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The effect of 900 mg aspirin on persistent itch from chronic dermatoses other than urticaria (eight patients) and other causes (five patients) was measured subjectively using a 10 cm line and objectively as nocturnal scratch using limb meters. There was no change in itch or scratch and it is concluded that aspirin neither affects itch centrally by a pain related mechanism nor affects itch physiologically by cyclo-oxygenase inhibition in the skin.  相似文献   
Recent studies have investigated the dendritic actin cytoskeleton of the cell edge''s lamellipodial (LP) region by experimentally decreasing the activity of the actin filament nucleator and branch former, the Arp2/3 complex. Here we extend these studies via pharmacological inhibition of the Arp2/3 complex in sea urchin coelomocytes, cells that possess an unusually broad LP region and display correspondingly exaggerated centripetal flow. Using light and electron microscopy, we demonstrate that Arp2/3 complex inhibition via the drug CK666 dramatically altered LP actin architecture, slowed centripetal flow, drove a lamellipodial-to-filopodial shape change in suspended cells, and induced a novel actin structural organization during cell spreading. A general feature of the CK666 phenotype in coelomocytes was transverse actin arcs, and arc generation was arrested by a formin inhibitor. We also demonstrate that CK666 treatment produces actin arcs in other cells with broad LP regions, namely fish keratocytes and Drosophila S2 cells. We hypothesize that the actin arcs made visible by Arp2/3 complex inhibition in coelomocytes may represent an exaggerated manifestation of the elongate mother filaments that could possibly serve as the scaffold for the production of the dendritic actin network.  相似文献   
With no further intervention, relapse rates in detoxified alcoholics are high and usually exceed 80% of all detoxified patients. It has been suggested that stress and exposure to priming doses of alcohol and to alcohol-associated stimuli (cues) contribute to the relapse risk after detoxification. This article focuses on neuronal correlates of cue responses in detoxified alcoholics. Current brain imaging studies indicate that dysfunction of dopaminergic, glutamatergic and opioidergic neurotransmission in the brain reward system (ventral striatum including the nucleus accumbens) can be associated with alcohol craving and functional brain activation in neuronal systems that process attentional relevant stimuli, reward expectancy and experience. Increased functional brain activation elicited by such alcohol-associated cues predicted an increased relapse risk, whereas high brain activity elicited by affectively positive stimuli may represent a protective factor and was correlated with a decreased prospective relapse risk. These findings are discussed with respect to psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatment options.  相似文献   
Metal concentrations in the gill, muscle and liver tissues of Labeo rosae from two impoundments, Loskop and Flag Boshielo dams on the Olifants River, were evaluated in 2011 to detect patterns in metal associations between tissues and impoundments. Elevated concentrations of Ba, Zn, B, Al, Si and Fe, relative to a pristine site in the catchment, were found in the muscle, liver and gill tissues at both impoundments. Molybdenum concentrations were exceptionally high in all tissues at Loskop Dam and in liver at Flag Boshielo Dam. No definite pattern in the ratio metal concentrations within, or between, fish tissues was identified. The expected trend, liver > gills > muscle, was found at both impoundments, but was less prominent at Loskop Dam. Metal concentrations in muscle of Loskop Dam fish were significantly higher than in those at Flag Boshielo Dam. The inverse was true for liver. The long-term impact of elevated metal concentrations on fish health at both impoundments raises concern.  相似文献   
The island of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, is populated by free-roaming dogs who were introduced during World War II. The local nonhuman animal control agency manages this population; however, the demographic information and public perception of this population remain unknown. To characterize the free-roaming dog population, an island-wide survey on Saipan was conducted. Photographic, mark-recapture data were used to estimate the population size per land type. Age, sex, sociality, and behavior per land type were documented and associations between these variables were tested using G tests. The effects of land type and urbanization on dog abundance were also analyzed. Lastly, in-person surveys provided data on the public perception of free-roaming dogs. Four main findings are reported: (a) The population size of free-roaming dogs on Saipan is estimated at 21,316. (b) Most dogs encountered were sentry adults. (c) Dog abundance increased with urbanization level and was highest in urban areas. (d) The public perceived free-roaming dogs as a health concern and suggested the implementation of leash laws and sheltering initiatives. This article discusses potential and existing population management strategies for free-roaming dogs on Saipan.  相似文献   
The effects of a variety of K+ channel blockers on current flow through single serotonin-sensitive K+ channels (the S channels) of Aplysia sensory neurons were studied using the patch-clamp technique. Tetraethylammonium (TEA), 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), and Co2+ and Ba2+ were first applied to the external membrane surface using cell-free outside-out patches. At concentrations up to 10 mM, these agents had little or no effect on single S-channel currents. At higher concentrations, external TEA acted as a fast open-channel blocker, reducing the single-channel current amplitude according to a simple one-to-one binding scheme with an apparent Kd of 90 mM. Blockage by external TEA is voltage independent. Internal TEA also acts as an open-channel blocker, with an apparent Kd of approximately 40 mM and a relatively weak voltage dependence, corresponding to an apparent electrical distance to the internal TEA-binding site of 0.1. Both internal and external TEA block the open channel selectively, with an affinity that is 10-100-fold greater than the affinity for the closed channel. Internal Ba2+ acts as a slow channel blocker, producing long closures of the channel, and binding with an apparent Kd of approximately 25-30 microM. These results show that single S-channel currents share a similar pharmacological profile with the macroscopic S current previously characterized with voltage clamp. On the basis of these results, a structural model for S-channel opening is proposed.  相似文献   
Feedstuffs used for poultry nutrition in Argentina were analyzed for fungal flora and natural incidence of mycotoxins. Survey of 120 samples of poultry feeds, taken from May 1998 to April 1999, showed the presence of 15 genera of filamentous fungi. The predominant genera wereFusarium spp. andPenicillium ssp., isolated in 67.5 % of the samples, followed byAspergillus spp. (57.5 %). Yeast, were significantly isolated from most of the samples. Species identification was carried down for the toxigenic genera. Fungal total counts of poultry feeds ranged from 2.0 × 103 to 3.0 × 105 CFU g-1 The fungal total counts during two months of sampling, were slightly over the limit value of 1 × 105 CFU g-1, which ensure the hygienic quality of the feed. Potentially toxicogenic species presented moderate mean colony counts. Many of the fungi isolated from poultry feeds are mycotoxin producers. Fumonisins had the highest incidence, and were found in 97 % of the analyzed samples followed by aflatoxin B1 (46 %), zearalenone (18 %) and deoxynivalenol (6 %). On the co-occurrence of both carcinogenic mycotoxins, all of the FBs contaminated feed samples were co-contaminated with AFB1. The results show the relevance of the samples screening for viable fungi propagules and the surveillance of their associated mycotoxins in poultry feeds.  相似文献   
The aims of the present study were, firstly, to determine the reliability and reproducibility of an agility T-test and Yo-Yo 10 m recovery test; and secondly, to analyse the physical characteristics measured by sprint, agility, strength and endurance field tests in wheelchair basketball (WB) players. 16 WB players (33.06 ± 7.36 years, 71.89 ± 21.71 kg and sitting body height 86.07 ± 6.82 cm) belonging to the national WB league participated in this study. Wheelchair sprint (5 and 20 m without ball, and 5 and 20 m with ball) agility (T-test and pick-up test) strength (handgrip and maximal pass) and endurance (Yo-Yo 10 m recovery test) were performed. T-test and Yo-Yo 10 m recovery test showed good reproducibility values (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC = 0.74-0.94). The WB players’ results in 5 and 20 m sprints without a ball were 1.87 ± 0.21 s and 5.70 ± 0.43 s and with a ball 2.10 ± 0.30 s and 6.59 ± 0.61 s, being better than those reported in the literature. Regarding the pick-up test results (16.05 ± 0.52 s) and maximal pass (8.39 ± 1.77 m), players showed worse values than those obtained in elite players. The main contribution of the present study is the characterization of the physical performance profile of WB players using a field test battery. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the agility T-test and the aerobic Yo-Yo 10 m recovery test are reliable; consequently they may be appropriate instruments for measuring physical fitness in WB.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Soils can act as agents of natural selection, causing differential fitness among genotypes and/or families of the same plant species, especially when soils have extreme physical or chemical properties. More subtle changes in soils, such as variation in microbial communities, may also act as agents of selection. We hypothesized that variation in soil properties within a single river drainage can be a selective gradient, driving local adaptation in plants.


Using seeds collected from individual genotypes of Populus angustifolia James and soils collected from underneath the same trees, we use a reciprocal transplant design to test whether seedlings would be locally adapted to their parental soil type.


We found three patterns: 1. Soils from beneath individual genotypes varied in pH, soil texture, nutrient content, microbial biomass and the physiological status of microorganisms. 2. Seedlings grown in local soils experienced 2.5-fold greater survival than seedlings planted in non-local soils. 3. Using a composite of height, number of leaves and leaf area to measure plant growth, seedlings grew ~17.5% larger in their local soil than in non-local soil.


These data support the hypothesis that variation in soils across subtle gradients can act as an important selective agent, causing differential fitness and local adaptation in plants.  相似文献   
In the aquatically mating harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, oestrous females show marked differences in spatial and temporal distribution between geographical areas. This suggests that the males' display behaviour may also vary between areas. We recorded male vocalizations in two areas, the Moray Firth and Orkney, U.K. In the Moray Firth, females haul out on a few intertidal sandbars and travel along predictable routes to forage at sea. In Orkney, female haul out sites are much less influenced by tidal availability and females are much more dispersed. In the Moray Firth, males vocalized only during a short mating season, from 1 July to 12 August. Vocalizations varied significantly with the tide, the peak at high tide clearly coinciding with the period when most females were in the water. In contrast, vocalizations in Orkney were significantly related to both tidal and diel patterns. We suggest that the timing of male vocalizations reflects differences in female availability between sites. In the inner Moray Firth, vocalizations were heard throughout the females' range, whereas vocalizations in Orkney were heard only in two discrete areas. However, at both sites the density of vocalizing males was highest in narrow channels and/or along predictable female travel routes. Therefore, males clearly adapt their temporal and spatial behaviour patterns to variations in female distribution and density. These results suggest that male mating strategies in aquatically mating pinnipeds are more variable than was previously envisaged. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   
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