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Prion infection induces conformational conversion of the normal prion protein PrPC, into the pathogenic isoform PrPSc, in prion diseases. It has been shown that PrP-knockout (Prnp0/0) mice transgenically reconstituted with a mouse-hamster chimeric PrP lacking N-terminal residues 23-88, or Tg(MHM2Δ23-88)/Prnp0/0 mice, neither developed the disease nor accumulated MHM2ScΔ23-88 in their brains after inoculation with RML prions. In contrast, RML-inoculated Tg(MHM2Δ23-88)/Prnp0/+ mice developed the disease with abundant accumulation of MHM2ScΔ23-88 in their brains. These results indicate that MHM2Δ23-88 itself might either lose or greatly reduce the converting capacity to MHM2ScΔ23-88, and that the co-expressing wild-type PrPC can stimulate the conversion of MHM2Δ23-88 to MHM2ScΔ23-88 in trans. In the present study, we confirmed that Tg(MHM2Δ23-88)/Prnp0/0 mice remained resistant to RML prions for up to 730 days after inoculation. However, we found that Tg(MHM2Δ23-88)/Prnp0/0 mice were susceptible to 22L prions, developing the disease with prolonged incubation times and accumulating MHM2ScΔ23-88 in their brains. We also found accelerated conversion of MHM2Δ23-88 into MHM2ScΔ23-88 in the brains of RML- and 22L-inoculated Tg(MHM2Δ23-88)/Prnp0/+ mice. However, wild-type PrPSc accumulated less in the brains of these inoculated Tg(MHM2Δ23-88)/Prnp0/+ mice, compared with RML- and 22L-inoculated Prnp0/+ mice. These results show that MHM2Δ23-88 itself can convert into MHM2ScΔ23-88 without the help of the trans-acting PrPC, and that, irrespective of prion strains inoculated, the co-expressing wild-type PrPC stimulates the conversion of MHM2Δ23-88 into MHM2ScΔ23-88, but to the contrary, the co-expressing MHM2Δ23-88 disturbs the conversion of wild-type PrPC into PrPSc.  相似文献   
To characterize the sites in human p53 that become phosphorylated in response to DNA damage, we have developed polyclonal antibodies that recognize p53 only when it is phosphorylated at specific sites. Several attempts to generate an antibody to p53 phosphorylated at Ser(6) using a phosphoserine-containing peptide as an immunogen were unsuccessful; however, phosphorylation-specific antibodies were produced by using the phosphoserine mimetic, l-2-amino-4-phosphono-4, 4-difluorobutanoic acid (F(2)Pab), in place of phosphoserine. Fmoc-F(2)Pab was prepared by an improved synthesis and chemically incorporated using solid phase peptide synthesis. Affinity-purified antibodies elicited by immunizing rabbits with an F(2)Pab peptide coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin recognized a p53(1-39) peptide phosphorylated only at Ser(6) but not the unphosphorylated peptide or the same peptide phosphorylated at Ser(9), Ser(15), Ser(20), Ser(33), or Ser(37). Untreated A549 cells exhibited a background of constitutive phosphorylation at Ser(6) that increased approximately 10-fold upon exposure to either ionizing radiation or UV light. Similar results were obtained for Ser(9) using antibodies raised against a conventional phosphopeptide. Ser(9) was phosphorylated by casein kinase 1 in vitro in a phosphoserine 6-dependent manner. Our data identify two additional DNA damage-induced phosphorylations in human p53 and show that F(2)Pab-derivatized peptides can be used to develop phosphorylation site-specific polyclonal antibodies.  相似文献   
Rhodoliths are free-living coralline algae (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) that are ecologically important for the functioning of marine environments. They form extensive beds distributed worldwide, providing a habitat and nursery for benthic organisms and space for fisheries, and are an important source of calcium carbonate. The Abrolhos Bank, off eastern Brazil, harbors the world''s largest continuous rhodolith bed (of ∼21 000 km2) and has one of the largest marine CaCO3 deposits (producing 25 megatons of CaCO3 per year). Nevertheless, there is a lack of information about the microbial diversity, photosynthetic potential and ecological interactions within the rhodolith holobiont. Herein, we performed an ecophysiologic and metagenomic analysis of the Abrolhos rhodoliths to understand their microbial composition and functional components. Rhodoliths contained a specific microbiome that displayed a significant enrichment in aerobic ammonia-oxidizing betaproteobacteria and dissimilative sulfate-reducing deltaproteobacteria. We also observed a significant contribution of bacterial guilds (that is, photolithoautotrophs, anaerobic heterotrophs, sulfide oxidizers, anoxygenic phototrophs and methanogens) in the rhodolith metagenome, suggested to have important roles in biomineralization. The increased hits in aromatic compounds, fatty acid and secondary metabolism subsystems hint at an important chemically mediated interaction in which a functional job partition among eukaryal, archaeal and bacterial groups allows the rhodolith holobiont to thrive in the global ocean. High rates of photosynthesis were measured for Abrolhos rhodoliths (52.16 μmol carbon m−2 s−1), allowing the entire Abrolhos rhodolith bed to produce 5.65 × 105 tons C per day. This estimate illustrates the great importance of the Abrolhos rhodolith beds for dissolved carbon production in the South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
Plants evoke innate immunity against microbial challenges upon recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), such as fungal cell wall chitin. Nevertheless, pathogens may circumvent the host PAMP-triggered immunity. We previously reported that the ascomycete Magnaporthe oryzae, a famine-causing rice pathogen, masks cell wall surfaces with α-1,3-glucan during invasion. Here, we show that the surface α-1,3-glucan is indispensable for the successful infection of the fungus by interfering with the plant''s defense mechanisms. The α-1,3-glucan synthase gene MgAGS1 was not essential for infectious structure development but was required for infection in M. oryzae. Lack or degradation of surface α-1,3-glucan increased fungal susceptibility towards chitinase, suggesting the protective role of α-1,3-glucan against plants'' antifungal enzymes during infection. Furthermore, rice plants secreting bacterial α-1,3-glucanase (AGL-rice) showed strong resistance not only to M. oryzae but also to the phylogenetically distant ascomycete Cochlioborus miyabeanus and the polyphagous basidiomycete Rhizoctonia solani; the histocytochemical analysis of the latter two revealed that α-1,3-glucan also concealed cell wall chitin in an infection-specific manner. Treatment with α-1,3-glucanase in vitro caused fragmentation of infectious hyphae in R. solani but not in M. oryzae or C. miyabeanus, indicating that α-1,3-glucan is also involved in maintaining infectious structures in some fungi. Importantly, rapid defense responses were evoked (a few hours after inoculation) in the AGL-rice inoculated with M. oryzae, C. miyabeanus and R. solani as well as in non-transgenic rice inoculated with the ags1 mutant. Taken together, our results suggest that α-1,3-glucan protected the fungal cell wall from degradative enzymes secreted by plants even from the pre-penetration stage and interfered with the release of PAMPs to delay innate immune defense responses. Because α-1,3-glucan is nondegradable in plants, it is reasonable that many fungal plant pathogens utilize α-1,3-glucan in the innate immune evasion mechanism and some in maintaining the structures.  相似文献   
Previous studies have convincingly argued that reactive oxygen species (ROS ) contribute to the development of several major types of sensorineural hearing loss, such as noise‐induced hearing loss (NIHL ), drug‐induced hearing loss, and age‐related hearing loss. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms induced by ROS in these pathologies remain unclear. To resolve this issue, we established an in vivo model of ROS overproduction by generating a transgenic (TG ) mouse line expressing the human NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX 4, NOX 4‐ TG mice), which is a constitutively active ROS ‐producing enzyme that does not require stimulation or an activator. Overproduction of ROS was detected at the cochlea of the inner ear in NOX 4 ‐TG mice, but they showed normal hearing function under baseline conditions. However, they demonstrated hearing function vulnerability, especially at high‐frequency sounds, upon exposure to intense noise, which was accompanied by loss of cochlear outer hair cells (OHC s). The vulnerability to loss of hearing function and OHC s was rescued by treatment with the antioxidant Tempol. Additionally, we found increased protein levels of the heat‐shock protein 47 (HSP 47) in models using HEK 293 cells, including H2O2 treatment and cells with stable and transient expression of NOX 4. Furthermore, the up‐regulated levels of Hsp47 were observed in both the cochlea and heart of NOX 4 ‐TG mice. Thus, antioxidant therapy is a promising approach for the treatment of NIHL . Hsp47 may be an endogenous antioxidant factor, compensating for the chronic ROS overexposure in vivo , and counteracting ROS ‐related hearing loss.

The role of nitric oxide in ulcer formation remains unknown. Accordingly, we assessed local expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and nitration of tyrosine as an indicator of peroxynitrite formation in patients with Helicobacter pylori (HP)-associated gastric ulcers compared with HP-negative ulcers. Biopsy specimens were taken from the ulcer margin and from an area remote from the ulcer portion. Inducible NOS, nitrotyrosine, and macrophage immunoreactivity were assessed immunohistochemically using a labeled streptavidin-biotin method. In HP-positive gastric ulcers, inducible NOS and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity was frequently observed at active ulcer margins, sometimes in surface epithelial cells as well as in the lamina propria. Occasionally, inducible NOS and nitrotyrosine reactivity were found in areas remote from the lesion in cases of HP-positive ulcer and HP-related gastritis. Macrophages accumulated significantly in the margin of HP-positive ulcers. In HP-negative gastric ulcers, inducible NOS and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity also were frequent at the ulcer margin, but no significant immunoreactivity was observed at a distance. HP eradication caused significant attenuation in inducible NOS and macrophage immunoreactivity. In conclusion, nitric oxide and peroxynitrite formation is increased in HP-infected gastric mucosa, suggesting that HP promotes nitric oxide stress.  相似文献   
A protein with structure-specific endonuclease activity has been purified to near homogeneity from cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) inflorescence through five successive column chromatographies. The protein is a single polypeptide with a molecular mass of 40 kDa. Using three different branched DNA structures (flap, pseudo-Y and stem-loop) we found that the enzyme, a cauliflower structure-specific endonuclease, cleaved the single-stranded tail in the 5'-flap and 5'-pseudo-Y structures, whereas it could not incise the 3'-flap and 3'-pseudo-Y structures. The incision points occur around the single strand-duplex junction in these DNA substrates and the enzyme leaves 5'-PO4 and 3'-OH termini on DNA. The protein also endonucleolytically cleaves on the 3'-side of the single-stranded region at the junction of unpaired and duplex DNA in the stem-loop structure. The structure-specific endonuclease activity is stimulated by Mg2+ and by Mn2+, but not by Ca2+. Like mammalian FEN-1, the protein has weak 5'-->3' double-stranded DNA-specific exonuclease activity. These results indicate that the cauliflower protein is a plant structure-specific endonuclease like mammalian FEN-1 or may be the plant alternative.  相似文献   


Despite the high prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), its risk factors are still a subject of controversy. This is probably due to inadequate distinction between reflux esophagitis (RE) and non-erosive reflux disease (NERD), and is also due to inadequate evaluation of adjacent stomach. Our aim is therefore to define background factors of RE and NERD independently, based on the evaluation of Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric atrophy.


We analyzed 10,837 healthy Japanese subjects (6,332 men and 4,505 women, aged 20–87 years) who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. RE was diagnosed as the presence of mucosal break, and NERD was diagnosed as the presence of heartburn and/or acid regurgitation in RE-free subjects. Using GERD-free subjects as control, background factors for RE and NERD were separately analyzed using logistic regression to evaluate standardized coefficients (SC), odds ratio (OR), and p-value.


Of the 10,837 study subjects, we diagnosed 733 (6.8%) as RE and 1,722 (15.9%) as NERD. For RE, male gender (SC = 0.557, OR = 1.75), HP non-infection (SC = 0.552, OR = 1.74), higher pepsinogen I/II ratio (SC = 0.496, OR = 1.64), higher BMI (SC = 0.464, OR = 1.60), alcohol drinking (SC = 0.161, OR = 1.17), older age (SC = 0.148, OR = 1.16), and smoking (SC = 0.129, OR = 1.14) are positively correlated factors. For NERD, HP infection (SC = 0.106, OR = 1.11), female gender (SC = 0.099, OR = 1.10), younger age (SC = 0.099, OR = 1.10), higher pepsinogen I/II ratio (SC = 0.099, OR = 1.10), smoking (SC = 0.080, OR = 1.08), higher BMI (SC = 0.078, OR = 1.08), and alcohol drinking (SC = 0.076, OR = 1.08) are positively correlated factors. Prevalence of RE in subjects with chronic HP infection and successful HP eradication denotes significant difference (2.3% and 8.8%; p<0.0001), whereas that of NERD shows no difference (18.2% and 20.8%; p = 0.064).


Significantly associated factors of NERD are considerably different from those of RE, indicating that these two disorders are pathophysiologically distinct. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori may have disadvantageous effects on RE but not on NERD.  相似文献   
The catalytic activity of the C subunit of serine/threonine phosphatase 2A is regulated by the association with A (PR65) and B subunits. It has been reported that the alpha4 protein, a yeast homolog of the Tap42 protein, binds the C subunit of serine/threonine phosphatase 2A and protein phosphatase 2A-related protein phosphatases such as protein phosphatase 4 and protein phosphatase 6. In the present study, we showed that alpha4 binds these three phosphatases and the association of alpha4 reduces the activities of these phosphatases in vitro. In contrast, PR65 binds to the C subunit of serine/threonine phosphatase 2A but not to protein phosphatase 4 and protein phosphatase 6. These results suggest that the alpha4 protein is a common regulator of the C subunit of serine/threonine phosphatase 2A and protein phosphatase 2A-related protein phosphatases.  相似文献   
Regime shifts of climatic and environmental conditions potentially affect the productivity of fishery resources, posing challenges in stock management. The stocks of the Japanese flying squid (Todarodes pacificus) are suspected to suffer from regime shifts, but detecting the occurrence of regime shifts in this species is generally difficult and unreliable because the short-lived nature of this species inherently confounds the effect of regime shifts with observation and process errors. Here we developed a new state-space assessment model to evaluate the influence of regime shifts on the spawner-recruit relationship of the Japanese flying squid. The model simultaneously estimates the population dynamics of multiple stocks that could share some life history parameters, thereby stabilizing parameter inference. We demonstrate that two regime shifts in productivity around 1991 and 2015 caused two- to threefold changes of maximum sustainable yields. The model with regime shifts clarifies the relationship between fishing pressure and spawner abundance that is difficult to detect in a model with no regime shift. The state-space approach is a promising tool for accurately assessing stock status by separating the recruitment process from observation errors and is expected to contribute to the effective management of marine biological resources sensitive to regime shifts.  相似文献   
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