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The numbers of microscopic fungi isolated from soil samples after anaerobic incubation varied from tens to several hundreds of CFU per one gram of soil; a total of 30 species was found. This group is composed primarily of mitotic fungi of the ascomycete affinity belonging to the orders Hypocreales (Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum, Fusarium sp., Clonostachys grammicospora, C. rosea. Acremonium sp., Gliocladium penicilloides, Trichoderma aureoviride, T. harzianum, T. polysporum, T. viride. T. koningii, Lecanicillum lecanii, and Tolypocladium inflatum) and Eurotiales (Aspergillus terreus, A. niger, and Paecilomyces lilacimus), as well as to the phylum Zygomycota, to the order Mucorales (Actinomucor elegans, Absidia glauca, Mucor circinelloides, M. hiemalis, M. racemosus, Mucor sp., Rhizopus oryzae, Zygorrhynchus moelleri, Z. heterogamus, and Umbelopsis isabellina) and the order Mortierellales (Mortierella sp.). As much as 10-30% of the total amount of fungal mycelium remains viable for a long time (one month) under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   
Results are presented from studies of the possibility of using a thin metal foil for recyclable vacuum transmission lines with magnetic insulation in a conceptual fusion reactor based on high-voltage high-current electromagnetic generators. Numerical simulations and experiments in the Angara-5-1 facility were carried out to determine both the threshold for the explosion of a foil heated by a current pulse and the parameters of the plasma layer formed at the foil surface. It was found experimentally that an additional plasma current channel forms on the surface of a 120-μm stainless-steel foil at a linear current density of 0.25–0.5 MA/cm, which corresponds to a magnetic field of 0.3–0.6 MG. For the same conditions, one-dimensional computer simulations of the foil heating were performed in an MHD model by using a wide-range semiempirical equation of state for stainless steel. The calculated threshold for plasma generation on the foil surface is compared with the experimental data. The main parameters of the plasma layer are also calculated at linear current densities of 2–10 MA/cm, which far exceed the threshold current density. The plasma layer parameters as functions of the linear current density are determined for the case of an iron foil.  相似文献   
Morphological (plant height and vegetative biomass amount) and symbiotic (number of nodules and nitrogenase activity) traits of six symbiotic pea mutants and the original cultivar Rondo were studied at different vegetation periods. Of the mutants studied, one (K10a) was supernodular and the remaining five (K1a, K2a, K5a, K7a, and K27a) were hypemodular. Essential distinctions in the absolute values and time course of the changes in individual morphological and symbiotic traits of different pea mutants were demonstrated. The supernodular type is inferior to the original cultivar in plant height and production of vegetative biomass, but exceeds it in nodulation and nitrogen fixation. The hypernodular mutants either surpass the original cultivar with respect to the production capacity or display similar results. The symbiotic traits—number of nodules and nitrogen fixation activity—of these mutants are higher compared with the Rondo cultivar. The mutants K1a, K2a, and K27a were demonstrated to be useful in breeding pea for an increase in nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   
Sawdust, a bulky waste generated by wood processing industries, has very few profitable and ecofriendly uses and poses a problem of proper disposal. Treatment with the fungusVolvariella volvaceae and a dilute solution of urea converted sawdust from a phytoinhibitory material to a phytostimulatory soil conditioner. In different types of soils, the soil conditioner increased the moisture retention and facilitated the cohesive interaction of particles. Analyses of the major biopolymers of sawdust after fungal treatment indicated that levels of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin decreased; however, these changes did not account for the plant growth stimulatory property attained by this material.  相似文献   
Reactions of 277 neurones located in the brain pons dorsolateral portion were analised in staying awake and narcotized rats during immobility reflex, induced by the skin constriction on the neck dorsal surface. Got excited: fast adaptive tactile neurons (n = 32), interneurons (n = 42), and cells forming monosynaptic inputs to the parts of medulla oblongata, which inhibit the movements (n = 10). Were inhibited: somatosensory (n = 42), nociceptive (n = 24) and nonidentificated (n = 14) neurons. In some neurons charge characteristics were stable or slightly modified, namely: respiratory neurons (n = 16), cell group, having stable background firing (n = 72) and stimulating antidromically spontaneously silent ponto-medullar neurons (n = 22).  相似文献   
An anti-ischemic effect of the delta-sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) was found in rats. The DSIP effect was more obvious than that of the MK-801. The data obtained is discussed considering a possible use of the DSIP for brain stroke prophylaxis.  相似文献   
The data obtained show that, at the initial stages of hypothermia, a decrease in the oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, cardiac output, and heart rate occurred in accordance with the temperature coefficient. Suppression of the tissue gas exchange was unrelated to disorders in the lung gas exchange but determined rather by a progressing weakening of heart activity, decrease in the cardiac output, and increase in the general vascular peripheral resistance.  相似文献   
The results of the first methodical investigation into the aerobic methanotrophic communities inhabiting the bottom sediments of Lake Baikal are reported. Use of the radioisotopic method revealed methane consumption in 12 10- to 50-cm-long sediment cores. The maximum methane consumption rates (495-737 microl/(dm3 day) were recorded in sediments in the regions of hydrothermal vents and oil and gas occurrence. Methane consumption was most active in the surface layers of the sediments (0-4 cm); it decreased with the sediment depth and became negligible or absent at depths below 20 cm. The number of methanotrophic bacteria usually ranged from 100 to 1000 cells/cm3 of sediment and reached 1 million cells/cm3 in the regions of oil and gas occurrence. The 17 enrichment cultures obtained were represented mainly by morphotype II methanotrophs. Phylogenetic analysis of the enrichment cultures in terms of the amino acid sequence of the alpha subunit of the membrane-bound methane monooxygenase revealed the predominance of methanotrophs of the genus Methylocystis. The results obtained suggest the presence of an active aerobic methanotrophic community in Lake Baikal.  相似文献   
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