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Cell Wall Ingrowths in Nematode Induced Syncytia Require UGD2 and UGD3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii infects roots of Arabidopsis plants and establishes feeding sites called syncytia, which are the only nutrient source for nematodes. Development of syncytia is accompanied by changes in cell wall structures including the development of cell wall ingrowths. UDP-glucuronic acid is a precursor of several cell wall polysaccharides and can be produced by UDP-glucose dehydrogenase through oxidation of UDP-glucose. Four genes in Arabidopsis encode this enzyme. Promoter::GUS analysis revealed that UGD2 and UGD3 were expressed in syncytia as early as 1 dpi while expression of UGD1 and UGD4 could only be detected starting at 2 dpi. Infection assays showed no differences between Δugd1 and Δugd4 single mutants and wild type plants concerning numbers of males and females and the size of syncytia and cysts. On single mutants of Δugd2 and Δugd3, however, less and smaller females, and smaller syncytia formed compared to wild type plants. The double mutant ΔΔugd23 had a stronger effect than the single mutants. These data indicate that UGD2 and UGD3 but not UGD1 and UGD4 are important for syncytium development. We therefore studied the ultrastructure of syncytia in the ΔΔugd23 double mutant. Syncytia contained an electron translucent cytoplasm with degenerated cellular organelles and numerous small vacuoles instead of the dense cytoplasm as in syncytia developing in wild type roots. Typical cell wall ingrowths were missing in the ΔΔugd23 double mutant. Therefore we conclude that UGD2 and UGD3 are needed for the production of cell wall ingrowths in syncytia and that their lack leads to a reduced host suitability for H. schachtii resulting in smaller syncytia, lower number of developing nematodes, and smaller females.  相似文献   
Salinity is a complex abiotic stress and understanding the physiological and genetic basis of salinity tolerance is a prerequisite for improving existing crop cultivars. Experiments were undertaken using 126 recombinant inbred lines from a cross between JG 62 (tolerant) and ICCV 2 (sensitive) to characterize traits related to seed yield differences under saline conditions and to map quantitative trait loci (QTL). The population segregated for flowering time and entries were separated into ??early?? and ??late?? phenology groups to undertake the analysis. In both groups seed yield varied under salinity, with seed number being the most closely related trait to yield. In contrast, seed yield was not related to 100-seed weight or flowering time. Shoot dry weight was positively correlated with seed yield in the early entries only, but had no significant relationship with seed number. The higher sensitivity to salinity of the early entries was related both to a smaller biomass and lesser seed number under saline conditions. A QTL for seed yield under saline conditions was found in linkage group 3 in the late group, and a cluster of QTL for seed yield components in linkage group 6, including a QTL for seed number which explained 37% of the variation. In contrast, no QTL for seed yield was found in the early group, but a QTL for seed number under saline conditions was found. These data indicate that salinity tolerance traits are linked to the degree of earliness in chickpea. Tolerance is determined by the success of reproductive sites in both early and late entries, which relates in part to constitutive traits, and by the capacity of maintaining growth in early-flowering lines only. This is the first report of QTL for seed yield and seed number in chickpea exposed to salinity.  相似文献   
Although mariner transposons are widespread in animal genomes, the vast majority harbor multiple inactivating mutations and only two naturally occurring elements are known to be active. Previously, we discovered a mariner-family transposon, Mboumar, in the satellite DNA of the ant Messor bouvieri. Several copies of the transposon contain a full-length open reading frame, including Mboumar-9, which has 64% nucleotide identity to Mos1 of Drosophila mauritiana. To determine whether Mboumar is currently active, we expressed and purified the Mboumar-9 transposase and demonstrate that it is able to catalyze the movement of a transposon from one plasmid to another in a genetic in vitro hop assay. The efficiency is comparable to that of the well-characterized mariner transposon Mos1. Transposon insertions were precise and were flanked by TA duplications, a hallmark of mariner transposition. Mboumar has been proposed to have a role in the evolution and maintenance of satellite DNA in M. bouvieri and its activity provides a means to examine the involvement of the transposon in the genome dynamics of this organism.  相似文献   
Genotoxicity study of a synthetic progestin chlormadinone acetate (CMA) was carried out in human lymphocytes using chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) as parameter. Effect of CMA was studied at 10, 20, 30 and 40 microM. CMA was genotoxic at 30 and 40 microM. With a view to study the possible mechanism of genotoxicity of CMA, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were used separately and in combination along with the CMA (40 microM) at different doses. SOD treatment increased CAs and SCEs at both the doses. CAT treatment decreased the frequencies of CAs and SCEs in both, separately and in combination with SOD, suggesting a possible role of reactive oxygen species for the genotoxic damage.  相似文献   
Since Vibrio cholerae O139 first appeared in 1992, both O1 El Tor and O139 have been recognized as the epidemic serogroups, although their geographic distribution, endemicity, and reservoir are not fully understood. To address this lack of information, a study of the epidemiology and ecology of V. cholerae O1 and O139 was carried out in two coastal areas, Bakerganj and Mathbaria, Bangladesh, where cholera occurs seasonally. The results of a biweekly clinical study (January 2004 to May 2005), employing culture methods, and of an ecological study (monthly in Bakerganj and biweekly in Mathbaria from March 2004 to May 2005), employing direct and enrichment culture, colony blot hybridization, and direct fluorescent-antibody methods, showed that cholera is endemic in both Bakerganj and Mathbaria and that V. cholerae O1, O139, and non-O1/non-O139 are autochthonous to the aquatic environment. Although V. cholerae O1 and O139 were isolated from both areas, most noteworthy was the isolation of V. cholerae O139 in March, July, and September 2004 in Mathbaria, where seasonal cholera was clinically linked only to V. cholerae O1. In Mathbaria, V. cholerae O139 emerged as the sole cause of a significant outbreak of cholera in March 2005. V. cholerae O1 reemerged clinically in April 2005 and established dominance over V. cholerae O139, continuing to cause cholera in Mathbaria. In conclusion, the epidemic potential and coastal aquatic reservoir for V. cholerae O139 have been demonstrated. Based on the results of this study, the coastal ecosystem of the Bay of Bengal is concluded to be a significant reservoir for the epidemic serogroups of V. cholerae.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to investigate the accumulation and distribution of strontium (Sr) in 26 cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), husk oat (Avena sativa L) and naked oat (Avena nuda), and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for their potential use in phytoremediation.Sr levels had no effect on the accumulation of shoot biomass at tillering or at maturity. Mean shoot Sr concentration of naked oat and barley at tillering was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of wheat; Neimengkeyimai-1, a naked oat cultivar, had the highest Sr concentrations. At maturity, of four naked oat cultivars, Neimengkeyimai-1 had the highest Sr content at all measured Sr levels. Leaves had the highest Sr concentrations, followed by roots and straw, and then grain with the lowest. Mean enrichment coefficients from soil to shoots ranged from 0.521 to 1.343; the percentage of stable Sr removed from the soil to the shoots at harvest time was more than 1.4% after 120 days. Neimengkeyimai-1 could be used as a model for further research to find more effective cultivars; and naked oat plants could be selected for phytoremediation to clean up contaminated soil.  相似文献   
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cortical and spinal motor neuron dysfunction. Routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have previously shown hypointense signal in the motor cortex on T(2)-weighted images in some ALS patients, however, the cause of this finding is unknown. To investigate the utility of this MR signal change as a marker of cortical motor neuron degeneration, signal abnormalities on 3T and 7T MR images of the brain were compared, and pathology was obtained in two ALS patients to determine the origin of the motor cortex hypointensity. Nineteen patients with clinically probable or definite ALS by El Escorial criteria and 19 healthy controls underwent 3T MRI. A 7T MRI scan was carried out on five ALS patients who had motor cortex hypointensity on the 3T FLAIR sequence and on three healthy controls. Postmortem 7T MRI of the brain was performed in one ALS patient and histological studies of the brains and spinal cords were obtained post-mortem in two patients. The motor cortex hypointensity on 3T FLAIR images was present in greater frequency in ALS patients. Increased hypointensity correlated with greater severity of upper motor neuron impairment. Analysis of 7T T(2)(*)-weighted gradient echo imaging localized the signal alteration to the deeper layers of the motor cortex in both ALS patients. Pathological studies showed increased iron accumulation in microglial cells in areas corresponding to the location of the signal changes on the 3T and 7T MRI of the motor cortex. These findings indicate that the motor cortex hypointensity on 3T MRI FLAIR images in ALS is due to increased iron accumulation by microglia.  相似文献   
Attempts were made to clarify the precise location and possible site of production of the alpha-glucan pullulan in different morphological forms of the fungus Aureobasidium pullulans. Gold-conjugated pullulanase was used as the specific probe for this purpose. No cell wall pullulan-like material was detected by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in any morphological form of this fungus, although intracellular electron transparent material bound this probe. When silver enhancement of this gold-conjugated pullulanase probe was used, the data strongly suggested that only swollen cells and chlamydospores, and neither hyphae nor unicellular blastospores, often held responsible for pullulan formation, appeared to produce pullulan-like material.  相似文献   


Herbicide tolerance is an important trait that allows effective weed management in wheat crops. Genetic knowledge of metribuzin tolerance in wheat is needed to develop new cultivars for the industry. Here, we evaluated metribuzin tolerance in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population derived from Synthetic W7984 and Opata 85 over two consecutive years to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to the trait. Herbicide tolerance was measured by two chlorophyll traits, SPAD chlorophyll content index (CCI) and visual senescence score (SNS). The markers associated with major QTL from Synthetic W7984, positively contributing to reduced phytotoxic effects under herbicide treatment were validated in two F3/4 recombinant inbred populations developed from crosses of Synthetic W7984?×?Westonia and Synthetic W7984?×?Lang.


Composite interval mapping (CIM) identified four QTL, two on chromosome 4A and one each on chromosomes 2D and 1A. The chromosomal position of the two QTL mapped on 4A within 10 cM intervals was refined and validated by multiple interval mapping (MIM). The major QTL affecting both measures of tolerance jointly explained 42 and 45% of the phenotypic variation by percentage CCI reduction and SNS, respectively. The identified QTL have a pure additive effect. The metribuzin tolerant allele of markers, Xgwm33 and Xbarc343, conferred lower phytotoxicity and explained the maximum phenotypic variation of 28.8 and 24.5%, respectively. The approximate physical localization of the QTL revealed the presence of five candidate genes (ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase, oxidoreductase (rbcS), glycosyltransferase, serine/threonine-specific protein kinase and phosphotransferase) with a direct role in photosynthesis and/or metabolic detoxification pathways.


Metribuzin causes photo-inhibition by interrupting electron flow in PSII. Consequently, chlorophyll traits enabled the measure of high proportion of genetic variability in the mapping population. The validated molecular markers associated with metribuzin tolerance mediating QTL may be used in marker-assisted breeding to select metribuzin tolerant lines. Alternatively, validated favourable alleles could be introgressed into elite wheat cultivars to enhance metribuzin tolerance and improve grain yield in dryland farming for sustainable wheat production.
This study investigated the working hypothesis that two widely used organophosphate pesticides; Nuvan and Dimecron, exert toxic effects in Drosophila. Transgenic D. melanogaster (hsp70-lacZ) was used as a model for assaying stress gene expression and AchE activity as an endpoint for toxicity and also to evaluate whether stress gene expression is sufficient to protect against toxic insult of the chemicals and to prevent tissue damage. The study was extended to investigate the effect of the pesticides on the life cycle and reproduction of the organism. The study showed that Nuvan affected emergence of the exposed flies more drastically than Dimecron and the effect was lethal at the highest tested concentration (0.075 ppm). While Nuvan at 0.0075 and 0.015 ppm concentrations affected reproduction of the flies significantly, the effect of Dimecron was significant only at 0.015 and 0.075 ppm. Nuvan-exposed third-instar larvae exhibited a 1.2-fold to 1.5-fold greater hsp70 expression compared to Dimecron at concentrations ranging from 0.0075 to 0.075 ppm following 12 and 18 h exposure. While maximum expression of hsp70 was observed in Nuvan-exposed third-instar larval tissues following 18 h exposure at 0.075 ppm, Dimecron at the same dietary concentration induced a maximum expression of hsp70 following 24 h exposure. Further, concomitant with a significant induction of hsp70, significant inhibition of AchE was observed following chemical exposure and temperature shock. Concurrent with a significant decline in hsp70 expression in Nuvan-exposed larvae after 48 h at 0.075 ppm, tissue damage was evident. Dimecron-exposed larvae exhibited a plateau in hsp70 induction even after 48 h exposure and moderate tissue damage was observed in these larvae. The present study suggests that Nuvan is more cytotoxic than Dimecron in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   
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