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When females mate with multiple males, they set the stage for postcopulatory sexual selection via sperm competition and/or cryptic female choice. Surprisingly little is known about the rates of multiple mating by females in the wild, despite the importance of this information in understanding the potential for postcopulatory sexual selection to drive the evolution of reproductive behaviour, morphology and physiology. Dung beetles in the genus Onthophagus have become a laboratory model for studying pre‐ and postcopulatory sexual selection, yet we still lack information about the reproductive behaviour of female dung beetles in natural populations. Here, we develop microsatellite markers for Onthophagus taurus and use them to genotype the offspring of wild‐caught females and to estimate natural rates of multiple mating and patterns of sperm utilization. We found that O. taurus females are highly polyandrous: 88% of females produced clutches sired by at least two males, and 5% produced clutches with as many as five sires. Several females (23%) produced clutches with significant paternity skew, indicating the potential for strong postcopulatory sexual selection in natural populations. There were also strong positive correlations between the number of offspring produced and both number of fathers and paternity skew, which suggests that females benefit from mating polyandrously by inciting postcopulatory mechanisms that bias paternity towards males that can sire more viable offspring. This study evaluates the fitness consequences of polyandry for an insect in the wild and provides strong evidence that female dung beetles benefit from multiple mating under natural conditions.  相似文献   
We present the first estimate of the phylogenetic relationships among all 916 extant and nine recently extinct species of bats Mammalia: Chiroptera), a group that accounts for almost one-quarter of extant mammalian diversity. This phylogeny was derived by combining 105 estimates of bat phylogenetic relationships published since 1970 using the supertree construction technique of Matrix Representation with Parsimony (MRP). Despite the explosive growth in the number of phylogenetic studies of bats since 1990, phylogenetic relationships in the order have been studied non-randomly. For example, over one-third of all bat systematic studies to date have locused on relationships within Phyllostomidae, whereas relationships within clades such as Kerivoulinae and Murinae have never been studied using cladistic methods. Resolution in the supertree similarly differs among clades: overall resolution is poor (46.4%, of a fully bifurcating solution) but reaches 100% in some groups (e.g. relationships within Mormoopidae). The supertree analysis does not support a recent proposal that Microchiroptera is paraphyletic with respect to Megachiroptera, as the majority of source topologies support microbat monophyly. Although it is not a substitute for comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of primary molecular and morphological data, the bat supertree provides a useful tool for future phylogenetic comparative and macroevolutionary studies. Additionally, it identifies clades that have been little studied, highlights groups within which relationships are controversial, and like all phylogenetic studies, provides preliminary hypotheses that can form starting points for future phylogenetic studies of bats.  相似文献   
We provide guidance for monitoring whether human activities affect the physiology or behavior of marine mammals and, if so, whether those effects may lead to changes in survival and reproduction at the population level. We suggest that four elements be included in designing and implementing such a monitoring program. The first is development of a theory of change: a set of mechanistic hypotheses that outline why a given activity might be expected to have one or more measurable effects on individuals and populations, and ideally the magnitude, timing, and duration of the effects. The second element, definition of biologically meaningful effect sizes, ultimately facilitates the development of a monitoring program that can detect those magnitudes of effect with the desired levels of precision. The third element, selection of response variables for monitoring, allows inference to whether observed changes in the status of individuals or populations are attributable to a given activity. Visual observations, passive acoustic and tagging instruments, and direct physical measurements all can provide data that facilitate quantitative hypothesis testing. The fourth element is specification of the temporal sequence of monitoring. These elements also can be used to inform monitoring of the responses of other taxonomic groups to human activities.  相似文献   
Recent attention has focused on the role that sperm competitionmay play in the evolution of sperm morphology. Theoretical analysespredict increased sperm size, decreased sperm size, and no changein sperm size in response to sperm competition, depending onthe assumptions made concerning the life history and functionof sperm. However, although there is good evidence that spermmorphology varies widely within and between species, the adaptivesignificance of this variation has not been examined. Here wedocument significant intraspecific variation in sperm lengthin the field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Sperm length didnot influence the rate of migration of sperm from the spermatophoreto the female's spermatheca. We performed sperm competitiontrials in which we varied the numbers of sperm transferred byeach of two males that differed in the length of sperm theyproduced. Neither sperm length nor the number of sperm transferredinfluenced paternity. The same results were obtained using twodifferent methods for assigning paternity. The distributionof paternity across a female's mates was highly variable, withfrequently one, or more in the case of females mated to fourmales, principal sire. There were no mating order effects onpaternity. These data show that sperm do not mix randomly inthe female's spermatheca. We discuss several alternative explanationsfor the patterns of paternity observed.  相似文献   


There is a paucity of data regarding risk factors associated with suboptimal breastfeeding practices in urbanized areas of low-middle income countries (LMICs).


Through a large prospective birth cohort, which enrolled 6706 infants in Vietnam between 2009 and 2013, we investigated the practice of exclusive breastfeeding during hospital stay in urban and semi-rural populations and aimed to identify factors associated with suboptimal breastfeeding practices. Univariate and multivariable logistic regression were performed to determine factors associated with not exclusive breastfeeding during hospital stay.


Of 6076 mothers, 33% (2187) breastfed their infant exclusively before hospital discharge; 9% (364/4248) in urban and 74% (1823/2458) in semi-rural areas. Exclusive breastfeeding up to 4 months was recorded in 15% (959/6210) of participants; this declined to <?1% (56/6093) at 6 months. Delivery by Caesarean section (Odds Ratio [OR] 0.07; 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 0.04, 0.11 and OR 0.05; 95% CI 0.03, 0.08) and neonatal complications (OR 0.2; 95% CI 0.07, 0.47 and OR 0.25; 95% CI 0.14, 0.46) were common and highly significant risk factors associated with a lack of exclusive breastfeeding during hospital stay in urban and semi-rural settings, respectively.


To our knowledge, this is the first large-scale investigation aimed at identifying factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding during hospital stay in Vietnam. Breastfeeding promotion strategies should prioritize common risk factors in hospital, such as Caesarean section and neonatal complications, and other location specific factors associated with socioeconomics.
1. A series of oligosaccharides was isolated from Salmonella milwaukee lipopolysaccharide by partial acid hydrolysis. 2. Structural studies on these oligosaccharides indicated that the O-specific side chain of this lipopolysaccharide has a repeating pentasaccharide unit that is probably alpha-d-galactosyl-(1-->3)-beta-d-galactosyl- (1-->3)-N-acetylgalactosaminyl-(1-->3)-N-acetyl- d-glucosaminyl-(1-->4)-l-fucose. 3. Another oligosaccharide, which is not structurally related to the repeating pentasaccharide unit, has also been isolated and it is indistinguishable from an oligosaccharide obtained from Salmonella ;rough' (R) lipopolysaccharides. The isolation of this and similar core oligosaccharides from all chemotype VI lipopolysaccharides supports the view that Salmonella S-lipopolysaccharides have a common core that is probably identical with RII lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   
Contemporary phylogenomic studies frequently incorporate two-step coalescent analyses wherein the first step is to infer individual-gene trees, generally using maximum-likelihood implemented in the popular programs PhyML or RAxML . Four concerns with this approach are that these programs only present a single fully resolved gene tree to the user despite potential for ambiguous support, insufficient phylogenetic signal to fully resolve each gene tree, inexact computer arithmetic affecting the reported likelihood of gene trees, and an exclusive focus on the most likely tree while ignoring trees that are only slightly suboptimal or within the error tolerance. Taken together, these four concerns are sufficient for RAxML and Phy ML users to be suspicious of the resulting (perhaps over-resolved) gene-tree topologies and (perhaps unjustifiably high) bootstrap support for individual clades. In this study, we sought to determine how frequently these concerns apply in practice to contemporary phylogenomic studies that use RAxML for gene-tree inference. We did so by re-analyzing 100 genes from each of ten studies that, taken together, are representative of many empirical phylogenomic studies. Our seven findings are as follows. First, the few search replicates that are frequently applied in phylogenomic studies are generally insufficient to find the optimal gene-tree topology. Second, there is often more topological variation among slightly suboptimal gene trees relative to the best-reported tree than can be safely ignored. Third, the Shimodaira–Hasegawa-like approximate likelihood ratio test is highly effective at identifying dubiously supported clades and outperforms the alternative approaches of relying on bootstrap support or collapsing minimum-length branches. Fourth, the bootstrap can, but rarely does, indicate high support for clades that are not supported amongst slightly suboptimal trees. Fifth, increasing the accuracy by which RA xML optimizes model-parameter values generally has a nominal effect on selection of optimal trees. Sixth, tree searches using the GTRCAT model were generally less effective at finding optimal known trees than those using the GTRGAMMA model. Seventh, choice of gene-tree sampling strategy can affect inferred coalescent branch lengths, species-tree topology and branch support.  相似文献   
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