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Sexual selection is thought to favor the evolution of secondary sexual traits in males that contribute to mating success. In species where females mate with more than one male, sexual selection also continues after copulation in the form of sperm competition and cryptic female choice. Theory suggests that sperm competition should favor traits such as testes size and sperm production that increase a male's competitive fertilization success. Studies of experimental evolution offer a powerful approach for assessing evolutionary responses to variation in sexual selection pressures. Here we removed sexual selection by enforcing monogamy on replicate lines of a naturally polygamous horned beetle, Onthophagus taurus, and monitoring male investment in their testes for 21 generations. Testes size decreased in monogamous lines relative to lines in which sexual selection was allowed to continue. Differences in testes size were dependent on selection history and not breeding regime. Males from polygamous lines also had a competitive fertilization advantage when in sperm competition with males from monogamous lines. Females from polygamous lines produced sons in better condition, and those from monogamous lines increased their sons condition by mating polygamously. Rather than being costly for females, multiple mating appears to provide females with direct and/or indirect benefits. Neither body size nor horn size diverged between our monogamous and polygamous lines. Our data show that sperm competition does drive the evolution of testes size in onthophagine beetles, and provide general support for sperm competition theory.  相似文献   
The B-box type 2 domain is a prominent feature of a large and growing family of RING, B-box, coiled-coil (RBCC) domain-containing proteins and is also present in more than 1500 additional proteins. Most proteins usually contain a single B-box2 domain, although some proteins contain tandem domains consisting of both type 1 and type 2 B-boxes, which actually share little sequence similarity. Recently, we determined the solution structure of B-box1 from MID1, a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase that is mutated in X-linked Opitz G/BBB syndrome, and showed that it adopted a betabetaalpha RING-like fold. Here, we report the tertiary structure of the B-box2 (CHC(D/C)C(2)H(2)) domain from MID1 using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. This MID1 B-box2 domain consists of a short alpha-helix and a structured loop with two short anti-parallel beta-strands and adopts a tertiary structure similar to the B-box1 and RING structures, even though there is minimal primary sequence similarity between these domains. By mutagenesis, ESI-FTICR and ICP mass spectrometry, we show that the B-box2 domain coordinates two zinc atoms with a 'cross-brace' pattern: one by Cys175, His178, Cys195 and Cys198 and the other by Cys187, Asp190, His204, and His207. Interestingly, this is the first case that an aspartic acid is involved in zinc atom coordination in a zinc-finger domain, although aspartic acid has been shown to coordinate non-catalytic zinc in matrix metalloproteinases. In addition, the finding of a Cys195Phe substitution identified in a patient with X-linked Opitz GBBB syndrome supports the importance of proper zinc coordination for the function of the MID1 B-box2 domain. Notably, however, our structure differs from the only other published B-box2 structure, that from XNF7, which was shown to coordinate one zinc atom. Finally, the similarity in tertiary structures of the B-box2, B-box1 and RING domains suggests these domains have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   
Trypanosomatids contain an unusual DNA base J (beta-d-glucosylhydroxymethyluracil), which replaces a fraction of thymine in telomeric and other DNA repeats. To determine the function of base J, we have searched for enzymes that catalyze J biosynthesis. We present evidence that a protein that binds to J in DNA, the J-binding protein 1 (JBP1), may also catalyze the first step in J biosynthesis, the conversion of thymine in DNA into hydroxymethyluracil. We show that JBP1 belongs to the family of Fe(2+) and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases and that replacement of conserved residues putatively involved in Fe(2+) and 2-oxoglutarate-binding inactivates the ability of JBP1 to contribute to J synthesis without affecting its ability to bind to J-DNA. We propose that JBP1 is a thymidine hydroxylase responsible for the local amplification of J inserted by JBP2, another putative thymidine hydroxylase.  相似文献   
Citrobacter rodentium is used as an in vivo model system for clinically significant enteric pathogens such as enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). These pathogens all colonize the lumen side of the host gastrointestinal tract via attaching and effacing (A/E) lesion formation. In order to identify genes required for the colonization of A/E-forming pathogens, a library of signature-tagged transposon mutants of C. rodentium was constructed and screened in mice. Of the 576 mutants tested, 14 were attenuated in their ability to colonize the descending colon. Of these, eight mapped to the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE), which is required for the formation of A/E lesions, underlying the importance of this mechanism for pathogenesis. Another mutant, P5H2, was found to have a transposon insertion in an open reading frame that has strong similarity to type IV pilus nucleotide-binding proteins. The region flanking the transposon insertion was sequenced, identifying a cluster of 12 genes that encode the first described pilus of C. rodentium (named colonization factor Citrobacter, CFC). The proteins encoded by cfc genes have identity to proteins of the type IV COF pilus of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), the toxin co-regulated pilus of Vibrio cholerae and the bundle-forming pilus of EPEC. A non-polar mutation in cfcI, complementation of this strain with wild-type cfcI and complementation of strain P5H2 with wild-type cfcH confirmed that these genes are required for colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by C. rodentium. Thus, CFC provides a convenient model to study type IV pilus-mediated pathogen-host interactions under physiological conditions in the natural colonic environment.  相似文献   
We have searched the Arabidopsis and rice (Oryza sativa) genomes for homologs of LRX1, an Arabidopsis gene encoding a novel type of cell wall protein containing a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) and an extensin domain. Eleven and eight LRX (LRR/EXTENSIN) genes have been identified in these two plant species, respectively. The LRX gene family encodes proteins characterized by a short N-terminal domain, a domain with 10 LRRs, a cysteine-rich motif, and a variable C-terminal extensin-like domain. Phylogenetic analysis performed on the conserved domains indicates the existence of two major clades of LRX proteins that arose before the eudicot/monocot divergence and then diversified independently in each lineage. In Arabidopsis, gene expression studies by northern hybridization and promoter::uidA fusions showed that the two phylogenetic clades represent a specialization into "reproductive" and "vegetative" LRXs. The four Arabidopsis genes of the "reproductive" clade are specifically expressed in pollen, whereas the seven "vegetative" genes are predominantly expressed in various sporophytic tissues. This separation into two expression classes is also supported by previous studies on maize (Zea mays) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) LRX homologs and by information on available rice ESTs. The strong conservation of the amino acids responsible for the putative recognition specificity of the LRR domain throughout the family suggests that the LRX proteins interact with similar ligands.  相似文献   
  • 1 Plants produce natural enemy‐attracting semiochemicals known as herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPV) in response to herbivore damage. Deployment of synthetic HIPV in crops could enhance the biological control of pests. To test this, six HIPV [methyl salicylate (MeSA), methyl anthranilate (MeA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA), benzaldehyde (Be), cis‐3‐hexenyl acetate (HA), cis‐hexen‐1‐ol (He)] in three concentrations (0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% v/v) mixed with a vegetable oil adjuvant, Synertrol® (Organic Crop Protectants Pty Ltd, Australia), were sprayed onto winegrape, broccoli and sweet corn plants.
  • 2 The relative abundance of insects within treated plots was assessed with non‐attracting, transparent sticky traps at varying time intervals up to 22 days after spraying.
  • 3 In the vineyard experiment, Trichogrammatidae responded to Be and MeA (0.5%) and Be (1.0%); Encyrtidae and Bethylidae responded to MeA (1.0%); Scelionidae responded to all compounds at 1.0% and 2.0%; and predatory insects responded to MeA. In sweet corn, parasitoids as a group and Encyrtidae responded to MeA (0.5%); Braconidae responded to all compounds at 0.5% and Synertrol‐only; thrips responded to all compounds at 0.5% and 1.0%; while all parasitoids responded to all compounds at 0.5% and 1.0% and Synertrol‐only. In broccoli, parasitoids as a group and Scelionidae responded to Be, HA, He and Synertrol‐only; Trichogrammatidae responded to Be (0.5%), He (0.5% and 1.0%), MeJA (1.0%) and MeSA (0.5%); and thrips responded to all compounds at to 0.5% and 1.0%.
  • 4 Significant attraction of insects occurred up to 6 days after the HIPV application, suggesting that plants may have been induced to produce endogenous volatiles that attracted insects over an extended period.
  • 5 The results obtained are discussed in relation to the potential utility of synthetic HIPV to enhance the biological control of pests.


Previous studies highlight a complex relationship between lineage and phenotype for adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs), adipose stem cells (ASCs), and adipocytes, suggesting a high degree of plasticity of these cells. In the present study, using a novel co-culture system, we further characterized the interaction between ATMs, ASCs and adipocytes.

Research Design and Methods

Human adipocytes and the stromal vascular fraction containing ATMs and ASCs were isolated from human adipose tissue and co-cultured for 24 hours. FACS was used to characterize ATMs and ASCs before and after co-culture. Preadipocytes generated after co-culture were characterized by immunostaining for DLK (preadipocytes), CD14 and CD68 (ATMs), CD34 (ASCs), and Nile Red staining for lipid drops. qRT-PCR was used to quantify adipogenic markers such as C/EBPα and PPARγ. A novel fluorescent nanobead lineage tracing method was utilized before co-culture where fluorescent nanobeads were internalized by CD68 (+) ATMs.


Co-culture of adipocytes with ATMs and ASCs increased the formation of new preadipocytes, thereby increasing lipid accumulation and C/EBPα and PPARγ gene expression. Preadipocytes originating after co-culture were positive for markers of preadipocytes, ATMs and ASCs. Moreover, fluorescent nanobeads were internalized by ATMs before co-culture and the new preadipocytes formed after co-culture also contained fluorescent nanobeads, suggesting that new preadipocytes originated in part from ATMs. The formation of CD34(+)/CD68(+)/DLK (+) cell spheres supported the interaction of ATMs, ASCs and preadipocytes.


Cross-talk between adipocytes, ATMs and ASCs promotes preadipocyte formation. The regulation of this novel adipogenic pathway involves differentiation of ATMs to preadipocytes. The presence of CD34(+)/CD68(+)/DLK(+) cells grouped in spheres suggest that paracrine interactions between these cell types plays an important role in the generation and proliferation of new preadipocytes. This phenomenon may reflect the in vivo plasticity of adipose tissue in which ATMs play an additional role during inflammation and other disease states. Understanding this novel pathway could influence adipogenesis, leading to new treatments for obesity, inflammation, and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   
We address the issue of the potential for malignant transformation of cultured mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) commonly used in clinical cell-therapy protocols and describe the culture conditions under which tumorigenesis is likely to be an extremely uncommon event.  相似文献   
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