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The work has been performed on mature male Wistar rats which were irradiated in a "Gamma-Sell-220" apparatus in the dose of 1000 r, with thepower 42 r/sec. It has been shown that in early terms after irradiation (1-6 hours) slightly pronounced destructive changes were observed in cellular and fibrous structures of the stroma of theproper layer of the duodenum membrane in addition to pronounced exudative changes. Further, the latter increased and became maximum within 24 hours. The edema extends into the basal part of enterocytes and between the stroma cells giving rize to desorganization of all mucous membran elements. Seventy two hours after irradiation the destructive changes in cellular and fibrous structures of the mucous membrane layer proper became predominant. The authors make a conclusion that the changes in the stroma aggravate dysfunction of the epithelium injured by the irradiation energy.  相似文献   
By means of light and electron microscopy it has been shown that the remnant cavity of the hypophysis of intact and sham-operated rats on the side of the intermedial lobe is restricted with a continuous layer of epithelial cells with a well pronounced basal membrane. On the side of the frontal lobe the covering epithelium has peculiar "fenestra" through which adenocytes have free contacts with the remnant cavity. After electrocoagulation of the rostral area of the medial eminence, especially in remote postoperative terms, the remnant cavity enlarges up to gigantic size, contains a great amount of colloid, erythrocytes, fragments of cells of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis and secretory granules. The anterior epithelium is lacking on considerable areas and hence adenocytes are disposed in the cavity directly. All their organoids are preserved though a little changed, the cytomembrane is absent. On the apical surface of the posterior epithelium there appear large cytoplasmic protrusions which having separated enter the remnant cavity. The main provider of the "raw material" for colloid is likely to be the anterior lobe of hypophysis.  相似文献   
Potato tuber lenticels: development and structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stomata on growing potato tubers are changed to lenticels by about the third internode from the apical bud (A-3). In wet soil lenticels proliferate, while in dry soil the filling cells become suberized by about the fifth internode (A-5). Lenticels did not proliferate in the field after mid-August, and laboratory experiments on freshly harvested and stored tubers showed that lenticels proliferated less readily as tubers aged. Proliferation occurred more readily on stored tubers induced to sprout than on tubers from which the eyes had been removed, but nevertheless proliferation is unlikely during winter storage.  相似文献   
Two insoluble non-collagenous glycoprotein fractions (A and G) have been separated from puppy rib cartilage, following extraction of most of the proteoglycan and digestion of the insoluble residue with purified collagenase. After reduction, alkylation and extraction with sodium dodecylsulfate most of each protein is solubilized. Gel electrophoresis of solubilized A or G shows the presence of either one or two bands and gel chromatography shows both high and low molecular weight peaks. The production of a low molecular weight electrophoresis band from the high molecular weight Sephadex fraction indicates that there is aggregation and disaggregation of sub-units in sodium dodecylsulfate. Both A and G are high in aspartate plus glutamate and have a low hydroxyproline content. The insoluble A and G both contain hexose, uronic acid, galactosamine, glucosamine and a small amount of sialic acid, but they differ in their contents of hexose and six amino acids. They both form single bands in CsCl gradients but they differ in density. Electron microscopy shows that both insoluble glycoprotein fractions stain with lead, ruthenium red, or alcian blue plus phosphotungstate and that G contains many fine filaments. Material with the same appearance and staining properties was found to occur on the surface of collagen fibres in the undigested cartilage residue.  相似文献   
Exposure of histone antigenic determinants in chromatin.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
D Goldblatt  M Bustin 《Biochemistry》1975,14(8):1689-1695
The exposure of antigenic determinants of histones present in "native" chromatin was studied by: (1) testing their ability to elicit anti-histone antibodies and (2) measuring their ability to interact with anti-histone sera. To this end, antisera specific to purified histone fractions and to purified rat liver chromatin were elicited in rabbits. The anti-chromatin sera did not react with pure histone fractions and pure histone fractions F2b, F3, F2a1, and F2a2 failed to inhibit the complement fixation resulting from the binding of anti-chromatin to chromatin. These results suggest that in native chromatin, determinants in these histones are not immunogenic. Histone F1, however, inhibited the reaction between chromatin and anti-chromatin. Antisera elicited by histone fractions reacted weakly with "native" chromatin. The maximal complement fixations (obtained with 5-10 mug of chromatin DNA) were as follows: 60% with anti-F2b, 20% with anti-F1 and anti-F3, and less than 5% with either anti-F2a1 or anti-F2a2. Studies of the interaction between anti-histone antibodies and chromatin in which chromatin was used as an immunoadsorbent indicated that antibodies against different histones were adsorbed to a different degree by the same amount of chromatin. Differences in the immunoadsorbing capacity between sonicated and nonsonicated chromatin were found. Quantitative adsorbtion studies revealed that in the "native" chromatin structure, antigenic determinants of F1 and F2b were more available to interact with homologous antibody than those of F3 and F2a1 and that determinants in F2a2 were the least available. It could be calculated that the "equivalent antigenicity" of the histones in chromatin was 9.6% for F1, 3.2% for F2b, and 0.90% for F3 and F2a1. Upon sonication these values did not change for F1 but increased two-, three-, and fourfold for F2b, F3, and F2a1, respectively. Digestion of chromatin with trypsin totally abolished the ability of chromatin to adsorb anti-histone antibodies.  相似文献   
This paper describes the uncoupling effect of three isothiocyanates: p-bromophenylisothiocyanate, 4,4'-diisothiocyanatebiphenyl and beta-naphtylemthylisothiocyanate on the respiration of Ehrlich-Lettré cells and isolated mitochondria. The isothiocyanates are similar to other uncouplers (such as 2,4-dinitrophenol and carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone) in that they: 1. stimulate respiration of state 4 mitochondria; 2. stimulate mitochondrial ATPase activity; 3. release the inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by oligomycin and 4. inhibit both mitochondrial respiration and mitochondrial ATPase activity at higher molar concentrations. The incoupling activity of these isothiocyanates correlates well with their biological activity. Maximal activation of a latent mitochondrial ATPase activity of rat liver mitochondria in the presence of p-bromophenylisothiocyanate was found at a concentration of 15 muM. The investigated isothiocyanates differ significantly in their solubility in organic solvents and their chemical reactivity. We assume that the greater the partition coefficient in a series of isothiocyanates grouped according to the increasing value of log P (partition coefficient for the system octanol/water, 25 degrees C), the greater will be their uncoupling activity, but only up to a certain degree. Any further increase of log P will be marked by a decrease of this activity.  相似文献   
V Favaudon  J M Lhoste 《Biochemistry》1975,14(21):4731-4738
The dismutation reactions of flavines in dimethylformanide have been investigated using the stopped-flow technique under anaerobic conditions. The ionization constants of fully reduced and oxidized tetraacetylriboflavine were measured spectrophotometrically in buffered dimethylformanide. The dismutation equilibrium of the flavine as a function of pH in dimethylformanide was roughly comparable to that reported in water and allowed the estimation of the pKa value of the flavosemiquinone. The dismutation kinetics of tetraacetylriboflavine in unbuffered dimethylformanide were investigated using the fully oxidized and reduced flavines in their neutral form at constant produce of concentrations and varying the reduction degree. The kinetics at very low reduction ratios (less than3%) were triphasic. The kinetic analysis of the initial and simultaneous formation of the anionic and neutral radicals revealed a second-order reaction. The electron transfer between the oxidized and reduced flavines was not directly coupled with prton exchange. The multiphasic time course of the reaction proceeded primarily from differences in the intrinsic rates of the direct and mixed backward dismutation reactions of the two radical species, and finally from a change in the equilibrium conditions resulting from the accumulation of anionic flavohydroquinone. An acidic-basic negative catalytic effect from the neutral flavohydroquinone appeared progressively as the reduction degree was increased. It was complete at reduction ratios higher than 30%, i.e. under conditions where the radical anion could not be observed at any reaction time. Acids with a pKa value lower than the second one of the flavosemiquinone exhibited a similar catalytic effect. These acidic-basic catalytic effects are associated with changes in the ionic state of labile intermediate dimers formed in the forward as well as in the backward direactions of the dismutation reaction. Such a transient complex revealed by the kinetic analysis could be observed directly by absorption spectroscopy in alkaline-buffered dimethylformanide. Its spectral characteristics, as well as the kinetic effects induced by substitution of the benzenoid part of the flavine, can hardly be taken into account by a quinhydrone-like structure for the intermediate dimers at any pH value. The experimental results favored a more specific interaction, possibly of covalent character, involving the benzenoid part of the isoalloxazine ring.  相似文献   
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