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在麻醉猫,经推动脉注入梭曼、VX,沙林及乙酰甲胆碱引起呼吸中枢严重抑制的剂量分别为0.5—1、3、15、2001μg/头;但在无麻醉、箭毒麻痹、人工呼吸并用药物保护循环的清醒猫,VX用量要增加十多倍,沙林用量增加2~8倍,棱曼用量不变。在严重抑制剂量的给药早期,梭曼使34.8%动物较早地出现膈神经单纤维放电加强,其每次吸气放电的冲动频率由20~30Hz增至50~80Hz,冲动个数由15~25个/每次放电增至40~60个/每次放电,兴奋持续短、迅速转入抑制且不易自动恢复;VX和乙酰甲胆碱使100%动物出现显著的放电加强,其冲动频率由20~30Hz增至70~130Hz、冲动个数由15~25个/每次放电增至60~80个/第次放电,兴奋持续时间较长、转入抑制慢但自动恢复较快;沙林使76.9%动物出现放电加强,其他表现类似VX。三种胆碱酯酶抑制剂和乙酰甲胆碱共使33/52根单纤维放电发生时相变化。结果表明:梭曼对呼吸中枢作用最强、沙林次之、VX最弱且更似乙酰甲胆碱。  相似文献   
Spring Lake reservoir of Macomb, Illinois, is a typical model of the drinking water supply of some midwestern towns of the United States. Water samples collected periodically in 1980 and 1981 from this lake were tested for mutagenicity using the Tradescantia micronucleus (Trad-MCN) test, a highly sensitive mutagen-detecting bioassay. Water samples from 1981 were also analyzed chemically. The micronucleus (MCN) frequency peaked (12-14 MCN/100 tetrads) in mid-July in both years, as compared with the average frequency (5 MCN/100 tetrads) of the base-line control that was maintained in nutrient solution (prepared with distilled water and pure chemicals). Drinking water from the tap was tested in parallel with lake water, and its mutagenicity tended to fluctuate with the mutagenicity of the lake water.  相似文献   
Summary Using the monotone dependence function (mdf) together with correlation coefficient it was found that the Ma-DNA content as well as total protein content are regularly, linearly, positively and strongly dependent in sister cells (proter-opisthe) ofChilodonella steini. Additionally it was shown that proter-opisthe ordering is irrelevant to Ma-DNA and protein contents.Analysis of sister cell generation times (TG) confirmed the existence of regular, linear, positive and strong codependence.The relations between Ma-DNA and total protein contents, between protein content and TG, and between Ma-DNA content and TG were also described. There is a weak, linear dependence between Ma-DNA and total protein contents. Relations of TG and Ma-DNA content or TG and total protein content are non-linear and not even monotone. Low and high levels of DNA or proteins are connected with long generation times.  相似文献   
The interrelation between structural changes and oxygen consumption by the phagocyting macrophage was studied. The mean number of phagocyted particles was estimated by the method of stereological transformation. It is found that the uptake of yeast particles and CN- -nonsensitive oxygen consumption is related to the concentration of yeast cells in the incubation medium. A positive correlation was established between the oxygen consumption and the mean number of phagocyted particles. The results obtained may suggest that the "respiration burst" takes place in the contact area of the macrophage and the phagocyted material, and its extent probably depends on the surface of that contact area.  相似文献   
To study the evolution and organization of DNA from the human Y chromosome, we constructed a recombinant library of human Y DNA by using a somatic cell hybrid in which the only cytologically detectable human chromosome is the Y. One recombinant (4B2) contained a 3.3-kilobase EcoRI single-copy fragment which was localized to the proximal portion of the Y long arm. Sequences homologous to this human DNA are present in male gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan DNAs but not in female ape DNAs. Under stringent hybridization conditions, the homologous sequence is either a single-copy or a low-order repeat in humans and in the apes. With relaxed hybridization conditions, this human Y probe detected several homologous DNA fragments which are all derived from the Y in that they occur in male DNAs from humans and the apes but not in female DNAs. In contrast, this probe hybridized to highly repeated sequences in both male and female DNAs from old world monkeys. Thus, sequences homologous to this probe underwent a change in copy number and chromosomal distribution during primate evolution.  相似文献   
新疆20种药用植物的染色体观察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文对在新疆生长和引种栽培的10科20种药用植物染色体进行了计数和研究,其中5种进行了核型分析,6种为首次报道。  相似文献   
氨基酰化酶中金属锌离子的功能作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 氨基酰化酶是含锌金属酶。该酶每摩尔蛋白中含2摩尔Zn(Ⅱ)离子。金属鳌合剂与酶作用,通过竞争螯合Zn(Ⅱ)离子使酶活力下降。残余活力与残留金属含量呈正相关。竞争螯合的结果,生成不含金属的脱辅基酶蛋白,并导致酶活力的丧失。脱辅基酶由于加入Zn(Ⅱ)离子而恢复其活力。实验表明金属锌离子是氨基酰化酶催化活力所必需。与Zn(Ⅱ)离子相似,Co(Ⅱ)离子也可与脱辅基酶相结合并使之复活。 在190—240nm区域内对比了天然酶、脱辅基酶蛋白与Co(Ⅱ)置换氨基酰化酶的圆二色谱。远紫外圆二色谱表明,与天然酶相比,在脱辅基酶中由于金属离子的丧失导致主链构象发生变化,其中α螺旋增加约7%。因而锌离子(钴离子)对蛋白主链的反应最适构象有一定的稳定作用。脱辅基酶与Co(Ⅱ)离子结合,酶的主链构象恢复至与天然酶几近相同。可认为这是促使酶复活的内在因素。  相似文献   
Summary Male mice SAS/4 were injected i.v. with239Pu citr(IV) 0.27 µCikg–1–9.99 kBqkg–1. After 1 h 30 µmol kg–1 of 3,4,3 LICAM(C), N, N, N, N-tetra-(2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)-spermine or Na3CaDTPA as a reference compound was given intraperitoneally. After 4 days the animals were sacrified and the Pu content in livers, kidneys, femurs and carcasses was determined by the liquid scintillation method. It was found that, as compared with the control, 3,4,3 LICAM(C) removed 83% of the Pu activity deposited in the liver, 71% of that in the femur and 79% of the Pu in the whole body. The Pu content in the kidneys exceeded the control value by about 50%. Na3CaDTPA removed 96, 86, 40 and 72% of plutonium from the liver, kidneys, femurs and carcasses respectively.Tetra-DHB-spermine caused the excretion of 50, 57 and 39% of Pu from liver, bone and whole body respectively. The retention of Pu in the kidneys was increased to 400% of the control value.  相似文献   
Six closely related taxa of the sect.Eusideritis of the genusSideritis (S. leucantha, S. pusilla, S. flavovirens, S. granatensis, S. biflora andS. osteoxylla) are analysed to elucidate their phylogenetic relationships and position within the sect.Eusideritis. Meiotic behaviour, karyotype features, size and fertility of pollen grains, DNA amounts and seed protein profiles are reviewed. A polyploid origin of the group (from x = 7) and the further diversification through dysploidy and chromosome repatterning is postulated.S. osteoxylla is apparently of hybrid origin.  相似文献   
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