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Five weeks after the in vivo inoculation of potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum L.) with Agrobacterium. tumefaciens strain B6S3, bacteria were found in the non-differentiated cells of tumors (formed from xylem parenchyma or other living cells), in xylem cells at the site of inoculation, as well as in xylem cells of the adjacent stem.
Bacteria were attached by fibrillar aggregates to the tumor cell walls. They were also attached to a fibrillar mass which arose from agrobacteria connected to this mass in the tumor. Agrobacteria, singly or in pairs, were attached to an electron dense formation (possibly bacterial extracellular polysaccharides) found both inside the xylem cells of the stem adjacent to the tumor and at the site of inoculation. Some A. tumefaciens cells were attached by means of a pedestal-like structure at the inoculation site.
A possible function of the different means of attachment of A. tumefaciens in both nontransformed plant cells and tumors is discussed.  相似文献   
Endolysins as a class of antibacterial enzymes are expected to become a very useful tool for many purposes to control spreading of, e.g., multiresistant bacteria in different environments. Their antimicrobial properties could be broadened or altered by mutagenesis, domain swapping or gene shuffling. Therefore, the specific designing of endolysins to achieve their desired properties is challenging. This work is focused on the in silico analysis of protein domains presence in sequences of phage and prophage endolysins, followed by the study of variety of domain combinations in the individual endolysin types. The multiple sequence alignment of endolysin sequences revealed the recognition of sequence types with typical domain arrangement and conserved amino acids, divided according to the target substrate in bacterial cell walls. The five protein families of catalytic domains are specifically occurring in dependence of bacterial Gram-type. The presence, types and numbers of binding domains within endolysin sequences were also studied. The obtained results enable a more targeted design of endolysins with required antimicrobial properties.  相似文献   
In the present investigation, the binding of roscovitine (100, 500 and 1500 ng/mL) to plasma proteins was studied at 25 and 37 degrees C by ultrafiltration and equilibrium dialysis methods. Drug stability in plasma was assessed during a 48 h at 4, 25 and 37 degrees C. The effect of thawing and freezing on drug stability was studied. The pKa of roscovitine was measured using capillary electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry. Roscovitine was quantified utilizing liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. Roscovitine is highly bound to plasma proteins (90%). Binding of roscovitine to human serum albumin was constant (about 90%) within concentration range studied while the binding to alpha1-acid glycoprotein decreased with increasing drug concentration indicating that albumin is more important in clinical settings. However, alpha1-acid glycoprotein might be important when plasma proteins change with disease. Protein binding was higher at 25 degrees C compared to 37 degrees C. The results obtained by equilibrium dialysis were in good agreement with those obtained by ultrafiltration. Roscovitine was stable at all temperatures studied during 48 h. Roscovitine has a pKa of 4.4 showing that the drug mainly acts like a weak mono-base. The results obtained in our studies are important prior to clinical trials and to perform pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   
During co-incubation of human inter-alpha-inhibitor (IalphaI) and human tumor necrosis factor-stimulated gene 6 protein (TSG-6) SDS-stable interactions are formed between the two proteins. We have analyzed the products of this reaction and characterized the mechanism of complex formation. Following the incubation seven new bands not previously identified were apparent in SDS-PAGE. Three of these bands did not contain TSG-6, including heavy chain (HC)1.bikunin, HC2.bikunin, and free bikunin. In addition high molecular weight complexes composed of the same components as I alpha I, including HC1, HC2, and bikunin, were formed. The formation of these complexes was prevented by the addition of hyaluronan. The cross-links stabilizing these complexes displaying properties similar to the protein-glycosaminoglycan-protein (PGP) cross-link. The TSG-6-containing SDS-stable complexes were composed of HC1.TSG-6 or HC2.TSG-6 exclusively. Both glycosylated and non-glycosylated TSG-6 participated in the complex formation. The HC.TSG-6 cross-links were different from the PGP cross-link and were determined to be ester bonds between the alpha-carbonyl of the C-terminal Asp of the heavy chain and most likely a hydroxyl group containing the TSG-6 residue. The mechanism involved cleaving the PGP cross-link of I alpha I during a transesterification reaction. A TSG-6 hydroxyl group reacts with the ester bond between the alpha-carbonyl of the C-terminal Asp residues of HC1 or HC2 and carbon-6 of an internal N-acetylgalactosamine of the chondroitin-4-sulfate chain. An intermediate is formed resulting in a partitioning of the reaction between HC(1 or 2).TSG-6 complexes and transfer of HC(1 or 2) to the chondroitin via competing pathways.  相似文献   
The r1 and b1 genes of maize, each derived from the chromosomes of two progenitors that hybridized >4.8 million years ago (MYA), have been a rich source for studying transposition, recombination, genomic imprinting, and paramutation. To provide a phylogenetic context to the genetic studies, we sequenced orthologous regions from maize and sorghum (>600 kb) surrounding these genes and compared them with the rice genome. This comparison showed that the homologous regions underwent complete or partial gene deletions, selective retention of orthologous genes, and insertion of nonorthologous genes. Phylogenetic analyses of the r/b genes revealed that the ancestral gene was amplified independently in different grass lineages, that rice experienced an intragenomic gene movement and parallel duplication, that the maize r1 and b1 genes are descendants of two divergent progenitors, and that the two paralogous r genes of sorghum are almost as old as the sorghum lineage. Such sequence mobility also extends to linked genes. The cisZOG genes are characterized by gene amplification in an ancestral grass, parallel duplications and deletions in different grass lineages, and movement to a nonorthologous position in maize. In addition to gene mobility, both maize and rice regions experienced recent transposition (<3 MYA).  相似文献   
Pneumonia virus of mice (PVM) is a natural pathogen of mice and has been proposed as a tractable model for the replication of a pneumovirus in its natural host, which mimics human infection with human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). PVM infection in mice is highly productive in terms of virus production compared with the situation seen with RSV in mice. Because RSV suppresses CD8 T cell effector function in the lungs of infected mice, we have investigated the nature of PVM-induced CD8 T cell responses to study pneumovirus-induced T cell responses in a natural virus-host setting. PVM infection was associated with a massive influx of activated CD8 T cells into the lungs. After identification of three PVM-specific CD8 T cell epitopes, pulmonary CD8 T cell responses were enumerated. The combined frequency of cytokine-secreting CD8 T cells specific for the three epitopes was much smaller than the total number of activated CD8 T cells. Furthermore, quantitation of the CD8 T cell response against one of these epitopes (residues 261-270 from the phosphoprotein) by MHC class I pentamer staining and by in vitro stimulation followed by intracellular IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha staining indicated that the majority of pulmonary CD8 specific for the P261 epitope were deficient in cytokine production. This deficient phenotype was retained up to 96 days postinfection, similar to the situation in the lungs of human RSV-infected mice. The data suggest that PVM suppresses T cell effector functions in the lungs.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis KRYPTONITE gene encodes a member of the Su(var)3-9 family of histone methyltransferases. Mutations of kryptonite cause a reduction of methylated histone H3 lysine 9, a loss of DNA methylation, and reduced gene silencing. Lysine residues of histones can be either monomethylated, dimethylated or trimethylated and recent evidence suggests that different methylation states are found in different chromatin domains. Here we show that bulk Arabidopsis histones contain high levels of monomethylated and dimethylated, but not trimethylated histone H3 lysine 9. Using both immunostaining of nuclei and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, we show that monomethyl and dimethyl histone H3 lysine 9 are concentrated in heterochromatin. In kryptonite mutants, dimethyl histone H3 lysine 9 is nearly completely lost, but monomethyl histone H3 lysine 9 levels are only slightly reduced. Recombinant KRYPTONITE can add one or two, but not three, methyl groups to the lysine 9 position of histone H3. Further, we identify a KRYPTONITE-related protein, SUVH6, which displays histone H3 lysine 9 methylation activity with a spectrum similar to that of KRYPTONITE. Our results suggest that multiple Su(var)3-9 family members are active in Arabidopsis and that dimethylation of histone H3 lysine 9 is the critical mark for gene silencing and DNA methylation.  相似文献   
The antioxidant enzyme extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is mainly found in the extracellular matrix of tissues. EC-SOD participates in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species by catalyzing the dismutation of superoxide radicals. The tissue distribution of the enzyme is particularly important because of the reactive nature of its substrate, and it is likely essential that EC-SOD is positioned at the site of superoxide production to prevent adventitious oxidation. EC-SOD contains a C-terminal heparin-binding region thought to be important for modulating its distribution in the extracellular matrix. This paper demonstrates that, in addition to binding heparin, EC-SOD specifically binds to type I collagen with a dissociation constant (K(d)) of 200 nm. The heparin-binding region was found to mediate the interaction with collagen. Notably, the bound EC-SOD significantly protects type I collagen from oxidative fragmentation. This expands the known repertoire of EC-SOD binding partners and may play an important physiological role in preventing oxidative fragmentation of collagen during oxidative stress.  相似文献   
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