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Activated neutrophils increase erythrocyte phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure. PS-exposed sickle red blood cells (SSRBCs) are more adhesive to vascular endothelium than non-PS-exposed cells. An increase in SSRBC fetal hemoglobin (HbF) concentration has been associated with improved rheology and decreased numbers of vasoocclusive episodes. This study examined the effects of HbF, PS-exposed SSRBCs, and chronic hydroxyurea (HU) treatment on activated neutrophil-mediated SSRBC retention/adherence in isolated-perfused rat lungs. Lungs were perfused with erythrocyte suspensions from 1) individuals homozygous for hemoglobin S with 0-7% HbF (SS), 2) with > or =8% HbF (SS + F), and 3) individuals homozygous for hemoglobin S treated with HU therapy for > or =1 yr (SS + HU). Retention of SSRBCs from the SS + HU group was significantly less than that seen in both the SS and SS + F groups. No difference was observed between the SS and SS + F groups. The percentage of HbF and F-cells did not differ between the SS + F and SS + HU groups. At baseline, the proportion of PS-exposed SSRBCs was not different between the SS and SS + HU groups. However, SSRBC treatment with activated neutrophil supernatant caused a twofold increase in PS-exposed SSRBCs in the SS control and no change in the SS + HU group. We conclude that 1) HU attenuates SSRBC retention/adherence in the pulmonary circulation seen in response neutrophil activation, 2) HU stabilizes SSRBC membrane PS, and 3) HU attenuation SSRBC retention/adherence in the pulmonary circulation occurs through a mechanism(s) independent of HbF.  相似文献   
Here we report our ongoing investigation of the cardiovascular effects of acetaminophen, with emphasis on oxidation-induced canine myocardial dysfunction. The objective of the current study was to investigate whether acetaminophen could attenuate exogenous H(2)O(2)-mediated myocardial dysfunction in vivo. Respiratory, metabolic, and hemodynamic indices such as left ventricular function (LVDP and +/-dP/dt(max)), and percent ectopy were measured in anesthetized, open-chest dogs during intravenous administration of 0.88 mM, 2.2 mM, 6.6 mM H(2)O(2). Following 6.6 mM H(2)O(2), tissue from the left ventricle was harvested for electron microscopy. Left ventricular function did not vary significantly between vehicle and acetaminophen groups under baseline conditions. Acetaminophen-treated dogs regained a significantly greater fraction of baseline function after high concentrations of H(2)O(2) than vehicle-treated dogs. Moreover, the incidence of H(2)O(2)-induced ventricular arrhythmias was significantly reduced in the acetaminophen-treated group. Percent ectopy following 6.6 mM concentrations of H(2)O(2) was 1 +/- 0.3 vs. 0.3 +/- 0.1 (P < 0.05) for vehicle- and acetaminophen-treated dogs, respectively. Additionally, electron micrograph images of left ventricular tissue confirmed preservation of tissue ultrastructure in acetaminophen-treated hearts when compared to vehicle. We conclude that, in the canine myocardium, acetaminophen is both functionally cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic against H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative injury.  相似文献   
Poly(A)-containing RNA was isolated from rat liver microsomes and from the post-microsomal supernatant fraction. Approximately 15% of total rat liver poly(A)-containing RNA was found to be present in the post-microsomal supernatant. The relative capacity for apoferritin synthesis of each poly(A)-containing RNA preparation was measured in a cell-free system derived from wheat germ. The post-microsomal supernatant fraction was found to be highly enriched with ferritin mRNA and accounted for 40–50% of the total ferritin-mRNA present in the cytoplasm of rat liver.  相似文献   
The numbers of sulphydryl groups on NH4Cl-washed rat liver polyribosomes in different functional states were measured under carefully standardized conditions with 14C-labelled N-ethylmaleimide and 35S-labelled 5,5-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid). Ribosomes denatured with urea had 120 titratable sulphydryl groups, 60 on each subunit, whereas native ribosomes invariably showed fewer available sulphydryl groups. Ribosomes stripped of transfer RNA (S-type ribosomes) had 55 available sulphydryl groups. Ribosomes bearing the growing peptidyl-tRNA at the acceptor site had 41 sulphydryl groups available. If these A-type ribosomes were labelled with 14C-labelled N-ethylmaleimide and dissociated into subunits, 23 of the labelled sulphydryl groups were found on the 60 S subunit and 19 on the 40 S subunit. After translocation of the peptidyl-tRNA to the donor position on ribosomes (D ribosomes), the number of available sulphydryl groups increased to 72, of which 43 were on the 60 S subunit and 29 on the 40 S subunit. This demonstrates that both subunits participate in the change of peptidyl-tRNA from the A to D positions. When the D ribosomes were reacted with EF2 (elongation factor) and GTP, the available sulphydryl groups increased to 82; addition of EF2 alone or with GDP, GDPCP or ATP failed to cause this increase, which has accordingly been attributed to an energy-dependent conformational change in the ribosome.Ribosomes were reconstructed from subunits with poly(U) and Phe-tRNA. In the presence of poly(U) only, a ribosome with 55 available SH groups was formed, thus corresponding to the stripped ribosomes. When both poly(U) and Phe-tRNA were present, a ribosome was formed with 44 available sulphydryl groups, corresponding approximately to an A-type ribosome. Since no EF1 or GTP was used in reconstructing this ribosome, these data indicate that the conformation of A-type ribosomes is not dependent on EF1 or GTP, but is due to the presence of tRNA at the acceptor site.We therefore incline to the view that the observed changes in available SH groups reflect conformational changes, with an opening up of ribosome structure as it progresses from having the peptidyl-tRNA at the A position to the D position and then binds EF2 and GTP, followed by a restoration of the more compact from when the incoming aminoacyl-tRNA is then bound.  相似文献   
The structure of the D85S mutant of bacteriorhodopsin with a nitrate anion bound in the Schiff base binding site and the structure of the anion-free protein have been obtained in the same crystal form. Together with the previously solved structures of this anion pump, in both the anion-free state and bromide-bound state, these new structures provide insight into how this mutant of bacteriorhodopsin is able to bind a variety of different anions in the same binding pocket. The structural analysis reveals that the main structural change that accommodates different anions is the repositioning of the polar side chain of S85. On the basis of these X-ray crystal structures, the prediction is then made that the D85S/D212N double mutant might bind similar anions and do so over a broader pH range than does the single mutant. Experimental comparison of the dissociation constants, K(d), for a variety of anions confirms this prediction and demonstrates, in addition, that the binding affinity is dramatically improved by the D212N substitution.  相似文献   
Nuclear extract of human erythroleukemic cell line K562 contains a 70 kDa protein which is gradually reduced when cells are induced to express globin genes by 25 microM hemin. When globin synthesis was inhibited by cycloheximide (100 micrograms/ml) or Actinomycin D (1 microgram/ml), the disappearance of this protein was prevented. The 70 kDa nuclear protein exhibited strong binding to G gamma and A gamma globin promoters but not to beta-globin promoter. This suggests that this 70 kDa nuclear protein may be involved in the regulation of fetal globin gene expression.  相似文献   
Early evolution of mutualism is characterized by big and predictable adaptive changes, including the specialization of interacting partners, such as through deleterious mutations in genes not required for metabolic cross-feeding. We sought to investigate whether these early mutations improve cooperativity by manifesting in synergistic epistasis between genomes of the mutually interacting species. Specifically, we have characterized evolutionary trajectories of syntrophic interactions of Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Dv) with Methanococcus maripaludis (Mm) by longitudinally monitoring mutations accumulated over 1000 generations of nine independently evolved communities with analysis of the genotypic structure of one community down to the single-cell level. We discovered extensive parallelism across communities despite considerable variance in their evolutionary trajectories and the perseverance within many evolution lines of a rare lineage of Dv that retained sulfate-respiration (SR+) capability, which is not required for metabolic cross-feeding. An in-depth investigation revealed that synergistic epistasis across pairings of Dv and Mm genotypes had enhanced cooperativity within SR− and SR+ assemblages, enabling their coexistence within the same community. Thus, our findings demonstrate that cooperativity of a mutualism can improve through synergistic epistasis between genomes of the interacting species, enabling the coexistence of mutualistic assemblages of generalists and their specialized variants.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Population genetics, Symbiosis, Population dynamics, Molecular evolution  相似文献   
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