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The hypothalamus is the central regulatory region of the brain that links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. It synthesizes and secretes neuropeptide hormones, which in turn act to stimulate or inhibit the secretion of pituitary hormones. We have undertaken a detailed MS investigation of the peptides present in the bovine hypothalamus by adapting a novel heat stabilization methodology, which improved peptide discovery to direct our studies into the molecular mechanisms involved in bovine reproduction. The untreated samples contained large numbers of protein degradation products that interfered with the analysis of the neuropeptides. In the thermally stabilized samples, we were able to identify many more neuropeptides that are known to be expressed in the bovine hypothalamus. Furthermore, we have characterized a range of post-translational modifications that indicate the presence of processed intact mature neuropeptides in the stabilized tissue samples, whereas we detected many trimmed or truncated peptides resulting from post-mortem degradation in the untreated tissue samples. Altogether, using an optimized workflow, we were able to identify 140 candidate neuropeptides. We also nominate six new candidate neuropeptides derived from proSAAS, secretogranin-2 and proTRH.  相似文献   
Immunity to Toxoplasma gondii critically depends on TNFR type I-mediated immune reactions, but the precise role of the individual ligands of TNFR1, TNF and lymphotoxin-alpha (LTalpha), is still unknown. Upon oral infection with T. gondii, TNF(-/-), LTalpha(-/-), and TNF/LTalpha(-/-) mice failed to control intracerebral T. gondii and succumbed to an acute necrotizing Toxoplasma encephalitis, whereas wild-type (WT) mice survived. Intracerebral inducible NO synthase expression and-early after infection-splenic NO levels were reduced. Additionally, peritoneal macrophages produced reduced levels of NO upon infection with T. gondii and had significantly reduced toxoplasmastatic activity in TNF(-/-), LTalpha(-/-), and TNF/LTalpha(-/-) mice as compared with WT animals. Frequencies of parasite-specific IFN-gamma-producing T cells, intracerebral and splenic IFN-gamma production, and T. gondii-specific IgM and IgG titers in LTalpha(-/-) and TNF/LTalpha(-/-) mice were reduced only early after infection. In contrast, intracerebral IL-10 and IL-12p40 mRNA expression and splenic IL-2, IL-4, and IL-12 production were identical in all genotypes. In addition, TNF(-/-), LTalpha(-/-), and TNF/LTalpha(-/-), but not WT, mice succumbed to infection with the highly attenuated ts-4 strain of T. gondii or to a subsequent challenge infection with virulent RH toxoplasms, although they had identical frequencies of IFN-gamma-producing T cells as compared with WT mice. Generation and infection of bone marrow reconstitution chimeras demonstrated an exclusive role of hematogeneously produced TNF and LTalpha for survival of toxoplasmosis. These findings demonstrate the crucial role of both LTalpha and TNF for control of intracerebral toxoplasms.  相似文献   
We generated a clone of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos using oocyte pools from defined maternal sources to study nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions. Nucleocytoplasmic hybrids were reconstructed with Bos taurus (Brown Swiss) granulosa cells and oocytes that contained B. taurus A (Simmental), B. taurus B (Simmental), or Bos indicus (Dwarf Zebu) cytoplasm. Another set of embryos was reconstructed with randomly selected Brown Swiss (B. taurus R) oocytes. Embryo transfer resulted in nine (12.5%), nine (13.8%), three (50%), and 11 (16.7%) Day 80 fetuses, of which eight (11.1%), three (4.6%), three (50%), and 10 (15.2%) were viable, respectively. The proportion of viable fetuses was affected by cytoplasm (likelihood ratio test, P < 0.02) and was higher for embryos with B. indicus cytoplasm than for the B. taurus A (P < 0.05) and B (P < 0.01) groups. Furthermore, the proportion of surviving Day 80 fetuses was reduced for B. taurus B as compared with B. taurus A and B. taurus R cytoplasm (P < 0.05 and P < 0.02). Body weight of nucleocytoplasmic hybrid fetuses was not significantly different from Brown Swiss control fetuses produced by artificial insemination (AI), but fetuses reconstructed with random cytoplasts of the same breed as the nuclear donor exhibited overgrowth (P < 0.01) and a higher coefficient of variation in weight. Furthermore, body weight, crown rump length, thorax circumference (P < 0.05), and femur length (P < 0.01) of fetuses with B. taurus A cytoplasm differed from fetuses with B. taurus R cytoplasms. Fetal skin, heart, and liver cells with B. indicus cytoplasm showed a greater increase in number per time period (P < 0.001) and oxygen consumption rate per cell (skin and liver, P < 0.001; heart, P < 0.08) in comparison with their counterparts with B. taurus A cytoplasm. These data point to complex oocyte cytoplasm-dependent epigenetic modifications and/or nuclear DNA-mitochondrial DNA interactions with relevance to nuclear transfer and other reproductive technologies such as ooplasmic transfer in human assisted reproduction.  相似文献   
The steroid hormone aldosterone is important for salt and water homeostasis as well as for pathological tissue modifications in the cardiovascular system and the kidney. The mechanisms of action include a classical genomic pathway, but physiological relevant nongenotropic effects have also been described. Unlike for estrogens or progesterone, the mechanisms for these nongenotropic effects are not well understood, although pharmacological studies suggest a role for the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR). Here we investigated whether the MR contributes to nongenotropic effects. After transfection with human MR, aldosterone induced a rapid and dose-dependent phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) 1/2 kinases in Chinese hamster ovary or human embryonic kidney cells, which was reduced by the MR-antagonist spironolactone and involved cSrc kinase as well as the epidermal growth factor receptor. In primary human aortic endothelial cells, similar results were obtained for ERK1/2 and JNK1/2. Inhibition of MAPK kinase (MEK) kinase but not of protein kinase C prevented the rapid action of aldosterone and also reduced aldosterone-induced transactivation, most probably due to impaired nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of MR. Cytosolic Ca2+ was increased by aldosterone in mock- and in human MR-transfected cells to the same extend due to Ca2+ influx, whereas dexamethasone had virtually no effect. Spironolactone did not prevent the Ca2+ response. We conclude that some nongenotropic effects of aldosterone are MR dependent and others are MR independent (e.g. Ca2+), indicating a higher degree of complexity of rapid aldosterone signaling. According to this model, we have to distinguish three aldosterone signaling pathways: 1) genomic via MR, 2) nongenotropic via MR, and 3) nongenotropic MR independent.  相似文献   
We describe an original, short, and convenient chemical synthesis of enantiopure (S)-4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione (DPD), starting from commercial methyl (S)-(-)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolane-4-carboxylate. DPD is the precursor of autoinducer (AI)-2, the proposed signal for bacterial interspecies communication. AI-2 is synthesized by many bacterial species in three enzymatic steps. The last step, a LuxS-catalyzed reaction, leads to the formation of DPD, which spontaneously cyclizes into AI-2. AI-2-like activity of the synthesized molecule was ascertained by the Vibrio harveyi bioassay. To further validate the biological activity of synthetic DPD and to explore its potential in studying DPD (AI-2)-mediated signaling, a Salmonella typhimurium luxS mutant was constructed. Expression of the AI-2 regulated lsr operon can be rescued in this luxS mutant by addition of synthetic DPD or genetic complementation. Biofilm formation by S. typhimurium has been reported to be defective in a luxS mutant, and this was confirmed in this study to test DPD for chemical complementation. However, biofilm formation of the luxS mutant cannot be restored by addition of DPD. In contrast, introduction of luxS under control of its own promoter complemented biofilm formation. Further results demonstrated that biofilm formation of the luxS mutant cannot be restored with luxS under control of the strong nptII promoter. This indicates that altering the intrinsic promoter activity of luxS affects Salmonella biofilm formation. Conclusively, we synthesized biologically active DPD. Using this chemical compound in combination with genetic approaches opens new avenues in studying AI-2-mediated signaling.  相似文献   
TNF is critical for immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection; however, the relative contributions of the soluble and transmembrane forms of TNF in this immunity are unknown. Using memTNF mice, which express only the transmembrane form of TNF, we have addressed this question. Wild-type (WT), TNF-/-, and transmembrane TNF (memTNF) mice were infected with M. tuberculosis by aerosol. TNF-/- mice developed overwhelming infection with extensive pulmonary necrosis and died after only 33 days. memTNF mice, like WT mice, contained bacterial growth for over 16 wk, developed an Ag-specific T cell response, and initially displayed compact granulomas, comprised of both lymphocytes and macrophages. Expression of mRNA for the chemokines CXCL10, CCL3, CCL5, and CCL7 was comparable in both WT and memTNF mice. As the infection progressed, however, the pulmonary lesions in memTNF mice became larger and more diffuse, with increased neutrophil accumulation and necrosis. This was accompanied by increased influx of activated memory T cells into the lungs of memTNF mice. Eventually, these mice succumbed to infection with a mean time to death of 170 days. The expression of memTNF on T cells is functionally important because the transfer of T cells from memTNF, but not TNF-/- mice, into either RAG-/- or TNF-/- mice conferred the same survival advantage on the M. tuberculosis-infected recipient mice, as the transfer of WT T cells. Therefore, memTNF, in the absence of soluble TNF, is sufficient to control acute, but not chronic, M. tuberculosis infection, in part through its expression on T cells.  相似文献   
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