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A neural network model for explaining experimentally observed neuronal responses in cat primary visual cortex is proposed. In our model, the basic functional unit is an orientation column which is represented by a large homogeneous population of neurons modeled as integrate-and-fire type excitable elements. The orientation column exhibits spontaneous collective oscillations in activity in response to suitable visual stimuli. Such oscillations are caused by mutual synchronization among the neurons within the column. Numerical simulation for various stimulus patterns shows that as a result of activity correlations between different columns, the amplitude and the phase of the oscillation in each column depend strongly on the global feature of the stimulus pattern. These results satisfactorily account for experimental observations.  相似文献   
The following was recently reported by Bonner et al. (1995): (1) Rapid differentiation occurred into two zones in Dictyostelium discoideum cells confined in a fine glass capillary. The cells in the anterior zone exposed to the air appear similar to prestalk cells, while the posterior zone isolated from the air mimics prespore cells. (2) The volumes of the two zones are proportional to each other for different sized cell masses, and the proportion is the same as that in normal migrating slugs. We investigated the nature of this newly discovered rapid differentiation in a slightly modified geometry. Exponentially growing cells were harvested, washed to remove external nutrients, and pelleted by centrifugation. Subsequently, a small drop of the pelleted (starved) cells was placed on a slide glass and then confined in a two-dimensional space between the slide glass and a coverslip, with help of spacers whose thickness varied from 25 to 100 μm. As a result, a dark zone, which looked optically different, emerged within several minutes in the periphery of the disc of the confined cells, corresponding to the zonation in a capillary as previously reported. When the width of the peripheral zone was measured for more than 30 samples of different diameters for each thickness of the spacers, the width was found to be always about 100 μm, irrespective of the size difference of the cell mass placed. This seems to be contradictory to the previous observation made by Bonner et al. (1995). We also examined oxygen concentration dependence on the zone width. The zone width was found to be independent of the oxygen concentration at low concentrations, but increased rapidly at high concentrations. A reaction-diffusion mechanism for formation of the zone and possible involvement of atmospheric oxygen (O2) in the initial steps of cell differentiation and pattern formation is discussed.  相似文献   
The synthesis of 8-methyladenosine-substituted 2-5A tetramers with hydroxyalkyl groups at the 5'-phosphates and the corresponding 2-5A-antisense chimeras is described. These oligonucleotides were synthesized by the phosphoramidite method with a DNA/RNA synthesizer. These 2-5A tetramers with hydroxyethyl and hydroxybutyl groups at their 5'-phosphates were more resistant to hydrolysis by alkaline phosphatase than those without the hydroxyalkyl groups. Incorporation of the hydroxyethyl group into the 2-5A tetramer and 2-5A-antisense chimera slightly reduced the abilities of their analogues to activate recombinant human RNase L, but the abilities of the 2-5A tetramer and the 2-5A-antisense chimera both with the hydroxyethyl group and 8-methyladenosine returned to 80 and 50% relative to those of the oligonucleotides without the hydroxyethyl group and 8-methyladenosine, respectively. Furthermore, the enzyme activated by 8-methyladenosine-substituted 2-5A-antisense chimera with the hydroxyethyl group cleaved the complementary RNA as efficiently as that activated by 2-5A-antisense chimera without the hydroxyethyl group and 8-methyladenosine. Thus, the 2-5A-antisense chimera carrying the hydroxyethyl group and 8-methyladenosine will be a candidate for a novel antisense molecule.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of the nitrile hydratase (NHase) from Bacillus smithii SC-J05-1 was determined. Our analysis of the structure shows that some residues that seem to be responsible for substrate recognition are different from those of other NHases. In particular, the Phe52 in the beta subunit of NHase from B. smithii covers the metal center partially like a small lid and narrows the active site cleft. It is well known that the NHase from B. smithii especially prefers aliphatic nitriles for its substrate rather than aromatic ones, and we can now infer that the Phe52 residue may play a key role in the substrate specificity for this enzyme. This finding leads us to suggest that substitution of these residues may alter the substrate specificity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Stress-relaxation parameters were compared under different experimentalconditions using 5th internode segments of light-grown pea seedlingsand coleoptile segments of dark-grown Avena seedlings. The followingresults were obtained. 1. In a short incubation period at 25?C, IAA caused a decreasein the minimum relaxation time, To, of the epidermal cell wallof pea internodes when it induced elongation; the optimum concentrationof IAA for decreasing To was 10 mg/liter. 2. At all concentrations of IAA used, 0.1–1000 mg/liter,the relationship between the To value of the epidermal cellwall peeled from segments incubated for 2 hr and the subsequentelongation rate in 2–3 hr incubation was linear, indicatingthat the To value of the cell wall at a certain time regulatesthe rate of the following elongation. 3. When segments of pea epicotyls or Avena coleoptiles wereincubated in mannitol solution of various concentrations inthe presence and absence of IAA and then allowed to grow inthe absence of both mannitol and IAA, the segments extendeddifferently depending upon the mannitol concentration, whichwas less than 0.3 M, given during preincubation. 4. The To and b (relaxation rate, S/log t) values were smallerin the cell wall of segments which extended more, than in thosewhich extended less. In this case, 0.2 M mannitol solution wasmost effective, since it inhibited IAA-induced elongation duringpre-incubation and the segments thus incubated extended themost afterward. 5. Extensibility, mm/gr, seemed to parallel the elongation whichhad occurred during pre-incubation, indicating that this value,contrary to To, represented at least partly the result of elongation. From these results we concluded that the growth rate to followis regulated by the minimum stress relaxation time, To, andpossibly by the relaxation rate, b, of the cell wall beforeextension, and these parameters may represent certain biochemicalmodifications of the cell wall components needed for cell extension. (Received August 12, 1974; )  相似文献   
Experimental vaccination with radiation-attenuated cercariae (RAC) confers possible practical levels of resistance to challenge infection by humoral and by cellular mechanism. Here, we aimed to identify possible vaccine antigens by using specific IgG antibody from RAC vaccinated miniature pig. Two milligrams of soluble egg antigen (SEA) or schistosomal worm antigen preparation (SWAP) was fractionated using two dimensional liquid chromatography (proteome PF 2D) consisted of high performance chromatofocusing (HPCF) and high resolution reversed phase chromatography (HPRP). Of the 42 HPCF fractions of SEA or SWAP, 26 (61.9%) or 15 (35.7%) showed positive dot blot reaction with RAC vaccinated serum respectively. The dot blot positive fractions were applied to the second HPRP column. One hundred and seven out of 26 x 96 of SEA fractions and 18 out of 15 x 96 SWAP fractions reacted with RAC vaccinated serum. From the positive fractions we chose 17 of SEA and 10 of SWAP that had no reactivity with normal cercariae infected (NCI) sera and had single peak of 214 nm; and automated N-terminal amino acid sequence based on in situ Edman Reaction was conducted. Four sequences were obtained and applied to the homology search in NCBI database. A total of eight candidate genes were listed up and their cDNA clones from schistosomula stage were obtained. Two of the recombinant proteins (AAW27472.1 and AXX25883.1) showed strong reactivity with the RAC vaccinated serum but marginal with NCI serum. This protocol using proteome PF 2D could be applicable in identifying immunoreactive proteins from crude extract for the development of vaccines or for diagnostics.  相似文献   
Polycystines (spumellarians, nassellarians, and collodarians), phaeodarians, and acantharians are marine planktonic protists that have been conventionally and collectively called "radiolaria". Recent molecular phylogenetic studies revealed radiolarian polyphyly with phaeodarians being a separate offshoot. Collodarians and nassellarians are also shown to form a monophyletic group, but other aspects of radiolarian phylogeny, such as interrelations among polycystines and acantharians, remained uncertain. Here, we present molecular phylogenetic analyses including new ribosomal RNA sequences from ten spumellarians and nine nassellarians, based on Bayesian and maximum-likelihood methods. Results indicate that the Polycystinea is a paraphyletic group, with Bayesian analysis suggesting that spumellarians form a clade with acantharians. The heliozoan-like protist Sticholonche appears as a sister to the spumellarian clade. The nassellarian Eucyrtidium is located outside the clade including the other nassellarians and collodarians. The mineralogy of the test of extant radiolarians and the tree topology obtained in this work suggest that acantharians and spumellarians evolved from an ancestor with a siliceous skeleton. Collodarians and nassellarians form a well-supported clade and one might infer from the fossil record that they may have diverged between the Jurassic and the Eocene.  相似文献   
Initiation of chromosome DNA replication in eukaryotes is tightly regulated through assembly of replication factors at replication origins. Here, we investigated dependence of the assembly of the initiation complex on particular factors using temperature-sensitive fission yeast mutants. The psf3-1 mutant, a GINS component mutant, arrested with unreplicated DNA at the restrictive temperature and the DNA content gradually increased, suggesting a defect in DNA replication. The mutation impaired GINS complex formation, as shown by pull-down experiments. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicated that GINS integrity was required for origin loading of Psf2, Cut5 and Cdc45, but not Sld3. In contrast, loading of Psf2 onto origins depended on Sld3 and Cut5 but not on Cdc45. These results suggest that Sld3 functions furthest upstream in initiation complex assembly, followed by GINS and Cut5, then Cdc45. Consistent with this conclusion, Cdc7-Dbf4 kinase (DDK) but not cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) was required for Sld3 loading, whereas recruitment of the other factors depended on both kinases. These results suggest that DDK and CDK regulate distinct steps in activation of replication origins in fission yeast.  相似文献   
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