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We show that a sex difference in the opportunity for selection results in sex differences in the strength of random genetic drift and thus creates different patterns of genetic diversity for maternally and paternally inherited haploid genes. We derive the effective population size Ne for a male-limited or female-limited haploid gene in terms of I, the "opportunity for selection" or the variance in relative fitness. Because the variance in relative fitness of males can be an order of magnitude larger than that of females, the Ne is much smaller for males than it is for females. We derive both nonequilibrium and equilibrium expressions for F(ST) in terms of I and show how the portion of I owing to sexual selection, Imates, that is, the variation among males in mate numbers, is a simple function of the F's for cytoplasmic (female inherited) and Y-linked (male inherited) genes. Because multiple, transgenerational data are lacking to apply the nonequilibrium expression, we apply only the equilibrium model to published data on Y chromosome and mitochondrial sequence divergence in Homo sapiens to quantify the opportunity for sexual selection. The estimate suggests that sexual selection in humans represents a minimum of 54.8% of total selection, supporting Darwin's proposal that sexual selection has played a significant role in human evolution and the recent proposal regarding a shift from polygamy to monogamy in humans.  相似文献   
Bateman identified two aspects of sexual selection. The first,called Bateman's principle, is that sexual selection favorsincreased promiscuity of males but not of females as a resultof differences in parental investment in gametes. The secondis that the variance in mate number of males is the fundamentalcause of a sex difference in fitness variance. We argue thatBateman's insight about the source of sexual selection is morefundamental than his speculation about patterns of parentalinvestment. We show that, when the sex ratio is 1:1, the averagefemale must be as promiscuous as the average male, because eachcopulation involves one male and one female. Because mean maleand female promiscuity are tied together in the same manneras mean male and female fitness, a sex difference in matingpropensity must be the result of either (1) a sex differencein the covariance between matings and number offspring, or (2)Fisherian run-away sexual selection, wherein female reluctanceto mate is a weak form of female choice. We show how femalepromiscuity can limit the evolution of male promiscuity, turningthe central argument of parental investment theory on its head.  相似文献   
An SAR study of psilocybin and psilocin derivatives reveals that 1-methylpsilocin is a selective agonist at the h5-HT(2C) receptor. The corresponding phosphate derivative, 1-methylpsilocybin, shows efficacy in an animal model for obsessive-compulsive disorder, as does 4-fluoro-N,N-dimethyltryptamine. These results suggest a new area for development of novel 5-HT(2C) agonists with applications for drug discovery.  相似文献   
Six extended dyslexic families with at least four affected individuals were genotyped with markers in three chromosomal regions: 6p23-p21.3, 15pter-qter, and 16pter-qter. Five theoretically derived phenotypes were used in the linkage analyses: (1) phonological awareness; (2) phonological decoding; (3) rapid automatized naming; (4) single-word reading; and (5) discrepancy between intelligence and reading performance, an empirically derived, commonly used phenotype. Two-point and multipoint allele-sharing analyses of chromosome 6 markers revealed significant evidence (P < 10(-6)) for linkage of the phonological awareness phenotype to five adjacent markers (D6S109, D6S461, D6S299, D6S464, and D6S306). The least compelling results were obtained with single-word reading. In contrast, with chromosome 15 markers, a LOD score of 3.15 was obtained for marker D15S143 at theta = 0.0 with single-word reading. Multipoint analyses with markers adjacent to D15S143 (D15S126, D15S132, D15S214, and D15S128) were positive, but none reached acceptable significance levels. Chromosome 15 analyses with the phonological awareness phenotype were negative. Parametric and nonparametric linkage analyses with chromosome 16 markers were negative. The most intriguing aspect of the current findings is that two very distinct reading-related phenotypes, reflecting different levels in the hierarchy of reading-related skills, each contributing to different processes, appear to be linked to two different chromosomal regions.  相似文献   
Strains of Escherichia coli carrying Tn10, a transposon consisting of two IS10 insertion sequences flanking a segment encoding for a tetracycline-resistance determinant, gain a competitive advantage in chemostat cultures. All Tn10-bearing strains that increase in frequency during competition have a new IS10 insertion that is found in the same location in the genome of those strains. We mapped, by a gradient of transmission, the position of the new IS10 insertion. We examined 11 isolates whose IS10 insertion was deleted by recombinational crossing- over, and in all cases the competitive fitness of the isolates was decreased. These results show that the IS10-generated insertion increases fitness in chemostat cultures. We named the insertion fit::IS10 and suggest that transposable elements may speed the rate of evolution by promoting nonhomologous recombination between preexisting variations within a genome and thereby generating adaptive variation.   相似文献   
Members of the ZFY and ZNF6 gene families have been cloned from species representing different taxa and different modes of sex determination. Comparisons of these genes show the ZFY-like and ZNF6 sequences to be strongly conserved across marsupials, birds, and lepidosaurians. Sequence analyzed by neighbor-joining indicated that both gene families are monophyletic with a high bootstrap value. Pairing of sequences from males and females of nonmammalian species showed there to be no significant difference between male and female sequences from a single species, consistent with autosomal locations. The molecular distances between murine Zfy-1, Zfy-2, and other ZFY-like sequences suggested that Zfy genes have undergone a period of rapid evolutionary change not seen in human ZFY.   相似文献   
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