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赵利铭    刘树君  宋松泉 《植物学报》2008,25(4):465-468
利用甜高粱成熟种子和成熟胚作为外植体, 通过愈伤组织再生途径建立了植株再生体系。结果表明, 成熟种子在添加1.38 g.L-1脯氨酸、500 mg.L-1水解酪蛋白和3.0 mg.L-1 2, 4-D的MS培养基上可以较快地诱导出生长状态良好的愈伤组织;成熟胚在添加1.38 g.L-1脯氨酸、500 mg.L-1水解酪蛋白、2.5 mg.L-1 2, 4-D和0.1 mg.L-1KT的MS培养基上也能诱导出生长良好的愈伤组织。将愈伤组织转移到MS+1 mg.L-1 IAA + 0.5 mg.L-1 6-BA培养基上诱导芽, 然后再转移到MS+3 mg.L- 1IBA培养基上生根后, 可发育成为完整的植株。  相似文献   
Genetic engineering of trees to improve productivity, wood quality, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses has been the primary goal of the forest biotechnology community for decades. We review the extensive progress in these areas and their current status with respect to commercial applications. Examples include novel methods for lignin modification, solutions for long-standing problems related to pathogen resistance, modifications to flowering onset and fertility, and drought and freeze tolerance. There have been numerous successful greenhouse and field demonstrations of genetically engineered trees, but commercial application has been severely limited by social and technical considerations. Key social factors are costly and uncertain regulatory hurdles and sweeping market barriers in the form of forest certification systems that disallow genetically modified trees. These factors limit and, in many cases, preclude field research and commercial adoption. Another challenge is the high cost and uncertainty in transformation efficiency that is needed to apply genetic engineering and gene editing methods to most species and genotypes of commercial importance. Recent advances in developmental gene-based transformation systems and gene editing, if combined with regulatory and certification system reform, could provide the foundation for genetic engineering to become a significant tool for coping with the increasing environmental and biological stresses on planted and wild forests.  相似文献   
Structures of highly ordered biological bundles have unique features which call for special experimental and computational methods in electron cryomicroscopy. They can be considered as three-dimensional quasi-crystals and reconstructed using a crystallographic approach. However, they are neither “infinitely” large with respect to the borders of the bundle, nor are they a single unit cell in thickness along the viewing direction. Also, because of their shape, bundles do not generally have a preferred azimuthal orientation, which poses challenges for orientation estimation and refinement. We developed a strategy for recording and processing electron cryomicroscopic images that differs from classical two-dimensional crystalline reconstruction techniques. These developments allowed us to merge data from tomographic tilt series of ice-embedded acrosomal bundles. The goal is to determine accurately amplitudes and phases at the diffraction maxima in terms ofhklindices, and compute a three-dimensional map from the diffraction data.  相似文献   
应用酶细胞化学方法对基因转导前后的P815小鼠肥大细胞瘤细胞进行酸性磷酸酶、非特异性酯酶及多糖的定位。研究结果显示,空载体转导的P815/neo细胞与其亲本细胞相比无显著改变,而IL2基因修饰的P815细胞的酸性磷酸酶及多糖反应明显增强,可能提示细胞内某些细胞器的形成以及细胞内多糖类合成功能的增强。  相似文献   
土壤种子库作为地上植被遗传信息库,对植被自然演替更新以及生态修复建设具有重要作用。为探明桂北喀斯特石漠化地区植被自然恢复潜力和恢复策略,该文选取恭城瑶族自治县喀斯特石漠化地区3种典型植物群落为研究对象,分析不同群落的土壤种子库结构、多样性及其对土壤养分特征的响应,以期为该地区石漠化治理和植被恢复提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)共计监测到幼苗3 648株,隶属于33科51属55种,其中1年生和2年生草本幼苗共20种,多年生草本幼苗21种,藤本幼苗5种、灌木幼苗3种、乔木幼苗6种;不同植物群落土壤种子库平均密度为三华李经济林(22 493 grain·m-2)>青冈次生林(1 033 grain·m-2)>金竹灌丛(793 grain·m-2)。(2)土壤种子库植物生活型方面,三华李经济林主要分布1年生恶性杂草,青冈次生林和金竹灌丛则以多年生草本为主,木本植物占比较少;不同植被类型中土壤种子库物种多样性和相似性总体较低,同时与地上群落物种组成的相似性也较低。(3)研究区域的土壤元素存在高氮低磷的现象,其中磷元素为金...  相似文献   
Cre-loxP recombination is widely used for genetic manipulation of the mouse genome. Here, we report generation and characterization of a new Cre line, Stella-Cre, where Cre expression cassette was targeted to the 3' UTR of the Stella locus. Stella is specifically expressed in preimplantation embryos and in the germline. Cre-loxP recombination efficiency in Stella-Cre mice was investigated at several genomic loci including Rosa26, Jak2, and Npm1. At all the loci examined, we observed 100% Cre-loxP recombination efficiency in the embryos and in the germline. Thus, Stella-Cre mice serve as a very efficient deleter line.  相似文献   
达乌尔黄鼠冬眠期间体温的变化和冬眠模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用植入式半导体温度记录元件iButton 记录了达乌尔黄鼠冬眠季节及其前后的体温,分析了其冬眠模式和体温调节特点。结果显示:1)实验室条件下,达乌尔黄鼠冬眠季节长短的个体差异较大,可以分成深冬眠型、
少冬眠型和不冬眠型三种类型;2)达乌尔黄鼠在冬季表现出深冬眠阵(最低体温Tbm in <20℃ ,冬眠阵的持续时间BD >24 h)、短冬眠阵(Tbmin < 20℃ , BD≤24h)和日眠阵(Tbmin ≥20℃ , BD≤24 h)3 种类型,最低体温分别
为2.54℃ ± 0.35℃ 、10.05℃ ± 1.97℃ 和23.09℃ ± 0.40℃ ,彼此之间差异显著。日眠阵阵间产热阶段的最高体温为38.09℃ ±0.17℃ ,高于深冬眠阵(37.31℃ ±0.15℃ )和短冬眠阵(37.22℃ ±0.31℃ ); 3)深冬眠阵和日
眠阵中最低体温均与环境温度显著相关,冬眠过程中的最低体温为-2.43℃ ;4)深冬眠过程中,多数个体可以短时(≤3 h)耐受- 2℃ ~ 0℃ 的低温,激醒或继续维持深冬眠,无致死效应,但长时间(15 h)或过度低温
(- 5℃ 以下)的条件下,深冬眠的达乌尔黄鼠被激醒(70% )或死亡(30% ),不能持续冬眠; 5)入眠前10 d体温日波动幅度显著增加,高于出眠后的日体温波动,且多数个体入眠前出现体温的“试降”。表明,冬眠前
入眠的准备阶段,动物的体温调节已开始发生变化;冬季日眠的调节机制可能与冬眠不同;短时- 2℃ ~ 0℃ 的体温对深冬眠的达乌尔黄鼠无致死效应。  相似文献   
以青藏高原东部高寒草甸群落为研究对象,通过比较了不同施肥条件和不同刈割对群落地上生物量和多样性的影响。结果表明施肥可提高生物量且生物多样性降低,施肥和刈割处理后,施肥效应显著而刈割效应不显著,说明施肥是主效应。实验还发现施肥可提高群落的补偿能力;不同资源梯度的情况下植物群落对刈割处理后补偿作用也不相同,对刈割处理后植物群落补偿能力随资源的升高而增强。当未施肥和施肥30g/m^2时相同强度的1次刈割的补偿能力较相同强度的2次刈割的补偿能力大;当施肥60g/m^2和120g/m^2时相同强度的2次刈割的补偿能力较相同强度的1次刈割的补偿能力大。  相似文献   
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