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The compartmentalization of viral variants in distinct host tissues is a frequent event in many viral infections. Although hepatitis B virus (HBV) classically is considered hepatotropic, it has strong lymphotropic properties as well. However, unlike other viruses, molecular evolutionary studies to characterize HBV variants in compartments other than hepatocytes or sera have not been performed. The present work attempted to characterize HBV sequences from the peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of a large set of subjects, using advanced molecular biology and computational methods. The results of this study revealed the exclusive compartmentalization of HBV subgenotype Ae/A2-specific sequences with a potent immune escape G145R mutation in the PBL of the majority of the subjects. Interestingly, entirely different HBV genotypes/subgenotypes (C, D, or Aa/A1) were found to predominate in the sera of the same study populations. These results suggest that subgenotype Ae/A2 is selectively archived in the PBL, and the high prevalence of G145R indicates high immune pressure and high evolutionary rates of HBV DNA in the PBL. The results are analogous to available literature on the compartmentalization of other viruses. The present work thus provides evidence in favor of the compartment-specific abundance, evolution, and emergence of the potent immune escape mutant. These findings have important implications in the field of HBV molecular epidemiology, transmission, transfusion medicine, organ transplantation, and vaccination strategies.Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the prototype member of the Hepadnaviridae family and classically has been described to be hepatotropic, causing a wide range of clinical and subclinical manifestations of liver disease (57). Nevertheless, studies of HBV-infected human subjects and woodchucks infected with Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV; an animal model of hepadnaviral infection) have reported different molecular forms of replicative intermediates in the lymphatic cells and have established that hepadnaviruses are strongly lymphotropic in nature (29). Moreover, the results of studies of human subjects as well as with animal models have revealed that the life-long occult persistence of replication- and transmission-competent viruses in lymphatic cells is a strict consequence of hepadnaviral infections (29).More interestingly, in animal models, lymphatic system-restricted occult hepadnaviral infection has been found to be transmissible vertically as an asymptomatic, serologically occult infection exclusively confined to the lymphatic system (29). Earlier we provided evidence that occult HBV persisting in the lymphatic cells are transmissible, specifically to the PBL through horizontal intrafamilial modes (9). These observations clearly indicate important immunological, pathogenic, and epidemiological implications of lymphatic system-restricted hepadnaviral infections. Although the involvement of specific viral variants has been suggested to explain this lymphatic system-restricted hepadnaviral infection and transmission (29), the classical belief that hepatocytes are the primary target and only reservoir of HBV has precluded the genetic characterization of hepadnaviruses from extrahepatic sites.Fascinatingly, despite being classically considered a hepatotropic virus, hepatitis C virus (HCV), belonging to the family Flaviviridae, also shows occult persistence and lymphotropism very similar to that of hepadnaviruses (37). Similarly to WHV, HBV, and HCV, other viruses, including HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), small ruminant lentivirus, and Epstein-Barr virus, also have been shown to infect and persist in different anatomical compartments of the body in addition to their classical target cells (38, 40, 43, 45, 50). Furthermore, recent molecular evolutionary analyses based on envelope sequences of these viruses (e.g., HIV, HCV, small ruminant lentivirus, Epstein-Barr virus, etc.) have established clearly that these viruses undergo selection and independent evolution in diverse tissues, leading to the tissue-specific compartmentalization of viral populations (38, 40, 43, 45, 50). In contrast to other viruses, to the best of our knowledge, methodical molecular evolutionary studies to characterize HBV sequences isolated from extrahepatic sites of HBV-infected subjects have not been reported in the literature.We hypothesized that similar to other viruses, HBV also undergo independent evolution in different compartments of the body under the influence of differential immune pressure. To examine our hypothesis, we used the most easily available lymphatic cells, the peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL), determined the HBV envelope sequences from HBV DNA isolated from these cells, and performed advanced genetic, phylogenetic, and mutational analysis. The results of this work demonstrate a highly compartment-specific preponderance of HBV genetic variants in serum and PBL of the same study population, providing evidence in favor of the compartmentalization of HBV genetic variants. The results and important implications of these findings are discussed in this work.  相似文献   
Expression of a retroviral protein, Gag, in mammalian cells is sufficient for assembly of immature virus-like particles (VLPs). VLP assembly is mediated largely by interactions between the capsid (CA) domains of Gag molecules but is facilitated by binding of the nucleocapsid (NC) domain to nucleic acid. We have investigated the role of SP1, a spacer between CA and NC in HIV-1 Gag, in VLP assembly. Mutational analysis showed that even subtle changes in the first 4 residues of SP1 destroy the ability of Gag to assemble correctly, frequently leading to formation of tubes or other misassembled structures rather than proper VLPs. We also studied the conformation of the CA-SP1 junction region in solution, using both molecular dynamics simulations and circular dichroism. Consonant with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies from other laboratories, we found that SP1 is nearly unstructured in aqueous solution but undergoes a concerted change to an α-helical conformation when the polarity of the environment is reduced by addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), trifluoroethanol, or ethanol. Remarkably, such a coil-to-helix transition is also recapitulated in an aqueous medium at high peptide concentrations. The exquisite sensitivity of SP1 to mutational changes and its ability to undergo a concentration-dependent structural transition raise the possibility that SP1 could act as a molecular switch to prime HIV-1 Gag for VLP assembly. We suggest that changes in the local environment of SP1 when Gag oligomerizes on nucleic acid might trigger this switch.  相似文献   
On binding toVicia faba lectin, the fluorescence of 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside was quantitatively quenched showing that the interaction of 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside took Place in a binding environment. The binding of the fluorescent sugar was saccharide sPecific as evidenced by the reversal of 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside fluorescence quenching by D-fructose. The association constant,K a, values for the 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside was determined by comPetition study emPloying reversal of fluorescence quenching of 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside by D-fructose. TheK a value obtained for D-fructose was 1.07 ±0.03 X 104 M-1 and for 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside was 1.60 ±0.05 X 104 M-1 at 15°C. TheK a values of 2.51 ±0.06 X 104M-1, l.26 ±0.02 X 104 M-1 and 0.56 ±0.01 X 104M-1, resPectively at 10°, 20° and 30°C were obtained from the ChiPman equation. The relative fluorescence quenching, ΔF a, at infinite concentration of the free saccharide sites ofVicia faba lectin [P′] was 93.5% at 30°C and the binding constant for 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside lectin interaction as derived by Yank and Hanaguchi equation was 0.63 ±0.01 X 104M-1.  相似文献   
Mutations in the Drosophila trol gene cause cell cycle arrest of neuroblasts in the larval brain. Here, we show that trol encodes the Drosophila homolog of Perlecan and regulates neuroblast division by modulating both FGF and Hh signaling. Addition of human FGF-2 to trol mutant brains in culture rescues the trol proliferation phenotype, while addition of a MAPK inhibitor causes cell cycle arrest of the regulated neuroblasts in wildtype brains. Like FGF, Hh activates stem cell division in the larval brain in a Trol-dependent fashion. Coimmunoprecipitation studies are consistent with interactions between Trol and Hh and between mammalian Perlecan and Shh that are not competed with heparin sulfate. Finally, analyses of mutations in trol, hh, and ttv suggest that Trol affects Hh movement. These results indicate that Trol can mediate signaling through both of the FGF and Hedgehog pathways to control the onset of stem cell proliferation in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   
Oxygen uptake of Channa marulius was studied under water with and without access to air. There was a significant increase in the oxygen uptake through the gills when access to air was prevented. However, this value (0.863 ± 0.058 mlO2/indiv./h) was quite low in comparison to the total bimodal oxygen uptake (2.04 ± 0.14 mlO2/indiv./h) in juveniles. In adult fish the oxygen uptake per unit time increased appreciably (4.673 ± 0.404 mlO2/indiv./h). In juveniles as well as in adults the air breathing dominated over aquatic breathing. This fish showed a definite circadian rhythm in the bimodal oxygen uptake during different hours of the day.This work was performed in the Ichthyology Laboratory, P. G. Dept. of Zoology, Bhagalpur University, and was supported by a research grant from Bhagalpur University  相似文献   
Glutamine synthetase was localized in nodules, roots, stems, and leaves of red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) by immunocytochemistry. Affinity purified antibodies reactive with glutamine synthetase were prepared using purified nodule-enhanced glutamine synthetase. Immunogold labeling was observed in the cell cytoplasm in each plant organ. In nodules, the labeling was more intense in the infected cells than in the uninfected cells. No labeling was observed in nodule bacteroids, peribacteroid spaces, or in peribacteroid membranes, while previous reports of glutamine synthetase immunolabeling of legume nodules showed labeling in the bacteroid fraction. Significant labeling was observed in nodule proplastids which contained starch granules. Substantial labeling was also observed in leaf chloroplasts. No labeling was observed in other organelles including mitochondria, peroxisomes, and endoplasmic reticulum. Preimmune IgGs did not bind to any structure in the tissues examined.  相似文献   
L-Alanine:4,5-dioxovalerate transaminase was detected in the kidney cytosolic fraction with a lower specific activity than the mitochondrial enzyme. The enzyme was purified from the cytosol to homogeneity with a yield of 32%, and comparative analysis with the mitochondrial form was performed. Both forms of the enzyme have identical pH and temperature optima and also share common antigenic determinants. However, differences in their molecular properties exist. The molecular mass of the native cytoplasmic enzyme is 260 kDa, whereas that of the mitochondrial enzyme is 210 kDa. In addition, the cytoplasmic L-alanine: 4,5-dioxovalerate transaminase had a homopolymeric subunit molecular mass of 67 kDa compared to a subunit molecular mass of 50 kDa for the mitochondrial L-alanine:4,5-dioxovalerate transaminase. This is the first report of two forms of L-alanine:4,5-dioxovalerate transaminase. The different responses of cytosolic and mitochondrial L-alanine:4,5-dioxovalerate transaminases to hemin supplementation both in vitro and in vivo was demonstrated. Maximum inhibition of mitochondrial L-alanine:4,5-dioxovalerate transaminase activity was demonstrated with hemin injected at a dose of 1.2 mg/kg body mass, whereas the same dose of hemin stimulated the cytosolic enzyme to 150% of the control. A one-dimensional peptide map of partially digested cytosolic and mitochondrial L-alanine:4,5-dioxovalerate transaminase shows that the two forms of the enzymes are structurally related. Partial digestion of the cytosolic form of the enzyme with papain generated a fragment of 50 kDa which was identical to that of the undigested mitochondrial form (50 kDa). Moreover, papain digestion resulted in a threefold increase in cytosolic enzyme activity over the native enzyme, and such enhancement was comparable to the activity of the mitochondrial form of the enzyme. Therefore, we conclude that the cytosolic form of L-alanine: 4,5-dioxovalerate transaminase is different from the mitochondrial enzyme. Furthermore, immunoblot analysis indicated that the mitochondrial enzyme has antigenic similarity to the cytosolic enzyme as well as to the papain-digested cytosolic enzyme 50-kDa fragment.  相似文献   
Study of genetic diversity in crop plants is essential for the selection of appropriate germplasm for crop improvement. As salinity posses a serious environmental challenge to rice production globally and especially in India, it is imperative that the study of large collections of germplasms be undertaken to search for salt tolerant stocks. In the present study, 64 indica germplasms were collected from different agro-climatic zones of West Bengal, India, from the Himalayan foothills in the northern part down to the southern saline belt of the state keeping in view the soil characteristics and other edaphic factors prevailing in the region. Salt tolerance parameters were used to screen the large set of germplasms in terms of root-shoot length, fresh-dry weight, chlorophyll content, Na+/K+ ratio and germination potential in presence of salt. Standard evaluation score or SES was calculated to find out tolerant to sensitive cultivar. Twenty-one SSR markers, some associated with the Saltol QTL and others being candidate gene based SSR (cgSSR) were used to study the polymorphism of collected germplasm. A wide diversity was detected among the collected germplasms at the phenotypic as well as molecular level. Of the 21 SSR markers, 15 markers were found to be polymorphic with 88 alleles. Based on phenotypic and biochemical results, 21 genotypes were identified as salinity tolerant, whereas 40 genotypes turned out to be salt susceptible. The present study shows that apart from the established salt tolerant lines, several other landraces like Bonkanta, Morisal, Ghiosh, Patni may be the source of salt tolerant donor in future breeding programs.  相似文献   
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