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We determined the expression profile of ~300 G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in embryonic cortical neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and identified a number of highly expressed GPCRs, among which endothelin-B receptor (ET(B)-R) was expressed at the highest level. We also revealed that endothelins (ETs) were predominantly expressed in CD31-positive endothelial cells of the embryonic cerebral cortex. Activation of ET(B)-R induced NPC assembly in vitro by promoting fibronectin-dependent-motility and N-cadherin-associated cell contact. NPC assembly also required a Rho-family GTPase(s) and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase. In the embryonic cerebral cortex, a specific ET(B)-R agonist, IRL-1620, accelerated interkinetic nuclear migration (INM) of NPCs toward the ventricular wall (VW) ex vivo. Conversely, a specific ET(B)-R antagonist, BQ788, slowed INM, thereby inducing mislocalization of phospho-histone H3-positive M-phase nuclei in the ventricular zone (VZ) and decreasing the number of Tuj1-positive newborn neurons. Our results suggest that ET(B)-R-mediated assembly signals drive INM that precedes neurogenesis.  相似文献   
Actomyosin contractility is a major force-generating mechanism that drives rearrangement of actomyosin networks; it is fundamental to cellular functions such as cellular reshaping and movement. Thus, to clarify the mechanochemical foundation of the emergence of cellular functions, understanding the relationship between actomyosin contractility and rearrangement of actomyosin networks is crucial. For this purpose, in this study, we present a new particulate-based model for simulating the motions of actin, non-muscle myosin II, and αactinin. To confirm the model's validity, we successfully simulated sliding and bending motions of actomyosin filaments, which are observed as fundamental behaviors in dynamic rearrangement of actomyosin networks in migrating keratocytes. Next, we simulated the dynamic rearrangement of actomyosin networks. Our simulation results indicate that an increase in the density fraction of myosin induces a higher-order structural transition of actomyosin filaments from networks to bundles, in addition to increasing the force generated by actomyosin filaments in the network. We compare our simulation results with experimental results and confirm that actomyosin bundles bridging focal adhesions and the characteristics of myosin-dependent rearrangement of actomyosin networks agree qualitatively with those observed experimentally.  相似文献   
A novel growth factor containing non-canonical amino acids was designed and synthesized to enhance the binding to hydroxyapatite (HA). The designed protein was human bone morphogenetic protein 4 (hBMP4) incorporating diphosporylated serines (pSpS) that was found in salivary protein statherin and was reported to be responsible for binding to HA. Recombinant hBMP4 and a short peptide sequences containing pSpS were ligated by enzymatice reaction of sortase A, which exchanges the terminal amino acids of two polypeptides. Resulting hBMP4 containing pSpS (hBMP4-pSpS) bound HA more efficiently than hBMP-4 tagged with canonical serines (hBMP4-SS). The HA-bound hBMP-4-pSpS exhibited osteogenesis inducing activity to multipotential mesenchyme cells (C3H10T1/2) as evidenced by increased expression of osteogenic markers, which was not seen by hBMP4-SS. This novel protein with non-canonical serines will be applicable to bone regeneration materials in combination with HA.  相似文献   
The complete genome sequencing of a γ-hexachlorocyclohexane-degrading strain, Sphingobium japonicum UT26, revealed that the genome consists of two circular chromosomes [with sizes of 3.5 Mb (Chr1) and 682kb (Chr2)], a 191-kb large plasmid (pCHQ1), and two small plasmids with sizes of 32 and 5kb. The lin genes are dispersed on Chr1, Chr2, and pCHQ1. Comparison of the UT26 genome with those of other sphingomonad strains demonstrated that the "specific"lin genes for conversion of γ-HCH to β-ketoadipate (linA, linB, linC, linRED, and linF) are located on the DNA regions unique to the UT26 genome, suggesting the acquisition of these lin genes by horizontal transfer events. On the other hand, linGHIJ and linKLMN are located on the regions conserved in the genomes of sphingomonads, suggesting that the linGHIJ-encoded β-ketoadipate pathway and the LinKLMN-type ABC transporter system are involved in core functions of sphingomonads. Based on these results, we propose a hypothesis that UT26 was created by recruiting the specific lin genes into a strain having core functions of sphingomonads. Most of the specific lin genes in UT26 are associated with IS6100. Our analysis of spontaneous linA-, linC-, and linRED-deletion mutants of UT26 revealed the involvement of IS6100 in their deduced genome rearrangements. These facts strongly suggest that IS6100 plays important roles both in the dissemination of the specific lin genes and in the genome rearrangements.  相似文献   
In Crenarchaea, several tRNA genes are predicted to express precursor-tRNAs (pre-tRNAs) with canonical or non-canonical introns at various positions. We initially focused on the tRNA(Thr) species of hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon, Aeropyrum pernix (APE) and found that in the living APE cells three tRNA(Thr) species were transcribed and subsequently matured to functional tRNAs. During maturation, introns in two of them were cleaved from standard and non-standard positions. Biochemical studies revealed that the APE splicing endonuclease (APE-EndA) removed both types of introns, including the non-canonical introns, without any nucleotide modification. To clarify the underlying reasons for broad substrate specificity of APE-EndA, we determined the crystal structure of wild-type APE-EndA and subsequently compared its structure with that of Archaeaoglobus fulgidus (AFU)-EndA, which has narrow substrate specificity. Remarkably, structural comparison revealed that APE-EndA possesses a Crenarchaea specific loop (CSL). Introduction of CSL into AFU-EndA enhanced its intron-cleaving activity irrespective of the position or motif of the intron. Thus, our biochemical and crystallographic analyses of the chimera-EndA demonstrated that the CSL is responsible for the broad substrate specificity of APE-EndA. Furthermore, mutagenesis studies revealed that Lys44 in CSL functions as the RNA recognition site.  相似文献   
SMAP2 is an Arf GTPase-activating protein that is located and functions on early endosome membranes. In the present study, the trans-Golgi network (TGN) was verified as an additional site of SMAP2 localization based on its co-localization with various TGN-marker proteins. Mutation of specific stretches of basic amino acid residues abolished the TGN-localization of SMAP2. Over-expression of wild-type SMAP2, but not of the mutated SMAP2, inhibited the transport of vesicular stomatitis virus-G protein from the TGN to the plasma membrane. In contrast, this transport was enhanced in SMAP2 (-/-) cells characterized by increased levels of the activated form of Arf. SMAP2 therefore belongs to an ArfGAP subtype that resides on the TGN and functions as a negative regulator of vesicle budding from the organelle.  相似文献   
The clock gene (CLOCK) is considered to be a good candidate gene for the pathophysiology of mood disorders, including bipolar disorder (BP) and major depressive disorder (MDD). rs1801260 (T3111C) has been detected at position 3111 in the CLOCK mRNA 3' untranslated region, and was reported to be associated with a substantial delay in preferred timing for activity and sleep in a human study. As for function, rs1801260 has been speculated to affect mRNA. Therefore, the authors investigated the association between the three tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs3736544, rs1801260, and rs3749474) in CLOCK and risk of BP (n=867) and MDD (n=139) compared to controls (n=889) in the Japanese population. In addition, we also performed an updated meta-analysis of nine published, genetic association studies investigating the relationship between rs1801260 and mood disorder risk, comprising 3321 mood disorders cases and 3574 controls. We did not detect any associations between tagging SNPs in CLOCK and BP or MDD in the allele, genotype, or haplotype analysis (global p(BP)=.605 and global p(MDD)=.211). Moreover, rs1801260 was also not associated with BP, MDD, or any mood disorders in the meta-analysis. In conclusion, these data suggest that CLOCK does not play a major role in the pathophysiology of mood disorders.  相似文献   
Metabolites, the end products of gene expression in living organisms, are tightly correlated with an organism's development and growth. Thus, metabolic profiling is a potentially important tool for understanding the events that have occurred in cells, tissues, and individual organisms. Here, we present a method for predicting the developmental stage of zebrafish embryos using novel metabolomic non-target fingerprints of "single-embryos". With this method, we observed the rate of development at different temperatures. Our results suggest that this method allows us to analyse the condition, or distinguish the genotype, of single-embryos before expression of their ultimate phenotype.  相似文献   
Partitioning ectoderm precisely into neurogenic and non-neurogenic regions is an essential step for neurogenesis of almost all bilaterian embryos. Although it is widely accepted that antagonism between BMP and its inhibitors primarily sets up the border between these two types of ectoderm, it is unclear how such extracellular, diffusible molecules create a sharp and precise border at the single-cell level. Here, we show that Fez, a zinc finger protein, functions as an intracellular factor attenuating BMP signaling specifically within the neurogenic region at the anterior end of sea urchin embryos, termed the animal plate. When Fez function is blocked, the size of this neurogenic ectoderm becomes smaller than normal. However, this reduction is rescued in Fez morphants simply by blocking BMP2/4 translation, indicating that Fez maintains the size of the animal plate by attenuating BMP2/4 function. Consistent with this, the gradient of BMP activity along the aboral side of the animal plate, as measured by pSmad1/5/8 levels, drops significantly in cells expressing Fez and this steep decline requires Fez function. Our data reveal that this neurogenic ectoderm produces an intrinsic system that attenuates BMP signaling to ensure the establishment of a stable, well-defined neural territory, the animal plate.  相似文献   
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