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Sperm competition is widely recognized as a pervasive force of sexual selection. Theory predicts that across species increased risk of sperm competition should favor an increased expenditure on the ejaculate, a prediction for which there is much evidence. Sperm competition games have also been developed specifically for systems in which males adopt the alternative male mating tactics of sneaking copulations or guarding females. These models have not yet been tested in a comparative context, but predict that: across species male expenditure on the ejaculate should increase with increasing probability of a sneak mating; within species, sneaks should have the greater expenditure on the ejaculate; and the disparity in expenditure between sneaks and guards should be greatest in species with moderate risk of a sneak mating, and decline toward parity in species with low or high risk. Beetles in the genus Onthophagus are often characterized by dimorphic male morphologies that reflect the alternative mating tactics of sneak (minor males) and guard (major males). We conducted a comparative analysis across 16 species of male dimorphic onthophagines, finding that testes size increased across species with increasing frequency of the minor male phenotype. Minor males generally had the greater testes size, but across species the disparity between morphs was independent of the frequency of minor males. We present data on testes allometry from two populations of O. taurus that have undergone genetic divergence in the frequency of minor males. Consistent with the comparative analysis, these data support the notion that the relative frequency of sneaks in the population influences male expenditure on the ejaculate.  相似文献   


Monitoring and Messaging Devices (MMDs) are telehealth systems used by patients in their homes, and are designed to promote patient self-management, patient education, and clinical monitoring and follow-up activities. Although these systems have been widely promoted by health care systems, including the Veterans Health Administration, very little information is available on factors that facilitate use of the MMD system, or on barriers to use.


We conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with clinicians using MMD-based telehealth programs at two Veterans Affairs Medical Centers in the Midwestern United States.


Findings suggest that MMD program enrollment is limited by both clinical and non-clinical factors, and that patients have varying levels of program participation and system use. Telehealth providers see MMDs as a useful tool for monitoring patients who are interested in working on management of their disease, but are concerned with technical challenges and the time commitment required to use MMDs.


Telehealth includes a rapidly evolving and potentially promising range of technologies for meeting the growing number of patients and clinicians who face the challenges of diabetes care, and future research should explore the most effective means of ensuring successful program implementation.  相似文献   
Systemic hypoxia causes cutaneous vasodilation in healthy humans.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypoxia and hypercapnia represent special challenges to homeostasis because of their effects on sympathetic outflow and vascular smooth muscle. In the cutaneous vasculature, even small changes in perfusion can shift considerable blood volume to the periphery and thereby impact both blood pressure regulation and thermoregulation. However, little is known about the influence of hypoxia and hypercapnia on this circulation. In the present study, 35 healthy subjects were instrumented with two microdialysis fibers in the ventral forearm. Each site was continuously perfused with saline (control) or bretylium tosylate (10 mM) to prevent sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction. Skin blood flow was assessed at each site (laser-Doppler flowmetry), and cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) was calculated as red blood cell flux/mean arterial pressure and normalized to baseline. In 13 subjects, isocapnic hypoxia (85 and 80% O(2) saturation) increased CVC to 120 +/- 10 and 126 +/- 7% baseline in the control site (both P < 0.05) and 113 +/- 3 (P = 0.087) and 121 +/- 4% baseline (P < 0.05) in the bretylium site. Adrenergic blockade did not affect the magnitude of this response (P > 0.05). In nine subjects, hyperpnea (matching hypoxic increases in tidal volume) caused no change in CVC in either site (both P > 0.05). In 13 subjects, hypercapnia (+5 and +9 Torr) increased CVC to 111 +/- 4 and 111 +/- 4% baseline, respectively, in the control site (both P < 0.05), whereas the bretylium site remained unchanged (both P > 0.05). Thus both hypoxia and hypercapnia cause modest vasodilation in nonacral skin. Adrenergic vasoconstriction of neural origin does not restrain hypoxic vasodilation, but may be important in hypercapnic vasodilation.  相似文献   
The distribution of intestinal membranous (M) cells has been studied within the follicle-associated epithelium of rabbit Peyer's patches and appendix. Vimentin expression has been assessed as a primary criterion to identify rabbit M cells in tissue sections and in whole tissue preparations. This criterion has been compared to the use of the absence of alkaline phosphatase which, due to its heterogeneous distribution within the enterocyte population, is less reliable than vimentin expression as a marker for rabbit M cells. The pattern of vimentin immunostaining revealed that the majority of M cells are located in the periphery of the follicle-associated epithelium, the dome apex being largely free of M cells. This distribution was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. Vimentin is also expressed by follicle-associated epithelial cells in the vicinity of crypts which lack the typical lymphocyte-containing pocket of M cells. Cytoplasmic peanut agglutinin binding coincides with vimentin-expression throughout the follicle-associated epithelium but is absent from vimentin-negative enterocytes. The co-localisation of these two phenotypic markers in both M cells and epithelial cells adjacent to crypts, which lack the typical morphology of fully developed rabbit M cells, suggests that they correspond to immature M cells which by their location appear to derive directly from undifferentiated crypt stem cells and not from mature columnar enterocytes.  相似文献   
Citrobacter rodentium is used as an in vivo model system for clinically significant enteric pathogens such as enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). These pathogens all colonize the lumen side of the host gastrointestinal tract via attaching and effacing (A/E) lesion formation. In order to identify genes required for the colonization of A/E-forming pathogens, a library of signature-tagged transposon mutants of C. rodentium was constructed and screened in mice. Of the 576 mutants tested, 14 were attenuated in their ability to colonize the descending colon. Of these, eight mapped to the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE), which is required for the formation of A/E lesions, underlying the importance of this mechanism for pathogenesis. Another mutant, P5H2, was found to have a transposon insertion in an open reading frame that has strong similarity to type IV pilus nucleotide-binding proteins. The region flanking the transposon insertion was sequenced, identifying a cluster of 12 genes that encode the first described pilus of C. rodentium (named colonization factor Citrobacter, CFC). The proteins encoded by cfc genes have identity to proteins of the type IV COF pilus of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), the toxin co-regulated pilus of Vibrio cholerae and the bundle-forming pilus of EPEC. A non-polar mutation in cfcI, complementation of this strain with wild-type cfcI and complementation of strain P5H2 with wild-type cfcH confirmed that these genes are required for colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by C. rodentium. Thus, CFC provides a convenient model to study type IV pilus-mediated pathogen-host interactions under physiological conditions in the natural colonic environment.  相似文献   
We have searched the Arabidopsis and rice (Oryza sativa) genomes for homologs of LRX1, an Arabidopsis gene encoding a novel type of cell wall protein containing a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) and an extensin domain. Eleven and eight LRX (LRR/EXTENSIN) genes have been identified in these two plant species, respectively. The LRX gene family encodes proteins characterized by a short N-terminal domain, a domain with 10 LRRs, a cysteine-rich motif, and a variable C-terminal extensin-like domain. Phylogenetic analysis performed on the conserved domains indicates the existence of two major clades of LRX proteins that arose before the eudicot/monocot divergence and then diversified independently in each lineage. In Arabidopsis, gene expression studies by northern hybridization and promoter::uidA fusions showed that the two phylogenetic clades represent a specialization into "reproductive" and "vegetative" LRXs. The four Arabidopsis genes of the "reproductive" clade are specifically expressed in pollen, whereas the seven "vegetative" genes are predominantly expressed in various sporophytic tissues. This separation into two expression classes is also supported by previous studies on maize (Zea mays) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) LRX homologs and by information on available rice ESTs. The strong conservation of the amino acids responsible for the putative recognition specificity of the LRR domain throughout the family suggests that the LRX proteins interact with similar ligands.  相似文献   
Inner ear efferent neurons are part of a descending centrifugal pathway from the hindbrain known across vertebrates as the octavolateralis efferent system. This centrifugal pathway terminates on either sensory hair cells or eighth nerve ganglion cells. Most studies of efferent development have used either avian or mammalian models. Recent studies suggest that prevailing notions of the development of efferent innervation need to be revised. In birds, efferents reside in a single, diffuse nucleus, but segregate according to vestibular or cochlear projections. In mammals, the auditory and vestibular efferents are completely separate. Cochlear efferents can be divided into at least two distinct, descending medial and lateral pathways. During development, inner ear efferents appear to be a specific motor neuron phenotype, but unlike motor neurons have contralateral projections, innervate sensory targets, and, at least in mammals, also express noncholinergic neurotransmitters. Contrary to prevailing views, newer data suggest that medial efferent neurons mature early, are mostly, if not exclusively, cholinergic, and project transiently to the inner hair cell region of the cochlea before making final synapses on outer hair cells. On the other hand, lateral efferent neurons mature later, are neurochemically heterogeneous, and project mostly, but not exclusively to the inner hair cell region. The early efferent innervation to the ear may serve an important role in the maturation of afferent responses. This review summarizes recent data on the neurogenesis, pathfinding, target selection, innervation, and onset of neurotransmitter expression in cholinergic efferent neurons.  相似文献   
Mimicry has been examined in field and laboratory studies of butterflies and its evolutionary dynamics have been explored in computer simulations. Phylogenetic studies examining the evolution of mimicry, however, are rare. Here, the phylogeny of wasp-mimicking tiger moths, the Sphecosoma group, was used to test evolutionary predictions of computer simulations of conventional Müllerian mimicry and quasi-Batesian mimicry dynamics. We examined whether mimetic traits evolved individually, or as suites of characters, using concentrated change tests. The phylogeny of these moth mimics revealed that individual mimetic characters were conserved, as are the three mimetic wasp forms: yellow Polybia, black Polybia and Parachartergus mimetic types. This finding was consistent with a 'supergene' control of linked loci and the Nicholson two-step model of mimicry evolution. We also used a modified permutation-tail probability approach to examine the rate of mimetic-type evolution. The observed topology, hypothetical Müllerian and Batesian scenarios, and 1000 random trees were compared using Kishino-Hasegawa tests. The observed phylogeny was more consistent with the predicted Müllerian distribution of mimetic traits than with that of a quasi-Batesian scenario. We suggest that the range of discriminatory abilities of the predator community plays a key role in shaping mimicry dynamics.  相似文献   
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