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Low-amplitude potentials (10-130 microV) related to the action of a distant branch of the climbing fiber, which elicits complex spikes of the reference Purkinje cell were revealed by means of potential averaging synchronously with complex spikes of Purkinje cells in 10 out of 255 paired records of cerebellar Purkinje cells activity and extracellular field potentials at interelectrode distances of 200-1500 microns. These potential waves had a stable form in independent sets of data. In 3 out of 10 cases, the low-amplitude potentials included a slow (about 100 ms in duration) component. In one case, both test and reference electrodes recorded both simple and complex spikes of different Purkinje cells so that complex spikes of both cells were practically synchronous (conditional probability of complex spikes p = 0.97, onset time difference 0.54 ms). Thus for the first time in cerebellar physiology both simple and complex spikes activity of two Purkinje cells controlled by the same climbing fiber was recorded.  相似文献   
Synthetic hexaploids are bridges for transferring new genes that determine resistance to stress factors from wild-type species to bread wheat. In the present work, the method of developing the spring bread wheat variety Pamyati Maystrenko and the results of its study are described. This variety was obtained using one of the immune lines produced earlier via the hybridization of the spring bread wheat variety Saratovskaya 29 with the synthetic hexaploid T. timopheevii Zhuk. × Ae. tauschii Coss. The C-staining of chromosomes in the Pamyati Maystrenko variety revealed substitutions of 2B and 6B chromosomes by the homeologous chromosomes of the G genome of T. timopheevii and the substitution of chromosome 1D by an orthologous chromosome of Ae. tauschii. It was found that this variety is characterized by resistance to leaf and stem rust, powdery mildew, and loose smut as well as by high grain and bread-making qualities. The role of the alien genetic material introgressed into the bread-wheat genome in the expression of adaptive and economically valuable traits in the Pamyati Maystrenko variety is discussed.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity of common wheat hybrid lines Triticum aestivum/Triticum durum and Triticum aestivum/Triticum dicoccum (2n = 42, F6–7) using chromosome-specific microsatellite (SSR) markers and C-banding of chromosomes was studied. Cluster analysis of data obtained by 42 SSR markers indicated that the hybrid lines can be broken into three groups according to their origin. There were two cases of complete genetic similarity between lines 1832-2/1841-6 and 208-3/213-1, which were obtained using common wheat as the parental plants. In cross combinations, when the stabilization of the nuclear genome of hexaploid lines occurred against a background of the cytoplasmic genome of tetraploid wheats, there was a high level of divergence between sister lines, in some cases exceeding 50%. The evaluation of the degree of susceptibility of the lines to powdery mildew, leaf and stem rust, and septoria leaf blotch was performed under different environmental conditions. It was shown that resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust significantly depended on the region where assays were conducted. An evaluation of the field data showed that the lines 195-3, 196-1, and 221-1 with T. durum genetic material displayed complex resistance to fungal pathogens in Western Siberia and the Republic of Belarus. For lines 195-3 and 196-1, one shows a possible contribution of chromosomes 4B and 5B in the formation of complex resistance to diseases. Hybrid lines with complex resistance can be used to expand the genetic diversity of modern common wheat cultivars for genes of immunity.  相似文献   
We ran a comparative analysis of storage proteins (gliadins, high(HMW) and low-molecularweight (LMW) glutenins, puroindolines, and exogenous pest alpha-amylase inhibitors) in the Saratovskaya 29 cultivar line from the collection of a genetic engineering laboratory, its parental forms (Albidum 24 and Lutescens 55/11), and distant ancestors (Poltavka, Selivanovskiy Rusak, Sarroza, and tetraploid Beloturka). It was confirmed that the allelic states of storage proteins in the Gli-1, Gli-2 and Glu-1 loci originate from ancestral forms from the collection of the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry. Moreover, new alleles were found in Lutescens 55/11 (Glu-A1a) and Selivanovskiy Rusak (Glu-B1b) cultivars from the collection of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. A new allelic state, Ha, was observed in the loci of the Poltavka cultivar as a soft-grain cultivar, and the ha allele was found in the hard-grain Albidum 24 and Sarroza cultivars. It was found that the expression rate of exogenous pest alpha-amylase inhibitors in the Saratovskaya 29 cultivar line is lower than that of ancestral cultivars (Albidum 24, Sarroza, Poltavka, and Beloturka). Such inhibitors are absent in the paternal form Lutescens 55/11. A high expression rate of protein pest inhibitors for exogenous α-amylases and puroindolines was observed in the Poltavka cultivar. The allelic composition of Glu-1 loci was newly studied in the Sarroza cultivar, which has some promising features. The Saratovskaya 29 cultivar line, on the basis of which a wide range of diverse lines were created in the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, is isogenic for all of the studied traits.  相似文献   
A large-scale study of short retroposon (SINE) B1 has been conducted in the genome of rodents from most of the known families of this mammalian order. The B1 nucleotide sequences of rodents from different families exhibited a number of characteristic features including substitutions, deletions, and tandem duplications. Comparing the distribution of these features among the rodent families, the currently discussed phylogenetic relationships were tested. The results of analysis indicated (1) an early divergence of Sciuridae and related families (Aplodontidae and Gliridae) from the other rodents; (2) a possible subsequent divergence of beavers (Castoridae); (3) a monophyletic origin of the group Hystricognathi, which includes several families, such as porcupines (Hystricidae) and guinea pigs (Caviidae); (4) a possible monophyletic origin of the group formed by the remaining families, including six families of mouselike rodents (Myodonta). Various approaches to the use of short retroposons for phylogenetic studies are discussed.  相似文献   
The frequency characteristics and cytological picture of cytomixis in the course of male meiosis are described in transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with altered flower morphology and male sterility. Effects of cytomixis on qualitative composition of meiotic products are studied (formation of cytoplasts and polyads). Doubling of the chromosome number was established to increase frequency of cytomixis in the studied plants.  相似文献   
DNA samples of unrelated subjects from the Volga-Ural region of Russia were examined to study allele polymorphism of the pentanucleotide repeat (TTGTG)8 localized to an intron of the tumor suppressor gene ING1. STR marker was registered in the EMBL database with the accession number AJ277387. In a sample of 119 individuals, three pentanucleotide alleles consisting of seven, eight, and nine repeated monomers were revealed. The allele frequencies were 0.24, 0.74, and 0.02, respectively. Heterozygosity was 0.45. On the basis of these data, the repeat can be regarded as a polymorphic STR marker for the ING1 gene and used in population and clinical studies.  相似文献   
The human CKAP2 gene, which is involved in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, was localized via screening the GeneBridge 4 somatic cell radiation hybrid panel by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The CKAP2 gene was mapped between the WI-15460 and WI-3673 markers at the boundary between regions 13q14.3 and 13q21.1, at the distance of 14.39 cR (with 4.8 cR per cM) from the WI-5867 framework marker (lod score > 2.26). The human CKAP2 gene displayed high homology to mouse and rat expressed orthologs, A CKAP2-like sequence was found in human chromosome 14 and assumed to be a pseudogene resulting from duplication and subsequent mutations of the CKAP2 gene on chromosome 13. A possible role of the CKAP2 gene in oncogenesis associated with deletions and rearrangements of region 13q14.3-21.1 is discussed.  相似文献   
The bacterial hemoglobin vhb gene was cloned from sliding bacterium Vitreoscilla sp. as an element of the system ensuring survival of this microorganism in an environment that contains insufficient amount of oxygen. The vhb gene was transferred from Escherichia coli to some Streptomyces strains, producers of antibiotics, by the method of intergeneric conjugation using conjugative-integrative plasmid vectors pIH1 and pCH2. The stability of plasmid DNA inheritance was analyzed in the genomes of exconjugants. A positive effect of the vhb gene on processes of conjugation and antibiotic production in a number of examined strains was shown.  相似文献   
The distribution of alleles and haplotypes of three diallellic Y-specific loci (YAP, DYF155S2, and Tat) in the populations of Kyrgyz, Uzbeks and Tajiks was analyzed. In Kyrgyzes and Uzbeks, a relatively high frequency of the DYF155S2 deletion (20 and 12.5%, respectively) and the C allele at the Tat locus (11.2 and 8.3%, respectively) were revealed. In the populations of southern Kyrgyzes and Uzbeks, two chromosomes carrying the YAP+ allele were detected. In both cases the YAP+ allele was found within the YAP+/DYF155S2+/TatT haplotype. The Tajik population was monomorphic in respect to the polymorphisms studied. The Tajiks demonstrated the presence of only the YAP-/DYF155S2+/TatT haplotype. This haplotype appeared to be most frequent in Kyrgyz (78.8%) and Uzbeks (83.3%). The question on the origin and the distribution of Y-chromosome variants in Eurasia are discussed.  相似文献   
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