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The muscle fiber number and fiber composition of muscle is largely determined during prenatal development. In order to discover genes that are involved in determining adult muscle phenotypes, we studied the gene expression profile of developing fetal bovine longissimus muscle from animals with two different genetic backgrounds using a bovine cDNA microarray. Fetal longissimus muscle was sampled at 4 stages of myogenesis and muscle maturation: primary myogenesis (d 60), secondary myogenesis (d 135), as well as beginning (d 195) and final stages (birth) of functional differentiation of muscle fibers. All fetuses and newborns (total n = 24) were from Hereford dams and crossed with either Wagyu (high intramuscular fat) or Piedmontese (GDF8 mutant) sires, genotypes that vary markedly in muscle and compositional characteristics later in postnatal life.  相似文献   
The plant toxin ricin is transported from the plasma membrane via early endosomes and the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum. From this compartment, it enters the cytosol and inhibits protein synthesis. Lipid phosphorylation is an important regulator of vesicular transport, and in the present study we have investigated the role of the phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase hVps34 in retrograde transport of ricin. Our data demonstrate that transport of ricin from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293) is dependent on PI(3)P. By using PI 3-kinase inhibitors, by sequestering the hVps34 product PI(3)P and by expressing mutants of hVps34 or small interfering RNA targeted against its messenger RNA, we show that hVps34 and its product PI(3)P are involved in transport of ricin from endosome to Golgi apparatus. Furthermore, we identify two effector proteins in the hVps34-dependent pathway, namely sorting nexin (SNX) 2 and SNX4. Knockdown of SNX2 or SNX4 inhibits ricin transport to the Golgi apparatus to the same extent as when hVps34 is perturbed. Furthermore, inhibition or knockdown of hVps34 redistributes these proteins. Interestingly, knocking down both SNX2 and SNX4 results in a better inhibition than knocking down only one of them, suggesting that they may act on separate pathways.  相似文献   
Two-step PCR procedures are an efficient and well established way to generate amplicon libraries for NGS sequencing. However, there is a high risk of cross-contamination by carry-over of amplicons from first to second amplification rounds, potentially leading to severe misinterpretation of results. Here we describe a new method able to prevent and/or to identify carry-over contaminations by introducing the K-box, a series of three synergistically acting short sequence elements. Our K-boxes are composed of (i) K1 sequences for suppression of contaminations, (ii) K2 sequences for detection of possible residual contaminations and (iii) S sequences acting as separators to avoid amplification bias. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method we analyzed two-step PCR NGS libraries derived from a multiplex PCR system for detection of T-cell receptor beta gene rearrangements. We used this system since it is of high clinical relevance and may be affected by very low amounts of contaminations. Spike-in contaminations are effectively blocked by the K-box even at high rates as demonstrated by ultra-deep sequencing of the amplicons. Thus, we recommend implementation of the K-box in two-step PCR-based NGS systems for research and diagnostic applications demanding high sensitivity and accuracy.  相似文献   
In eukaryotes, mRNA is actively exported to the cytoplasm by a family of nuclear RNA export factors (NXF). Four Nxf genes have been identified in the mouse: Nxf1, Nxf2, Nxf3, and Nxf7. Inactivation of Nxf2, a germ cell-specific gene, causes defects in spermatogenesis. Here we report that Nxf3 is expressed exclusively in Sertoli cells of the postnatal testis, in a developmentally regulated manner. Expression of Nxf3 coincides with the cessation of Sertoli cell proliferation and the beginning of their differentiation. Continued expression of Nxf3 in mature Sertoli cells of the adult is spermatogenesis stage-independent. Nxf3 is not essential for spermatogenesis, however, suggesting functional redundancy among Nxf family members. With its unique expression pattern in the testis, the promoter of Nxf3 can be used to drive postnatal Sertoli cell-specific expression of other proteins such as Cre recombinase.  相似文献   
Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas, contributing 0.4–0.5 W m?2 to global warming. Methane emissions originate from several sources, including wetlands, rice paddies, termites and ruminating animals. Previous measurements of methane flux from farm animals have been carried out on animals in unnatural conditions, in laboratory chambers or fitted with cumbersome masks. This study introduces eddy covariance measurements of CH4, using the newly developed LI‐COR LI‐7700 open‐path methane analyser, to measure field‐scale fluxes from sheep grazing freely on pasture. Under summer conditions, fluxes of methane in the morning averaged 30 nmol m?2 s?1, whereas those in the afternoon were above 100 nmol m?2 s?1, and were roughly two orders of magnitude larger than the small methane emissions from the soil. Methane emissions showed no clear relationship with air temperature or photosynthetically active radiation, but some diurnal pattern was apparent, probably linked to sheep grazing behaviour and metabolism. Over the measurement period (days 60–277, year 2010), cumulative methane fluxes were 0.34 mol CH4 m?2, equating to 134.3 g CO2 equivalents m?2. By comparison, a carbon dioxide (CO2) sink of 819 g CO2 equivalents m?2 was measured over the same period, but it is likely that much of this would be released back to the atmosphere during the winter or as off‐site losses (through microbial and animal respiration). By dividing methane fluxes by the number of sheep in the field each day, we calculated CH4 emissions per head of livestock as 7.4 kg CH4 sheep?1 yr?1, close to the published IPCC emission factor of 8 kg CH4 sheep?1 yr?1.  相似文献   
The hypothalamus is the central regulatory region of the brain that links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. It synthesizes and secretes neuropeptide hormones, which in turn act to stimulate or inhibit the secretion of pituitary hormones. We have undertaken a detailed MS investigation of the peptides present in the bovine hypothalamus by adapting a novel heat stabilization methodology, which improved peptide discovery to direct our studies into the molecular mechanisms involved in bovine reproduction. The untreated samples contained large numbers of protein degradation products that interfered with the analysis of the neuropeptides. In the thermally stabilized samples, we were able to identify many more neuropeptides that are known to be expressed in the bovine hypothalamus. Furthermore, we have characterized a range of post-translational modifications that indicate the presence of processed intact mature neuropeptides in the stabilized tissue samples, whereas we detected many trimmed or truncated peptides resulting from post-mortem degradation in the untreated tissue samples. Altogether, using an optimized workflow, we were able to identify 140 candidate neuropeptides. We also nominate six new candidate neuropeptides derived from proSAAS, secretogranin-2 and proTRH.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 16 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
We generated a clone of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos using oocyte pools from defined maternal sources to study nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions. Nucleocytoplasmic hybrids were reconstructed with Bos taurus (Brown Swiss) granulosa cells and oocytes that contained B. taurus A (Simmental), B. taurus B (Simmental), or Bos indicus (Dwarf Zebu) cytoplasm. Another set of embryos was reconstructed with randomly selected Brown Swiss (B. taurus R) oocytes. Embryo transfer resulted in nine (12.5%), nine (13.8%), three (50%), and 11 (16.7%) Day 80 fetuses, of which eight (11.1%), three (4.6%), three (50%), and 10 (15.2%) were viable, respectively. The proportion of viable fetuses was affected by cytoplasm (likelihood ratio test, P < 0.02) and was higher for embryos with B. indicus cytoplasm than for the B. taurus A (P < 0.05) and B (P < 0.01) groups. Furthermore, the proportion of surviving Day 80 fetuses was reduced for B. taurus B as compared with B. taurus A and B. taurus R cytoplasm (P < 0.05 and P < 0.02). Body weight of nucleocytoplasmic hybrid fetuses was not significantly different from Brown Swiss control fetuses produced by artificial insemination (AI), but fetuses reconstructed with random cytoplasts of the same breed as the nuclear donor exhibited overgrowth (P < 0.01) and a higher coefficient of variation in weight. Furthermore, body weight, crown rump length, thorax circumference (P < 0.05), and femur length (P < 0.01) of fetuses with B. taurus A cytoplasm differed from fetuses with B. taurus R cytoplasms. Fetal skin, heart, and liver cells with B. indicus cytoplasm showed a greater increase in number per time period (P < 0.001) and oxygen consumption rate per cell (skin and liver, P < 0.001; heart, P < 0.08) in comparison with their counterparts with B. taurus A cytoplasm. These data point to complex oocyte cytoplasm-dependent epigenetic modifications and/or nuclear DNA-mitochondrial DNA interactions with relevance to nuclear transfer and other reproductive technologies such as ooplasmic transfer in human assisted reproduction.  相似文献   
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