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Gold standard datasets on protein complexes are key to inferring and validating protein–protein interactions. Despite much progress in characterizing protein complexes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, numerous researchers still use as reference the manually curated complexes catalogued by the Munich Information Center of Protein Sequences database. Although this catalogue has served the community extremely well, it no longer reflects the current state of knowledge. Here, we report two catalogues of yeast protein complexes as results of systematic curation efforts. The first one, denoted as CYC2008, is a comprehensive catalogue of 408 manually curated heteromeric protein complexes reliably backed by small-scale experiments reported in the current literature. This catalogue represents an up-to-date reference set for biologists interested in discovering protein interactions and protein complexes. The second catalogue, denoted as YHTP2008, comprises 400 high-throughput complexes annotated with current literature evidence. Among them, 262 correspond, at least partially, to CYC2008 complexes. Evidence for interacting subunits is collected for 68 complexes that have only partial or no overlap with CYC2008 complexes, whereas no literature evidence was found for 100 complexes. Some of these partially supported and as yet unsupported complexes may be interesting candidates for experimental follow up. Both catalogues are freely available at: http://wodaklab.org/cyc2008/.  相似文献   
3-Hydroxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone and 2-ethyl-3-hydroxy-4-pyrone (maltol and ethyl maltol, respectively) have proven especially suitable as ligands for vanadyl ions, in potential insulin enhancing agents for diabetes mellitus. Both bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) (BMOV), and the ethylmaltol analog, bis(ethylmaltolato)oxovanadium(IV) (BEOV), have the desired intermediate stability for pro-drug use, and have undergone extensive pre-clinical testing for safety and efficacy. Pharmacokinetic evaluation indicates a pattern of biodistribution consistent with fairly rapid dissociation and uptake, binding to serum transferrin for systemic circulation and transport to tissues, with preferential uptake in bone. These bis-ligand oxovanadium(IV) (VOL2) compounds have a clear advantage over inorganic vanadyl sulfate in terms of bioavailability and pharmaceutical efficacy. BEOV has now completed Phase I and has advanced to Phase II clinical trials. In the Phase I trial, a range of doses from 10 mg to 90 mg BEOV, given orally to non-diabetic volunteers, resulted in no adverse effects; all biochemical parameters remained within normal limits. In the Phase IIa trial, BEOV (AKP-020), 20 mg, daily for 28 days, per os, in seven type 2 diabetic subjects, was associated with reductions in fasting blood glucose and %HbA1c; improved responses to oral glucose tolerance testing, versus the observed worsening of diabetic symptoms in the two placebo controls.  相似文献   
Plasmalemmal phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4,5-bisphosphate (PI4,5P2) synthesized by PI 4-phosphate (PI4P) 5-kinase (PIP5K) is key to the polymerization of actin that drives chemotaxis and phagocytosis. We investigated the means whereby PIP5K is targeted to the membrane and its fate during phagosome formation. Homology modeling revealed that all PIP5K isoforms feature a positively charged face. Together with the substrate-binding loop, this polycationic surface is proposed to constitute a coincidence detector that targets PIP5Ks to the plasmalemma. Accordingly, manipulation of the surface charge displaced PIP5Ks from the plasma membrane. During particle engulfment, PIP5Ks detached from forming phagosomes as the surface charge at these sites decreased. Precluding the change in surface charge caused the PIP5Ks to remain associated with the phagosomal cup. Chemically induced retention of PIP5K-γ prevented the disappearance of PI4,5P2 and aborted phagosome formation. We conclude that a bistable electrostatic switch mechanism regulates the association/dissociation of PIP5Ks from the membrane during phagocytosis and likely other processes.  相似文献   
Non muscle myosin II (NMII) is a major motor protein present in all cell types. The three known vertebrate NMII isoforms share high sequence homology but play different cellular roles. The main difference in sequence resides in the C-terminal non-helical tailpiece (tailpiece). In this study we demonstrate that the tailpiece is crucial for proper filament size, overcoming the intrinsic properties of the coiled-coil rod. Furthermore, we show that the tailpiece by itself determines the NMII filament structure in an isoform-specific manner, thus providing a possible mechanism by which each NMII isoform carries out its unique cellular functions. We further show that the tailpiece determines the cellular localization of NMII-A and NMII-B and is important for NMII-C role in focal adhesion complexes. We mapped NMII-C sites phosphorylated by protein kinase C and casein kinase II and showed that these phosphorylations affect its solubility properties and cellular localization. Thus phosphorylation fine-tunes the tailpiece effects on the coiled-coil rod, enabling dynamic regulation of NMII-C assembly. We thus show that the small tailpiece of NMII is a distinct domain playing a role in isoform-specific filament assembly and cellular functions.Non muscle myosin II (NMII)2 is a major motor protein present in all cell types participating in crucial processes, including cytokinesis, surface attachment, and cell movement (13). NMII units are hexamers of two long heavy chains with two pairs of light chains attached. NMII heavy chain is composed of a globular head containing the actin binding and force generating ATPase domains, followed by a large coiled-coil rod that terminates with a short non-helical tailpiece (tailpiece). To carry out its cellular functions, NMII assembles into dimers and higher order filaments by interactions of the coiled-coil rod (4). The assembly process is governed by electrostatic interactions between adjacent coiled-coil rods containing alternating charged regions with specific periodicity (59) and is enhanced by activation of the motor domain through regulatory light chain phosphorylation (1012). The charge periodicity also determines the register and orientation of each NMII hexamer in the filament. Additionally the C-terminal region of the coiled-coil rod contains a distinctive positively charged region and the assembly-competence domains that are crucial for proper filament assembly (59, 13).Three isoforms of NMII (termed NMII-A, NMII-B, and NMII-C) have been identified in mammals (1416). Although NMII isoforms share somewhat overlapping roles, each isoform has distinctive tissue distribution and specific functions. NMII-A is important for neural growth cone retraction (17, 18) and is distributed to the front of migrating endothelial cells (19). While NMII-B participates in growth cone advancement (20) and was detected in the retracting tails of migrating endothelial cells (19). Furthermore NMII-A and NMII-B have an opposing effect on motility, since depletion of NMII-A leads to increased motility while NMII-B depletion hinders motility (21, 22). NMII-C plays a role in cytokinesis (23) and has distinct distribution in neuronal cells (24). Furthermore one NMII isoform only partly rescue cells in which siRNA was used to reduce the expression of another isoform (23, 25). This functional diversity is achieved despite a significant amino acid sequence identity between the isoforms (overall 64–80%), and the origin of these differential distributions and functions is not completely understood.Recent studies suggest that the C-terminal portion of NMII-A and NMII-B, particularly the last ∼170 amino acids, is responsible for the differential distribution of these NMII isoforms (26, 27). It was shown that swapping this region between NMII-A and NMII-B resulted in chimeric proteins, which adopted cellular localization according to the C-terminal part (26). This C-terminal ∼170 amino acid coiled-coil region contains the assembly-competence domains and other regions that are critical for filament assembly (59, 13) as well as the non-helical tailpiece. As the small tailpiece is also an important regulator of NMII filament assembly (27, 28) capable of changing NMII filament assembly properties; and phosphorylation of NMII tailpiece was shown to interfere with filament assembly (2933) the tailpiece may be important for allowing NMII to perform its dynamic tasks. Because the coiled-coil regions are highly conserved between NMII isoforms, while the tailpiece is the most divergent, it is therefore a good candidate for mediating NMII isoform-specific functions. However, the exact mechanism by which the tailpiece affects NMII function is not fully understood. Here we show that the tailpiece serves as an isoform-specific control mechanism modulating filament order, assembly, and cellular function.  相似文献   
Aquifers dominated by Pleistocene basalts and Jurassic to Cretaceous calcareous rocks feed the Hula basin which is drained by the Jordan River into Lake Kinneret. The sedimentary sequence of Lower-Middle Pleistocene Benot Ya‘akov Formation (BYF) exposed by excavations of the 0.78 Ma lake-side site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov (GBY) consists of six cycles representing ca. 100 ka history of the Hula basin. This study characterizes the types of water sources in the catchment, tests the use of the Strontium (Sr) isotopes in the common extant snail Melanopsis sp. as a tracer for water in its habitat, and uses this tracer in the fossil specimens from GBY to investigate the palaeohydrology of the Hula paleolake during the corresponding period.The Sr isotope composition (87Sr/86Sr) of extant Melanopsis shells in the Hula catchment range widely (0.7046-0.7079). These analyses define distinct groups of water sources and aquifers, while the Jordan River at the GBY site has values around 0.70685. The values for fossil Melanopsis from GBY vary along stratigraphy; they are highest around 0.70710 in Cycles 1 and 2, decrease to around 0.70685 in Cycle 3, and exhibit upward trending fluctuations in the subsequent cycles to 0.70703 in Cycle 6. This trend reveals the dominance of the Hermon Jurassic aquifer during the earlier, colder periods before the Matuyama-Brunhes Boundary (MBB) and enhanced influence of the Golan basaltic aquifers, in subsequent warmer periods, indicating that the MBB coincides with climate warming as supported by other indicators. Hence, this global geochronological indicator of 0.78 Ma is also potentially a global palaeoclimatic marker. The similarity between the Sr isotope composition of the Jordan River waters and Melanopsis and those from Cycle 3 suggests that the current climate corresponds to that of the warmest period within the record of GBY, clarifying the comparative interpretation of this 100 k.yr. climate record.  相似文献   
Dunaliella bardawil, a beta-carotene-accumulating alga was treated by the bleaching herbicide norflurazon to select sub-species rich with a mixture of 9-cis and all-trans stereoisomers of phytoene and phytofluene. The present study determines the bioavailability of phytoene and phytofluene with their stereoisomers in rats fed on a diet supplemented with Dunaliella phytoene-rich spray dried powder. Three groups of female weanling rats, eight animals each, were fed AIN diets for two weeks. The control consumed the diet as is. The experimental group was supplemented with 50 g Dunaliella powder to give phytoene/phytofluene at a level of 1 g/kg diet, and the placebo was provided with the oxidized algae free of carotenoids at the same amount. Weight gain and tissues weight of rats fed on the control diet, or on the experimental diets were statistically same. Tissue analyses were carried out by liquid chromatography at the end of two weeks feeding for vitamin A, carotenoids, phytoene and phytofluene and theirs stereoisomers. Liver analyses revealed high hepatic storage of phytoene in the experimental group. Analysis of the other tissues, adrenal, brain, heart, kidney, lung, and spleen detected small amounts of phytoene in the adrenal, kidney and spleen and in the plasma. High-pressure liquid chromatography for stereoisomeric composition was performed to all phytoene-containing tissues. The original algal diet content of 9-cis-to-all-trans ratio of 1:1 was maintained in the plasma and adrenal while in the liver, spleen and kidney the ratio was reduced to 1:3. The preferential accumulation of all-trans phytoene over 9-cis phytoene in the liver, spleen and kidney may be interpreted as indicating stronger antioxidative effect of 9-cis phytoene over the all-trans isomer or alternatively, in vivo streoisomerization of 9-cis phytoene to the all-trans structure.  相似文献   
Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions (CAPRI) has proven to be a catalyst for the development of docking algorithms. An essential step in docking is the scoring of predicted binding modes in order to identify stable complexes. In 2005, CAPRI introduced the scoring experiment, where upon completion of a prediction round, a larger set of models predicted by different groups and comprising both correct and incorrect binding modes, is made available to all participants for testing new scoring functions independently from docking calculations. Here we present an expanded benchmark data set for testing scoring functions, which comprises the consolidated ensemble of predicted complexes made available in the CAPRI scoring experiment since its inception. This consolidated scoring benchmark contains predicted complexes for 15 published CAPRI targets. These targets were subjected to 23 CAPRI assessments, due to existence of multiple binding modes for some targets. The benchmark contains more than 19,000 protein complexes. About 10% of the complexes represent docking predictions of acceptable quality or better, the remainder represent incorrect solutions (decoys). The benchmark set contains models predicted by 47 different predictor groups including web servers, which use different docking and scoring procedures, and is arguably as diverse as one may expect, representing the state of the art in protein docking. The data set is publicly available at the following URL: http://cb.iri.univ‐lille1.fr/Users/lensink/Score_set . Proteins 2014; 82:3163–3169. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This work concerns an attempt to develop large scalecultivation of Porphyridium sp. outdoors. Theimpact on cell growth and production of solublesulphated polysaccharides of light-path length (LP)was studied in flat plate glass reactors outdoors. TheLP of the plate reactors ranged from 1.3–30 cm,corresponding to culture volumes of 3–72 L. The sidewalls of all reactors were covered, ensuring similarilluminated surfaces for all reactors. Maximal daytemperature was maintained at 26 ±1 °C.Growth conditions of pH (7.5), stirring (withcompressed air) and mineral nutrients, were optimal.Maximal volumetric concentration of the soluble sulfated polysaccharide (1.32 g L-1) was obtained in winter with the smallest light-pathreactor (1.3 cm ) at a cell density of 1.37 ×1011cells L-1. Under these conditions, theviscosity of the culture medium was also highest,being inversely proportional to the culture'slight-path. Highest areal concentration of solublepolysaccharides (60 g m-2) and areal cell density(3.01 × 1012m-2) was recorded in the 20 cmLP reactor, progressively lower values being obtainedas the light path became shorter. A similar patternwas obtained for the areal productivity ofpolysaccharides, the highest being 4.15 g m-2day-1 (considering the total illuminated reactorsurface), produced in the 20-cm LP reactor.The main sugar composition (i.e. xylose, galactose andglucose) of the sulfated polysaccharides was similarin all reactors. As viscosity increased with timeduring culture growth, there was a substantial declinein bacterial population. Cultivation throughout mostof the year provided good evidence that a light pathlength of 20 cm in flat plate reactors under theseconditions is optimal for maximal areal solublepolysaccharide production of Porphyridium sp.  相似文献   
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