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Hypertrehalosaemic hormones stimulate trehalogenesis while inhibiting glycolysis in cockroach fat body. Signal transduction of the hypertrehalosaemic peptide Bld HrTH was examined in isolated fat body of the Argentine cockroach Blaptica dubia with respect to its effects on the increase in trehalose production and decrease in the content of the glycolytic activator fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in the tissue. Cyclic AMP does not seem to be involved in these processes as the cAMP analogue cpt-cAMP and the phosphodiesterase inhibitor IBMX, which both permeate cell membranes, had no effect on either parameter. Octopamine at physiological concentrations (10−7 mol · l−1) was also ineffective, but at 10−5 mol · l−1 or above, octopamine stimulated trehalose production although the content of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in fat body was not affected. Both calcium entry and the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores seem to be involved in the action of the hormone. If Ca2+ was omitted from the incubation medium, the hormone stimulated trehalose production less, though still significantly, whereas the hormone effect on fructose 2,6-bisphosphate was completely abolished in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. With Ca2+ present in the medium, the effect of the hormone on fructose 2,6-bisphosphate could be fully mimicked by the calcium ionophore A23187, suggesting that calcium entry is a␣decisive step in this signalling pathway. Trehalose production, on the other hand, was increased by thimerosal and thapsigargin which increase cytosolic Ca2+ from intracellular stores, whereas thimerosal in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ increased rather than decreased the content of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, thus dissociating the two effects, which are normally coordinated by the hormone. Trehalose production and the content of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate were not significantly affected by mepacrine and mellitin, which are known to inhibit, respectively stimulate, phospholipase A2. Our data suggest that the effects of Bld HrTH on the stimulation of trehalose production and reduction of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate content in fat body are mediated by Ca2+, but that different signalling pathways are involved, suggesting that the two processes, although they are functionally linked, could be regulated separately. Accepted: 10 November 1997  相似文献   
Microsatellite DNA markers were used to investigate parentage relationships in a population of common cuckoo Cuculus canorus. Thirty adults and 55 nestlings were genotyped at six loci from blood samples collected over a four‐year period. To test whether each cuckoo female specialises in parasitising one single host species (Host Preference Hypothesis), the maternal relationships were used to record each female's host choice. The results supported the Host Preference Hypothesis since no female (N=3) was recorded to have parasitised more than one of four congeneric host species breeding in the area. In contrast, the males (N=4) did not show such specialisation since two of them sired offspring reared by different host species.  相似文献   
Lizard scales vary in size, shape and texture among and within species. The overall function of scales in squamates is attributed to protection against abrasion, solar radiation and water loss. We quantified scale number of Anolis lizards across a large sample of species (142 species) and examined whether this variation was related either to structural or to climatic habitat diversity. We found that species in dry environments have fewer, larger scales than species in humid environments. This is consistent with the hypothesis that scales reduce evaporative water loss through the skin. In addition, scale number varied among groups of ecomorphs and was correlated with aspects of the structural microhabitat (i.e. perch height and perch diameter). This was unexpected because ecomorph groups are based on morphological features related to locomotion in different structural microhabitats. Body scales are not likely to play an important role in locomotion in Anolis lizards. The observed variation may relate to other features of the ecomorph niche and more work is needed to understand the putative adaptive basis of these patterns. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 570–579.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der Frucht vonPoncirus trifoliata liegen in der Außenschale Drüsenzellkomplexe, die ein monoterpenreiches ätherisches Öl mit geringem Anteil an Sesquiterpenen und O-haltigen Substanzen produzieren. Ähnlich aussehende Exkretzellkomplexe aus den Saftschläuchen enthalten hauptsächlich Sesquiterpenkohlenwasserstoffe (STKW) und O-haltige Komponenten und sehr wenig Monoterpenkohlenwasserstoffe (MTKW). Im Schalenöl konnten nach gaschromatographischer Trennung mit Hilfe der Massenspektrometrie 19 Komponenten identifiziert werden, im Saftschlauchöl 25.Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen der jüngsten Drüsenzellen beider Drüsenkomplexe lassen erkennen, daß beide Terpenklassen wahrscheinlich hauptsächlich bzw. ausschließlich plastidär entstehen.Exogen angebotenes14CO2 wird zunächst überwiegend in die MTKW eingebaut, erst später nimmt die Markierung der STKW und O-haltigen Komponenten stark zu. Über den Ferntransportweg angebotenes14C-Leucin führt anfangs zu einer starken Markierung der STKW und O-haltigen Komponenten, erst später verschiebt sich der Einbau etwas mehr in Richtung MTKW. Als Hauptursache für den differenten Einbau wird das Vorhandensein zweier Typen von Drüsenzellkomplexen mit unterschiedlichen Syntheseleistungen angesehen.Die aus dem14CO2 in der Außenrinde gebildeten Assimilate werden zuerst in das MTKW-reiche Öl der Schalenexkretbehälter eingebaut. Die überwiegend STKW erzeugenden Saftschlauchbehälter werden erst später beliefert. Beim Leucinangebot über die Fruchtstiele scheint es gerade umgekehrt zu verlaufen. Die aufeinanderfolgenden Maxima der Ölproduktion in den beiden Drüsenzellkomplex-Typen und die Änderung des Komponentenspektrums ihres ätherischen Öls im Verlauf der Vegetationsperiode tragen ebenfalls zu einem je nach Jahreszeit unterschiedlichen Einbau in die MTKW und STKW bei.
Compartmentation of mono- and sesqui-terpene biosynthesis of the essential oil inPoncirus trifoliata
Summary The fruit ofPoncirus trifoliata shows glandular cell complexes in the exocarp, which produce a volatile oil rich in monoterpenes but poor in sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds. The juice vesicles of the endocarp possess similar cell complexes mainly containing sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds, whereas monoterpenes only occur in small amounts. By the use of combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 19 components of the rind oil and 15 compounds of the endocarp oil could be identified.As demonstrated by electron microscopy the terpenes most probably are synthesized predominantly, if not exclusively in plastids. As shown by gasradiochromatography radioactive precursors (14CO2 and14C-leucine) are incorporated into mono- and sesqui-terpenes to a different extent.This is due to two gland types producing essential oils of different composition with regard to their mono- and sesqui-terpene percentage. In fruit development the exocarp glands differentiate earlier than the endocarp glands do. The activity of exogenously applied14CO2 first reaches the peripheral glands and later on appears in the interior glands. Depending upon the growth season, labelled leucine transported by the conducting tissues from lower plant parts leads to a high specific activity of the sesqui-terpenes and oxigenated compounds. It could be argued that in this instance the glands of the pulp are better provided with precursors than the exocarp glands. The successive maxima of essential oil production in both glandular complexes, and the changes in the concentration of individual oil constituents during the ontogeny of the fruit also contribute to different incorporation ratios of radioactive precursors into mono- and sesqui-terpenes.
Human-mediated dispersal has reshaped distribution patterns and biogeographic relationships for many taxa. Long-distance and over-water dispersal were historically rare events for most species, but now human activities can move organisms quickly over long distances to new places. A potential consequence of human-mediated dispersal is the eventual reintroduction of individuals from an invasive population back into their native range; a dimension of biological invasion termed “cryptic back-introduction.” We investigated whether this phenomenon was occurring in the Cayman Islands where brown anole lizards (Anolis sagrei) with red dewlaps (i.e., throat fans), either native to Little Cayman or invasive on Grand Cayman, have been found on Cayman Brac where the native A. sagrei have yellow dewlaps. Our analysis of microsatellite data shows strong population-genetic structure among the three Cayman Islands, but also evidence for non-equilibrium. We found some instances of intermediate multilocus genotypes (possibly 3–9% of individuals), particularly between Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac. Furthermore, analysis of dewlap reflectance data classified six males sampled on Cayman Brac as having red dewlaps similar to lizards from Grand Cayman and Little Cayman. Lastly, one individual from Cayman Brac had an intermediate microsatellite genotype, a red dewlap, and a mtDNA haplotype from Grand Cayman. This mismatch among genetic and phenotypic data strongly suggests that invasive A. sagrei from Grand Cayman are interbreeding with native A. sagrei on Cayman Brac. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of cryptic back-introduction. Although we demonstrate this phenomenon is occurring in the Cayman Islands, assessing its frequency there and prevalence in other systems may prove difficult due to the need for genetic data in most instances. Cryptic back-introductions may eventually provide some insight into how lineages are changed by the invasion process and may be an underappreciated way in which invasive species impact native biodiversity.  相似文献   
Kelp are important primary producers that are colonized by diverse microbes that can have both positive and negative effects on their hosts. The kelp microbiome could support the burgeoning kelp cultivation sector by improving host growth, stress tolerance, and resistance to disease. Fundamental questions about the cultivated kelp microbiome still need to be addressed before microbiome-based approaches can be developed. A critical knowledge gap is how cultivated kelp microbiomes change as hosts grow, particularly following outplanting to sites that vary in abiotic conditions and microbial source pools. In this study we assessed if microbes that colonize kelp in the nursery stage persist after outplanting. We characterized microbiome succession over time on two species of kelp, Alaria marginata and Saccharina latissima, outplanted to open ocean cultivation sites in multiple geographic locations. We tested for host-species specificity of the microbiome and the effect of different abiotic conditions and microbial source pools on kelp microbiome stability during the cultivation process. We found the microbiome of kelp in the nursery is distinct from that of outplanted kelp. Few bacteria persisted on kelp following outplanting. Instead, we identified significant microbiome differences correlated with host species and microbial source pools at each cultivation site. Microbiome variation related to sampling month also indicates that seasonality in host and/or abiotic factors may influence temporal succession and microbiome turnover in cultivated kelps. This study provides a baseline understanding of microbiome dynamics during kelp cultivation and highlights research needs for applying microbiome manipulation to kelp cultivation.  相似文献   
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