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Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), that mediates the biologic effects of estrogen in estrogen-sensitive tissues like breast, is genetically polymorphic. To evaluate the association between ?397 PvuII (T>C) and ?351 XbaI (A>G) restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in intron 1 of ERα gene and susceptibility of breast cancer, we undertook a case–control study in BRCA1 185delAG and 5382insC/BRCA2 6174delT negative Portuguese women. The study population consisted of 107 patients with histological diagnosis of breast cancer and 121 women with no history of breast cancer. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples and genotyping analyses were performed by PCR–RFLP. XbaI polymorphism was associated with a significant reduced risk of breast cancer for carriers of the x allele in homozygozity (OR 0.178; 95 % CI 0.070–0.456; P < 0.001) or heterozigozity (OR 0.223; 95 % CI 0.089–0.561; P = 0.001). The PvuII polymorphism was associated with a non-significantly reduced risk. The combined analysis of PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms revealed none synergistic effect of the two genotypes, except for simultaneous carriers of pp and xx genotypes, that have a reduced risk of breast cancer (OR 0.226; 95 % CI 0.049–1.035; P = 0.044). The combination of PvuII and XbaI genotypes into haplotypes showed that carriers of two copies of the px (ppxx) haplotype had a reduced risk of breast cancer (OR 0.405; 95 % CI 0.194–0.843; P = 0.014), compared with PX (PPXX + PPXx + PpXX + PpXx) haplotypes. PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms were in linkage disequilibrium both in cases (D = 0.044, r2 = 0.049, X2 = 5.216, P = 0.022) and controls (D = 0.090, r2 = 0.139, X2 = 16.819, P < 0.001), but not in the entire sample population analyzed as a whole (D = 0.087, r2 = 0.0076, X2 = 1.733, P = 0.188). In conclusion, in this case–control study we found that ERα gene XbaI polymorphism may modify individual susceptibility for breast cancer in this population.  相似文献   
目的 制备一种新型的心肌急性缺血再灌注损伤模型,以探讨一种更符合临床实际需求的实验方法.方法 将20只雌性SD(Sprague-Dawley)大鼠随机分成2组(对照组、实验组),采用结扎主动脉根部引起心肌缺血5min再灌注30 min建立心肌急性缺血再灌注模型;通过应用透射电镜观察心肌细胞超微结构的改变,同时检测心肌组织匀浆丙二醛(Maleic Dialdehyde,MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase,SOD)活力.结果 透射电镜下超微结构显示实验组较对照组明显加重了心肌组织结构和线粒体的损害;实验组心肌组织MDA明显高于对照组(P<0.01),而SOD明显低于对照组(P<0.01).结论 本实验成功建立了方法简便、易于操作、取材范围广泛的心肌缺血再灌注损伤模型,为心肌缺血再灌注损伤研究提供了一种更为可行的模型.  相似文献   
The phi-screen, a method of phylogenetic screening, can be employed to detect repetitive sequence families that differentially hybridize between closely related species. Such differences may involve sequence divergence or variations in copy number, including total presence versus absence of a family of repeated DNA. We present the results of a phi-screen comparing the human genome to that of the prosimian, Galago crassicaudatus. Three human repetitive families that are divergent or not present in galago have been detected. One of these families is described in detail; it is similar among the anthropoids but is present in a lower copy number and/or divergent form in prosimians. The family is clearly related to the transposon-like human element (THE) described by Paulson et al. (1985). THEs have long terminal repeats reminiscent of retroviruses but are unique in that they have no sequence similarity to known mammalian retroviruses. The sequence of a solo long terminal repeat, found unassociated with THE internal sequence, is presented. This family member, THE p2, is bordered by a 5-bp target-site repeat and is interrupted by the insertion of an Alu element. A solo THE element sequenced by Wiginton et al. (1986) contains an insertion of Alu at precisely the same position as does THE p2.   相似文献   
The effects of liquid fluorocarbons as bathing media were determined by use of in vitro neuromuscular preparations. Rat hemidiaphragms were bathed in either oxygenated fluorocarbon (FC) emulsion or standard oxygenated Krebs solution. Contractile force in response to simple supramaximal nerve stimuli as well as to high frequency stimulation was greater, while twitch:tetanus ratio was smaller in FC emulsion. With such medium, post-tetanic potentiation of contraction was also more consistently observed. Indirectly stimulated diaphragms survived longer in FC emulsion. After cessation of oxygenation, oxygen tension (ρO(2)) of the medium declined more rapidly with Krebs than with FC emulsion; ρO(2) directly correlated with force of contraction. Similarly, in the chick biventer cervicis preparation, FC emulsion enhanced nerve-stimulated force of contraction; returning the preparation to standard Krebs solution reversed this phenomenon. Dose-resonse curves of muscle contraction in response to acetycholine and KCl administration were shifted upward during FC emulsion superfusion. Frequency of miniature endplate potentials was lower in FC emulsion than that observed in Krebs solution, measured from the same cell of the rat diaphragm. Resting membrane potentials were also greater in muscle cells sampled from FC emulsion-bathed preparations. These data suggest that FC emulsion is superior to standard Krebs solution as a bathing medium for in vitro neuromuscular preparations by virtue of the high solubility of oxygen in it.  相似文献   
Nuclear disasters at Chernobyl and Fukushima provide examples of effects of acute ionizing radiation on mutations that can affect the fitness and distribution of species. Here, we investigated the prevalence of Microbotryum lychnidis‐dioicae, a pollinator‐transmitted fungal pathogen of plants causing anther‐smut disease in Chernobyl, its viability, fertility and karyotype variation, and the accumulation of nonsynonymous mutations in its genome. We collected diseased flowers of Silene latifolia from locations ranging by more than two orders of magnitude in background radiation, from 0.05 to 21.03 μGy/h. Disease prevalence decreased significantly with increasing radiation level, possibly due to lower pollinator abundance and altered pollinator behaviour. Viability and fertility, measured as the budding rate of haploid sporidia following meiosis from the diploid teliospores, did not vary with increasing radiation levels and neither did karyotype overall structure and level of chromosomal size heterozygosity. We sequenced the genomes of twelve samples from Chernobyl and of four samples collected from uncontaminated areas and analysed alignments of 6068 predicted genes, corresponding to 1.04 × 107 base pairs. We found no dose‐dependent differences in substitution rates (neither dN, dS, nor dN/dS). Thus, we found no significant evidence of increased deleterious mutation rates at higher levels of background radiation in this plant pathogen. We even found lower levels of nonsynonymous substitution rates in contaminated areas compared to control regions, suggesting that purifying selection was stronger in contaminated than uncontaminated areas. We briefly discuss the possibilities for a mechanistic basis of radio resistance in this nonmelanized fungus.  相似文献   
The alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) region from five planitibia subgroup species of Hawaiian picture-wing Drosophila has been cloned. A total of 15 kb of DNA in and around the Adh gene has been compared among the five species. Genetic distances were calculated to determine evolutionary relationships. These distances agree with previous distances determined by protein polymorphism and DNA hybridization techniques and can be interpreted in terms of specific island colonization and speciation (founder) events over the past 5 Myr. Examination of the restriction maps of the cloned Adh region from the five species shows many instances of small deletions, insertion of a transposable element in D. heteroneura, and the existence of a highly variable region on the 3' side of the Adh gene. Clustering relationships and rates of DNA change are calculated and compared with the relationship found for other species of Drosophila.   相似文献   
Bacterial species and evolution: Theoretical and practical perspectives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A discussion of the species problem in modern evolutionary biology serves as the point of departure for an exploration of how the basic science aspects of this problem relate to efforts to map bacterial diversity for practical pursuits—for prospecting among the bacteria for useful genes and gene-products. Out of a confusing array of species concepts, the Cohesion Species Concept seems the most appropriate and useful for analyzing bacterial diversity. Techniques of allozyme analysis and DNA fingerprinting can be used to put this concept into practice to map bacterial genetic diversity, though the concept requires minor modification to encompass cases of complete asexuality. Examples from studies of phenetically definedBacillus species provide very partial maps of genetic population structure. A major conclusion is that such maps frequently reveal deep genetic subdivision within the phenetically defined specles; divisions that in some cases are clearly distinct genetic species. Knowledge of such subdivisions is bound to make prospecting within bacterial diversity more effective. Under the general concept of genetic cohesion a hypothetical framework for thinking about the full range of species conditions that might exist among bacteria is developed and the consequences of each such model for species delineation, and species identification are discussed. Modes of bacterial evolution, and a theory of bacterial speciation with and without genetic recombination, are examined. The essay concludes with thoughts about prospects for very extensive mapping of bacterial diversity in the service of future efforts to find useful products. In this context, evolutionary biology becomes the handmaiden of important industrial activities. A few examples of past success in commercializing bacterial gene-products from species ofBacillus and a few other bacteria are reviewed.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of removing cyclic pulmonary afferent neural information on respiratory pattern generation in anesthetized dogs. Phrenic neural output during spontaneous breathing (SB) was compared with that occurring during constant-flow ventilation (CFV) at several levels of eucapnic hypoxemia. Hypoxia caused an increase in both the frequency and the amplitude of the moving time average (MTA) phrenic neurogram during both SB and CFV. The change in frequency as arterial saturation was reduced from 90 to 60% during SB was significantly higher than that during CFV [SB, 32.3 +/- 10.9 (SD) breaths/min; CFV, 10.3 +/- 5.8 breaths/min; P = 0.001]. By contrast, the increase in the amplitude of the MTA phrenic neurogram was smaller (SB, 0.62 +/- 0.68 units; CFV, 1.35 +/- 0.81 units; P = 0.01). The changes in frequency with hypoxia during both modes of ventilation resulted primarily from a shortening of expiratory time. Both inspiratory time and expiratory time were greater during CFV than during SB, but their change in response to hypoxia was not significantly different. We conclude that the amplitude response of the MTA phrenic neurogram to hypoxia is similar to that seen during hypercapnia; in the presence of phasic afferent feedback the MTA amplitude response is decreased and the frequency response is increased relative to the response observed in the absence of phasic afferents.  相似文献   
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