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1. The disappearance of pyridine nucleotides during incubation with mosquito homogenates proceeds through the hydrolysis of the pyrophosphate linkage of these compounds as demonstrated by the formation of NMN and AMP from NAD(+). This reaction was also demonstrated by the loss in the coenzyme functioning property of NAD(+) (yeast alcohol dehydrogenase reaction) without a concomitant loss in reactivity towards cyanide. Transglycosidase activity was not observed in the mosquito homogenates, and low concentrations of nicotinamide did not inhibit the NAD(+) splitting activity of these homogenates. These observations are all in accord with the presence in these homogenates of a NAD(+) pyrophosphatase rather than a NADase. 2. The NAD(+) pyrophosphatase is destroyed by boiling, is not heat-activated, and has a pH optimum at pH8.75. In addition to NAD(+), other dinucleotides such as NADP(+), the 3-acetylpyridine and thionicotinamide analogues of NAD(+) and the thionicotinamide analogue of NADP(+), function as substrates in the hydrolysis catalysed by the pyrophosphatase. 3. A decrease in the specific activity of NAD(+) pyrophosphatase was observed during larval development, and a barely detectable activity was found in the pupa and adult. 4. Enzyme activity per organism increased in the larva but decreased to a very low value in the pupa and adult. These results indicate that the decrease in specific activity was due to a decrease in enzyme concentration rather than an increase in amounts of protein.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that cocaine-induced impairment of left ventricular function results in cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Mongrel dogs, anesthetized with alpha-chloralose, were injected with two doses of cocaine (5 mg/kg iv) 27 min apart. Cocaine produced transient decreases in aortic and left ventricular systolic pressures that were followed by increases exceeding control. As aortic pressure recovered, left ventricular end-diastolic, left atrial (Pla), pulmonary arterial (Ppa), and central venous pressures rose. Cardiac output and stroke volume were reduced when measured 4-5 min after cocaine administration. Peak Ppa and Pla were 31 +/- 5 (SE) mmHg (range 17-51 mmHg) and 26 +/- 5 mmHg (range 12-47 mmHg), respectively. Increases in extravascular lung water content (4.10 to 6.24 g H2O/g dry lung wt) developed in four animals in which Pla exceeded 30 mmHg. Analysis of left ventricular function curves revealed that cocaine depressed the inotropic state of the left ventricle. Cocaine-induced changes in hemodynamics spontaneously recovered and could be elicited again by the second dose of the drug. Our results show that cocaine-induced pulmonary hypertension, associated with decreased left ventricular function, produces pulmonary edema if pulmonary vascular pressures rise sufficiently.  相似文献   
Vascular Development and Sap Flow in Apple Pedicels   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Xylem and phloem tissues of the pedicel of apple fruit increasein cross-sectional area throughout development. The increasein phloem is similar in the two cultivars examined (Cox's OrangePippin and Royal Gala) and reflects a steadily increasing phloemsap flow to the fruit. The increase in xylem tissue is due toa proliferation of non-conducting, structural, components sinceclose examination reveals no increase in the number of vesselelements from just after flowering onwards. The greater number,and the larger diameter, of the vessels in Cox's explains theinitially higher xylem conductance found in this cultivar. In vitro measurements of xylem exudation reveal a decline duringthe growing season in the xylem conductance of both cultivarsand an increasing proportion of fruit (particularly in Cox's)in which the xylem comes to be totally non-conducting. Thisobservation is in line with previously reported measurementsof xylem sap flow in vivo. The straightforward techniques used in this study offer a feasiblealternative to more arduous methods of assessing xylem and phloemsap flows and their balance during growth.Copyright 1994, 1999Academic Press Apple, xylem, phloem, vascular development, sap flow, Malus domestica Borkh  相似文献   
A locus for Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) has recently been mapped to a 30-cM region of chromosome 14q in five pedigrees of Japanese descent. MJD is a clinically pleomorphic neurodegenerative disease that was originally described in subjects of Azorean descent. In light of the nonallelic heterogeneity in other inherited spinocere-bellar ataxias, we were interested to determine if the MJD phenotype in Japanese and Azorean pedigrees arose from mutations at the same locus. We provide evidence that MJD in five pedigrees of Azorean descent is also linked to chromosome 14q in an 18-cM region between the markers D14S67 and AACT (multipoint lod score +7.00 near D14S81). We also report molecular evidence for homozy-gosity at the MJD locus in an MJD-affected subject with severe, early-onset symptoms. These observations confirm the initial report of linkage of MJD to chromosome 14; suggest that MJD in Japanese and Azorean subjects may represent allelic or identical mutations at the same locus; and provide one possible explanation (MJD gene dosage) for the observed phenotypic heterogeneity in this disease.  相似文献   
Mixed cultures degrading chlorinated benzenes, chlorinated phenols, or hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) as the sole source of carbon and energy were obtained by enrichment from contaminated soil samples. Cultures which metabolized 3-chlorophenol (3-CP), 2,3-dichlorophenol (2,3-DCP), or 2,6-dichlorophenol (2,6-DCP) were able to utilize several other chlorinated compounds as substrates, whereas cultures enriched with 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene (1,2,4,5-TeCB), -HCH, or -HCH did not metabolize most of the other chlorinated congeners tested. Chloride release and growth rates with all four chlorinated phenols decreased with increasing initial substrate concentrations within the range of 30–250 mol liter–1. Maximum chloride release was 3.8 mg liter–1 corresponding to 35 mol liter–1 trichlorophenol within 7 weeks. In contrast, the rate of metabolism of the nonphenolic compounds 1,2,4,5-TeCB, -HCH, or -HCH increased with increasing substrate concentrations. Initial concentrations of 750 mol liter–1 -HCH or 1,2,4,5-TeCB were completely dechlorinated within 2 weeks. Because aqueous solubility and bioavailability of the chlorophenolic compounds is much higher than that of the nonphenolic compounds, it is suggested that the high bioavailability of the chlorophenolic compounds is the reason for the high toxicity of these substrates to the degrading cultures. In contrast, the low aqueous solubilities of the chlorinated benzenes and HCH-isomers caused consistently low concentrations in the medium, which were high enough to induce degradation but too low to damage the bacterial cells.Correspondence to: E. Lang  相似文献   
Cells from a variety of tissues regulate their volume when exposed to anisotonic conditions. After exposure of cells to hypotonic conditions, the rapid phase of cell swelling is followed by a slower phase of cell shrinkage towards the initial volume. The present study investigates morphological alterations of adherent and fully spread cells after exposure to hypotonic conditions and the reorganization of cytoskeletal components such as F-actin, actin-binding proteins, microtubules and intermediate-sized filaments. We used cells of a continuous epithelial cell line from the opossum kidney (OK cells), which were exposed to hypotonic conditions for a period of 60 min at 25° C. The osmolarity was reduced by 40% from 320 mosmol/l (isotonic conditions) to 192 mosmol/l (hypotonic conditions). The initial swelling after exposure of OK cells to hypotonic conditions caused enhanced ruffling membrane activity, formation of lamellipodia and an extended space between adjacent cells which was caused by a more rounded cell shape. Moreover, the height of cells located in the centre of cell clusters increased by 32±8% (mean value±SEM) as checked by morphometric analysis of the vertical distance between the apical and basolateral F-actin domain. Although the fluorescence intensity and organization of F-actin in a horizontal direction remained unaltered during cell swelling, we observed a loss of periodicity and irregular distribution of myosin aggregates and a partial rear-rangement of vimentin filaments in the form of short fragments. In all experiments the organization of microtubules was observed to be unaltered. The alterations described above were reversible during cell shrinkage towards the initial volume, i.e. at 60 min after exposure to hypotonic conditions cell morphology and cytoskeletal organization no longer differed from the corresponding controls which were kept under isotonic conditions for the whole experimental period. The results demonstrate that only certain intracellular cytoskeletal components are actively involved in cell swelling and regulatory volume decrease.  相似文献   
Ampullosporin A is a 15-mer peptaibol type polypeptide that induces pigment formation by the fungus Phoma destructiva, forms voltage-dependent ion channels in membranes and exhibits hypothermic effects in mice. The structure of ampullosporin A has been determined by x-ray crystallography. This is the first three-dimensional (3D) structure of the peptaibol subfamily SF6. From the N-terminus to residue 13 the molecule adopts an approximate right-handed alpha-helical geometry, whereas a less regular structure pattern with beta-turn characteristics is found in the C-terminus. Even though ampullosporin A does not contain a single proline or hydroxyproline it is significantly bent. It belongs to both the shortest and the most strongly bent peptaibol 3D structures. The straight structure part encompasses residues Ac-Trp(1)-Aib(10) and is thus less extended than the alpha-helical subunit. The 3D structure of ampullosporin A is discussed in relation to other experimentally determined peptaibol structures and in the context of its channel-forming properties. As a part of this comparison a novel bending analysis based on a 3D curvilinear axis describing the global structural characteristics has been proposed and applied to all 3D peptaibol structures. A sampling of 2500 conformations using different molecular dynamics protocols yields, for the complete ampullosporin A structure, an alpha-helix as the preferred conformation in vacuo with almost no bend. This indicates that solvent or crystal effects may be important for the experimentally observed peptide backbone bending characteristics of ampullosporin A.  相似文献   
VAMP proteins are important components of the machinery controlling docking and/or fusion of secretory vesicles with their target membrane. We investigated the expression of VAMP proteins in pancreatic beta-cells and their implication in the exocytosis of insulin. cDNA cloning revealed that VAMP-2 and cellubrevin, but not VAMP-1, are expressed in rat pancreatic islets and that their sequence is identical to that isolated from rat brain. Pancreatic beta-cells contain secretory granules that store and secrete insulin as well as synaptic-like microvesicles carrying gamma-aminobutyric acid. After subcellular fractionation on continuous sucrose gradients, VAMP-2 and cellubrevin were found to be associated with both types of secretory vesicle. The association of VAMP-2 with insulin-containing granules was confirmed by confocal microscopy of primary cultures of rat pancreatic beta-cells. Pretreatment of streptolysin-O permeabilized insulin-secreting cells with tetanus and botulinum B neurotoxins selectively cleaved VAMP-2 and cellubrevin and abolished Ca(2+)-induced insulin release (IC50 approximately 15 nM). By contrast, the pretreatment with tetanus and botulinum B neurotoxins did not prevent GTP gamma S-stimulated insulin secretion. Taken together, our results show that pancreatic beta-cells express VAMP-2 and cellubrevin and that one or both of these proteins selectively control Ca(2+)-mediated insulin secretion.  相似文献   
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