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Pleural cavities are lined by a polarized monolayer of mesothelial cells (MC). During pleuritis, MC are shed into effusions, and pleural obstruction may occur. Integrins are cell surface receptors mediating interactions with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. The distribution of beta 1-, beta 3-, beta 4-integrins and fibronectin and laminin in normal and chronically inflamed pleura and in/on MC from pleural effusions was examined by immunomorphology and flow cytometry. Adhesion assays of MC to fibronectin and laminin were performed. In situ, resting MC expressed beta 1-, beta 3-, and beta 4-, and alpha v-subunits. Activated MC were beta 1- and alpha v-positive and also expressed alpha 3 and alpha 6; beta 4 was confined to the basal surface of MC; beta 3 was absent. Floating MC from effusions neoexpressed alpha 5 and reexpressed beta 3. In vitro, MC surface expressed beta 1, beta 3, alpha 3, alpha 5, alpha 6, alpha v, and also alpha 1 and alpha 2. In normal pleura, fibronectin and laminin were components of the basement membrane. In pleuritis, the basement membrane was desintegrated. Instead, newly formed fibronectin/laminin containing fibrils extended into the submesothelial connective tissue. Floating MC freshly isolated from effusions carried fibronectin and laminin on their surface and showed specific binding to these ECM proteins. Binding was blocked by anti-beta 1 or anti-alpha 5 and anti-alpha 6 antibodies, respectively. MC incubated with fibronectin showed a clear shift to the S phase, while laminin had no effect. In conclusion, activated and detached MC progressively enrich their integrin repertoire. By capturing soluble fibronectin and laminin and by matrix-mediated bridging, readhering MC may contribute to pleural obstruction. Further, soluble fibronectin bound to alpha 5 beta 1 might be life-sustaining for floating MC by driving cells into cell cycle.  相似文献   
Intracellular bacteria of the genus Caedibacter limit the reproduction of their host, the freshwater ciliate Paramecium. Reproduction rates of infected strains of paramecia were significantly lower than those of genetically identical strains that had lost their parasites after treatment with an antibiotic. Interference competition occurs when infected paramecia release a toxic form of the parasitic bacterium that kills uninfected paramecia. In mixed cultures of infected and uninfected strains of either P tetraurelia or of P novaurelia, the infected strains outcompeted the uninfected strains. Infection of new host paramecia seems to be rare. Infection of new hosts was not observed in either mixtures of infected with uninfected strains, or after incubation of paramecia with isolated parasites. The competitive advantages of the host paramecia, in combination with their vegetative reproduction, makes infection of new hosts by the bacterial parasites unnecessary, and could be responsible for the continued existence of "killer paramecia" in nature. Caedibacter parasites are not a defensive adaptation. Feeding rates and reproduction of the predators Didinium nasutum (Ciliophora) and Amoeba proteus (Amoebozoa, Gymnamoebia) were not influenced by whether or not their paramecia prey were infected. Infection of the predators frequently occurred when they preyed on infected paramecia. Caedibacter-infected predators may influence competition between Paramecium strains by release of toxic parasites into the environment that are harmful to uninfected strains.  相似文献   
We reported previously that mice lacking plasma retinol-binding protein (RBP) are phenotypically normal except that they display impaired vision at the time of weaning. This visual defect is associated with greatly diminished eyecup levels of retinaldehyde and is reversible if the mutants are maintained for several months on a vitamin A-sufficient diet. Here we provide a biochemical basis for the visual phenotype of RBP-deficient mice. This phenotype does not result from inadequate milk total retinol levels since these are not different for RBP-deficient and wild-type mice. The eye, unlike all other tissues that have been examined, takes up dietary retinol very poorly. Moreover, compared to other tissues, the eye displays a strong preference for retinol uptake when retinol is delivered bound to RBP. The poor uptake of dietary retinol by the eye coupled with its marked ability to take up retinol from RBP, we propose, provides a basis for the impaired vision observed in weanling RBP-deficient mice. Further study of the mutants suggests that the impaired vision is reversible because the eyes of mutant mice slowly acquire sufficient retinol from the low levels of retinol present in their circulation either bound to albumin or present in lipoprotein fractions. Thus, the eye is unlike other tissues in the body in that it shows a very marked preference for acquiring retinol needed to support vision from the retinol-RBP complex and is unable to meet adequately its retinol need through uptake of recently absorbed dietary retinol. This provides an explanation for the impaired vision phenotype of RBP-deficient mice.  相似文献   
Vaux DL  Silke J 《Cell》2003,115(3):251-253
Mammalian mitochondrial HtrA2/Omi was originally described as an apoptosis inducer, but rather than having extra cells, mice with mutant HtrA2/Omi suffer from a neurodegenerative disease due to progressive mitochondrial damage. This suggests that instead of promoting cell death by antagonizing inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) proteins, the primary function of HtrA2/Omi is to handle misfolded proteins in the mitochondria.  相似文献   
A plasmid marker rescue system based on restoration of the nptII gene was established in Streptococcus gordonii to study the transfer of bacterial and transgenic plant DNA by transformation. In vitro studies revealed that the marker rescue efficiency depends on the type of donor DNA. Plasmid and chromosomal DNA of bacteria as well as DNA of transgenic potatoes were transferred with efficiencies ranging from 8.1 x 10(-6) to 5.8 x 10(-7) transformants per nptII gene. Using a 792-bp amplification product of nptII the efficiency was strongly decreased (9.8 x 10(-9)). In blood sausage, marker rescue using plasmid DNA was detectable (7.9 x 10(-10)), whereas in milk heat-inactivated horse serum (HHS) had to be added to obtain an efficiency of 2.7 x 10(-11). No marker rescue was detected in extracts of transgenic potatoes despite addition of HHS. In vivo transformation of S. gordonii LTH 5597 was studied in monoassociated rats by using plasmid DNA. No marker rescue could be detected in vivo, although transformation was detected in the presence of saliva and fecal samples supplemented with HHS. It was also shown that plasmid DNA persists in rat saliva permitting transformation for up to 6 h of incubation. It is suggested that the lack of marker rescue is due to the absence of competence-stimulating factors such as serum proteins in rat saliva.  相似文献   
Transpositions of primate-specific Alu elements were applied as molecular cladistic markers in a phylogenetic analysis of South American primates. Seventy-four human and platyrrhine loci containing intronic Alu elements were PCR screened in various New World monkeys and the human outgroup to detect the presence of orthologous retrotransposons informative of New World monkey phylogeny. Six loci revealed size polymorphism in the amplification pattern, indicating a shared derived character state due to the presence of orthologous Alu elements confirmed by subsequent sequencing. Three markers corroborate (1) New World monkey monophyly and one marker supports each of the following callitrichine relationships: (2) Callithrix and Cebuella are more closely related to each other than to any other callitrichine, (3) the callitrichines form a monophyletic clade including Callimico, and (4) the next living relatives to the callitrichines are Cebus, Saimiri, and Aotus.  相似文献   
The process of oxygen-dependent hemoglobin induction in Daphnia magna was studied over an 11-day period of hypoxia (ambient oxygen partial pressure: 3 kPa). Along with the increase of hemoglobin concentration in the hemolymph, hemoglobin became the dominant protein fraction in gel filtration experiments using extracts of whole animals. The size of the native aggregates was constant. However, subunit composition depended on the duration of hypoxia: the pattern of predominantly expressed subunits under hypoxia deviated from that of normoxic individuals. The varying degree of hypoxic induction for different hemoglobin subunits was confirmed by autoradiography. Along with changes in hemoglobin subunit composition, oxygen affinity of the respiratory protein increased. The dynamics of the hemoglobin induction process was analysed. Newly synthesized hemoglobin can be detected within 18 h after the onset of hypoxia. A marked increase in hemoglobin concentration is evident from the third day of hypoxia, and a steady state of hemoglobin concentration is reached within 11 days. The changes of hemoglobin subunit expression in response to hypoxia form the structural basis for the observed adjustments of hemoglobin function leading to enhanced oxygen transport at low ambient oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   
Meier P  Silke J 《Nature cell biology》2003,5(12):1035-1038
This year's Cold Spring Harbor meeting on programmed cell death (September 17-21, 2003), organised by Craig Thompson and Junying Yuan, was proof that the 'golden age' of research in this field is far from over. There was a flurry of fascinating insights into the regulation of diverse apoptotic pathways and unexpected non-apoptotic roles for some of the key apoptotic regulators and effectors. In addition to their role in cell death, components of the apoptotic molecular machinery are now known to also function in a variety of essential cellular processes, such as regulating glucose homeostasis, lipid metabolism, cell proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   
Fusidic acid is a potent antibiotic against severe Gram-positive infections that interferes with the function of elongation factor G (EF-G), thereby leading to the inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis. In this study, we demonstrate that fusidic acid resistance in Staphylococcus aureus results from point mutations within the chromosomal fusA gene encoding EF-G. Sequence analysis of fusA revealed mutational changes that cause amino acid substitutions in 10 fusidic acid-resistant clinical S. aureus strains as well as in 10 fusidic acid-resistant S. aureus mutants isolated under fusidic acid selective pressure in vitro. Fourteen different amino acid exchanges were identified that were restricted to 13 amino acid residues within EF-G. To confirm the importance of observed amino acid exchanges in EF-G for the generation of fusidic acid resistance in S. aureus, three mutant fusA alleles encoding EF-G derivatives with the exchanges P406L, H457Y and L461K were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. In each case, introduction of the mutant fusA alleles on plasmids into the fusidic acid-susceptible S. aureus strain RN4220 caused a fusidic acid-resistant phenotype. The elevated minimal inhibitory concentrations of fusidic acid determined for the recombinant bacteria were analogous to those observed for the fusidic acid-resistant clinical S. aureus isolates and the in vitro mutants containing the same chromosomal mutations. Thus, the data presented provide evidence for the crucial importance of individual amino acid exchanges within EF-G for the generation of fusidic acid resistance in S. aureus.  相似文献   
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