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The interaction of 11 overlapping synthetic peptides corresponding to N-terminal segment of HIV transmembrane glycoprotein gp41 (fusion domain) with artificial lipid membranes has been studied. For this purpose the increase of a bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) conductivity and the changes in ESR spectra of spin-labelled liposomes were registrated. Peptide fragment 523-532 gp160 (BRU strain) had the critical length with regard to channel-forming activity on BLM. The degree of such membranotropic action increased simultaneously with the growth of peptide length and the temperature in the cell. Peptides 518-532 and 517-532 lysed TEMPOcholine-containing liposomes at 37 degrees C. The significance of observed effects for explanation of the mechanism of HIV-induced membrane fusion is discussed.  相似文献   
Experimental data are reported on DNA-cleaving activity of the synthetic netropsin analogs consisting of the two N-propylpyrrole carboxamide units linked covalently through two or three glycine residues to a copper-chelating tripeptide glycyl-glycyl-L-histidine. Incubation of DNA restriction fragment and netropsin analog in the presence of ascorbate, hydrogen peroxide and Cu2+ ions resulted in selective cleavage of the DNA at or near the preferred sites for binding of netropsin analog. A similar cleavage pattern is observed after X-ray irradiation of DNA complexes with netropsin analogs tethered with Cu2+ ions. The cleavage patterns are found to be dependent on the length of the connecting chain between the histidine-containing tripeptide and netropsin analog. The netropsin analog containing three glycine residues in the connecting chain, but not the analog with a shorter linker chain, can generate an intense cleavage of one of the two polynucleotide chains at a position corresponding to the presumed binding site for the dimeric ligand species. More than 50% of the total DNA can be cleaved at this position after X-ray irradiation. From analysis of the nucleotide sequences surrounding the preferred cleavage site on several DNA fragments we found that the consensus is 5'-TTTTNCA*AAA-3', where N is an arbitrary nucleotide. The Cu(2+)-mediated cleavage of DNA occurs at the second adenine (indicated by an asterisk) from the 5'-end of the sequence. The greatest cleavage activity is observed when the molar ratio of Cu2+ to the netropsin analog is equal to 0.5. Evidently, the Cu(2+)-ligated and unligated oligopeptide species interacts with each other to form a heterodimer bound to DNA at the cleavage site. To test the validity of this model we have studied the binding of unligated netropsin analog and netropsin analog complexed with Cu2+ ion to a self-complementary oligonucleotide 5'-GCGTTTTGCAAAACGC-3'. It is found that binding of Cu(2+)-ligated netropsin analog to the DNA oligomer preincubated with unligated form of the oligopeptide is a cooperative process for which interactions between the two bound ligands are responsible. The cooperativity parameter is estimated to be on the order of factor 6. Finally, a model is proposed in which a heterodimer stabilized by interligand beta-sheet binds in the minor DNA groove.  相似文献   
Chemical syntheses of the four deoxyribodecanucleotides, d(T-C-G-A-A-G-T-C-G-A), d(C-G-T-C-A-T-C-G-A-C), d(T-G-A-C-G-G-C-A-G-A), and d(C-T-A-A-A-T-C-T-G-C) are described. These polynucleotides form, respectively, segments 7 to 10 in the plan adopted for the total synthesis of the DNA corresponding to the precursor for the Escherichia coli tyrosine tRNA. The syntheses used the principles of stepwise addition of protected mono- and oligonucleotides to the 3'-hydroxyl end of growing oligonucleotide chains. Detailed schemes used in the present syntheses are shown in Diagrams 1 to 4 in the text. The final products were subjected to extensive chromatography and were characterized as pure by chemical and enzymatic procedures.  相似文献   
Abstract  Two new species of Nysius Dallas, N. orarius sp. n. and N. tasmaniensis sp. n. are described from New South Wales and Tasmania (Australia), respectively. A new monotypic genus, Reticulatonysius , with type-species R. queenslandensis sp. n. is described from Queensland, and its systematic relationship with other orsilline genera is discussed.  相似文献   
The phenomenon of reproduction of the series of passive single-joint movements in the tested arm by the contralateral arm just in the course of passive movements with no visual control was studied in 35 healthy subjects and 13 post-stroke patients in order to develop a new method for objective assessment of sense of the arm motion for the detection of proprioceptive deficit and for monitoring of the changes in proprioception during rehabilitation. We examined the reproduction of flexion–extension at the elbow and wrist joints, abduction–adduction at the wrist joint and the forearm pronation–supination in both right and left arms in healthy subjects and in the affected arm in post-stroke patients. Displacements of the angles in the tested joint and a homonymous joint of the other arm were acquired by means of video recording system, goniometers, or 9-DoF inertional-magnetometric sensors. Qualitative and quantitative indicators were evaluated to assess the similarity of the passive and active movements. It has been found that the healthy subjects are able to actively reproduce the repeated passive movements at different joints of either the left or right tested arm almost simultaneously and with quite accurate reproduction of an amplitude and shape of movement. At the same time, most of post-stroke patients reproduce movements either with qualitative errors demonstrating incorrect location or wrong estimation of direction or number of repeated test movements, or with significant reduction of accuracy (increased latency or shape distortion). We proposed a method for the assessment of movement proprioception at individual joints. The procedure is easy and convenient for both physicians and patients. It does not require special heavy equipment and can easily be performed under different conditions in a wide range of patients.  相似文献   
Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) were isolated and expanded from biopsy samples of 4 patients with metastatic melanoma. The patients were treated with autologous expanded TIL and continuous or bolus infusion of Interleukin 2 (IL-2) at a dose of 18 × 106 International Units/m2/day for 5 days starting 36–48 hours after administration of cyclophosphamide at a dose of 1 g/m2. The number of TIL infused ranged from 1010 to 5,56 × 1010 cells. Two patients had stable disease (SD) lasting for 2 1/2 and 4 months respectively and they died 24 and 13 months after therapy. One patient died during therapy due to a pseudomonas septicaemia and another patient developed progressive disease (PD). He died 3 months after the start of therapy. The side effects were substantial but most of them were reversible upon cessation of the treatment.The majority of the expanded TIL of all patients were of the CD8+ phenotype. Cutaneous metastases from two patients, removed after treatment with IL-2 and TIL, showed moderate lymphocytic infiltration also mainly of CD8+ T cells.The treatment with IL-2 and TIL is feasible, but further investigations should continue in an attempt to improve the efficacy of the therapy, to reduce toxicity and to diminish the costs and labour of the culture methods.  相似文献   
Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is a key regulator of various forms of cell motility including smooth muscle contraction, cell migration, cytokinesis, receptor capping, secretion, etc. Inhibition of MLCK activity in endothelial and epithelial monolayers using cell‐permeant peptide Arg‐Lys‐Lys‐Tyr‐Lys‐Tyr‐Arg‐Arg‐Lys (PIK, P eptide I nhibitor of K inase) allows protecting the barrier capacity, suggesting a potential medical use of PIK. However, low stability of L ‐PIK in a biological milieu prompts for development of more stable L ‐PIK analogues for use as experimental tools in basic and drug‐oriented biomedical research. Previously, we designed PIK1, H‐(NαMe)Arg‐Lys‐Lys‐Tyr‐Lys‐Tyr‐Arg‐Arg‐Lys‐NH2, that was 2.5‐fold more resistant to peptidases in human plasma in vitro than L ‐PIK and equal to it as MLCK inhibitor. In order to further enhance proteolytic stability of PIK inhibitor, we designed the set of six site‐protected peptides based on L ‐PIK and PIK1 degradation patterns in human plasma as revealed by 1H‐NMR analysis. Implemented modifications increased half‐live of the PIK‐related peptides in plasma about 10‐fold, and these compounds retained 25–100% of L ‐PIK inhibitory activity toward MLCK in vitro. Based on stability and functional activity ranking, PIK2, H‐(NαMe)Arg‐Lys‐Lys‐Tyr‐Lys‐Tyr‐Arg‐D ‐Arg‐Lys‐NH2, was identified as the most stable and effective L ‐PIK analogue. PIK2 was able to decrease myosin light chain phosphorylation in endothelial cells stimulated with thrombin, and this effect correlated with the inhibition by PIK2 of thrombin‐induced endothelial hyperpermeability in vitro. Therefore, PIK2 could be used as novel alternative to other cell‐permeant inhibitors of MLCK in cell culture‐based and in vivo studies where MLCK catalytic activity inhibition is required. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The influence of respiratory viruses (adenovirus, influenza virus) on humoral immune response to heterologous T-dependent and T-independent antigens was studied. It was shown that inoculation of mice by the influenza virus (A/PR8/34-A/PR/8) 3 days before sheep red blood cells administration led to the inhibition of antibody forming cell (AFC) and immunoglobulin, forming cell (IFC) increase on 69% and 59% respectively. Adenovirus type 6 induced the similar suppression of AFC and IFC formation. Thus, viruses induced immuno-suppression, which was polyclonal. It was also shown that virus of one strain (type) could inhibit immune response to another strain (type) of virus. The immune response to T-independent antigen was not suppressed. The virus-induced immunosuppression was dependent on: 1) the infectivity of respiratory viruses, 2) the route of virus and heterologous antigen injection, and 3) the interval between the viruses and antigen inoculation.  相似文献   
Mice injected with syngeneic cellulose-conjugated immunoglobulins (Ig) containing antibodies to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) develop a specific non-responsiveness to SRBC. Such animals demonstrate a sharp decrease not only in the formation of anti-SRBC antibody producers but also of the cells secreting antigen-dependent nonspecific Ig. The inhibition of both these processes is antigen-specific. It is suggested that inhibition of the cells forming antigen-dependent nonspecific Ig is due to suppression of either hypothetic inductors or precursors of these cells expressing an idiotype spectrum similar to that of anti-SRBC antibody producers.  相似文献   
Multiple antigenic peptides (MAPs), a sequence which include common antigenic epitopes of outer membrane porins (OM) bacteria of the genus Yersinia (Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, Y. pestis), pathogenic for humans have been synthesized. After immunization of BALB/c mice the antiserum to the peptide have been obtained. With the help of ELISA we showed that these sera interact with porins isolated from OM pathogenic Yersinia, and MAP interact with antibodies in sera from rabbits immunized with individual porins, and with antibodies in sera of patients with intestinal yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis.  相似文献   
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