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Centrosomes are the principal microtubule organising centres in somatic cells. Abnormal centrosome number is common in tumours and occurs after gamma-irradiation and in cells with mutations in DNA repair genes. To investigate how DNA damage causes centrosome amplification, we examined cells that conditionally lack the Rad51 recombinase and thereby incur high levels of spontaneous DNA damage. Rad51-deficient cells arrested in G2 phase and formed supernumerary functional centrosomes, as assessed by light and serial section electron microscopy. This centrosome amplification occurred without an additional DNA replication round and was not the result of cytokinesis failure. G2-to-M checkpoint over-ride by caffeine or wortmannin treatment strongly reduced DNA damage-induced centrosome amplification. Radiation-induced centrosome amplification was potentiated by Rad54 disruption. Gene targeting of ATM reduced, but did not abrogate, centrosome amplification induced by DNA damage in both the Rad51 and Rad54 knockout models, demonstrating ATM-dependent and -independent components of DNA damage-inducible G2-phase centrosome amplification. Our data suggest DNA damage-induced centrosome amplification as a mechanism for ensuring death of cells that evade the DNA damage or spindle assembly checkpoints.  相似文献   
Objectives: the purpose of ths study is to explore laypersons' attitudes towards and experiences of medical research, and to compare them with those of physicians in Japan. Designs and Participants: fourteen Japanese adults from the general public and seven physicians participated in one of three focus interviews. Setting: Osaka, Japan. Results: trust and distrust in the physician by whom the participants were invited to participate in research played a considerable role in their decisions about participation. That the participants felt an obligation to participate was also expressed. The lay participants perceived medical research as something entirely outside of their world. A greater willingness to volunteer for research was expressed if there were direct benefits to themselves or their families. Research methods such as use of placebos, double blinds, and randomisations seemed to cause negative attitudes to medical research. All physicians were convinced of the need for medical research, including double-blinded randomised control trials, and its significant role in medical progress. Most physicians thought that the greater awareness of the need for medical research in the community and a better understanding of the psychology of potential research participants were necessary and urgent. Conclusions: there is a good possibility that the lay public and medical professionals have sharply different beliefs about and attitudes towards every aspect of medical research. Building up a better and equal patient-doctor relationship based on trust is a key issue in medical research, and it is mandatory to fill the gap in perception regarding medical research between them through fully informed debates.  相似文献   
Under strong light, photosystem II (PSII) of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms is inactivated, and this phenomenon is called photoinhibition. In a widely accepted model, photoinhibition is induced by excess light energy, which is absorbed by chlorophyll but not utilized in photosynthesis. Using monochromatic light from the Okazaki Large Spectrograph and thylakoid membranes from Thermosynechococcus elongatus, we observed that UV and blue light inactivated the oxygen-evolving complex much faster than the photochemical reaction center of PSII. These observations suggested that the light-induced damage was associated with a UV- and blue light-absorbing center in the oxygen-evolving complex of PSII. The action spectrum of the primary event in photodamage to PSII revealed the strong effects of UV and blue light and differed considerably from the absorption spectra of chlorophyll and thylakoid membranes. By contrast to the photoinduced inactivation of the oxygen-evolving complex in untreated thylakoid membranes, red light efficiently induced inactivation of the PSII reaction center in Tris-treated thylakoid membranes, and the action spectrum resembled the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll. Our observations suggest that photodamage to PSII occurs in two steps. Step 1 is the light-induced inactivation of the oxygen-evolving complex. Step 2, occurring after step 1 is complete, is the inactivation of the PSII reaction center by light absorbed by chlorophyll. We confirmed our model by illumination of untreated thylakoid membranes with blue and UV light, which inactivated the oxygen-evolving complex, and then with red light, which inactivated the photochemical reaction center.  相似文献   
Ise R  Han D  Takahashi Y  Terasaka S  Inoue A  Tanji M  Kiyama R 《FEBS letters》2005,579(7):1732-1740
Here, we examined phytoestrogens, isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, glycitein, biochanin A and ipriflavone), flavones (chrysin, luteolin and apigenin), flavonols (kaempferol and quercetin), and a coumestan, a flavanone and a chalcone (coumestrol, naringenin and phloretin, respectively) by means of a DNA microarray assay. A total of 172 estrogen responsive genes were monitored with a customized DNA microarray and their expression profiles for the above phytoestrogens were compared with that for 17beta-estradiol (E2) using correlation coefficients, or R values, after a correlation analysis by linear regression. While R values indicate the similarity of the response by the genes, we also examined the genes by cluster analysis and by their specificity to phytoestrogens (specific to genistein, daidzein or glycitein) or gene functions. Several genes were selected from p53-related genes (CDKN1A, TP53I11 and CDC14), Akt2-related genes (PRKCD, BRCA1, TRIB3 and APPL), mitogen-activated protein kinase-related genes (RSK and SH3BP5), Ras superfamily genes (RAP1GA1, RHOC and ARHGDIA) and AP-1 family and related genes (RIP140, FOS, ATF3, JUN and FRA2). We further examined the extracts from two local crops of soy beans (Kuro-daizu or Mochi-daizu) by comparing the gene expression profiles with those of E2 or phytoestrogens as a first step in utilizing the expression profiles for various applications.  相似文献   
The urinary bladder pressure during micturition consists of two components: an initial, phasic component and a subsequent, sustained component. To investigate the excitation mechanisms underlying the sustained pressure, we recorded from membranes of isolated detrusor cells from the pig, which can be used as a model for human micturition. Parasympathomimetic agents promptly evoke a large transient inward current, and subsequently during its continuous presence, oscillating inward currents of relatively small amplitudes are observed. The two types of inward current are considered to cause the phasic and sustained pressure rises, respectively. Ionic substitution and applications of channel blockers revealed that Ca2+-activated Cl channels were responsible for the large transient and oscillating inward currents. Furthermore, the inclusion of guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) in the patch pipette indicates that both inward currents involve G proteins. However, applications of heparin in the patch pipette and of xestospongin C in the bathing solution suggest a signaling pathway other than inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) operating in the inward current oscillations, unlike the initial transient inward current. This IP3-independent inward current oscillation system required both sustained Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space and Ca2+ release from the intracellular stores. These two requirements are presumably SKF-96365-sensitive cation channels and ryanodine receptors, respectively. Experiments with various Ca2+ concentrations suggested that Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space plays a major role in pacing the oscillatory rhythm. The fact that distinct mechanisms underlie the two types of inward current may help in development of clinical treatments of, for example, urinary incontinence and residual urine volume control. G proteins; micturition; oscillation; carbachol; SKF-96365  相似文献   
The hemangioblast in the mesoderm gives rise to both angioblasts and hematopoietic stem cells. The movement of hemangioblast precursor cells in the fetal trunk is a critical event in early embryogenesis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling is likely involved in this migration given the partial disturbance of VEGF receptor (VEGFR)-positive cell accumulation and migration in VEGFR2 null mice or mice with a truncated VEGFR1. However, it is not clear how the VEGF system regulates this migration or its direction. We show here that the expression of VEGF-A is dominant in the anterior portion of the embryo, whereas VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 are expressed in the posterior portion of the embryo. An inhibitor of VEGFR kinase blocked the migration of VEGFR-positive cells in a whole-embryo culture system. In addition, VEGFR-positive cells migrated toward a VEGFR1- or VEGFR2-specific ligand in vitro. Furthermore, VEGFR-positive cells derived from wild-type or VEGFR2(+/-) mice moved rapidly anteriorly, whereas cells derived from VEGFR2(+/-) mice carrying a truncated VEGFR1 [VEGFR1(TM-TK)(-/-)] migrated little when injected into wild-type mice. These results suggest that the VEGF-A protein concentrated in the anterior region plays an important role in the guidance of VEGFR-positive cells from the posterior portion to the head region by interacting with VEGFR in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   
We recently described that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) stimulates the synthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) through the induction of the rate-limiting enzyme GTP-cyclohydrolase I (GTPCH), and increases tetrahydrobiopterin content in vascular endothelial cells. Tetrahydrobiopterin is easily oxidized by peroxynitrite (ONOO-), but not by hydrogen peroxide. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite, which are both toxic biological oxidants, on tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis and the regulation of its content in vascular endothelial cells. In the cell-free assay system, tetrahydrobiopterin was rapidly oxidized by the hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite, but not by hydrogen peroxide. However, the addition of not only hydrogen peroxide but also the hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite to vascular endothelial cells transiently decreased tetrahydrobiopterin content, and then markedly increased its content. Interestingly, total biopterin content was also decreased by early treatment with oxidants. Moreover, oxidants induced the expression of GTP-cyclohydrolase I, and the increase of the tetrahydrobiopterin content was blocked by the treatment with GTP-cyclohydrolase I inhibitor. Both the hydrogen peroxide- and peroxynitrite-induced increases in tetrahydrobiopterin content and findings suggest that not only hydrogen peroxide but also the hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite stimulates tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis through GTP-cyclohydrolase I expression, and that the hydroxyl radical plays a central role in the stimulation of tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis. Moreover, the transient decrease in BH4 to tetrahydrobiopterin.  相似文献   
The mutual binding inhibition of tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin to their binding protein from the plasma of Fugu pardalis was investigated by HPLC. The values for the half inhibitory concentration of tetrodotoxin (1.6 microM) binding to this protein (1.2 microM) for saxitoxin, and of saxitoxin (0.47 microM) binding to that (0.30 microM) for tetrodotoxin were 0.35 +/- 0.057 microM and 81 +/- 16 microM (n = 2), respectively.  相似文献   
The ‘3-second rule’ has been proposed based on miscellaneous observations that a time period of around 3 seconds constitutes the fundamental unit of time related to the neuro-cognitive machinery in normal humans. The aim of paper was to investigate the temporal processing in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) and SCA31, pure cerebellar types of spinocerebellar degeneration, using a synchronized tapping task. Seventeen SCA patients (11 SCA6, 6 SCA31) and 17 normal age-matched volunteers participated. The task required subjects to tap a keyboard in synchrony with sequences of auditory stimuli presented at fixed interstimulus intervals (ISIs) between 200 and 4800 ms. In this task, the subjects required non-motor components to estimate the time of forthcoming tone in addition to motor components to tap. Normal subjects synchronized their taps to the presented tones at shorter ISIs, whereas as the ISI became longer, the normal subjects displayed greater latency between the tone and the tapping (transition zone). After the transition zone, normal subjects pressed the button delayed relative to the tone. On the other hand, SCA patients could not synchronize their tapping with the tone even at shorter ISIs, although they pressed the button delayed relative to the tone earlier than normal subjects did. The earliest time of delayed tapping appearance after the transition zone was 4800 ms in normal subjects but 1800 ms in SCA patients. The span of temporal integration in SCA patients is shortened compared to that in normal subjects. This could represent non-motor cerebellar dysfunction in SCA patients.  相似文献   
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