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Antibodies specific for rabbit fast-twitch-muscle myosin LCIF light chain were purified by affinity chromatography and characterized by both non-competitive and competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a gel-electrophoresis-derived assay (GEDELISA). The antibodies did not cross-react with myosin heavy chains, and were weakly cross-reactive with the LC2F [5,5'-dithio-(2-nitrobenzoic acid)-dissociated] light chain and with all classes of dissociated light chains (LC1Sa, LC1Sb and LC2S), as well as with the whole myosin, from hind-limb slow-twitch muscle. The immunoreactivity of myosins with a truly mixed light-chain pattern (e.g. vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius) correlated with percentage content of fast-twitch-muscle-type light chains. A more extensive immunoreactivity was observed with diaphragm and masseter myosins, which were also characterized, respectively, by a relative or absolute deficiency of LC1Sa light chain. Furthermore, it was found that the LC1Sb light chain of masseter myosin is antigenically different from its slow-twitch-muscle myosin analogue, and is immunologically related to the LC1F light chain. Rabbit masseter muscle from its metabolic and physiological properties and the content, activity and immunological properties of sarcoplasmic-reticulum adenosine triphosphatase, is classified as a red, predominantly fast-twitch, muscle. Therefore our results suggest that the two antigenically different iso-forms of LC1Sb light chain are associated with the myosins of fast-twitch red and slow-twitch red fibres respectively.  相似文献   
Summary A cluster of four Azospirillum brasilense histidine biosynthetic genes, hisA, hisB, hisF and hisH, was identified on a 4.5 kb DNA fragment and its organization studied by complementation analysis of Escherichia coli mutations and nucleotide sequence. The nucleotide sequence of a 1.3 kb fragment that complemented the E. coli hisB mutation was determined and an ORF of 624 nucleotides which can code for a protein of 207 amino acids was identified. A significant base sequence homology with the carboxyterminal moiety of the E. coli hisB gene (0.53) and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae HIS3 gene (0.44), coding for an imidazole glycerolphosphate dehydratase activity was found. The amino acid sequence and composition, the hydropathic profile and the predicted secondary structures of the yeast, E. coli and A. brasilense proteins were compared. The significance of the data presented is discussed.Abbreviations IGP imidazole glycerolphosphate - HP histidinolphosphate  相似文献   
We have characterized the genetic consequences of somatic hybridization within the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of three interspecific hybrids, each involving M. sativa as one of the parents. Restriction-fragment-length-polymorphisms (RFLPs) of rDNA spacers and fluorescent-in-situ-hybridization (FISH) of an 18S-gene probe to mitotic chromosomes were used to compare parental and hybrid species. The M. sativa-coerulea hybrid retained all six parental nucleolar-organizing regions (NORs) and all parental RFLPs representing a complete integration of rDNA. The M. sativa-arborea hybrid retained five of six parental NORs while losing half of the arborea-specific RFLPs, indicating that simple chromosome loss of one arborea NOR accounted for the RFLP losses. Dramatic alterations occurred within the M. sativa-falcata hybrid where five of six parental NORs were retained and new rDNA RFLPs were created and amplified differentially among somaclonal-variant plants. The molecular basis of the new RFLPs involved increased numbers of a 340-bp subrepeating element within the rDNA intergenic spacer (IGS), suggesting that recurrent cycles of unequal recombination occurred at high frequency within the rDNA in somatic lineages.This paper was supported by the National Research Council of Italy, Special Project RAISA, Sub-project No. 2, Paper No. 1077  相似文献   
A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 23 (ADAM23) is a member of the ADAMs family of transmembrane proteins, mostly expressed in nervous system, and involved in traffic and stabilization of Kv1-potassium channels, synaptic transmission, neurite outgrowth, neuronal morphology and cell adhesion. Also, ADAM23 has been linked to human pathological conditions, such as epilepsy, cancer metastasis and cardiomyopathy. ADAM23 functionality depends on the molecule presence at the cell surface and along the secretory pathway, as expected for a cell surface receptor. Because endocytosis is an important functional regulatory mechanism of plasma membrane receptors and no information is available about the traffic or turnover of non-catalytic ADAMs, we investigated ADAM23 internalization, recycling and half-life properties. Here, we show that ADAM23 undergoes constitutive internalization from the plasma membrane, a process that depends on lipid raft integrity, and is redistributed to intracellular vesicles, especially early and recycling endosomes. Furthermore, we observed that ADAM23 is recycled from intracellular compartments back to the plasma membrane and thus has longer half-life and higher cell surface stability compared with other ADAMs. Our findings suggest that regulation of ADAM23 endocytosis/stability could be exploited therapeutically in diseases in which ADAM23 is directly involved, such as epilepsy, cancer progression and cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   
Nitroxide radicals are an emerging class of interesting compounds with versatile antioxidant and radioprotective properties. All literature studies have so far concentrated on compounds bearing only one nitroxide function. Here, we now investigate and compare the radical scavenging behaviour and antioxidant activity of aromatic indolinonic and aliphatic piperidine bis-nitroxides, i.e compounds bearing two nitroxide functions. Their corresponding mono-derivatives were also studied for comparison. Radical scavenging activity was investigated using EPR and UV–Vis spectroscopy by following spectral changes in acetonitrile of the nitroxides in the presence of alkyl and peroxyl radicals generated, respectively, under anoxic or aerobic conditions from thermal decomposition of AMVN [2,2′-azobis(2,4-di-methylvaleronitrile)]. Antioxidant activity of the nitroxides was evaluated by monitoring conjugated dienes (CD) formation during methyl linoleate micelles peroxidation and by measuring carbonyl content in oxidized bovine serum albumin (BSA). The results show that: (a) each nitroxide moiety in bis-nitroxides scavenges radicals independent of each other; (b) aliphatic nitroxides do not scavenge peroxyl radicals, at least under the experimental conditions used here, whereas indolinonic aromatic ones do: their stoichiometric number is 1.14 and 2.17, respectively, for mono- and bis-derivatives; (c) bis-nitroxides are roughly twice more efficient at inhibiting lipid peroxidation compared to their corresponding mono-derivatives. Although this study provides only comparative information on the relative radical-scavenging abilities of mono- and bis-nitroxides, it helps in understanding further the interesting reactivity of these compounds especially with regards to peroxyl radicals where many controversies in the literature exist.  相似文献   
Silvio Fici 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):125-134

Sect. Capparis is represented by a single species, Capparis spinosa L., divided into several intraspecific taxa showing plesiomorphic features and disjunct distributions in the Old World. Leaf surface and pollen features were investigated in the whole group by SEM and light microscope observations. The section is characterized by simple hairs, a reticulate to undulate cuticle, anomocytic stomata surrounded by a peristomal rim, and trizonocolporate, prolate pollen grains. The characteristics of the indumentum appear constant, while the studied taxa are fairly differentiated with respect to cuticular patterns and dimensions of the stomata, and show slight differences in pollen size and exine surface. This micromorphological evidence, coupled with other phenotypic features, supports the placement of this section at the base of the genus Capparis in the paleotropical area. Considering the striking geographic disjunction and symplesiomorphies of the group, its biogeographical and systematic aspects are also discussed.  相似文献   
Chlamydia trachomatis, an obligate intracellular pathogen, survives within host cells in a special compartment named ‘inclusion’ and takes advantage of host vesicular transport pathways for its growth and replication. Rab GTPases are key regulatory proteins of intracellular trafficking. Several Rabs, among them Rab11 and Rab14, are implicated in chlamydial development. FIP2, a member of the Rab11‐Family of Interacting Proteins, presents at the C‐terminus a Rab‐binding domain that interacts with both Rab11 and Rab14. In this study, we determined and characterized the recruitment of endogenous and GFP‐tagged FIP2 to the chlamydial inclusions. The recruitment of FIP2 is specific since other members of the Rab11‐Family of Interacting Proteins do not associate with the chlamydial inclusions. The Rab‐binding domain of FIP2 is essential for its association. Our results indicate that FIP2 binds to Rab11 at the chlamydial inclusion membrane through its Rab‐binding domain. The presence of FIP2 at the chlamydial inclusion favours the recruitment of Rab14. Furthermore, our results show that FIP2 promotes inclusion development and bacterial replication. In agreement, the silencing of FIP2 decreases the bacterial progeny. C. trachomatis likely recruits FIP2 to hijack host intracellular trafficking to redirect vesicles full of nutrients towards the inclusion.  相似文献   
Chemical hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass (LB) produces a number of inhibitors in addition to sugars. These inhibitors include lignin-derived phenolics, carbohydrate-derived furans, and weak acids that have shown a marked effect on the productivities of various metabolites and the growth of biocatalysts in the fermentative reaction. In the past, a number of physicochemical and biological approaches have been proposed to overcome these fermentation inhibitors, including modified fermentative strategies. Additionally, the timely intervention of genetic engineering has provided an impetus to develop suitable technologies for the detoxification of lignocellulosics in biorefineries. However, the improvements in detoxification strategies for lignocellulose hydrolysates have resulted in significant loss of sugars after detoxification. Hydrolysis of myco-LB (LB after fungal pretreatment) has been recognized as a promising approach to avoid fermentation inhibitors and improve total sugar recovery. Biotechnological inventions have also made it possible to widen the range of suitable biocatalysts for biorefineries by microbial-routed induction of enzymatic expression for the elimination of inhibitors, eventually improving ethanol production from acid hydrolysates. This article aims to highlight the strategies that have been adopted to detoxify lignocellulosic hydrolysates and their effects on the chemical composition of the hydrolysates to improve the fermentability of lignocellulosics. In addition, genetic manipulation could widen the availability and variety of substrates and modify the metabolic routes to produce bioethanol or other value-added compounds in an efficient manner.  相似文献   
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