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Seminal traits of frozen-thawed (FT) ram semen and in vitro and field fertility in native Portuguese breeds were evaluated in 4 experiments. In exp. 1 and 2 the cryopreservation capacity of 2 extenders, E1 (15% egg yolk-EY) and E2 (4.5% EY and trehalose) was compared through morphological evaluation and in vitro fertilizability of FT ram semen. Exp. 3 aimed to determine the usefulness of in vitro homologous/heterologous fertilization tests as tools for predicting ram fertility. Exp. 4 was conducted to verify if the identified differences between the 2 extenders could be confirmed by field fertility. E1 showed a better cryoprotective action expressed by higher in vitro and field fertility results. In conclusion, EY is difficult to be replaced in ram semen extenders. Heterologous fertilization seems to be a useful tool for predicting fertility of FT ram semen.  相似文献   
Whether the functional structure of ecological communities is deterministic or historically contingent is still quite controversial. However, recent experimental tests did not find effects of species composition variation on trait convergence and therefore the environmental constraints should play the major role on community convergence into functional groups. Seasonal cerrados are characterized by a sharp seasonality, in which the water shortage defines the community functioning. Hyperseasonal cerrados experience additionally waterlogging in the rainy season. Here, we asked whether waterlogging modifies species convergences into life-forms in a hyperseasonal cerrado. We studied a hyperseasonal cerrado, comparing it with a nearby seasonal cerrado, never waterlogged, in Emas National Park, central Brazil. In each area, we sampled all vascular plants by placing 40 plots of 1 m(2) plots in four surveys. We analyzed the species convergences into life-forms in both cerrados using the Raunkiaer's life-form spectrum and the index of divergence from species to life-form diversity (IDD). The overall life-form spectra and IDDs were not different, indicating that waterlogging did not affect the composition of functional groups in the hyperseasonal cerrado. However, there was a seasonal variation in IDD values only in the hyperseasonal cerrado. As long as we did not find a seasonal variation in life-form diversity, the seasonal variation of convergence into life-forms in the hyperseasonal cerrado was a consequence of the seasonal variation of species diversity. Because of high functional redundancy of cerrado plants, waterlogging promoted a floristic replacement without major changes in functional groups. Thus, waterlogging in the hyperseasonal cerrado promoted seasonal changes in species convergence into life-forms by reducing species diversity.  相似文献   
The Annona fruit borer, Cerconota anonella, causes significant damage to the fruits of Annona squamosa (custard apple) and A. muricata (soursop). The methods currently available for the control of this pest are costly and new techniques, possibly involving the use of pheromones for trapping or disrupting the mating cycle of the insect are required. In order to provide the basic information required for the development of new control systems, the reproductive behaviour of the moth was observed under laboratory conditions. The calling and courtship behaviours exhibited by virgin females and males of C. anonella commenced at the eighth hour of the scotophase and continued for a 3.5‐h period. Males were attracted by conspecific females as young as 1 d old, and showed a courtship behaviour composed of three steps: antennation, wing fanning and short flights. Mating mainly occurred when both males and females were between 2 and 5 d old, but maximum activity was observed on the third day after emergence. Receptive females elevated their wings, showing their abdomens where the abdominal hairpencils were already exposed. As part of the courtship repertoire and immediately prior to copula, males performed pronounced sideways movements of their abdomens, a behaviour that appears to be exclusive to C. anonella.  相似文献   
The present study describes the effects of exposure of bovine sperm to mild and more intense ROS generating conditions. The membrane integrity of the incubated sperm was assessed and the incubated sperm were used for IVF after which the percentages of cleavage and blastocyst formation were determined for a period up to 9 days. The incubated sperm samples showed increased levels of molecular oxidation in the plasma membrane, the mitochondria, the cytosol and to a lesser extent in the sperm's DNA. The sperm membrane integrity as well as the first cleavage rates obtained with sperm from mild ROS generating conditions (100 microM H2O2) were not different from sperm incubated without pro-oxidants. However, exposure of sperm to more severe oxidative stress (500 mM H2O2 or a combination of 100 microM ascorbic acid, 20 microM FeSO4 and 500 microM H2O2) led to plasma membrane oxidation, reduced percentages of cleaved embryos and a reduction in the percentages of cleaved embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage. From these results, we conclude that the impact of oxidative stress to sperm becomes primarily manifest after the first cleavage of the formed zygote. Importantly, the level of lipid peroxidation in the sperm plasma membrane significantly correlates with blastocyst formation when the corresponding sperm is used for in vitro fertilization of oocytes.  相似文献   
Eighty-four staphylococcal isolates were obtained from milk samples from cows, sheep, goats, and buffalo with subclinical mastitis and from colonization samples from ostriches. The animals were hosted in 18 small dairy herds and an ostrich breeding located in 10 municipalities of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Thirty isolates were identified as Staphylococcus aureus by biochemical and molecular techniques and were comparatively characterized by phenotypic and genotypic methods. The molecular characterization by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), spa typing, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) revealed five clonal types (PFGE A, spa type t359, sequence type 747 [ST747]; PFGE B, spa type t1180, ST750; PFGE C, spa type t605, ST126; PFGE D, spa type t127, ST751; and PFGE F, spa type t002, ST5). None of the isolates harbored the Panton-Valentine leukocidin or exfoliative toxin D gene. The detection of major clone A (in 63% of the isolates) in different herds, among all animal species studied, and in infection and colonization samples evidenced its geographical spread among Rio de Janeiro State and no host preference among the animal species. Comparison with S. aureus from a human origin suggested that all but one clone found in the present study might be animal specific.  相似文献   
Polyamide matrices, such as membranes, gels and non-wovens, have been applied as supports for enzyme immobilization, although in literature the enzyme immobilization on woven nylon matrices is rarely reported. In this work, a protocol for a Trametes hirsuta laccase immobilization using woven polyamide 6,6 (nylon) was developed. A 24 full factorial design was used to study the influence of pH, spacer (1,6-hexanediamine), enzyme and crosslinker concentration on the efficiency of immobilization. The factors enzyme dosage and spacer seem to have played a critical role in the immobilization of laccase onto nylon support. Under optimized working conditions (29 U mL−1 of laccase, 10% of glutaraldehyde, pH = 5.5, with the presence of the spacer), the half-life time attained was about 78 h (18% higher than that of free enzyme), the protein retention was 30% and the immobilization yield was 2%. The immobilized laccase has potential for application in the continuous decolourization of textile effluents, where it can be applied into a membrane reactor.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess urinary excretion of zinc and evaluation parameters of metabolic control in type 2 diabetic patients. Thirty-one type 2 diabetic patients, of both genders, with 5.8 ± 5.6 years average time of the disease, age range 20–60 years, were selected. Evaluation of the nutritional status was performed using anthropometric measurements. To evaluate food consumption, the 3-day alimentary log method was used, and its analysis was performed using a software. Determination of urinary zinc was by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. From the obtained results, it was concluded that 51.6% of the patients were overweight. The mean of found waist circumference was 100.4 and 92.2 cm for men and women, respectively. Blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin values were higher than reference values, and plasma albumin concentration was adequate. The median of found urinary zinc excretion was 474.9 μg/24 h, within normal standards (300–600 μg/day). Regarding diet composition, calorie and protein concentration were above recommendation, while mean zinc concentration was adequate. This data allow the conclusion that the evaluated patients presented adequate urinary zinc excretion in comparison with reference values.  相似文献   
In this work three piezoelectric sensors modified with anti-HIV-1 Vif (virion infectivity factor) single fragment antibodies (4BL scFV), single domains (VH) and camelized single domains (VHD) were constructed and used to detect HIV1 Vif in liquid samples. Dithio-bis-succinimidyl-undecanoate (DSU) and 11-hydroxy-1-undecanethiol (HUT) mixed self assembled monolayers (SAM) were generated at the sensors surface onto which the antibodies were immobilized. All sensors detected specifically the target HIV1-Vif antigen in solution and no unspecific binding was monitored. Impedance analysis was performed to quantify electroacoustic and viscoelastic interferences during antibody immobilization and antigen recognition. The elimination of such interferences enabled the quantitative use of the piezoelectric immunosensors to estimate the antibody surface density as well as antigen binding and equilibrium constants. In spite of the possible limitation regarding mass transport and other related molecular phenomena, which were not considered in the binding model used, this work demonstrates the usefulness of piezoelectric biosensors in biorecognition analysis and evidences the advantages on using simultaneous impedance analysis to bring analytical significance to measured data, and thus to improve piezoelectric sensors sensitivity and applicability.  相似文献   
Earlier studies from the authors' laboratory showed that malnourishment induces alterations in the cardiovascular homeostasis increasing the basal mean arterial pressure and heart rate. In this study, the authors evaluated whether the sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent activities contribute to changes in the cardiovascular homeostasis through altered modulation of the arterial baroreflex of malnourished rats. After weaning, male Fischer rats were given 15% (Normal Protein--NP) or 6% (Low Protein--LP) protein diet for 35 d. The baroreflex gain and latency were evaluated before and after selective autonomic blockades in control and malnourished rats. It was observed that malnourishment affected the baroreflex gain in response to activation and deactivation of the arterial baroreflex. Moreover, malnourished rats showed increased baroreflex latency as compared to that of control rats. Regarding the autonomic efferent activity directed to the heart, the data showed increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic efferent activities in malnourished rats, and such alterations could be related to the observed changes in the arterial baroreflex gain as well as in the basal mean arterial pressure and heart rate.  相似文献   
The Guaíba Basin is a source of drinking water for Porto Alegre (RS, Brazil). The water from this basin receives industrial, urban, and rural waste from many sources. The mussel species Limnoperna fortunei was chosen based on population data, distribution, and sensitivity. Previous tests with comet assay and micronuclei frequency in this freshwater mussel have shown to be successful in biomonitoring studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic contamination of the Guaíba Lake Hydrographic Region, through the determination of damage by the micronuclei and comet assays in L. fortunei (golden mussel). Nine sampling sites were evaluated in three different seasons: five sites in the mouths of the main rivers that flow into Guaíba lake; one site at the mouth of a stream; one major site of sewage discharge; two sites at Guaíba lake, near a sewage discharge; and the control site in a preservation area. DNA damage was detected by the single cell gel assay, as well as the frequency of micronuclei in hemocytes of mussels exposed under laboratory conditions for 7 days to water and sediment samples. Significant results were found in different seasons in almost all sampling sites (P<0.05, ANOVA Dunnet's test). Most of the positive results were found in samples affected mainly by urban effluents. It was possible to observe that there was a weak relation between mutagenic and genotoxic responses and mussels inorganic elements contents. Seasonal variation was observed at different sampling sites, but always indicating a huge contamination near urban sewage discharge. These results are consistent with previous studies, allowing us to infer that urban contamination is the biggest problem in this region. It is also possible to infer that L. fortunei is a good sentinel organism for the Guaíba Basin.  相似文献   
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