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The obligate biotrophic fungus Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) employs virulence effectors to disturb host immunity and causes devastating stripe rust disease. However, our understanding of how Pst effectors regulate host defense responses remains limited. In this study, we determined that the Pst effector Hasp98, which is highly expressed in Pst haustoria, inhibits plant immune responses triggered by flg22 or nonpathogenic bacteria. Overexpression of Hasp98 in wheat (Triticum aestivum) suppressed avirulent Pst-triggered immunity, leading to decreased H2O2 accumulation and promoting P. striiformis infection, whereas stable silencing of Hasp98 impaired P. striiformis pathogenicity. Hasp98 interacts with the wheat mitogen-activated protein kinase TaMAPK4, a positive regulator of plant resistance to stripe rust. The conserved TEY motif of TaMAPK4 is important for its kinase activity, which is required for the resistance function. We demonstrate that Hasp98 inhibits the kinase activity of TaMAPK4 and that the stable silencing of TaMAPK4 compromises wheat resistance against P. striiformis. These results suggest that Hasp98 acts as a virulence effector to interfere with the MAPK signaling pathway in wheat, thereby promoting P. striiformis infection.  相似文献   
The anatomy of the arthropod Squamacula clypeata Hou and Bergström, 1997 from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagersta¨tte is redescribed based on four newly excavated specimens. The new material was collected from localities recently discovered in the Kunming area, Yunnan Province, south-west China, and preserves remarkable details of the ventral morphology, revealed by preparation. Squamacula clypeata is dorsoventrally flattened and rounded in outline. The cephalon was covered by a wide, short shield, with a large doublure and a pair of uniramous antennae on the ventral side. The thorax consists of nine somites, each protected by a tergite and carrying at least one pair of biramous limbs. The pygidium is covered with a small rounded tergum. The endopod is segmented, equipped with short spines on the inner margin of the coxa and a claw-like structure distally, and the exopod flap-like, fringed with setae. The limbs in the pygidium are like those in the thorax in shape. Squamacula was most probably a nektobenthic predator. The spinose endopod could walk, grasp and grind. The large flap-like exopod was adapted for swimming and respiration. Its affinities lie with the Arachnomorpha, but the relationships with other known taxa remain ambiguous.  相似文献   
A series of plasmids were constructed to examine the effects of p19 and orf1‐orf2 genes from Bacillus thuringiensis on Cyt1Aa synthesis and inclusion formation. The plasmids expressed the cyt1Aa gene along with either p19 or orf1‐orf2, or each of them coordinatively with p20 in the acrystalliferous strain of B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis 4Q7. No effect on the expression of Cyt1Aa protein was found when P19 or Orf1‐Orf2 co‐expressed with Cyt1Aa. However, when including p20 gene, the constructs with p19 or orf1‐orf2 gene produced lower yield of Cyt1Aa proteins than without p19 or orf1‐orf2 gene. Electron microscopy observation and bioassay showed that P19 and Orf1‐Orf2 have no influence on the crystal size and toxicity of Cyt1Aa protein. It is presumed that P19 and Orf1‐Orf2 might have negative effects on Cyt1Aa synthesis in B. thuringiensis.  相似文献   
Paclitaxel is a potential cancer chemotherapeutic agent for ovary, breast, and head and neck cancers; its effects on nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) have not been reported previously. This study investigated the cytotoxic mechanism of paclitaxel in two NPC cell lines, NPC-TW01 and NPC-TW04. NPC cells treated with pacli-taxel showed convoluted nuclei, condensed chromatin and decreased cellular and nuclear volume, and also exhibited genomic DNA degradation into multiple oligonucleosomal fragments, suggesting that pacli-taxel induced apoptosis in these cells. The effects of paclitaxel on apoptosis-related proteins including Bcl-2, Bax and CDC 2 were also detected. Although the levels of Bcl-2 and Bax were not changed in NPC cells following treatment with 5 nM-1 μM of paclitaxel, phosphorylation of Bcl-2 was significantly observed in the cells treated with 1 μM of paclitaxel for 12 hours. In addition, cyclin B1-associated CDC 2 kinase was highly activated in the NPC cells exposed to paclitaxel even at low (5 nM) concentration, and this result is associated with the finding that low concentration of paclitaxel is able to induce apoptosis in NPC cells.  相似文献   
浙江海岛盐生植被研究Ⅱ──天然植被类型及开发利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天然盐生植被是海岛盐生植被的主体,类型丰富,分布广泛,在海岛植被的研究及开发利用中占据重要地位。目前,天然盐生植被的分类尚无统一标准与系统。本文根据作者1990~1993年在浙江海岛用样方法(H.VonPost,1851;陈彦卓,1965)测定的样地数据,参照《中国植被》的分类方法,根据群落的外貌与结构、生态地理、动态和种类组成等特征进行分类,其中对群系级单位侧重于种类组成,并采用建群植物的重要值(J.T.CurtisandR.P.McIntosh,1951)作为分类的定量指标。据此,浙江海岛天然盐生植被可划分为3个植被型、8个群系组、18…  相似文献   
质体非均衡分裂时,其传递和分配情况复杂,重组状态多。本文分析了突变质体在各种分配情况下得到的概率,条件概率、联合概率和一细胞至少含m_0个突变质体的概率公式及计算示例。讨论了它们在生物学中的重要意义。  相似文献   
本文利用小鼠大脑机械损伤模型及体外培养的胶质细胞,采用同位素渗入法观察了细胞介素及其抗体对胶质细胞增生的影响。结果表明:体外培养时TNF-α在浓度为10~200u/ml培养液时均能促进胶质细胞增生(P<0.05),IL1-β在浓度为5~200u/ml培养液时能促进胶质细胞增生,TNF-α+IL1-β其促进胶质细胞增生作用更强烈,TNF-α抗体能完全阻断TNF-α的促增生作用,部分阻断TNF-α+IL1-β的促增生作用。在体实验时,IL1-β及TNF-α的作用与离体时相似,IL1-β及TNF-α亦能促进胶质细胞增生,二者共同作用时促细胞增生作用更强。以上结果提示,外源性TNF-α及IL1-β能促进中枢神经损伤后胶质细胞增生且具有协同作用。  相似文献   
Treatment of cultured bovine carotid artery endothelial cells with 0.1 µM human plasmin has been reported to induce a receptor-mediated short burst of arachidonate release, which is a pertussis toxin-sensitive and extracellular calcium-dependent reaction. Plasmin-induced calcium influx in cells was significantly inhibited by pretreatment with pertussis toxin, indicating that the former was coupled with a pertussis toxin-sensitive guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP)-binding protein. Plasmin significantly induced the formation of lysophosphatidylcholine but not lysophosphatidylethanolamine. A cellular phospholipase A2 with an arachidonyl specificity at the sn-2 position of phosphatidylcholine, which required submicromolar calcium, was identified as a cytosolic phospholipase A2 by immunoblot analysis. By a cell-free enzyme activity assay and immunoblot analysis, plasmin was found to induce a translocation of the cytosolic phospholipase A2 from the cytosol to the membrane. Taken together, the results suggest that plasmin bound to its putative receptor and activated a GTP-binding protein coupled to calcium influx channel, followed by translocation and activation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 in endothelial cells.  相似文献   
The allometry of algal respiration   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
For 30 years, study after study has shown that respiration ratesincrease as {small tilde}0.75 of body size for organisms rangingfrom protozoans to mammals. However, a number of studies suggestedthat the respiration-size relationship for algae may be a rareexception to this general rule. Algal respiration may be almostproportional to cell size, such that the slope of the respiration-sizerelationship is closer to unity. The present study examinedthe effect of cell size and taxon on phytoplankton respiration,using data collected from the literature. To this end, we collecteda data set of 178 observations of algal respiration and cellsize representing six divisions-chlorophytes. chrysophytes,cyanophytes, euglenophytes, pyrrophytes and rhodophytes. Therelationship between respiration (R, in p1 O2 cell–1 h–1)and cell carbon content (C, in pg C cell–1) is describedas R = 0.030C0 93 and the exponent is significantly >3/4.When we expressed cell size in terms of volume, the exponentdecreased to 0.88 but this is still significantly >3/4. Amongthe six divisions studied, chlorophytes, euglenophytes and rhodophytesseemed to differ significantly in their respiration-size relationshipfrom other taxa. However, euglenophytes and rhodophytes havesuch small size ranges that no meaningful relationships canbe developed for those groups alone. The chlorophyte respiration-sizerelationship has obvious patterns in its residuals which mayindicate that significant sources of error were not controlledin these heterogeneous data. Thus, for the present, the generalmodel seems most appropriate for the prediction of respirationrates of phytoplankton.  相似文献   
We identified and isolated a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene which, when overexpressed, suppressed the temperature-sensitive phenotype of cells expressing a mutant allele of the gene encoding the mitochondrial chaperonin, Hsp60. This gene, SCS1 (suppressor of chaperonin sixty-1), encodes a 757-amino-acid protein of as yet unknown function which, nonetheless, has human, rice, and Caenorhabditis elegans homologs with high degrees (ca. 60%) of amino acid sequence identity. SCS1 is not an essential gene, but SCS1-null strains do not grow above 37 degrees C and show some growth-related defects at 30 degrees C as well. This gene is expressed at both 30 and 38 degrees C, producing little or no differences in mRNA levels at these two temperatures. Overexpression of SCS1 could not complement an HSP60-null allele, indicating that suppression was not due to the bypassing of Hsp60 activity. Of 10 other hsp60-ts alleles tested, five could also be suppressed by SCS1 overexpression. There were no common mutant phenotypes of the strains expressing these alleles that give any clue as to why they were suppressible while others were not. An epitope (influenza virus hemagglutinin)-tagged form of SCS1 in single copy complemented an SCS1-null allele. The Scs1-hemagglutinin protein was found to be at comparable levels and in similar multiply modified forms in cells growing at both 30 and 38 degrees C. Surprisingly, when localized either by cell fractionation procedures or by immunocytochemistry, these proteins were found not in mitochondria but in the cytosol. The overexpression of SCS1 had significant effects on the cellular levels of mRNAs encoding the proteins Cpn10 and Mgel, two other mitochondrial protein cochaperones, but not on mRNAs encoding a number of other mitochondrial or cytosolic proteins analyzed. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
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