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Numerous immunotherapy treatments for cancer are undergoing clinical trials or are already approved for use. One particular area of interest is targeting mechanisms of immune tolerance. Using a murine model of mesothelioma, we investigated the roles of regulatory T-cells, intratumoural transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and the negative regulator molecule cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) in immune tolerance to tumours. It was found that treatments targeting a single negative regulator molecule mechanism were not as effective against tumours as targeting multiple mechanisms simultaneously. Most importantly, it was found that a combined triple treatment of anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody (mAb), anti-CTLA-4 mAb and TGF-β soluble receptor resulted in long-term clearance of tumours and memory against tumour rechallenge. These data suggest that clinical application of immunotherapies against tumours may be improved by simultaneously targeting multiple mechanisms of immune suppression.  相似文献   
A canonical Wnt signal maintains adult mammary ductal stem cell activity, and this signal requires the Wnt signaling reception, LRP5. However, previous data from our laboratory have shown that LRP5 and LRP6 are co-expressed in mammary basal cells and that LRP6 is active, leading us to question why LRP6 is insufficient to mediate canonical signaling in the absence of LRP5. Here, we show that at endogenous levels of LRP5 and LRP6 both receptors are required to signal in response to some Wnt ligands both in vitro (in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and mammary epithelial cells) and in vivo (in mammary outgrowths). This subgroup of canonical ligands includes Wnt1, Wnt9b, and Wnt10b; the latter two are expressed in mammary gland. In contrast, the ligand commonly used experimentally, Wnt3a, prefers LRP6 and requires just one receptor regardless of cellular context. When either LRP5 or LRP6 is overexpressed, signaling remains ligand-dependent, but the requirement for both receptors is abrogated (regardless of ligand type). We have documented an LRP5-6 heteromer using immiscible filtration assisted by surface tension (IFAST) immunoprecipitation. Together, our data imply that under physiological conditions some Wnt ligands require both receptors to be present to generate a canonical signal. We have designed a model to explain our results based on the resistance of LRP5-6 heteromers to a selective inhibitor of E1/2-binding Wnt-LRP6 interaction. These data have implications for stem cell biology and for the analysis of the oncogenicity of LRP receptors that are often overexpressed in breast tumors.  相似文献   
This study describes the effects of long-chain fatty acids on inflammatory signaling in cultured astrocytes. Data show that the saturated fatty acid palmitic acid, as well as lauric acid and stearic acid, trigger the release of TNFα and IL-6 from astrocytes. Unsaturated fatty acids were unable to induce cytokine release from cultured astrocytes. Furthermore, the effects of palmitic acid on cytokine release require Toll-like receptor 4 rather than CD36 or Toll-like receptor 2, and do not depend on palmitic acid metabolism to palmitoyl-CoA. Inhibitor studies revealed that pharmacologic inhibition of p38 or p42/44 MAPK pathways prevents the pro-inflammatory effects of palmitic acid, whereas JNK and PI3K inhibition does not affect cytokine release. Depletion of microglia from primary astrocyte cultures using the lysosomotropic agent l-leucine methyl ester revealed that the ability of palmitic acid to trigger cytokine release is not dependent on the presence of microglia. Finally, data show that the essential ω-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid acts in a dose-dependent manner to prevent the actions of palmitic acid on inflammatory signaling in astrocytes. Collectively, these data demonstrate the ability of saturated fatty acids to induce astrocyte inflammation in vitro. These data thus raise the possibility that high levels of circulating saturated fatty acids could cause reactive gliosis and brain inflammation in vivo, and could potentially participate in the reported adverse neurologic consequences of obesity and metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   
Tadpoles of Sphaerotheca breviceps raised in the laboratory from the egg stage, and hence lacking prior experience of a predator or its odors, were tested to examine their responses to a predator’s (tadpoles of Hoplobatrachus tigerinus) water-borne chemical cues. The stimulus solution was obtained following 24 h of rearing tadpoles of H. tigerinus (one tadpole per 200 mL water) that were not fed during this period. Upon exposure to the stimulus solution the activity of S. breviceps tadpoles decreased by about 90% within 5 min. Their resting period increased significantly over baseline activity, whereas the swimming period, distance traversed, and swimming spurts declined. However, whenever a test tadpole moved, its swimming velocity was high in response to stimulus solution. The antipredatory responses declined with increase in time of storage of the stimulus solution, indicating decay of the predator’s chemical cues. The findings suggest that (1) antipredator defense strategies of S. breviceps do not require prior experience of predators, (2) the predator’s chemical cues are labile in nature, and (3) the response of prey tadpoles to such cues is similar to reported behavior of anuran tadpoles in response to real predators and alarm cues.  相似文献   
BTBR T+ tf/J (BTBR) is an inbred mouse strain that displays social abnormalities and repetitive behaviors analogous to the first and third diagnostic symptoms of autism. Here we investigate ultrasonic vocalizations in BTBR, to address the second diagnostic symptom of autism, communication deficits. As compared to the commonly used C57BL/6J (B6) strain, BTBR pups called more loudly and more frequently when separated from their mothers and siblings. Detailed analysis of ten categories of calls revealed an unusual pattern in BTBR as compared to B6. BTBR emitted high levels of harmonics, two-syllable, and composite calls, but minimal numbers of chevron-shaped syllables, upward, downward, and short calls. Because body weights were higher in BTBR than B6 pups, one possible explanation was that larger thoracic size was responsible for the louder calls and different distribution of syllable categories. To test this possibility, we recorded separation calls from FVB/NJ, a strain with body weights similar to BTBR, and 129X1/SvJ, a strain with body weights similar to B6. BTBR remained the outlier on number of calls, displaying low numbers of complex, upward, chevron, short, and frequency steps calls, along with high harmonics and composites. Further, developmental milestones and growth rates were accelerated in BTBR, indicating an unusual neurodevelopmental trajectory. Overall, our findings demonstrate strain-specific patterns of ultrasonic calls that may represent different lexicons, or innate variations in complex vocal repertoires, in genetically distinct strains of mice. Particularly intriguing is the unusual pattern of vocalizations and the more frequent, loud harmonics evident in the BTBR mouse model of autism that may resemble the atypical vocalizations seen in some autistic infants.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Prolymphocytes are nucleolated cells that are the defining features of the 2 chronic lymphoproliferative disorders, prolymphocytic leukemia (PLL) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) with increased prolymphocytes. Prolymphocytes appear relatively unfamiliar in cytopathology practice, and, particularly when present in body fluids, may resemble blasts or adult T-cell leukemia/ lymphoma (ATLL) cells. CASE: A 32-year-old man, referred to us with a diagnosis of acute leukemia, presented with shortness of breath for 2 months and loss of appetite for 3 months. He had enlarged liver and spleen, 6 and 8 cm, respectively, below the costal margin and pleural effusion. The raised total leukocyte count chiefly comprised prolymphocytes that, especially in the pleural fluid, had prominent nucleoli and significant pleomorphism, raising the possibility of blasts or ATLL. CONCLUSION: Prolymphocytes in body fluids can be misinterpreted as blasts or even ATLL cells. Better awareness among cytopathologists about prolymphocytes and the disease states in which they occur, as well as insistence, in a clinical setting of leukemia, on interpreting the pleural fluid in relation to the clinical and laboratory findings, especially those of the peripheral blood and bone marrow, can prevent misdiagnosis. Equally importantly, immunophenotyping must be done in such situations.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a significant public health concern, exacerbated by the emergence of drug-resistant TB. To combat the host’s dynamic environment, Mtb encodes multiple DNA repair enzymes that play a critical role in maintaining genomic integrity. Mtb possesses a GC-rich genome, rendering it highly susceptible to cytosine deaminations, resulting in the occurrence of uracils in the DNA. UDGs encoded by ung and udgB initiate the repair; hence we investigated the biological impact of deleting UDGs in the adaptation of pathogen. We generated gene replacement mutants of uracil DNA glycosylases, individually (RvΔung, RvΔudgB) or together (RvΔdKO). The double KO mutant, RvΔdKO exhibited remarkably higher spontaneous mutation rate, in the presence of antibiotics. Interestingly, RvΔdKO showed higher survival rates in guinea pigs and accumulated large number of SNPs as revealed by whole-genome sequence analysis. Competition assays revealed the superior fitness of RvΔdKO over Rv, both in ex vivo and in vivo conditions. We propose that compromised DNA repair results in the accumulation of mutations, and a subset of these drives adaptation in the host. Importantly, this property allowed us to utilize RvΔdKO for the facile identification of drug targets.  相似文献   
This study explored the role of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in dimethyl benz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced lung cancer and its subsequent correction with a COX-2 inhibitory NSAID, etoricoxib. A single dose of DMBA (20?mg/kg body weight) in 0.9?% NaCl administered intratracheally was used to induce tumors in the rat lungs in 20?weeks. The study of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1??, TNF-??, and IFN-?? revealed their upregulation by DMBA administration and restoration of their levels toward normal by the treatment with etoricoxib, while the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-2 was found to be down-regulated with carcinogen administration and corrected with etoricoxib treatment. Apoptosis was studied by mitochondrial Bcl-2/Bax ratio and staining with fluorescent dyes acridine orange/ethidium bromide. The results showed a decreased apoptotic level with DMBA which was corrected with etoricoxib. Also, mitochondrial membrane potential was studied using JC-1 and rhodamine-123, which are membrane permeant fluorescent dyes, and generate information about cells at lower and higher mitochondrial membrane potential (???M). The results showed the presence of maximum number of cells with higher ???M in the DMBA group and their number was considerably lowered in the other three groups.  相似文献   
In Ayurveda, Withania somnifera is commonly known as Ashwagandha, its roots are specifically used in medicinal and clinical applications. It possesses numerous therapeutic actions which include anti-inflammatory, sedative, hypnotic and narcotic. Extracts from this plant have been reported for its anticancer properties. In this study we evaluated for the first time, the cytotoxic effect of Withania root extract on human malignant melanoma A375 cells. The crude extract of Withania was tested for cytotoxicity against A375 cells by MTT assay. Cell morphology of treated A375 cells was visualized through phase contrast as well as fluorescence microscopy. Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to check DNA fragmentation of the crude extract treated cells. Crude extract of Withania root has the potency to reduce viable cell count in dose as well as time dependent manner. Morphological change of the A375 cells was also observed in treated groups in comparison to untreated or vehicle treated control. Apoptotic body and nuclear blebbing were observed in DAPI stained treated cells under fluorescence microscope. A ladder of fragmented DNA was noticed in treated cells. Thus it might be said that the crude water extract of Withania somnifera has potent cytotoxic effect on human malignant melanoma A375 cells.  相似文献   
We report a series of tubulin targeting agents, some of which demonstrate potent antiproliferative activities. These analogs were designed to optimize the antiproliferative activity of 1 by varying the heteroatom substituent at the 4′-position, the basicity of the 4-position amino moiety, and conformational restriction. The potential metabolites of the active compounds were also synthesized. Some compounds demonstrated single digit nanomolar IC50 values for antiproliferative effects in MDA-MB-435 melanoma cells. Particularly, the S-methyl analog 3 was more potent than 1 in MDA-MB-435 cells (IC50?=?4.6?nM). Incubation of 3 with human liver microsomes showed that the primary metabolite of the S-methyl moiety of 3 was the methyl sulfinyl group, as in analog 5. This metabolite was equipotent with the lead compound 1 in MDA-MB-435 cells (IC50?=?7.9?nM). Molecular modeling and electrostatic surface area were determined to explain the activities of the analogs. Most of the potent compounds overcome multiple mechanisms of drug resistance and compound 3 emerged as the lead compound for further SAR and preclinical development.  相似文献   
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