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用Northern blot方法对二乙基亚硝胺所诱发的大鼠肝癌中内源性蛋白酶抑制因子α_2-巨球蛋白(α_2-M)、非特异性免疫抑制剂α_1-酸性糖蛋白(α_1-AGP)及雄性激素正调控的α-2u球蛋白(α-2u)三种分泌性蛋白基因表达情况进行了分析。结果表明在大部分(14/16)肝癌样品中α_2-M RNA水平显著降低;而α_1-AGP RNA水平显著高于正常对照水平;α-2u RNA水平明显下降,但在某些雄性大鼠肝癌样品中该基因却有一定程度的表达。这些结果说明,一些肿瘤宿主血浆中α_2-M水平的显著下降及α_1-AGP水平的明显升高分别是由于基因表达活性的下降及升高所致。α-2u基因表达的异常提示,在癌变过程中机体的内分泌功能发生了某些变化。  相似文献   
本文采用P-tyr-BSA为免疫原免疫家无得抗血清。将纯化的IgG与HRP偶联,建立了P-tyr-Pr的ELISA法,并测定了正常大鼠肾脏等组织中P-tyr-Pr含量,其分布规律如下:上清中P-tyr-Pr含量高者,其颗粒部分则低,反之亦然;其中肾脏上清中含量远比其它组织(脾、肺、肝等)高。在此基础上,又研究了膜性肾炎大鼠肾脏P-tyr-Pr含量,发现其上清中的含量远远高于正常大鼠肾脏中的含量。  相似文献   
利用蛋白质内源荧光和酶活性两种信号以及荧光偏振,HPLC和停流等方法研究了盐酸胍诱导的α淀粉酶去折叠与重折叠的平衡转变和动力学。实验结果表明α淀粉酶去折叠与重折叠是两个不同的过程;变性与复性过程中可能伴有聚集体生成;去折叠与重折叠均为双相过程,重折叠大约始于2秒之后。  相似文献   
Mineralization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in thermokarst lakes plays a non-negligible role in the permafrost carbon (C) cycle, but remains poorly understood due to its complex interactions with external C and nutrient inputs (i.e., aquatic priming and nutrient effects). Based on large-scale lake sampling and laboratory incubations, in combination with 13C-stable-isotope labeling, optical spectroscopy, and high-throughput sequencing, we examined large-scale patterns and dominant drivers of priming and nutrient effects of DOM biodegradation across 30 thermokarst lakes along a 1100-km transect on the Tibetan Plateau. We observed that labile C and phosphorus (P) rather than nitrogen (N) inputs stimulated DOM biodegradation, with the priming and P effects being 172% and 451% over unamended control, respectively. We also detected significant interactive effects of labile C and nutrient supply on DOM biodegradation, with the combined labile C and nutrient additions inducing stronger microbial mineralization than C or nutrient treatment alone, illustrating that microbial activity in alpine thermokarst lakes is co-limited by both C and nutrients. We further found that the aquatic priming was mainly driven by DOM quality, with the priming intensity increasing with DOM recalcitrance, reflecting the limitation of external C as energy sources for microbial activity. Greater priming intensity was also associated with higher community-level ribosomal RNA gene operon (rrn) copy number and bacterial diversity as well as increased background soluble reactive P concentration. In contrast, the P effect decreased with DOM recalcitrance as well as with background soluble reactive P and ammonium concentrations, revealing the declining importance of P availability in mediating DOM biodegradation with enhanced C limitation but reduced nutrient limitation. Overall, the stimulation of external C and P inputs on DOM biodegradation in thermokarst lakes would amplify C-climate feedback in this alpine permafrost region.  相似文献   
骨缘当归的化学成分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨缘当归Angellica cartilaginomarginata var.foliata Yuan et Shen,别名:山藁本、野芹菜(江苏),仅分布于江苏和浙江。在江苏镇江等地用干燥全草作山藁本入药,其化学成分未见报道。 样品采自江苏省句容县。将干根磨粉,提取物经中性氧化铝层析,根据色谱及光谱鉴定为两种脂肪酸、四种已知香豆素和一种植物甾醇即:正葵酸(n-capric acid)、月桂酸(lauric acid)、骨缘当归素(cartilaginomarginadin)、蝉翼素(pteryxin)、白花前胡素F(praeruptorin F)、佛手柑内酯(bergapten)及β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol)。  相似文献   
本文用ABC—GDN免疫组织化学方法,研究了γ-氨基丁酸(Gamma—Aminobutyric Acid,GABA)在大鼠胰腺的定位和分布,并用相邻切片法,观察它与胰岛素的共存关系。结果发现GABA免疫反应阳性细胞主要分布于胰腺内分泌部(胰岛)。在外分泌部亦有少许分布。大部分胰岛细胞呈GABA免疫反应阳性,集中位于胰岛的中央部。相邻连续切片免疫染色证实GABA与胰岛素共存于胰岛B细胞中。外分泌部胰腺GABA免疫反应阳性细胞,呈零散分布于腺泡和导管上皮间。本文为进一步探讨GABA在胰腺的生理作用提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   
Using cytochemical method,microspectrophotometry and image analysis,effects of va-soactive intestinal peptide(VIP)on activities of succinic dehydrogenase(SDH)and alkalinephosphatase(ALP)in rat hepatoma cells were studied in vitro.The results showed that thehepatoma cell expressed potent positive reactions of SDH and ALP,the positive positionswere located at the cell membranes and/or cytoplasm.Having been treated with VIP,ALPdecreased obviously in activity(P<0. 01,compared with hepatoma cells untreated by VIP).The sites of ALP activty were chiefly located at the cell membranes,particularly at the cell-cell contacts.Cultured rat hepatoma cells had intensive SDH activity in their cytoplasm.Compared with untreated eclls,there was no marked difference in the intensity of SDH activ-ity in VIP-treated hepatoma cells(P>0.05).  相似文献   
Based on small-scale synthesis (0.3 g), a 100-g scale-up synthesis of crude [Aib8, Arg34]-glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) (7–37) was completed. The crude [Aib8, Arg34]-GLP-1 (7–37) was purified using a dynamic axial compression column 200 (DAC-200). Approximately 61 g of [Aib8, Arg34]-GLP-1 (7–37) with a purity of >99% was obtained through one-step reverse-phase chromatography. The purification yield was approximately 92%. The yield from the total reaction was approximately 60%. In summary, we developed an economical and environmentally friendly route to the synthesis and purification of crude [Aib8, Arg34]-GLP-1 (7–37), laying a foundation for subsequent industrial production.  相似文献   
本文报告了用SephadexG—100柱层析法纯化样品和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测定纤溶酶组成成分的分子量的研究结果。经柱层析分离的纤溶酶电泳测定分子量结果为11条带,分别为68,000、49,000、42,000、41,000、36,000、29,000、27,000、26,000、25,000、21,000和12,000。而纤溶酶的主要组分集中在21.000与42.000之间,为其活性组分。  相似文献   
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