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Gross structural changes and neuropil formation in the brain during development were described in Idiosepius paradoxus, a sepioid that we chose as a model cephalopod. The brain originates in 4 pairs of ectodermal placodes, which occur separately in the embryonic surface undergoing epiboly. In the final period of epiboly, neuroblasts internalize from the placodes and gather into 4 pairs of ganglionic masses. The ganglionic masses assemble into a ring-like cluster encircling the inner yolk and the foregut anlage, gradually integrated into the 4 domains of a massive brain, a subesophageal mass (SBM), a supraesophageal mass (SPM), and a pair of optic lobes. In the early brain, neuropil forms a framework composed of a longitudinal ladder lying in the SBM, and a transverse arch standing on the lateral sides of the SBM and crossing the SPM. Differentiation of brain lobes proceeds from ventral to dorsal along this framework; first the magnocellular lobes and the posterior pedal lobe appear first in the SBM, the other lobes in the SBM and the basal lobes follow in the proximal region of the SPM, and the accessory lobes develop last in the most dorsal zone of the SPM. In the hatchlings, the brain lobes show almost the same arrangement as in the adults, but the accessory lobes, particularly the vertical lobe, are much smaller than those in the adults. Comparison of the present results with those in the teuthoid and the octopod indicates that developmental sequences of the brain are highly conserved in the coleoid cephalopods.  相似文献   
A cellulolytic and thermophilic anaerobe was isolated from soil. This bacterium made a halo on a roll-tube culture containing Avicel. Analysis of the PCR-based 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that the bacterium was closely related to Moorella thermoacetica. Scanning electron microscopy showed the bacterium is a rod and has no protuberant structure on the surface of cells growing on cellulose, suggesting that this strain is a non-cellulosomal cellulolytic bacterium. Carboxymethyl cellulase and xylanase activities were detected in the culture broth. A major fermentation product from ball-milled cellulose was acetate. This strain has a potential to convert cellulosic biomass to acetate, directly.  相似文献   
A gene of Porphyra yezoensis, coding for the translation elongation factor 1 (EF-1), was isolated from a P. yezoensis genomic library. The coding of 1347 nucleotides encodes a polypeptide of 449 amino acids which exhibits sequence similarity as the known EF-1. An intron is located in the 5 untranslated region. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence showed higher similarity to the Porphyra purpurea EF-1tef-c (97%) than to the P. purpurea EF-1tef-s (61%). The mRNA was detected both in the leafy gametophyte and filamentous sporophyte by RT-PCR. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession number AB098024.  相似文献   
Cell junctions and the extracellular matrix (ECM) are crucial components in intercellular communication. These systems are thought to have become highly diversified during the course of vertebrate evolution. In the present study, we have examined whether the ancestral chordate already had such vertebrate systems for intercellular communication, for which we have searched the genome of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. From this molecular perspective, the Ciona genome contains genes that encode protein components of tight junctions, hemidesmosomes and connexin-based gap junctions, as well as of adherens junctions and focal adhesions, but it does not have those for desmosomes. The latter omission is curious, and the ascidian type-I cadherins may represent an ancestral form of the vertebrate type-I cadherins and desmosomal cadherins, while Ci-Plakin may represent an ancestral protein of the vertebrate desmoplakins and plectins. If this is the case, then ascidians may have retained ancestral desmosome-like structures, as suggested by previous electron-microscopic observations. In addition, ECM genes that have been regarded as vertebrate-specific were also found in the Ciona genome. These results suggest that the last common ancestor shared by ascidians and vertebrates, the ancestor of the entire chordate clade, had essentially the same systems of cell junctions as those in extant vertebrates. However, the number of such genes for each family in the Ciona genome is far smaller than that in vertebrate genomes. In vertebrates these ancestral cell junctions appear to have evolved into more diverse, and possibly more complex, forms, compared with those in their urochordate siblings.  相似文献   
Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries are important tools for genomic research. We have constructed seven genomic BAC libraries from three fish species, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The two rainbow trout BAC libraries have average insert sizes of 58 and 110 kb. The average size of inserts in the carp BAC library is 160 kb. The average insert sizes of the four tilapia BAC libraries are 65, 105, 145 and 194 kb, respectively. These libraries represent good coverage of each genome (2-64 x coverage). The libraries can be screened by conventional colony hybridization and provide a starting point for the construction of high-density filtres or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) screening approaches. These BAC libraries will facilitate the positional cloning of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for a variety of economically important traits in these species.  相似文献   
We have identified one of the genes that are up-regulated by thyroid hormone (TH) in Xenopus laevis small intestine as the Xenopus homolog of bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4). To clarify possible roles of BMP-4 in intestinal remodeling during metamorphosis, we have examined its expression in X. laevis intestine by using in situ hybridization and organ culture techniques. At the beginning of metamorphic climax, BMP-4 mRNA first becomes detectable in the connective tissue, concurrently with the appearance of adult epithelial primordia. Subsequently, when the adult epithelial primordia are actively proliferating, BMP-4 mRNA becomes more abundant only in the connective tissue with a gradient toward the epithelium. Thereafter, as the adult primordia differentiate, the level of BMP-4 mRNA gradually decreases. Thus, BMP-4 expression correlates well with cell proliferation and/or initial differentiation of the adult epithelium, but not with apoptosis of the larval epithelium. Furthermore, the present culture study indicates that (1) TH-induced expression of BMP-4 mRNA is higher in the anterior part of the intestine than in the posterior part, which agrees with the better development of the adult epithelium in the more anterior part, and that (2) the expression of BMP-4 mRNA is up-regulated by TH in the presence of epithelium, but not in its absence. Therefore, BMP-4, which is indirectly induced by TH through some epithelial factor(s), probably plays important roles in adult epithelial development during amphibian intestinal remodeling.  相似文献   
Although oral administration of a soluble proteinantigen can induce various immune responses, theeffect of the dosage of oral antigen on thepredominance of Th2-type cytokine and antibodyresponses has not been well clarified yet. In thepresent study, we fed T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic(tg) mice various amounts of chicken ovalbumin (0.1,5, and 250 mg) and examined the resulting immuneresponses to this antigen. In these TCR tg mice, theresponses of antigen-specific T cells were greatlyamplified concomitantly with significantantigen-specific cytokine secretion. We found that ahigh dose (250 mg) of antigen significantlyupregulated the serum antigen-specific IgG1 and IgAantibody responses in mice later intraperitoneallyinjected with antigen plus adjuvant. The miceadministered the same oral dose but not immunizedshowed upregulation of Th2-type IL-4 and IL-5secretion and downregulation of Th1-type IL-2 andIFN-. This enhancement of Th2-type cytokineand antibody responses was more marked when largerdoses of antigen orally administered. These resultsdemonstrated that antigen feeding induces thedevelopment of T cells secreting Th2-type cytokines ina dose-dependent manner and that these T cells have ahelper function for the production of antibodies ofthe Th2-type isotypes. This experimental system shouldbe useful to screen foods and other substances thatcan modulate Th2-type responses relating to allergy.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare the cytomorphologic features of urine obtained from two different kinds of urinary diversions constructed after total bladder resection. STUDY DESIGN: The smears of urine from 11 ileal conduits and 6 Indiana pouches were evaluated. All patients underwent total bladder resection due to transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) or other kinds of cancer before urine diversion. RESULTS: The cytologic features of Indiana pouch urine include degenerated, small, round cells without columnar cells derived from intestinal epithelium. In ileal conduit urine, well-preserved columnar cells and degenerated, small, round cells were frequently observed. The columnar cells in ileal conduit urine exhibited cytologic features that should be distinguished from TCC cells. CONCLUSION: The method of reconstructing the urinary tract is important in urine cytology from urine diversions because the cytomorphologic features of urine are different between the two kinds of urinary diversions. Since columnar cells in ileal conduit urine might lead to misdiagnosis as TCC, special consideration is required to examine ileal conduit urine.  相似文献   
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