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Bacterial cell numbers obtained from 103 water and sediment samples from a Pleistocene sandy aquifer in the Lower Rhine region (Bocholt, FRG) were determinated on P-agar and by direct count. Below 5 m under the surface, colony-forming unit (cfu) numbers in water samples were less than 100/ml, and in many cases less than 50/ml. In sediment samples, they were 10- to 100-fold higher (102–104 cfu/g dry wt), but changing markedly between different depths. Direct cell counts yielded numbers two to three orders of magnitude higher.About 2,700 strains of bacteria from 60 samples were isolated randomly and characterized by morphological and physiological properties. Of all the isolates, 71.6% were gram-negative, and 52.2% were gram-negative straight rods. Water communities, with one exception, had low proportions of gram-positive bacteria (<11%), whereas in all but one of the sediment communities percentages of gram-positive isolates were three- to sevenfold higher (35–43%). Water and sediment communities, as well as communities from different sampling sites and communities from different depths of the same sampling site, differed in their qualitative and quantitative morphotype composition and physiological capabilities.The in vitro activities of strains within a single community were quite different, indicating that each community is composed of many diverse bacteria, several having extremely different capabilities. Thus, each community has its own specific activity pattern. Gram-positive bacteria showed on an average lower total activities than did gram-negative bacteria. Grampositive bacteria as well as gram-negative bacteria from sediment had higher values of in vitro activities than the corresponding groups isolated from water. Many water and sediment bacteria preferred the same substrates which were utilized at high rates. However, there were differences in the degradation of the various other substrates present, and each community showed preferences for particular substrates, which they degraded best.The results of cell morphology and physiology studies indicated that all eight characterized communities were very different from one another and very diversely structured.  相似文献   
In chloroplasts and a number of prokaryotes, -aminolevulinic acid (ALA), the universal precursor of porphyrins, is synthesized by a multistep enzymatic pathway with glutamyl-tRNAGlu as an intermediate. The ALA synthesizing system from barley chloroplasts is highly specific in its tRNA requirement for chloroplast tRNAGlu; a number of other Glu-tRNAs are inactive in ALA formation although they can be glutamylated by chloroplast aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. In order to obtain more information about the structural features defining the ability of a tRNA to be recognized by the ALA synthesizing enzymes, we purified and sequenced two cytoplasmic tRNAGlu species from barley embryos which are inactive in ALA synthesis. By using glutamylated tRNAs as a substrate for the overall reaction, we showed that Glu-tRNA reductase is the enzyme responsible for tRNA discrimination.  相似文献   
Accompanying the CAM induction of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. grown in high salinity there are changes in the enzymes of carbon metabolism. However, there are no changes in the electron transport activities, Chla/b ratios or in the distribution of chlorophyll amongst the various pigment-protein complexes of isolated thylakoids. Hence with CAM induction there are no changes in the photochemical apparatus of M. crystallinum thylakoids. Despite comparable amounts of chlorophylla/b-proteins of photosystem II to those found in typical C3 sun plants, both the C3 and CAM M. crystallinum chloroplasts have relatively more photosystem II, and, concommitantly, less photosystem I complex. This is consistent with greater fluorescence emission at 685 and 695 nm, and lower emission at 735 nm (measured at 77 K) than typically found for C3 plants, whether sun or shade species. Photoinhibition of isolated C3 and CAM thylakoids by white light led to comparable decreases in electron transport capacities and fluorescence emission at 77 K with photosystem II being more affected than PSI. We suggest however, that the presence of more core PSII complexes relative to PSI complexes in this CAM-inducible plant, may provide an additional strategy to mitigate photoinhibition in the short-term.  相似文献   
Summary Two-hexameric (2×6) hemocyanins from the brachyuran crabsCancer pagurus andCallinectes sapidus, the freshwater crayfishAstacus leptodactylus and the lobsterHomarus americanus were isolated and dissociated into native subunits.The subunits of each hemocyanin were analyzed by electrophoresis and immunology. Three immunologically distinct subunit types, which were termed, and, could be identified in each case. They were isolated preparatively, and interspecifically correlated. Subunit is subdivided into several electrophoretically distinct isoforms which are immunologically closely related (Astacus) or identical (other species). InAstacus andCancer one of these isoforms was shown to dimerize and to act as inter-hexamer bridge. It represents a fourth subunit type termed. A fifth, diffuse component, which in PAGE migrated at the position of a dimer, was identified in the crossed immunoelectrophoretic patterns as denatured hemocyanin.A common feature of the four hemocyanins is the presence of 4 copies of and 8 copies of/ within the 2×6 particles. The: ratio is 4:4 in the two Astacidea and 6:2 in the two Brachyura. exists in 2 copies inAstacus andCancer which means that a single dimer- is present in a two-hexamer. This leaves 2 monomeric copies inAstacus and 4 inCancer.Every subunit from the four species except ofAstacus - was capable to form hexamers in reassembly experiments. If subunit combinations were tested, hetero-hexamers were formed preferentially. Two-hexamers were reconstituted only in the presence of all subunit types and the native subunit stoichiometry was required to obtain twohexamers in considerable yields. Factors limiting 2×6 reassembly are discussed.Authentic 2×6 molecules ofAstacus, Homarus andCancer hemocyanin were immunolabeled with subunit-specific antibody fragments (Fab) or IgG molecules, and the resulting immuno complexes were studied in the electron microscope. A topological model of the quaternary structure of decapod 2×6 hemocyanins is derived, showing the position of each copy of the four subunit types. In this model, the inter-hexamer bridge- is surrounded by two and two subunits forming the central core of the dodecamer. Two additional and two additional subunits form the periphery together with one subunit occupying the peripheral short edges of each hexameric half structure. The model is discussed with respect to the current literature.Abbreviations PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate This paper is decicated to Professor Dr. Bernt LinzenPreliminary accounts of this work have been presented in the proceedings of a symposium at Tutzing 1985. Linzen B (ed) (1986) Invertebrate oxygen carriers. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York. This also includes: Stöcker et al. 1986; Markl et al. 1986) and in a review article (Markl 1986)  相似文献   
Summary The exact time course of phosphate consumption in a tetracycline production byStreptomyces aureofaciens has been determined. The data have been compared with model simulations according to a model proposed by Votruba et al. (1984). This led to a revision of his equation for the rate of phosphate consumption and to the proposal that phosphate is consumed proportionally to the growth rate. In contradiction to the model simulations it was found that the length of the time lag of the production is independent of the initial phosphate concentration. While the model explains the time lag through inhibition of the production by phosphate, the measured data show that there must be another or an additional reason for the lag. Simultaneously with the start of the production the organism changes from an organic substrate to ammonia as nitrogen source.All experiments have been carried out in a bubble column of 651 working volume as fed batch fermentation. An autoanalyzer and a HPLC was coupled to the reactor for automatic measurement of phosphate, ammonia, sucrose and products in short intervals. Composition of the outlet gas, pH, pO2, temperature and weight of the substrate flasks were monitored on-line.  相似文献   
Summary Immobilized mycelia regenerated from immobilized protoplasts isolated from lignin-degrading Basiodiomycetes have been shown to be able to decompose specifically 14C-labelled dehydropolymers of coniferylalcohol (DHP-lignin) and monomeric lignin-related compounds more intensively than native mycelium, by decarboxylation, demethylation, ring and side chain cleavage. Protoplasts of two white rot fungi were immobilized by entrapment in Na- alginate gel and remained intact after the immobilization procedure. Within the first 3 days of incubation in culture medium, regeneration of hyphal cells occurred. Since hyphal cells regenerated from protoplasts within gel beads were hindered from stretching by the matrix, the microbial immobilized cells differed from native mycelium in terms of their morphology. The time course and extent of lignin degradation by native mycelium and regenerated mycelium of the examined white rot fungi also differed, a sign that there may also be differences between them in terms of the physiology of lignin degradation.  相似文献   
Summary In a newly constructed one-vessel dialysis fermentor, a strain of Staphylococcus carnosus TM300 carrying the lipase secretion plasmid pLipPS1 was used to investigate exoenzyme and biomass production. The bacterial culture grows in an inner compartment of 21 volume, separated from a 101 nutrient broth compartment by a conventional dialysis membrane. In order to avoid substrate depletion and to prolong the growth phase, a highly concentrated nutrient broth was used. The biomass production reached 60 g cell dry weight/l. The increase in extracellular lipase concentration was directly coupled with the increase of cell mass and reached a value of 230 mg/l culture supernatant. Harvesting the cells in the late growth phase, the lipase content was about 30% of the total exoproteins in the supernatant.  相似文献   
Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AAAD) activity of rat retina is low in animals placed in the dark. When the room lights are turned on, activity rises for almost 3 h and reaches values that are about twice the values found in the dark. A study of the kinetics of the enzyme revealed that the apparent Km values for L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and pyridoxal-5'-phosphate were unchanged in light- and dark-exposed animals, whereas the Vmax increased in the light. Treating the animals with cycloheximide before exposure to light prevented the increase of enzyme activity. Immunotitration with antibodies to AAAD suggested that more enzyme molecules are present in the light than in the dark. When the room lights are turned off AAAD activity drops rapidly at first and then more slowly, suggesting that at least two processes are responsible for the fall of enzyme activity. Exposure to short periods of dark followed by light results in a rapid increase of AAAD activity. Mixing homogenates from light- and dark-exposed rats results in activity values that are less than expected, suggesting the presence of an endogenous inhibitor(s). These studies demonstrate that AAAD activity is modulated in vivo.  相似文献   
During indoleacetic acid (IAA) oxidation by horseradish peroxidase the water soluble model polyene, crocin, is bleached. IAA-oxidation and crocin bleaching are stimulated at acidic pH as well as by the monophenol p-hydroxyacetophenone. IAA oxidation and crocin bleaching are neither influenced by catalase or superoxide dismutase nor by different OH-radical scavengers, whereas both ascorbate and propylgallate are inhibitory.  相似文献   
Spinach (Spinacia oleracea var “Yates”) plants grown hydroponically were exposed to an excess or deficiency of various mineral ions. Solutes were measured in leaf extracts and in isolated intact chloroplasts. Under phosphate (120 millimoles per liter NaH2 PO4), sulfate (200 millimolar per liter (Na2 SO4), or magnesium excess (150 millimolar per liter MgCl2), concentrations of these ions in leaf extracts increased, but in chloroplasts, concentrations of all ions remained constant. Concentrations of quarternary ammonium compounds in chloroplasts increased. Under mild phosphate or magnesium deficiency, concentrations of these ions decreased in chloroplasts less than in whole leaf extracts. Under severe sulfate deficiency causing chlorosis in younger leaves, sulfate concentrations in chloroplasts remained even unchanged, despite a drastic decrease of sulfate concentrations both in green and in chlorotic leaves. Together with results from a companion study (G Schröppel-Meier, WM Kaiser 1988 Plant Physiol 87: 822-827) our data demonstrate that leaf cells are able to keep the concentrations of several mineral ions rather constant in metabolically active compartments even at extremely large variations of ion concentrations in the culture solution and in the leaves.  相似文献   
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