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Summary Impulses in single afferent fibres from amino acid receptors were recorded extracellularly. Doseresponse relations were determined for different superfused amino acids; the relations all had a slope of 1, a common saturation level, and the action of different amino acids was characterized by a specific half saturation concentration,K M. The most effective amino acids were always L-serine, L-alanine and L-histidine, having aK M of 10–5, 2·10–5 and 1.5·10–4 mol/l, respectively. The sequence of effective amino acids was the same for all units tested. Structural requirements for optimal stimulatory action of the amino acid molecules were concluded.Abbreviation vH van Harreveld solution This work was supported by the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftWe gratefully acknowledge assistance in electronics from Mr. W. Zeitz, and in mechanics from Mr. D. Beyer and Mr. L. Müller. Technical help was provided by Mrs. E. Köster, secretarial help by Mrs. L. Bauer.  相似文献   
Replicating molecules of three small plasmids, pSM1, pSM2, and pSM3, were isolated from a CsCl density gradient containing ethidium bromide. These plasmids are all derived from R12, a mutant of NR1 (same as R100). By means of pulse-labeling experiments, the replicating forms were located at buoyant densities intermediate between those of the closed circular and open circular DNA bands. These molecules were analyzed by electron microscopy following digestion with restriction endonucleases. Digestion of pSM2 with EcoR1 and with HindIII revealed the presence of a single origin of replication located 1.72 kilobases (kb) from the EcoR1 cutting site (2.04 kb from the HindIII cutting site). These experiments also demonstrated that replication occurs in a unidirectional mode from the origin. Analysis of EcoR1-cleaved replicating molecules of pSM1 and pSM3, which carry common sequences completely or partly homologous to pSM2, provides further evidence for the unidirectional replication of these plasmids from a common origin. The site of the origin of replication was fixed at 85.5 on the kilobase map of R100. This origin, which is located in the RTF region, probably corresponds to one of the replication origins of R100.  相似文献   
S Mickel  V Arena  Jr    W Bauer 《Nucleic acids research》1977,4(5):1465-1482
A series of closed circular (I) plasmid DNAs has been derived from drug resistance factor R12, and the nicked circular (II) and linear (III) derivatives of these molecules prepared by irradiation in the presence of ethidium bromide and by treatment with restriction enzyme EcoRI, respectively. These DNAs encompass the molecular weight range 3.6 to 61 megadaltons. The base compositions range from 45% to 51% (GC) as estimated by buoyant density determinations. The smaller plasmids are significantly less supercoiled (9-10%) than are the larger (12-13%). The gel electrophoretic behavior of the three DNA structural forms was determined as a function of molecular weight in agarose gels of concentrations ranging from 0.7% to 1.6% and at electrophoresis salt concentrations from 0.02 M to 0.08 M sodium acetate. The mobilities of DNAs I and III undergo a reversal relative to each other at a molecular weight which decreases with increasing agarose gel concentration. The molecular weight at which DNA II fails to enter a gel depends upon the ionic strength during electrophoresis but not upon the gel concentration.  相似文献   
An adult male chimpanzee in the natural habitat has been observed to walk predominantly bipedally after a total forelimb paralysis in 1966. The major differences from previously described bipedal chimpanzee gait are (1) one third of the femoral extension is posterior to the hip joint in propulsion, (2) excursion of the swinging foot is close to midline, due to adduction of the lower hindlimb in swing and propulsive phases, (3) depressed pelvic tilt is on the side of the swinging limb, (4) thoracic vertebrae rotate and are vertical and erect, and (5) there is only a moderate lateral sway of the midline. This locomotory complex is interpreted as individual variability and suggests an evolutionary model for the origin of hominid bipedal locomotion.  相似文献   
The dependence of net charge and oxygen affinity of human hemoglobin upon hemoglobin concentration was reinvestigated. In contrast to earlier reports from various laboratories, both functional properties of hemoglobin were found to be independent of hemoglobin concentration. Two findings indicate a concentration-independent net charge of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin at pH 6.6: (A) The pH value of a given carbonmonoty hemoglobin solution remains constant at 6.6 when the hemoglobin concentration is raised from 10 to 40 g/dl, indicating that there is no change in protonation of titratable groups of hemoglobin: (b) the net charge of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin as estimated from the Donnan distribution of 22Na+ shows no dependence on hemoglobin concentration in this concentration range. The oxygen affinity of human hemoglobin was determined from measurements of oxygen concentrations in equilibrated samples using a Lex-O2-Con apparatus (Lexington Instruments, Waltham, Mass.). P50 averaged 11.4 mm Hg at 37 degrees C, pH = 7.2, and ionic strength approximately 0.15. Neither P50 nor Hill's n showed any variation with hemoglobin concentrations increasing from 10 to 40 g/dl.  相似文献   
The human lambda L chain Ig gene complex consists of multiple JC gene segments. A seventh human lambda C region gene segment, C lambda 7, was found 2.7 kb downstream of C lambda 6 in this gene complex. A J lambda gene segment, J lambda 7, was found 1.2 kb upstream of C lambda 7 and contains potentially functional nonamer and heptamer recombination sites, an RNA splice site and J coding region. C lambda 7 maintains an open reading frame and encodes a new lambda isotype. C lambda 7 encodes Kern+ and Oz- determinants, but does not encode any of the Kern+Oz- myeloma proteins published to date. Nevertheless, we present evidence that JC lambda 7 is transcribed in normal lymphocytes and is functional. In contrast, we present new data that the C lambda 6 gene segment, reported by others to encode the Kern+Oz- protein, is non-functional due to a 4-bp insertion in our cosmid clone. The 4-bp insertion was characterized further in 32 genomic DNA samples by producing a distinctive restriction fragment length and verified by the DNA sequences of the polymerase chain reaction products of two different cell lines. We discuss the possibility that the Kern+Oz- myeloma proteins do not define an isotype and are not encoded by JC lambda 7 nor other non-allelic genes, and we discuss the level of expression of JC lamba 7 as compared to that of JC lambda 2 and JC lambda 3.  相似文献   
The gene for the beta A4-amyloid precursor protein (APP) consists of 19 exons which code for a typical N- and O-glycosylated transmembrane protein with four extracellular domains followed by the transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic domain. The beta A4-amyloid sequence is part of exons 16 and 17. Several APP isoforms can be generated by alternative splicing of exons 7 and 8, encoding domains with homologies to Kunitz-type protease inhibitors and the MRC OX-2 antigen, respectively. The mechanism by which the pathological beta A4 is generated is unknown, it is however a critical event in Alzheimer's disease and is distinct from the normally occurring cleavage and secretion of APPs within the beta A4 sequence. We report here for the first time considerable APP mRNA expression by rat brain microglial cells. In addition we showed by S1 nuclease protection and polymerase chain reaction analysis of reverse transcribed RNA (RT-PCR) that T-lymphocytes, macrophages, and microglial cells expressed a new APP isoform by selection of a novel alternative splice site and exclusion of exon 15 of the APP gene. This leads to a transmembrane, beta A4 sequence containing APP variant, lacking 18 amino acid residues close to the amyloidogenic region. The use of this novel alternative splice site alters the structure of APP in close proximity to the beta A4 region and thus may determine a variant, potentially pathogenic processing of leukocyte-derived APP in brain.  相似文献   
The effects of two adenosine diphosphoribose transferase (ADPRT) enzyme inhibitory ligands, 6-amino-1,2-benzopyrone and its 5-iodo-derivative, were determined in AA-2 and MT-2 cell cultures on the replication of HIV-1 IIIb, assayed by an immunochemical test for the HIV protein p24, and syncytium formation, characteristic of HIV-infected cells. Intracellular concentrations of both drugs were sufficient to inhibit poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity within the intact cell. Both drugs inhibited HIV replication parallel to their inhibitory potency on ADPRT, but distinct differences were ascertained between the two cell lines. In AA-2 cells both p24 and syncytium formation were depressed simultaneously, whereas in MT-2 cells only syncytium formation was inhibited by the drugs, and the p24 production, which remained unchanged during viral growth, was unaffected. Both drugs only moderately depressed the growth rate of the AA-2 and MT-2 cells and there was no detectable cellular toxicity. Results suggest the feasibility of the development of a new line of ADPRT ligand anti-HIV drugs that fundamentally differ in their mode of action from currently used chemotherapeutics.  相似文献   
Synaptosomes were isolated from rat cerebral cortex and incubated with [U-14C]-, [1-14C]- or [6-14C]glucose. Glucose utilization and the metabolic partitioning of glucose carbon in products were determined by isotopic methods. From the data obtained a carbon balance was constructed, showing lactate to be the main product of glucose metabolism, followed by CO2, amino acids and pyruvate. Measuring the release of 14CO2 from glucose labelled in three different positions allowed the construction of a flow diagram of glucose carbon atoms in synaptosomes, which provides information about the contribution of the various pathways of glucose metabolism. Some 2% of glucose utilized was calculated to be degraded via the pentose phosphate pathway. Addition of chlorpromazine, imipramine or haloperidol at concentrations of 10(-5) M reduced glucose utilisation by 30% without changing the distribution pattern of radioactivity in the various products.  相似文献   
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