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Summary A cDNA for the human catalytic subunit (C) of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) has been cloned from a testis cDNA library. In the present study, we have determined the chromosomal localization of this gene using a cDNA for C as a probe. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from human/mouse cell hybrids revealed that the presence or absence of a 20-kbXbaI fragment, which hybridized with the C probe, was concordant with the presence of human chromosome 1.In situ hybridization to metaphase chromosome confirmed the somatic cell hybrid data and regionally mapped the C gene of PKA to the p36 band on chromosome 1.  相似文献   
To study the effect of root-zone pH on characteristic responsesof -fed plants, soybeans (Glycine max {L.}Merr. cv. Ransom) were grown in flowing solution culture for21 d on four sources of N (1.0 mol m–3 , 0.67 mol m–3 plus 0.33 mol m–3, 0.33 mol m–3 plus 0.67 mol m–3 , and 1.0 mol m–3) with nutrient solutions maintained at pH 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, and 4.5. Amino acid concentration increased inplants grown with as the sole source of N at all pH levels. Total amino acid concentration in the rootsof -fed plants was 8 to 10 times higher than in -fed plants, with asparagine accounting for more than 70% of the total in the roots of these plants.The concentration of soluble carbohydrates in the leaves of-fed plants was greater than that of -fed plants, but was lower in roots of -fed plants, regardless of pH. Starch concentration was only slightlyaffected by N source or root-zone pH. At all levels of pH tested,organic acid concentration in leaves was much lower when was the sole N source than when all or part of theN was supplied as . Plants grown with mixed plus N sources were generally intermediate between - and -fed plants. Thus, changes in tissue compositioncharacteristic of nutrition when root-zone pH was maintained at 4.5 and growth was reduced, still occurredwhen pH was maintained at 5.0 or above, where growth was notaffected. The changes were slightly greater at pH 4.5 than athigher pH levels. Key words: Ammonium, nitrogen nutrition, root-zone pH, soybean, tissue composition  相似文献   
Pyronin, when used in the methyl green-pyronin stain, is useful in localizing ribonucleic acid (RNA). That it has rarely been used alone is perhaps a result of the observation (Kurnick 1955) that pyronin stains deoxyrobonucleic acid (DNA) of animal tissue when not competitively inhibited by methyl green. The tests described in this note indicate that pyronin alone can be used to demonstrate RNA in fixed plant tissues.  相似文献   
New specimens of Cooksonia and Hostinella are described from the Bertie Group of Ontario and New York State, which is dated by faunas as latest Silurian (Přídolí). The rare plant fossils are unusual in that they are preserved in fine-grained, slightly argillaceous dolostones ('waterlime') rather than clastic rocks. At least two species of Cooksonia are present, one with ± globular sporangial morphology close to C. hemisphaerica Lang. Those with ellipsoidal/discoidal sporangia are compared with C. pertoni Lang, C .  paranensis Gerrienne et al . and C. bohemica Schweitzer, the latter represented by a single specimen from the Přídolí of the Czech Republic. However, the paucity of specimens, which prevents assessment of taphonomic influences on shape, combined with the absence of any anatomical features and the gross morphological simplicity of the fossils, precludes specific assignment. Specimens of Hostinella include one in which apices and a lateral basal structure resembling a root are preserved. It is concluded that the Laurentian assemblage of Ontario and New York State is less diverse and disparate than coeval assemblages, which are also preserved in marine rocks. Its preservation in limestones may have been facilitated by the hypersalinity inferred from various sedimentary features, which would restrict the activity of many decomposers.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 399–413.  相似文献   
Invasion of new territories by insect vector species that can transmit pathogens is one of the most important threats for human health. The spread of the mosquito Aedes albopictus in Europe is emblematic, because of its major role in the emergence and transmission of arboviruses such as dengue or chikungunya. Here, we modeled the spread of this mosquito species in France through a statistical framework taking advantage of a long-term surveillance dataset going back to the first observation of Ae. albopictus in the Metropolitan area. After validating the model, we show that human activities are especially important for mosquito dispersion while land use is a major factor for mosquito establishment. More importantly, we show that Ae. albopictus invasion is accelerating through time in this area, resulting in a geographic range extending further and further year after year. We also show that sporadic “jump” of Ae. albopictus in a new location far from the colonized area did not succeed in starting a new invasion front so far. Finally, we discuss on a potential adaptation to cooler climate and the risk of invasion into Northern latitudes.  相似文献   
BackgroundExtreme precipitation events are increasing as a result of ongoing global warming, but controversy surrounds the relationship between flooding and mosquito-borne diseases. A common view among the scientific community and public health officers is that heavy rainfalls have a flushing effect on breeding sites, which negatively affects vector populations, thereby diminishing disease transmission. During 2014 in Montpellier, France, there were at least 11 autochthonous cases of chikungunya caused by the invasive tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in the vicinity of an imported case. We show that an extreme rainfall event increased and extended the abundance of the disease vector Ae. albopictus, hence the period of autochthonous transmission of chikungunya.Conclusions/SignificanceOur empirical data suggests that heavy rainfall events did increase the risk of arbovirus transmission in Southern France in 2014 by favouring a rapid rise in abundance of vector mosquitoes. Further studies should now confirm these results in different ecological contexts, so that the impact of global change and extreme climatic events on mosquito population dynamics and the risk of disease transmission can be adequately understood.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Tree diameter, tree height and canopy closure have been described by previous meta-analyses as being important characteristics in roost selection by cavity-roosting bats. However, size and direction of effects for these characteristics varied greatly among studies, also referred to as heterogeneity. Potential sources of heterogeneity have not been investigated in previous meta-analyses, which are explored by correlating additional covariates (moderator variables). We tested whether effect sizes from 34 studies were consistent enough to reject the null hypothesis that trees selected by bats did not significantly differ in their characteristics from randomly selected trees. We also examined whether heterogeneity in tree diameter effect sizes was correlated to moderator variables such as sex, bat species, habitat type, elevation and mean summer temperature.


We used Hedges’ g standardized mean difference as the effect size for the most common characteristics that were encountered in the literature. We estimated heterogeneity indices, potential publication bias, and spatial autocorrelation of our meta-data. We relied upon meta-regression and multi-model inference approaches to evaluate the effects of moderator variables on heterogeneity in tree diameter effect sizes.


Tree diameter, tree height, snag density, elevation, and canopy closure were significant characteristics of roost selection by cavity-roosting bats. Size and direction of effects varied greatly among studies with respect to distance to water, tree density, slope, and bark remaining on trunks. Inclusion of mean summer temperature and sex in meta-regressions further explained heterogeneity in tree diameter effect sizes.


Regional differences in roost selection for tree diameter were related to mean summer temperature. Large diameter trees play a central role in roost selection by bats, especially in colder regions, where they are likely to provide a warm and stable microclimate for reproductive females. Records of summer temperature fluctuations inside and outside tree cavities that are used by bats should be included in future research.  相似文献   
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