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The life history characteristics, population dynamics and production of Pontoporeia hoyi in Lake George, New York, were studied from May 1981 through October 1982. P. hoyi, in terms of both density and standing crop, is the most prevalent member of the deep water macrobenthos of Lake George. It reproduces in the winter, with young being released in the late winter-early spring. At the southernmost study site, young released in the spring grew to 6–7 mm in length and bred during their first winter. At the remaining sites, P. hoyi required two years to complete its life cycle. This difference in life history characteristics can be related to food availability and temperature differences. The open waters of the south end of Lake George are not only more productive but are also more closely associated with the littoral zone, providing a wealth of bacteria-rich detritus for benthic deposit feeders. The greater food availability in the south basin of Lake George is reflected in significantly larger brood sizes and smaller size at maturity for P. hoyi populations from the south end of the lake.The southernmost study site has significantly greater P. hoyi density and standing crop than all other sites. The cohort of the year dominated density and standing crop at the southern site while the cohort of the previous year dominated standing crop at the other sites. Peak abundance ranged from 600 · m–2 at the north site to 2 900 · m–2 at the south site. Cohort production ranged from 2g · m–2 at the north site to 15g · m–2 at the south site.  相似文献   
The ribosome-releasing factor (RRF) gene was localized at a position between 2 and 6 min on the Escherichia coli chromosome by measuring the gene-dosage-dependent production of RRF in various E. coli F' merozygotes. This position was confirmed and refined by using a nucleotide probe corresponding to a 16-amino-acid sequence in RRF. It was found that the RRF gene was contained in pLC 6-32 of the Clark-Carbon Gene Bank. Restriction enzyme mapping of E. coli genomic DNA with the above probe led us to conclude that the RRF gene is situated in the 4-min region, somewhere downstream (clockwise) of the elongation factor Ts gene, tsf. A pLC 6-32-derived DNA fragment which carries the RRF gene was found to contain a partial sequence of tsf. The exact location of the translational initiation site of the RRF gene was determined to be 1.1 kilobases downstream from the translational termination site of tsf. The RRF gene is designated frr.  相似文献   
The breeding system of the extremely diverse species Persoonia mollis (Proteaceae) was characterized to, firstly, assess its importance as a mechanism promoting diversity and, secondly, to investigate the mode of control over selective fruit abortion. Fruit quantity and quality was assessed following self-and outcross-pollination manipulations. Twenty percent of outcrossed flowers set fruit, compared to only 1% of flowers fertilized with self-pollen. Fruits produced by self-fertilization were 72% of the weight of cross-fertilized fruits. Fruits produced by self-fertilization were significantly fewer in number and lighter than fruits following natural pollination of unmanipulated flowers (17% fruit set), but outcrossed and naturally pollinated fruits were equivalent. Flower to fruit demography suggested that a post-zygotic mechanism may be preferentially selecting the most vigorous zygote genotypes, as ovary abscission occurs mostly between 4 and 30 weeks after pollination, regardless of pollen source. Self-pollen tube growth was found to be inhibited within the styly, while pollen tubes were found in the ovary for 50% of all outcrossed flowers. These data suggest that a pre-zygotic pseudo self-incompatibility mechanism is the cause of low fruit set following self-pollination. The breeding system of P. mollis was found to promote outbreeding, with an emphasis on flexibility and post-zygotic choice following pre-zygotic pseudo self-incompatibility.Publication no. 120 from the Ecology and Genetics Group of the University of Wollongong  相似文献   
A series of epidemiological studies have indicated associations between exposure to magnetic fields (MFs) and a variety of cancers, including breast cancer. In order to test the possibility that MF acts as a cancer promoter or copromoter, four separate experiments have been conducted in rats in which the effects of chronic exposure to MFs on the development of mammary tumors induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) were determined. Female rats were exposed in magnetic coils for 91 days (24 h/day) to either alternating current (AC; 50 Hz)-MF or direct current (DC)-MF. Magnetic flux density of the DC-MF was 15 mT. Two AC-MF exposures used a homogeneous field with a flux density of 30 mT (rms); one used a gradient field with flux density ranging from 0.3–1 μT. DMBA (5 mg) was administered orally at the onset of MF exposure and was repeated thrice at intervals of 1 week. In each experiment, 18–36 animals were exposed in 6 magnetic coils. The same number of rats were used as sham-exposed control. These control animals were treated with DMBA and were placed in dummy coils in the same room as the MF-exposed rats. Furthermore, groups of age-matched rats (reference controls) were treated with DMBA but housed in another room to exclude any MF exposure due to the magnetic stray field from the MF produced by coils. At the end of the exposure or sham-exposure period, tumor number and weight or size of tumors were determined at necropsy. Results were as follows: In sham-exposed animals or reference controls, the tumor incidence varied between 50 and 78% in the 4 experiments. The average number of mammary tumors per tumor-bearing animal varied between 1.6 and 2.9. In none of the experiments did MFs significantly alter tumor incidence, but in one of the experiments with AC-MF exposure at 30 mT, the number of tumors per tumor-bearing animal was significantly increased. Furthermore, exposure to a DC-MF at 15 mT significantly enhanced the tumor weight. Exposure to a gradient AC-MF at 0.3–1 μT exerted no significant effects. These experiments seem to indicate that MFs at high flux densities may act as a promoter or copromoter of breast cancer. However, this interpretation must be considered only a tentative conclusion because of the limitations of this study, particularly the small sample size used for MF exposure and the lack of repetition of data. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   
用大鼠肝脏门静脉或肝静脉周围的肝细胞来研究葡萄糖和酮体生成的区域分布。肝细胞通过毛地黄皂苷-胶原酶灌流技术分离。门静脉周围肝细胞的γ谷氨酰转肽酶的活性比肝静脉周围肝细胞高2.4倍;而谷氨酰胺合成酶的活性则相反,肝静脉周围肝细胞高出56倍。门静脉周围肝细胞的内源性葡萄糖合成比肝静脉周围肝细胞高1.57倍。给予刺激葡萄糖异生的底物,门静脉周围肝细胞的葡萄糖合成则增加1.7-2.1倍。肝静脉周围肝细胞的内源性酮体生成比门静脉周围肝细胞高1.3倍。给予能明显刺激酮体生成的辛酸盐,肝静脉周围肝细胞的酮体生成仅略为增加。我们的结果证实,在基础和刺激的条件下,葡萄糖的异生在门静脉周围肝细胞中优先,而酮体生成仅在肝静脉周围肝细胞占微弱的优势。  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced c-fos and c-jun expression is strongly suppressed in microgravity. We investigate here whether this is due to inhibition of processes occurring during the initiation of EGF-induced signal transduction. For this purpose, EGF-induced receptor clustering is used as a marker. The lateral distribution of EGF receptors is directly visualized at an ultrastructural level by the label-fracture method. Quantification of the receptor distributions shows that EGF-induced receptor redistribution is similar under normal and microgravity conditions. This suggests that microgravity influences EGF-induced signal transduction downstream of EGF binding and EGF receptor redistribution, but upstream of early gene expression in human A431 cells.  相似文献   
Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is common and associated with multiple serious public health implications. A consensus definition of TRD with demonstrated predictive utility in terms of clinical decision-making and health outcomes does not currently exist. Instead, a plethora of definitions have been proposed, which vary significantly in their conceptual framework. The absence of a consensus definition hampers precise estimates of the prevalence of TRD, and also belies efforts to identify risk factors, prevention opportunities, and effective interventions. In addition, it results in heterogeneity in clinical practice decision-making, adversely affecting quality of care. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have adopted the most used definition of TRD (i.e., inadequate response to a minimum of two antidepressants despite adequacy of the treatment trial and adherence to treatment). It is currently estimated that at least 30% of persons with depression meet this definition. A significant percentage of persons with TRD are actually pseudo-resistant (e.g., due to inadequacy of treatment trials or non-adherence to treatment). Although multiple sociodemographic, clinical, treatment and contextual factors are known to negatively moderate response in persons with depression, very few factors are regarded as predictive of non-response across multiple modalities of treatment. Intravenous ketamine and intranasal esketamine (co-administered with an antidepressant) are established as efficacious in the management of TRD. Some second-generation antipsychotics (e.g., aripiprazole, brexpiprazole, cariprazine, quetiapine XR) are proven effective as adjunctive treatments to antidepressants in partial responders, but only the olanzapine-fluoxetine combination has been studied in FDA-defined TRD. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is established as effective and FDA-approved for individuals with TRD, with accelerated theta-burst TMS also recently showing efficacy. Electroconvulsive therapy is regarded as an effective acute and maintenance intervention in TRD, with preliminary evidence suggesting non-inferiority to acute intravenous ketamine. Evidence for extending antidepressant trial, medication switching and combining antidepressants is mixed. Manual-based psychotherapies are not established as efficacious on their own in TRD, but offer significant symptomatic relief when added to conventional antidepressants. Digital therapeutics are under study and represent a potential future clinical vista in this population.  相似文献   
Detached leaves of Cyclamen persicum Mill. can be used as a simple source-sink system. Phloem transport in the excised material was monitored by the noninvasive 11C-technique. Assimilate movement stopped immediately when the petiole was cut off. However, within 20 min a recovery of transport was observed. The translocation rate in the detached leaf was only 13% of that in the intact plant. 14C-Xenobiotics and [3H]sucrose were injected into the upper petiole parenchyma (source). They moved downstream by a symplastic route. The stump of the petiole was inserted into a buffer solution containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (sink). After 3 h, the distribution of sucrose and xenobiotics was determined in five subsequent segments of the petiole (path). The retention coefficient (r) was calculated from the ratio of radioactivity in the vascular bundle to that in the petiole parenchyma. The distribution along the vascular path was given by a geometric progression, whereas its constant was the transport coefficient (q). Values of r and q corresponded with the degree of phloem mobility and ambimobility. Four groups of compounds were classified: (i) acidic substances with log Kow = — 2 to — 2.4 (Kow is the partition coefficient octanol/water) at pH 8 (pH of sieve tube sap), retained by ion trapping and exhibiting small lateral efflux (q0.7; maleic hydrazide, dalapon); (ii) acidic substances with log Kow = — 0.7 to — 0.8 at pH 8, retained by ion trapping and subjected to a moderate lateral efflux (0.7>q> 0.5; 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, bromoxynil); (iii) nonionised substances retained by optimum permeability, exhibiting a considerable lateral leakage (q<0.5; glyphosate, amitrole); (iv) substances without basipetal transport in the phloem (atrazine, diuron). Retention of sucrose corresponded quantitatively with that shown in group (i). This classification was also supported by results of uptake and efflux experiments using the isolated conducting tissue. Theoretical translocation profiles were calculated from the determined transport coefficients (q).Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - Kow partition coefficient octanol/water - MCPA 2-methyl-4-chloro-phenoxyacetic acid - q transport coefficient in the vascular bundle - r retention coefficient in the vascular bundle The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of H. Fiedler and M. Neugebauer. We are particularly grateful to K. Dutschka, G. Hudepokl, and Dr. J. Knust for producing 11CO2.  相似文献   
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