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Little is known about the genes expressed during grapevine somatic embryogenesis. Both groups of Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor Kinase (SERK) and Leafy Cotyledon (LEC and L1L) genes seem to play key roles during somatic embryogenesis in various plant species. Therefore, we identified and analysed the sequences of VvSERK and VvL1L (Leafy cotyledon1-Like) genes. The deduced amino acid sequences of VvSERK1, VvSERK2 and VvSERK3 are very similar to that of registered SERK proteins, with highest homologies for the kinase domain in the C-terminal region. The amino acid sequence of VvL1L presents all the domains that are characteristic for LEC1 and L1L proteins, particularly, the 16 amino acid residues that serve as signature of the B-domain. Phylogenetic analysis distinguishes members of subclass LEC1 and subclass L1L, and VvL1L is closely related to L1L proteins. Using semi-quantitative RT-PCR, we studied gene expression of VvSERK1, VvSERK2, VvSERK3 and VvL1L in calli and somatic embryos obtained from anther culture of Vitis vinifera L. cv Chardonnay. Expression of VvSERK2 is relatively stable during in vitro culture. In contrast, VvSERK1, VvSERK3 and VvL1L are expressed more 4 to 6 weeks after transfer of the calli onto embryo induction medium, before the visible appearance of embryos on the calli as seen by environmental scanning electron microscopy. Later on (8 weeks after transfer) VvSERK1 expression is maintained in the embryogenic calli and VvSERK3 in the embryos, whereas VvL1L expression is very low. All together, these data suggest the involvement of VvSERK and VvL1L genes in grapevine somatic embryogenesis. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Paul Schellenbaum and Alban Jacques contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Regulatory NK cell receptors can contribute to antigen-specific adaptive immune responses by modulating T cell receptor (TCR)-induced T cell activation. We investigated the potential of the NK cell receptor 2B4 (CD244) to enhance tumor antigen-induced activation of human T cells. 2B4 is a member of the CD2 receptor subfamily with both activating and inhibitory functions in NK cells. In T cells, its expression is positively associated with the acquisition of a cytolytic effector memory phenotype. Recombinant chimeric receptors that link extracellular single-chain Fv fragments specific for the tumor-associated surface antigens CD19 and GD2 to the signaling domains of human 2B4 and/or TCRζ were expressed in non-specifically activated peripheral blood T cells by retroviral gene transfer. While 2B4 signaling alone failed to induce T cell effector functions or proliferation, it significantly augmented the antigen-specific activation responses induced by TCRζ. 2B4 costimulation did not affect the predominant effector memory phenotype of expanding T cells, nor did it increase the proportion of T cells with regulatory phenotype (CD4+CD25hiFoxP3+). These data support a costimulatory role for 2B4 in human T cell subpopulations. As an amplifier of TCR-mediated signals, 2B4 may provide a powerful new tool for immunotherapy of cancer, promoting sustained activation and proliferation of gene-modified antitumor T cells.  相似文献   
The reduction of nitrite (NO2) into nitric oxide (NO), catalyzed by nitrite reductase, is an important reaction in the denitrification pathway. In this study, the catalytic mechanism of the copper-containing nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans (AxNiR) has been studied using single and multiple turnover experiments at pH 7.0 and is shown to involve two protons. A novel steady-state assay was developed, in which deoxyhemoglobin was employed as an NO scavenger. A moderate solvent kinetic isotope effect (SKIE) of 1.3 ± 0.1 indicated the involvement of one protonation to the rate-limiting catalytic step. Laser photoexcitation experiments have been used to obtain single turnover data in H2O and D2O, which report on steps kinetically linked to inter-copper electron transfer (ET). In the absence of nitrite, a normal SKIE of ∼1.33 ± 0.05 was obtained, suggesting a protonation event that is kinetically linked to ET in substrate-free AxNiR. A nitrite titration gave a normal hyperbolic behavior for the deuterated sample. However, in H2O an unusual decrease in rate was observed at low nitrite concentrations followed by a subsequent acceleration in rate at nitrite concentrations of >10 mm. As a consequence, the observed ET process was faster in D2O than in H2O above 0.1 mm nitrite, resulting in an inverted SKIE, which featured a significant dependence on the substrate concentration with a minimum value of ∼0.61 ± 0.02 between 3 and 10 mm. Our work provides the first experimental demonstration of proton-coupled electron transfer in both the resting and substrate-bound AxNiR, and two protons were found to be involved in turnover.Denitrification is an anaerobic respiration pathway found in bacteria, archaea, and fungi, in which ATP synthesis is coupled to the sequential reduction of nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) (NO3 → NO2 → NO → N2O → N2) (13).3 The first committed step in this reaction cascade is the formation of gaseous NO by nitrite reductase (NiR), the key enzyme of this pathway. Two distinct classes of periplasmic NiR are found in denitrifying bacteria, one containing cd1 hemes as prosthetic groups (46) and the other utilizing two copper centers to catalyze the one-electron reduction of nitrite (7). Copper-containing NiRs are divided into two main groups according to the color of their oxidized type 1 copper center (T1Cu), with shades ranging from blue to green (3, 7). NiR from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans subsp. xylosoxidans (NCIMB 11015, AxNiR), which is analyzed in this study, is a member of the blue CuNiR group. The blue and green subclasses show a high degree of sequence similarity (70%) (8) and have similar trimeric structures with each monomer (∼36.5 kDa in AxNiR) consisting of two greek key β-barrel cupredoxin-like motifs as well as one long and two short α-helical regions (7, 9).Each NiR monomer contains two copper-binding sites per catalytic unit. One is a T1Cu center, which receives electrons from a physiological redox partner protein and is buried 7 Å beneath the protein surface (10), and the other copper is a type 2 center (T2Cu), constituting the catalytically active substrate-binding site (11). The physiological electron donor for the blue NiRs are the small copper protein azurin (14 kDa) (7) and cytochrome c551 (7, 12, 13). The T1Cu, which is responsible for the color of NiR, serves as the electron delivery center and is coordinated by two histidine residues as well as one cysteine and one methionine residue. The catalytic T2Cu, which like all T2Cu centers has very weak optical bands, is ligated to three His residues and an H2O/OH ligand in the resting state. This H2O/OH ligand is held in place by hydrogen bonds to the active site residues, Asp-92 (AxNiR numbering) and His-249, and gets displaced by the substrate during catalytic turnover (14). The T2Cu is located at the base of a 13–14-Å substrate access channel at the interface of two monomers with one of the three His residues being part of the adjacent subunit (15, 16). The two copper centers are connected by a 12.6-Å covalent bridge provided by the T1Cu-coordinating Cys and by one of the T2Cu His ligands (17, 18). This linkage has been suggested to constitute the electron transfer (ET) pathway from the T1Cu center to the catalytically active T2Cu center via 11 covalent bonds (19).Intramolecular ET from T1- to T2Cu has been extensively examined using pulse radiolysis studies (7, 1924). In a variety of NiR species, ET could be measured, both in the presence and absence of substrate, with observed ET rate constants (kET(obs)) ranging from ∼150 to ∼2000 s−1. According to the Marcus semi-classical ET theory (25), the redox potentials (E0, redox midpoint potential at pH 7.0) of the copper centers affect both the thermodynamic equilibrium and the ET kinetics. In the absence of substrate, the difference in the redox potentials has been found to be insignificant at pH 7 (E0 (T1Cu) ∼240 mV and E0 (T2Cu) ∼230 mV (20)), implying a thermodynamically equal electron distribution between the two metal centers. From an enzymatic point of view, however, approaching this equilibrium position on such a fast time scale (≥150 s−1) is unfavorable in the absence of substrate, as NiR has been shown to form an inactive species with a reduced T2Cu that is devoid of the H2O/OH ligand and unable to bind nitrite (26, 27). Substrate binding has been proposed to induce a favorable shift in the T2Cu redox potential, which would be expected to result in an accelerated ET compared with the substrate-free reaction (7, 16, 25, 2730). However, kET(obs) values in AxgNiR (GIFU1051) have been demonstrated to be lower in the nitrite-bound than in the substrate-free enzyme between pH 7.7 and 5.5 (21). Below pH 5.5, the ET rate constants were observed to be similar in the nitrite-free and -bound enzyme (21).In addition to changes in the redox potentials and thus in the driving force of the ET reaction, several structural changes in the redox centers have been reported as a result of substrate binding, which may also influence the inter-copper ET rate by changing the reorganization energy (16, 25, 30, 31). These rearrangements include subtle changes in the Cys-His bridge linking T1- and T2Cu (32) and conformational transitions of the catalytically relevant active site residue Asp-92 (see below and Ref. 29). Moreover, the presence of nitrite has been postulated to be relayed to the T1Cu site via the so-called substrate sensor loop (via His-94, Asp-92, and His-89 in AxNiR), thereby triggering ET to the T2Cu (19, 27, 29, 32). The tight coupling of ET to the presence of substrate has been argued to prevent the formation of a deactivated enzyme species with a prematurely reduced T2Cu (14, 16, 19, 26, 27, 33). In accordance with such a feedback mechanism, in a combined crystallographic and single-crystal spectroscopic study, inter-copper ET could only be detected in crystals where nitrite was bound to the T2Cu site, whereas in the absence of substrate no such ET was observed (34). This finding, however, contradicts the pulse radiolysis results at room temperature (see above), and the apparent discrepancy between solution studies and x-ray crystallographic data collected at cryogenic temperature remains to be resolved.The one-electron reduction of nitrite to NO involves two protons according to the chemical net equation NO2 + 2H+ + e → NO + H2O, if the T2Cu is ligated by an H2O molecule in the resting state rather than an OH ion. Although the exact enzymatic mechanism is still somewhat controversial (35, 36), one suggested reaction sequence is given in Scheme 1. The potential participation of active site residues in catalyzing the proton transfer (PT) steps has been investigated by studying the pH dependence of NiR under steady-state conditions as well as by pulse radiolysis. The trends obtained for kcat and kET(obs), are similar with pH optima between 5.2 and 6, indicating the involvement of two amino acid residues (21, 22, 37). Asp-92 and His-249 have been proposed as acid-base catalysts (18, 21, 22, 28, 38), and the abrupt drop in rates at increasing pH may indicate that OH can act as a competitive inhibitor for nitrite (39). The relevance of these active site residues, however, as well as the timing of the two protonation steps is still a matter of debate (35, 40, 41).4Open in a separate windowSCHEME 1.A potential reaction mechanism proposed for CuNiRs. Adapted from Ref. 36. Nitrite is shown to bind to the oxidized T2Cu as nitrous acid, thus involving the first protonation step. It coordinates to the oxidized T2Cu center in a bidentate fashion. Following inter-copper ET yielding a reduced T2Cu center, the initially deprotonated Asp-92 accepts a proton, which is subsequently transferred to the substrate. His-249 may be a potential source of this second proton. PT and ET reactions may be reversible and they may be concerted rather than sequential as suggested by the arrows. See text for further information.There are no experimental studies that have been aimed at directly examining the kinetic coupling of PT and ET steps in AxNiR. In this study of the blue AxNiR, our aims were to gain further insight into the mechanism of nitrite reduction by combining multiple turnover experiments with laser photoexcitation studies to measure the (single turnover) inter-copper ET. An extensive analysis of the solvent kinetic isotope effect (SKIE) has been employed as a means of determining whether solvent-exchangeable protons and/or water molecules play a rate-limiting role in the catalytic turnover and/or in inter-copper ET.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess the genetic basis of rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali) resistance in apple (Malus × domestica). A. schlechtendali infestation of apple trees has increased as a consequence of reduced side effects of modern fungicides on rust mites. An analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) was carried out using linkage map data available for F1 progeny plants of the cultivars ‘Fiesta’ × ‘Discovery’. Apple trees representing 160 different genotypes were surveyed for rust mite infestation, each at three different sites in two consecutive years. The distribution of rust mites on the individual apple genotypes was aggregated and significantly affected by apple genotype and site. We identified two QTLs for A. schlechtendali resistance on linkage group 7 of ‘Fiesta’. The AFLP marker E35M42-0146 (20.2 cM) and the RAPD marker AE10-400 (45.8 cM) were closest positioned to the QTLs and explained between 11.0% and 16.6% of the phenotypic variability. Additionally, putative QTLs on the ‘Discovery’ chromosomes 4, 5 and 8 were detected. The SSR marker Hi03a10 identified to be associated to one of the QTLs (AFLP marker E35M42-0146) was traced back in the ‘Fiesta’ pedigree to the apple cultivar ‘Wagener’. This marker may facilitate the breeding of resistant apple cultivars by marker assisted selection. Furthermore, the genetic background of rust mite resistance in existing cultivars can be evaluated by testing them for the identified SSR marker. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Akt, an essential component of the insulin pathway, is a potent inducer of tissue growth. One of Akt''s phosphorylation targets is Tsc2, an inhibitor of the anabolic kinase TOR. This could account for part of Akt''s growth promoting activity. Although phosphorylation of Tsc2 by Akt does occur in vivo, and under certain circumstances can lead to reduced Tsc2 activity, the functional significance of this event is unclear since flies lacking Akt phosphorylation sites on Tsc2 are viable and normal in size and growth rate. Since Drosophila Tsc1, the obligate partner of Tsc2, has an Akt phosphorylation motif that is not conserved in mammals, we investigate here whether Akt redundantly phosphorylates the Tsc complex on Tsc1 and Tsc2. We provide evidence that Akt phosphorylates Tsc1 at Ser533. We show that flies lacking Akt phosphorylation sites on Tsc1 alone, or on both Tsc1 and Tsc2 concurrently, are viable and normal in size. This shows that phosphorylation of the Tsc1/2 complex by Akt is not required for Akt to activate TORC1 and to promote tissue growth in Drosophila.  相似文献   


Apoptosis has been speculated to be involved in schizophrenia. In a previously study, we reported the association of the MEGF10 gene with the disease. In this study, we followed the apoptotic engulfment pathway involving the MEGF10, GULP1, ABCA1 and ABCA7 genes and tested their association with the disease.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Ten, eleven and five SNPs were genotyped in the GULP1, ABCA1 and ABCA7 genes respectively for the ISHDSF and ICCSS samples. In all 3 genes, we observed nominally significant associations. Rs2004888 at GULP1 was significant in both ISHDSF and ICCSS samples (p = 0.0083 and 0.0437 respectively). We sought replication in independent samples for this marker and found highly significant association (p = 0.0003) in 3 Caucasian replication samples. But it was not significant in the 2 Chinese replication samples. In addition, we found a significant 2-marker (rs2242436 * rs3858075) interaction between the ABCA1 and ABCA7 genes in the ISHDSF sample (p = 0.0022) and a 3-marker interaction (rs246896 * rs4522565 * rs3858075) amongst the MEGF10, GULP1 and ABCA1 genes in the ICCSS sample (p = 0.0120). Rs3858075 in the ABCA1 gene was involved in both 2- and 3-marker interactions in the two samples.


From these data, we concluded that the GULP1 gene and the apoptotic engulfment pathway are involved in schizophrenia in subjects of European ancestry and multiple genes in the pathway may interactively increase the risks to the disease.  相似文献   


Until the 1970s the prevalence of non-venereal trepanomatosis, including yaws, was greatly reduced after worldwide mass treatment. In 2005, cases were again reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We carried out a survey to estimate the village-level prevalence of yaws in the region of Equator in the north of the country in order to define appropriate strategies to effectively treat the affected population.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We designed a community-based survey using the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling method to classify the prevalence of active yaws in 14 groups of villages (lots). The classification into high, moderate, or low yaws prevalence corresponded to World Health Organization prevalence thresholds for identifying appropriate operational treatment strategies. Active yaws cases were defined by suggestive clinical signs and positive rapid plasma reagin and Treponema pallidum hemagglutination serological tests. The overall prevalence in the study area was 4.7% (95% confidence interval: 3.4–6.0). Two of 14 lots had high prevalence (>10%), three moderate prevalence (5–10%) and nine low prevalence (<5%.).


Although yaws is no longer a World Health Organization priority disease, the presence of yaws in a region where it was supposed to be eradicated demonstrates the importance of continued surveillance and control efforts. Yaws should remain a public health priority in countries where previously it was known to be endemic. The integration of sensitive surveillance systems together with free access to effective treatment is recommended. As a consequence of our study results, more than 16,000 people received free treatment against yaws.  相似文献   
Silencing of T cell activation and function is a highly efficient strategy of immunosuppression induced by pathogens. By promoting formation of membrane microdomains essential for clustering of receptors and signalling platforms in the plasma membrane, ceramides accumulating as a result of membrane sphingomyelin breakdown are not only essential for assembly of signalling complexes and pathogen entry, but also act as signalling modulators, e. g. by regulating relay of phosphatidyl-inositol-3-kinase (PI3K) signalling. Their role in T lymphocyte functions has not been addressed as yet. We now show that measles virus (MV), which interacts with the surface of T cells and thereby efficiently interferes with stimulated dynamic reorganisation of their actin cytoskeleton, causes ceramide accumulation in human T cells in a neutral (NSM) and acid (ASM) sphingomyelinase–dependent manner. Ceramides induced by MV, but also bacterial sphingomyelinase, efficiently interfered with formation of membrane protrusions and T cell spreading and front/rear polarisation in response to β1 integrin ligation or αCD3/CD28 activation, and this was rescued upon pharmacological or genetic ablation of ASM/NSM activity. Moreover, membrane ceramide accumulation downmodulated chemokine-induced T cell motility on fibronectin. Altogether, these findings highlight an as yet unrecognised concept of pathogens able to cause membrane ceramide accumulation to target essential processes in T cell activation and function by preventing stimulated actin cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   
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