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Background and Aims

Heterostyly and related style polymorphisms are suitable model systems to evaluate the importance of functional pollinators in the maintenance of population variability. In Narcissus papyraceus different functional pollinators, incompatibility system and flower morphology have been proposed to influence the maintenance of polymorphism through their effect on disassortative mating. Here a test is done to find out if the visitation rate of long- versus short-tongued pollinators correlates with the morph ratio and if the latter is related to other flower traits of the species across its main geographic range.


Floral traits from 34 populations in the south-west of the Iberian Peninsula and in north-west Africa were measured, perianth variation was described and a comparison was made of allometric relationships between sex organs and floral tube. Correlations between pollinator guilds, stigma–anther separation of reciprocal morphs (our proxy for disassortative mating) and morph-ratio variation were analysed. Finally, the incompatibility system of the species in the northern and southern borders of its distribution are described.

Key Results

Flowers from southern populations were significantly larger than flowers from centre and northern populations. The abundance of short-styled plants decreased gradually with increasing distance from the core region (the Strait of Gibraltar), with these disappearing only in the northern range. Although there was a significant difference in stigma–anther separation among populations, morph ratio was not associated with reciprocity or floral tube length. Long-style morph frequency increased with short-tongued pollinator visitation rate. Populations from both edges of the distribution range were self-incompatible and within- and between-morph compatible.


The style morph ratio changed gradually, whereas perianth trait variation showed abrupt changes with two morphotypes across the range. The positive relationship between the visitation rate of short-tongued pollinators and the decrease of the short-style morph supports our initial hypothesis. The results highlight the importance of different pollinators in determining the presence of style polymorphism.  相似文献   
The possible roles of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) receptors located in the spinal cord for the regulation of the blood glucose level were studied in ICR mice. We found in the present study that intrathecal (i.t.) injection with baclofen (a GABAB receptor agonist; 1–10 μg/5 μl) or bicuculline (a GABAA receptor antagonist; 1–10 μg/5 μl) caused an elevation of the blood glucose level in a dose-dependent manner. The hyperglycemic effect induced by baclofen was more pronounced than that induced by bicuculline. However, muscimol (a GABAA receptor agonist; 1–5 μg/5 μl) or phaclofen (a GABAB receptor antagonist; 5–10 μg/5 μl) administered i.t. did not affect the blood glucose level. Baclofen–induced elevation of the blood glucose was dose-dependently attenuated by phaclofen. Furthermore, i.t. pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PTX; 0.05 or 0.1 μg/5 μl) for 6 days dose-dependently reduced the hyperglycemic effect induced by baclofen. Our results suggest that GABAB receptors located in the spinal cord play important roles for the elevation of the blood glucose level. Spinally located PTX-sensitive G-proteins appear to be involved in hyperglycemic effect induced by baclofen. Furthermore, inactivation of GABAA receptors located in the spinal cord appears to be responsible for tonic up-regulation of the blood glucose level.  相似文献   

Post-construction avifauna investigations were undertaken at Project West Wind, Meridian Energy Limited's 62-turbine wind farm on the Wellington south coast. These investigations were required in accordance with the resource consent conditions to quantify the level of avian mortalities occurring at the wind farm, particularly in regard to New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae), kākā (Nestor meridionalis) and kererū (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae). This is the first comprehensive study at a New Zealand operating wind farm. The methods included three field components necessary to calculate annual estimates of mortalities across the wind farm site: routine turbine searches; carcass detection trials; and carcass removal trials. Results from years 1 and 2 of a three-year programme are presented. To date, mortalities have been recorded for 17 taxa at 18 of the 24 study turbines. There have been no recorded mortalities of falcon, kākā or kererū. Australasian harrier (Circus approximans) has been the species for which the most mortalities have been recorded. Overall estimated annual mortality rates for years 1 and 2 were calculated to be approximately six and five birds per turbine respectively.  相似文献   
Feeding ecology of fish assemblage in a costal river of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Southern Brazil was investigated. Monthly samples using different fishing techniques were completed on a section of the river characterized as a freshwater environment, and an adjacent tide-influenced estuarine section. Species were grouped into three major Feeding Mode Functional Groups: Zoobenthivore, Omnivore and Detritivore. The river section with the greatest occurrence was the site where the most abundant species are likely to feed most intensively. Freshwater strangler species (Cyphocharax santacatarinae - detritivorous, Rhamdia quelen and Oligosarcus hepsetus - zoobenthivorous) presented higher stomach repletion in the freshwater environment while marine migrants (Genidens genidens and Etropus crossotus - zoobenthivorous) and estuarine residents (Bairdiella ronchus - zoobenthivorous) presented higher repletion in the tide-influenced estuarine stretch. Use of food resources was influenced by spatial and temporal variations linked to environmental characteristics such as salinity, habitat heterogeneity, life history evolution, feeding specialization and resource partitioning. Hypotheses concerning potential keystone species, ecosystem engineers or strong interactors were also discussed.  相似文献   
Apomixis, or asexual reproduction through seeds, has been reported for species of the tribe Miconieae, Melastomataceae, but details of the process have yet to be described. We analyzed and compared sporogenesis and gametogenesis in the apomictic Miconia albicans and the sexual M. chamissois. The results point to some differences between species, which were related to the apomictic process. In M. albicans microsporogenesis, problems during meiosis and degeneration of its products led to total pollen sterility, while M. chamissois presented normal bicellular pollen grains in the mature anther. The absence or abnormality of meiosis in M. albicans megasporogenesis led to the formation of an unreduced embryo sac and also to egg cell parthenogenesis, which gave rise to the apomictic embryo. Embryo and endosperm development were autonomous, resulting in seeds and fruits independent of pollination and fertilization. Thus, in this species, apomixis can be classified as diplosporic and obligate. In contrast, meiosis was as expected in the sexual M. chamissois, and led to the development of a reduced embryo sac. Despite the divergent pathways, many embryological characteristics were similar between the studied species and other Melastomataceae and they seem to be conservative character states for the family.  相似文献   
The elucidation of the mechanisms by which diverse species survive and interact in drinking water (DW) biofilm communities may allow the identification of new biofilm control strategies. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of metabolite molecules produced by bacteria isolated from DW on biofilm formation. Six opportunistic bacteria, viz. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Burkholderia cepacia, Methylobacterium sp., Mycobacterium mucogenicum, Sphingomonas capsulata and Staphylococcus sp. isolated from a drinking water distribution systems (DWDS) were used to form single and multispecies biofilms in the presence and absence of crude cell-free supernatants produced by the partner bacteria. Biofilms were characterized in terms of mass and metabolic activity. Additionally, several physiological aspects regulating interspecies interactions (sessile growth rates, antimicrobial activity of cell-free supernatants, and production of iron chelators) were studied to identify bacterial species with biocontrol potential in DWDS. Biofilms of Methylobacterium sp. had the highest growth rate and M. mucogenicum biofilms the lowest. Only B. cepacia was able to produce extracellular iron-chelating molecules. A. calcoaceticus, B. cepacia, Methylobacterium sp. and M. mucogenicum biofilms were strongly inhibited by crude cell-free supernatants from the other bacteria. The crude cell-free supernatants of M. mucogenicum and S. capsulata demonstrated a high potential for inhibiting the growth of counterpart biofilms. Multispecies biofilm formation was strongly inhibited in the absence of A. calcoaceticus. Only crude cell-free supernatants produced by B. cepacia and A. calcoaceticus had no inhibitory effects on multispecies biofilm formation, while metabolite molecules of M. mucogenicum showed the most significant biocontrol potential.  相似文献   
This study presents a new technological approach to minimize the use of antimicrobial (AMB) agents and their deleterious effects, based on the principle of drug-delivery systems whereby the AMB chemicals are transported on microparticles. The efficacy of microparticles carrying the quaternary ammonium compound (QAC), benzyldimethyldodecyl ammonium chloride (BDMDAC), was assessed against Pseudomonas fluorescens in both the planktonic and the biofilm state. The microparticles were prepared using a layer-by-layer (LBL) self-assembly technique. Oppositely charged molecules of polyethyleneimine (PEI), sodium polystyrene sulfonate (PSS), and BDMDAC were assembled on polystyrene (PS) cores. BDMDAC-coated particles were observed by CryoSEM and their composition analyzed by X-ray microanalysis. Zeta potential measurements indicated that changes in surface charge were compatible with a BDMDAC/particle interaction. This biocidal carrier structure had significant stability, verified by the release of only 15% of the BDMDAC when immersed in water for 18 months. Biocidal carrier activity was evaluated by determining the survival ratio of P. fluorescens planktonic and biofilm cells after different exposure periods to BDMDAC-coated particles. Tests with biofilm cells were also performed with the free QAC. An efficient AMB effect (minimum bactericidal concentration) against suspended cells was found for a concentration of 9.2 mg l?1 of BDMDAC on coated particles after incubation for 30 min and 6.5 mg l?1 of BDMDAC on coated particles after 60 min. Exposure of biofilms to PS-PEI/PSS/BDMDAC (0.87 mg l?1) resulted in a decrease in viability of 60.5% and 66.5% of the total biofilm population for 30 and 60 min exposure times, respectively. Exposure for 60 min to 6.33 mg l?1 and 11.75 mg l?1 of BDMDAC in PS-PEI/PSS/BDMDAC particles promoted inactivation of 80.6% and 87.2% of the total population, respectively. The AMB effects obtained with the application of free BDMDAC were statistically similar to those promoted by the application of BDMDAC coated particles. The overall results indicate that this novel AMB strategy has potential for the control of microbial growth of planktonic cells and biofouling. Moreover, the technique allows the reuse of AMB molecules and consequently reduces the environmental risks associated with excessive use of AMB agents, thereby providing real benefits to public health.  相似文献   
Longitudinal and cross sections of teeth from 17 species of the Recent dolphins (Delphinoidea and Inioidea) were examined under scanning electron microscope to study the arrangement and ultrastructure of dental tissues with reference to phylogenetic and functional constraints. For most species, enamel had a simple bi-layered structure of radial enamel and an outer layer of prismless enamel. The outer prismless layer varied from 5 to 30 % of enamel thickness. The enamel of Burmeister’s porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis) was entirely prismless. The prisms had an open sheath; tubules and tuft-like structures were common at the enamel-dentine junction. Cetacean dentine was characterized by irregularly distributed dentinal tubules in a relatively homogenous dentinal matrix. Radial enamel was observed in all Delphinoidea and in the franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei), whereas the Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) had prisms organized in Hunter–Schreger bands. HSB in enamel are regarded as a device for resisting propagation of cracks. These may occur due to increased functional demands, possibly related to the hardness of the species diet. Simplification in tooth shape and reduced biomechanical demands plausibly explain the primitive radial organization among delphinoids and Pontoporia. The HSB structure in the Amazon river dolphin, similar to those of extinct archaeocetes, seems to have secondary functional implications. However, the distribution of HSB in more-basal odontocetes is too poorly known to judge whether the HSB of Inia are a retained plesiomorphic feature or convergence.  相似文献   
There are approximately 20 known species of the genus Cryptosporidium, and among these, 8 infect immunocompetent or immunocompromised humans. C. hominis and C. parvum most commonly infect humans. Differentiating between them is important for evaluating potential sources of infection. We report here the development of a simple and accurate real-time PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method to distinguish between C. parvum and C. hominis. Using the CP2 gene as the target, we found that both Cryptosporidium species yielded 224 bp products. In the subsequent RFLP method using TaqI, 2 bands (99 and 125 bp) specific to C. hominis were detected. Using this method, we detected C. hominis infection in 1 of 21 patients with diarrhea, suggesting that this method could facilitate the detection of C. hominis infections.  相似文献   
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