to livinganimals, provides a powerful means of studying cell biology in the mostphysiologically relevant setting. The ability of two-photon microscopyto collect optical sections deep into biological tissues has opened upthe field of intravital microscopy to high-resolution studies of the brain, lens, skin, and tumors. Here we present examples of the way inwhich two-photon microscopy can be applied to intravital studies ofkidney physiology. Because the kidney is easily externalized withoutcompromising its function, microscopy can be used to evaluate variousaspects of renal function in vivo. These include cell vitality andapoptosis, fluid transport, receptor-mediated endocytosis, blood flow, and leukocyte trafficking. Efficient two-photon excitation of multiple fluorophores permits comparison of multiple probes andsimultaneous characterization of multiple parameters and yields spectral information that is crucial to the interpretation of imagescontaining uncharacterized autofluorescence. The studies described heredemonstrate the way in which two-photon microscopy can provide a levelof resolution previously unattainable in intravital microscopy,enabling kinetic analyses and physiological studies of the organs ofliving animals with subcellular resolution.

Smooth muscle exhibitsmechanosensitivity independent of neural input, suggesting thatmechanosensitive pathways reside within smooth muscle cells. The nativeL-type calcium current recorded from human intestinal smooth muscle ismodulated by stretch. To define mechanosensitive mechanisms involved inthe regulation of smooth muscle calcium entry, we cloned the1C L-type calcium channel subunit (CaV1.2)from human intestinal smooth muscle and expressed the channel in aheterologous system. This channel subunit retained mechanosensitivitywhen expressed alone or coexpressed with a 2 calciumchannel subunit in HEK-293 or Chinese hamster ovary cells. Theheterologously expressed human cardiac 1C splice formalso demonstrated mechanosensitivity. Inhibition of kinase signalingdid not affect mechanosensitivity of the native channel. Truncation of the 1C COOH terminus, which containsan inhibitory domain and a proline-rich domain thought to mediatemechanosensitive signaling from integrins, did not disruptmechanosensitivity of the expressed channel. These data demonstratemechanical regulation of calcium entry through molecularly identifiedL-type calcium channels in mammalian cells and suggest that themechanosensitivity resides within the pore forming1C-subunit.

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