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Previous studies have found that immunoglobulin cannot be immunolabeled in tissues prepared for electron microscopy by usual methods. To test this conclusion, we used a protein A-gold postembedding immunolabeling method on tissues that were fixed in glutaraldehyde, post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, and embedded in epoxy resin; sections were pretreated with sodium metaperiodate. A variety of common fixation protocols were also used and the most suitable conditions for immunolabeling were determined. This technique permitted the ultrastructural localization of immunoglobulin light chains in optimally preserved and contrasted plasma cells from human tonsil, lymph nodes, plasmacytomas, and a renal biopsy. We were able to demonstrate multiple antigens in the same tissue and label antigens in tissues that had been stored for many years in epoxy resin. The technique allows quantitation of the gold label over plasma cell organelles and therefore gives information about the immunoglobulin secretory pathway in these cells. We found that the protein A-gold procedure compares favorably in technical ease with the immunoperoxidase, avidin-biotin peroxidase, and immunoglobulin-colloidal gold immunolabeling methods, and has added advantages in allowing precise localization and quantitation of the labeled antigen.  相似文献   
The citrate utilization determinant from a large 200-kilobase (kb) naturally occurring plasmid was previously cloned into the PstI site of plasmid vector pBR325 creating the Cit+ tetracycline resistance plasmid pWR61 (15 kb). Tn5 insertion mutagenesis analysis of plasmid pWR61 limited the segment responsible for citrate utilization to a 4.8-kb region bordered by EcoRI and PstI restriction nuclease sites. The 4.8-kb fragment was cloned into phage M13, and the DNA sequence was determined by the dideoxyribonucleotide method. Within this sequence was a 1,296-base-pair open reading frame with a preceding ribosomal binding site. The 431-amino-acid polypeptide that could be translated from this open reading frame would be highly hydrophobic. A second long open reading frame with the potential of encoding a 379-amino-acid polypeptide preceded the larger open reading frame. Portions of the 4.8-kb fragment were further subcloned with restriction endonucleases BglII and BamHI, reducing the minimum size needed for a citrate-positive phenotype to a 1.9-kb BamHI-BglII fragment (which includes the coding region for the 431-amino-acid polypeptide, but only the distal 2/3 of the reading frame for the 379-amino-acid polypeptide). Citrate utilization results from a citrate transport activity encoded by the plasmid. With the 4.8-kb fragment (as with larger fragments) the citrate transport activity was inducible by growth on citrate. On transfer from glucose, succinate, malate, or glycerol medium to citrate medium, the Cit+ Escherichia coli strains showed a delay of 36 to 48 h before growth.  相似文献   
We have recently demonstrated that human high molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) is a pro-cofactor that is cleaved by kallikrein to yield a two-chain cofactor (HMWKa) and the nanopeptide bradykinin. This proteolysis enhances its association with an activating surface, an event necessary for expression of its cofactor activity. We now report that factor XIa is capable of hydrolyzing HMWK and releasing bradykinin in a purified system as well as cleaving and inactivating HMWK in a plasma environment during the contact-activation process. The profile of proteolysis differs from that produced by kallikrein and by factor XIIa in that the first cleavage by factor XIa yields 75- and 45-kDa polypeptides, whereas both factor XIIa and kallikrein initially produce 65- and 56-kDa species. Further proteolysis by all three enzymes eventually produces similar heavy chains (Mr = 65,000) and light chains (Mr = 45,000). However, the amount of factor XIa generated in plasma during contact activation further degrades the light chain of HMWK, eventually destroying its coagulant activity. Furthermore, in a purified system, enhancement of the degradation of HMWK coagulant activity by factor XIa was achieved when kallikrein was included in the incubation mixture, suggesting that the preferred substrate for factor XIa is the active form of HMWK (HMWKa), and not the pro-cofactor. These data suggest that factor XIa has the potential to act as a regulator of contact-activated coagulation by virtue of its ability to destroy the cofactor function of HMWK after its generation by either kallikrein, factor XIIa, or to a lesser extent, factor XIa, itself.  相似文献   
Summary Electro-olfactograms (EOGs) were used to assess olfactory responding by aquatic larval and terrestrial adult tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) to airborne volatile compounds, and volatile and non-volatile compounds in aqueous solution. Both forms of salamander showed saturation effects to presentations of airborne stimuli (Fig. 2). Saturation was not observed, however, to stimulus presentations in aqueous solution (Figs. 2, 3). When threshold values and concentration-response curve parameters were compared, non-volatile amino acids in solution were more potent stimuli for larvae while airborne volatiles were more potent stimuli for adults (Tables 1, 2). We infer that metamorphosis in the tiger salamander is accompanied by changes in olfactory response characteristics, due possibly to changes in receptor population, changes in perireceptor properties (e.g. mucus) or to changes in stimulus access.Abbreviations EOG electro-olfactogram - PPM (ppm) parts per million  相似文献   
An NFS/N mouse inoculated at birth with an ecotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV) obtained from wild mice (Cas-Br-M MuLV) developed a lymphoma after 18 weeks. An extract prepared from the lymphomatous spleen was inoculated into newborn NFS/N mice, and these mice developed erythroleukemia within 9 weeks. Spleens from the erythroleukemic mice contained ecotropic and mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) MuLVs; however, when these viruses were biologically cloned and reinoculated into newborn NFS/N mice, no erythroleukemia was induced. In contrast, cell-free extracts prepared from the erythroleukemic spleens induced erythroleukemia within 5 weeks. Analysis of cell-free extracts prepared from the erythroleukemic spleens showed that they contained a viral species that induced splenomegaly and spleen focus formation in adult mice, with susceptibility controlled by alleles at the Fv-2 locus. The spleen focus-forming virus coded for a 50,000-dalton protein precipitated by antibodies specific to MCF virus gp70. RNA blot hybridization studies showed the genomic viral RNA to be 7.5 kilobases and to hybridize strongly to a xenotropic or MCF envelope-specific probe but not to hybridize with an ecotropic virus envelope-specific probe. The virus described here appears to be the fourth independent isolate of a MuLV with spleen focus-forming activity.  相似文献   
M S Silver  A R Fersht 《Biochemistry》1983,22(12):2860-2866
The availability of epsilon DNA, a fluorescent ssDNA derivative, has made it possible to examine quantitatively the interactions between recA protein and single-stranded polynucleotides. Fluorescence titrations of epsilon DNA with recA protein and vice versa establish that each recA protein monomer covers 5.5 epsilon DNA nucleotides and that the dissociation constant of the recA-epsilon DNA complex is 10 nM. Fluorescence titrations of recA protein-epsilon DNA mixtures with poly(dT) establish that each recA protein monomer covers 5.1 poly(dT) nucleotides and that the dissociation constant of the recA-poly(dT) complex is 0.03 nM. Observations on how the addition of ssDNA affects the fluorescence of recA protein-epsilon DNA mixtures establish that the dissociation constant of the recA-ssDNA complex exceeds 20 microM. Stopped-flow kinetics in which excess recA protein binds to epsilon DNA indicate that k2 = 6 X 10(6) M-1 s-1 for the process. A more approximate kinetic technique indicates that recA protein binds to epsilon DNA at least one-tenth as fast as to poly(dT); the rate constant for dissociation of recA-epsilon DNA exceeds that for recA-poly(dT) by at least 30-fold. epsilon DNA is proven to be a versatile reagent for studying single-stranded polynucleotide-protein interactions. Not only can its own complexes with protein be investigated but also, under suitable circumstances, it can be used as a fluorescent probe to explore complexes incorporating nonfluorescent polynucleotides.  相似文献   
Criteria are presented for distinguishing between synchronous and synchronized cultures (natural vs. forced synchrony) on the basis of characteristics of growth and division during a single generation. These criteria were applied in an examination of the uptake of potassium during the cell growth and division cycle in synchronous cultures and in a synchronized culture of Escherichia coli. In the synchronous cultures the uptake of 42K doubled synchronously with cell number, corresponding to a constant rate of uptake per cell throughout the cell cycle. In the synchronized culture, uptake rates also remained constant during most of the cycle, but rates doubled abruptly well within the cycle. This constancy of 42K uptake per cell supports an earlier interpretation for steady-state cultures that uptake is limited in each cell by a constant number of functional sites for binding, transport, or accumulation of compounds from the growth medium, and that the average number of such sites doubles late in each cell cycle. The abrupt doubling of the rate of uptake of potassium per cell in the synchronized culture appears because of partial uncoupling of cell division from activation or synthesis of these uptake sites.  相似文献   
Electrical Impedance of Isolated Amnion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The electrical impedance of the guinea pig amniotic membrane was measured, under standardized conditions, over the frequency range of 20 to 7000 cycles/second. This impedance can be represented analytically by a simple frequency-dependent function which is precisely of the form of the Debye relaxation equation. The observed data exhibit a broad dispersion centered at a frequency of 1050 cycles/second and a narrow distribution of time constants centered about 152 microseconds, both effects being due to the polydisperse nature of amniotic tissue. If the narrow time-constant distribution is approximated by a single time constant, amnion impedance can be simulated by a simple electrical circuit of frequency-independent elements. The Maxwell-Wagner interfacial treatment, although successfully adapted for cell suspensions, is shown to lose its quantitative significance in the case of the tightly structured amnion. In addition, determinations were made on the chemical composition of amniotic fluid, fetal blood and urine, and maternal blood and urine; the DC potential across the amniotic membrane was also measured.  相似文献   
Our laboratory has recently cloned and characterized two testes-expressed loci--the Tcp-10 gene family cluster and the D17Si11 gene--that map to the proximal portion of mouse chromosome 17. Human homologs of both loci have been identified and cloned. Somatic cell hybrid lines have been used to map the human homolog of D17Si11 to the short arm of chromosome 6 (p11-p21.1) along with homologs of other genes from the (Pim-1)-(Pgk-2) region of the mouse chromosome. The human TCP 10 locus maps to the long arm of chromosome 6 (q21-qter) along with homologs of other genes from the mouse chromosome 17 region between the centromere and Pim-1. The mapping of large portions of the mouse t haplotype to unlinked regions on human chromosome 6 rules out the possibility that a t-haplotype-like chromosome could exist in humans.  相似文献   
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