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Zusammenfassung Das Wachstum des Embryos vonSepia officinalis geschieht durch Wasseraufnahme von seiten des Embryos (im engeren Sinne); der Dottersack zeigt zwar im Beginn der Entwicklung eine schwache Wasseraufnahme, der Wassergehalt bleibt aber dann etwa konstant; erst in den letzten Stadien der Entwicklung tritt wieder eine geringfügige Wasseraufnahme ein.Der Wassergehalt des Embryos überschreitet, im Momente des Ausschlüpfens, das Doppelte desjenigen des soeben abgelegten Eies.DasSepia-Ei nimmt im Laufe der Entwicklung mineralische Bestandteile auf. Der Aschengehalt ist im Stadium des Ausschlüpfens etwa viermal so groß wie bei dem eben abgelegten Ei.Von den organischen Bestandteilen des Eies sind 19,1% nicht am Aufbau des Embryos beteiligt; sie werden im Stoffwechsel des Embryos verbraucht oder bilden die perivitelline Flüssigkeit.Die Eihüllen werden im Laufe der Entwicklung reicher an Wasser und mineralischen Bestandteilen, die aus dem Medium stammen.Das Wasser und die mineralischen Bestandteile, die im Laufe der Entwicklung im Embryo angereichert werden, stammen letzten Endes aus dem umgebenden Medium.  相似文献   

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common form of chronic rheumatic disease affecting children worldwide, with some features similar to adult rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the present study, we aim at investigating novel markers that will allow in the future for tailored, more personalized treatment strategies. Hence, taking notice of several reports proving the role of local acidosis as a causal link between inflammatory diseases and related pain, and the involvement of several carbonic anhydrases (CA, EC isoforms in articular diseases, we evaluated in JIA patients the expression of these metalloenzymes. We identified that JIA patients show high levels of active CA IX and XII isoforms. Our results represent the first evidence of the identification of these enzymes as potential therapeutic targets and development of novel innovative therapies for arthritis, also considering that the two isoforms are validated antitumor targets.  相似文献   
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis, endemic in most Latin American countries, especially in Brazil. It is caused by the thermo-dimorphic fungus of the genus Paracoccidioides (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Paracoccidioides lutzii). Innate immune response plays a crucial role in host defense against fungal infections, and neutrophils (PMNs) are able to combat microorganisms with three different mechanisms: phagocytosis, secretion of granular proteins, which have antimicrobial properties, and the most recent described mechanism called NETosis. This new process is characterized by the release of net-like structures called Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs), which is composed of nuclear (decondensed DNA and histones) and granular material such as elastase. Several microorganisms have the ability of inducing NETs formation, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, viruses and some fungi. We proposed to identify NETs in tegumentary lesions of patients with PCM and to analyze the interaction between two strains of P. brasiliensis and human PMNs by NETs formation in vitro. In this context, the presence of NETs in vivo was evidenced in tegumentary lesions of patients with PCM by confocal spectrum analyzer. Furthermore, we showed that the high virulent P. brasiliensis strain 18 (Pb18) and the lower virulent strain Pb265 are able to induce different patterns of NETs formation in vitro. The quantification of extracellular DNA corroborates the idea of the ability of P. brasiliensis in inducing NETs release. In conclusion, our data show for the first time the identification of NETs in lesions of patients with PCM and demonstrate distinct patterns of NETs in cultures challenged with fungi in vitro. The presence of NETs components both in vivo and in vitro open new possibilities for the detailed investigation of immunity in PCM.  相似文献   
Biodiversity studies traditionally use species as their analysis unit. However, observed biodiversity is not necessarily an indicator of significant biodiversity and therefore, should not be used alone, particularly when the results will be employed for conservation planning. Here, we examine pteridophyte diversity in Tuscany using 4668 geo-referenced pteridophyte records stored in Wikiplantbase #Toscana and calculating standard richness measures and phylogenetic indices; in addition, we assessed the environmental predictors of each diversity metric. Finally, we identified which areas hosting significantly high diversity are not adequately covered by protected areas or intersected by human activities. Although considerable diversity is distributed along Tuscany within areas traditionally recognised as biodiversity hotspots, important areas of diversity are identified only after the application of randomisation tests and through the phylogenetic metrics. Topographic ruggedness resulted the single most important variable predicting high value of all indices; temperature seasonality and temperature continentality resulted the secondary explanatory variables with a significant negative effect on most diversity indices.  相似文献   
Background: Chromogranin B (CGB) regulates B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) production. Circulating CGB levels are elevated in heart failure (HF) animal models and HF patients, but also increase in healthy individuals in response to physical activity. Therefore, CGB seems to integrate information from myocardial stress and systemic neuro-endocrine activation. Substantial gaps remain in our understanding of CGB regulation in HF.

Methods and results: We conducted a retrospective registry study including 372 patients. CGB and N-terminal pro-BNP (NT-proBNP) plasma levels were assessed in acute HF and chronic valvular HF patients and controls. CGB levels were significantly increased in acute HF and chronic valvular HF, but significantly higher in the latter. Patients in chronic valvular HF with severe mitral regurgitation (cHF-MR) showed significantly higher CGB levels than patients in chronic valvular HF with severe aortic stenosis. CGB levels progressively increased with worsening NYHA functional status and were moderately correlated to NT-proBNP, but independent of left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (LVEF), LV mass, age and body weight. Finally, cHF-MR patients showed significant reductions of CGB levels after interventional mitral valve repair.

Conclusion: CGB is a promising emerging biomarker in HF patients with unique potential to integrate information from myocardial stress and neuro-endocrine activation.  相似文献   

Paraformaldehyde (PFA) is the most commonly used fixative for immunostaining of cells, but has been associated with various problems, ranging from loss of antigenicity to changes in morphology during fixation. We show here that the small dialdehyde glyoxal can successfully replace PFA. Despite being less toxic than PFA, and, as most aldehydes, likely usable as a fixative, glyoxal has not yet been systematically tried in modern fluorescence microscopy. Here, we tested and optimized glyoxal fixation and surprisingly found it to be more efficient than PFA‐based protocols. Glyoxal acted faster than PFA, cross‐linked proteins more effectively, and improved the preservation of cellular morphology. We validated glyoxal fixation in multiple laboratories against different PFA‐based protocols and confirmed that it enabled better immunostainings for a majority of the targets. Our data therefore support that glyoxal can be a valuable alternative to PFA for immunostaining.  相似文献   
Alien plants invasion has negative impacts on the structure and functionality of ecosystems. Understanding the determinants of this process is fundamental for addressing environmental issues, such as the water availability in South Africa’s catchments. Both environmental and anthropogenic factors determine the invasion of alien species; however, their relative importance has to be quantified. The aim of this paper was to estimate the importance of 32 explanatory variables in predicting the distribution of the major invasive alien plant species (IAPS) of South Africa, through the use of Species Distribution Models. We used data from the National Invasive Alien Plants Survey, delineated at a quaternary catchment level, coupled with climatic, land cover, edaphic, and anthropogenic variables. Using two-part generalized linear models, we compared the accuracy of two different sets of variables in predicting the spatial distribution of IAPS; the first included environmental correlates alone, and the second included both environmental and anthropogenic variables. Using Random Forest, we explored the relative importance of the variables in producing a map of potential distribution of IAPS. Results showed that the inclusion of anthropogenic variables did not significantly improve model predictions. The most important variables influencing the distribution of IAPS appeared to be the climatic ones. The modeled potential distribution was analyzed in relation to provinces, biomes, and species’ minimum residence time.  相似文献   
In a previous paper (Barboroet al.,1993,Biophys. J.65, 1690–1699) we have shown that cancer development in the resistant hepatocyte model of Solt and Farber is characterized by the progressive unfolding of the higher-order structure of chromatin. A possible functional role of decondensation phenomena in cell transformation cannot be ruled out. Genetic activation involves the relaxation of the superstructure of chromatin, which may be, at least in part, modulated by its interaction with the nuclear matrix. Moreover, recent observations suggest that gene expression can be stimulated by alterations in the organization of the cytoskeleton. Therefore, we have characterized the changes in composition that the nuclear matrix–intermediate filament complex undergoes during the evolution of rat hepatocyte nodules. Dramatic changes in the expression of both the nuclear matrix and intermediate filament proteins occur during transformation; they are, however, related in a different way to the stages of carcinogenesis. Several new nuclear matrix proteins appear in early nodules, isolated 9 weeks after initiation. The subsequent evolution of persistent nodules is also characterized by discrete changes in the composition. Thus, the new synthesis of nuclear matrix proteins reflects the emergence of successive cellular populations, in line with the recent finding that a subset of components of the nuclear matrix is cell type-specific. In contrast, intermediate filament proteins undergo continuing changes. A new keratin with apparent molecular weight of 39 kDa, analogous to human keratin 19, appears in early nodules, and its expression steadily increases up to the 32nd week from initiation; at the same time, the amount of the proteolytic fragments of keratins A and D increases sharply. These findings suggest that the inappropriate expression of keratin 19 may be involved in the epigenetic activation of new cellular programs, through the rearrangement of the cytoskeleton which in turn may perturb nuclear matrix function.  相似文献   
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