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The control of Spodoptera frugiperda is based on synthetic insecticides, so some alternatives are the use of entomopathogenic fungi (EF) and neem extract. The objective of the study was to evaluate in vitro effectiveness of native EF and neem extracts on S. frugiperda larvae. Six EF were identified by DNA sequencing of ITS regions from three EF (Fusarium solani, Metarrhizium robertsii, Nigrospora spherica and Penicillium citrinum). They were evaluated in concentrations of 1 × 10⁸ spores/ mL. In addition, a second bioassay was carried out evaluating only F. solani, M. robertsii and N. sphaerica and the addition of vegetable oil. On the other hand, extraction of secondary metabolites from neem seed (Azadirachta indica) was carried out by performing, mass (g) and solvent volume (mL ethanol and water) combinations, which were subjected to microwaves and ultrasound. Subsequently, these extracts were evaluated in concentrations of 3%, 4% and 5%. A survival analysis was performed for each of the bioassays. With respect to the results of the first bioassay, F. solani obtained a probability of survival of 0.476 on the seventh day, while in the second bioassay, M. robertsii obtained 0.488 survival probability. This suggests that the expected percentage of larvae that stay alive on the sixth day is 48.8%. However, in the evaluation of the neem extract the combination 1:12/70% to 4% caused 84% mortality of larvae. The use of native HE and neem extracts has potential for the control of S. frugiperda.  相似文献   
The enzymatic hydrolysis of mannan-based hemicelluloses is technologically important for applications ranging from pulp and paper processing to food processing to gas and oil well stimulation. In many cases, thermostability and activity at elevated temperatures can be advantageous. To this end, the genes encoding beta-mannosidase (man2) and beta-mannanase (man5) from the hyperthermophilic bacteria Thermotoga neapolitana 5068 and Thermotoga maritima were isolated, cloned, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The amino acid sequences for the mannosidases from these organisms were 77% identical and corresponded to proteins with an M(r) of approximately 92 kDa. The translated nucleotide sequences for the beta-mannanase genes (man5) encoded polypeptides with an M(r) of 76 kDa that exhibited 84% amino acid sequence identity. The recombinant versions of Man2 and Man5 had similar respective biochemical and biophysical properties, which were also comparable to those determined for the native versions of these enzymes in T. neapolitana. The optimal temperature and pH for the recombinant Man2 and Man5 from both organisms were approximately 90 degrees C and 7.0, respectively. The presence of Man2 and Man5 in these two Thermotoga species indicates that galactomannan is a potential growth substrate. This was supported by the fact that beta-mannanase and beta-mannosidase activities were significantly stimulated when T. neapolitana was grown on guar or carob galactomannan. Maximum cell densities increased by at least tenfold when either guar or carob galactomannan was added to the growth medium. For T. neapolitana grown on guar at 83 degrees C, Man5 was secreted into the culture media, whereas Man2 was intracellular. These localizations were consistent with the presence and lack of signal peptides for Man5 and Man2, respectively. The identification of the galactomannan-degrading enzymes in these Thermotoga species adds to the list of biotechnologically important hemicellulases produced by members of this hyperthermophilic genera.  相似文献   
Since the initial report of the development of methodology to generate high-affinity digitalis-specific (digoxin) antibodies, these antibodies have proven extremely useful tools to monitor digoxin levels in digitalized patients and, as Fab fragments, to reverse toxic digoxin effects in life-threatening digoxin overdoses. These antibodies (both digoxin-specific and ouabain-specific) have been used extensively by investigators for the identification and characterization of putative endogenous digitalis-like factors. In this study, we used two well-characterized mouse anti-digoxin monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), designated 26-10 and 45-20, as binding templates with which to select short bacteriophage-displayed (pIII protein inserted) peptides that are capable of binding to these mAbs and mimicking the conformational structure of digoxin. Selective enrichment from two phage-displayed random peptide libraries enabled us to isolate and identify distinct 15 and 26 amino acid residue peptide inserts that bind with high avidity and idiotypic specificity to the selecting mAbs. Among these displayed inserts a subset was identified whose mAb binding is inhibited by digoxin and whose corresponding synthetic peptides inhibit phage binding. They, therefore, appear to bind at the mAbs digoxin-binding sites. These data provide the first clear evidence that short polypeptides can serve as surrogates for the low molecular mass hapten digoxin.  相似文献   
We describe some of the sources of variation in gestation length among rhesus macaques. the data were obtained from the timed-mating breeding program at the California Regional Primate Research Center (CRPRC). Information about approximately 700 pregnancies that resulted in spontaneous vaginal deliveries of liveborn young is presented. The average length of these pregnancies was 166.5 days. In this population, older females with higher parities had significantly longer pregnancies and significantly heavier infants than other females did. Other factors, including infant sex, month of conception, maternal reproductive history, and paternal identity, had no consistent effect upon gestation length.  相似文献   
The B-box type 2 domain is a prominent feature of a large and growing family of RING, B-box, coiled-coil (RBCC) domain-containing proteins and is also present in more than 1500 additional proteins. Most proteins usually contain a single B-box2 domain, although some proteins contain tandem domains consisting of both type 1 and type 2 B-boxes, which actually share little sequence similarity. Recently, we determined the solution structure of B-box1 from MID1, a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase that is mutated in X-linked Opitz G/BBB syndrome, and showed that it adopted a betabetaalpha RING-like fold. Here, we report the tertiary structure of the B-box2 (CHC(D/C)C(2)H(2)) domain from MID1 using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. This MID1 B-box2 domain consists of a short alpha-helix and a structured loop with two short anti-parallel beta-strands and adopts a tertiary structure similar to the B-box1 and RING structures, even though there is minimal primary sequence similarity between these domains. By mutagenesis, ESI-FTICR and ICP mass spectrometry, we show that the B-box2 domain coordinates two zinc atoms with a 'cross-brace' pattern: one by Cys175, His178, Cys195 and Cys198 and the other by Cys187, Asp190, His204, and His207. Interestingly, this is the first case that an aspartic acid is involved in zinc atom coordination in a zinc-finger domain, although aspartic acid has been shown to coordinate non-catalytic zinc in matrix metalloproteinases. In addition, the finding of a Cys195Phe substitution identified in a patient with X-linked Opitz GBBB syndrome supports the importance of proper zinc coordination for the function of the MID1 B-box2 domain. Notably, however, our structure differs from the only other published B-box2 structure, that from XNF7, which was shown to coordinate one zinc atom. Finally, the similarity in tertiary structures of the B-box2, B-box1 and RING domains suggests these domains have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   
A centrifugal dehydration force (CDF) method to quantify changes in tissue hydration in fresh and in post-mortem muscular fish tail tissue is presented. The data obtained were used to assess fluid flow rate from tissues and the size of hydration compartments expressed in g water/g dry mass (DM). Curve fit analysis demonstrated that muscle tissue has three detectable water compartments. Application of the method to the fresh fish indicated the presence of a large non-bulk water compartment (3.14 g water/g DM) with a much smaller (0.11 g water/g DM) inner non-bulk water sub-compartment in addition to a comparatively small bulk water compartment (0.99 g water/g DM). At 10 min and at 4h post-mortem, no significant change in size or flow rate of the water compartments was observed. At 24h post-mortem the muscular fish tissue, stored in water, swelled with statistically significant increase in total water and in the bulk water compartment but no significant change in the size of the non-bulk water compartments. The water flow rate from the non-bulk water compartment was, however, increased significantly in the 24h dead tissue. This simple CDF method has application for quantization of bulk and non-bulk water compartments in other biological and non-biological systems.  相似文献   
We investigated how landscape features influence gene flow of black bears by testing the relative support for 36 alternative landscape resistance hypotheses, including isolation by distance (IBD) in each of 12 study areas in the north central U.S. Rocky Mountains. The study areas all contained the same basic elements, but differed in extent of forest fragmentation, altitude, variation in elevation and road coverage. In all but one of the study areas, isolation by landscape resistance was more supported than IBD suggesting gene flow is likely influenced by elevation, forest cover, and roads. However, the landscape features influencing gene flow varied among study areas. Using subsets of loci usually gave models with the very similar landscape features influencing gene flow as with all loci, suggesting the landscape features influencing gene flow were correctly identified. To test if the cause of the variability of supported landscape features in study areas resulted from landscape differences among study areas, we conducted a limiting factor analysis. We found that features were supported in landscape models only when the features were highly variable. This is perhaps not surprising but suggests an important cautionary note - that if landscape features are not found to influence gene flow, researchers should not automatically conclude that the features are unimportant to the species' movement and gene flow. Failure to investigate multiple study areas that have a range of variability in landscape features could cause misleading inferences about which landscape features generally limit gene flow. This could lead to potentially erroneous identification of corridors and barriers if models are transferred between areas with different landscape characteristics.  相似文献   


To overcome the increasing resistance of pathogens to existing antibiotics the 10×''20 Initiative declared the urgent need for a global commitment to develop 10 new antimicrobial drugs by the year 2020. Naturally occurring animal antibiotics are an obvious place to start. The recently sequenced genomes of mammals that are divergent from human and mouse, including the tammar wallaby and the platypus, provide an opportunity to discover novel antimicrobials. Marsupials and monotremes are ideal potential sources of new antimicrobials because they give birth to underdeveloped immunologically naïve young that develop outside the sterile confines of a uterus in harsh pathogen-laden environments. While their adaptive immune system develops innate immune factors produced either by the mother or by the young must play a key role in protecting the immune-compromised young. In this study we focus on the cathelicidins, a key family of antimicrobial peptide genes.

Principal Finding

We identified 14 cathelicidin genes in the tammar wallaby genome and 8 in the platypus genome. The tammar genes were expressed in the mammary gland during early lactation before the adaptive immune system of the young develops, as well as in the skin of the pouch young. Both platypus and tammar peptides were effective in killing a broad range of bacterial pathogens. One potent peptide, expressed in the early stages of tammar lactation, effectively killed multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii.

Conclusions and Significance

Marsupial and monotreme young are protected by antimicrobial peptides that are potent, broad spectrum and salt resistant. The genomes of our distant relatives may hold the key for the development of novel drugs to combat multidrug-resistant pathogens.  相似文献   
We developed the SNPlex Genotyping System to address the need for accurate genotyping data, high sample throughput, study design flexibility, and cost efficiency. The system uses oligonucleotide ligation/polymerase chain reaction and capillary electrophoresis to analyze bi-allelic single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes. It is well suited for single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping efforts in which throughput and cost efficiency are essential. The SNPlex Genotyping System offers a high degree of flexibility and scalability, allowing the selection of custom-defined sets of SNPs for medium- to high-throughput genotyping projects. It is therefore suitable for a broad range of study designs. In this article we describe the principle and applications of the SNPlex Genotyping System, as well as a set of single nucleotide polymorphism selection tools and validated assay resources that accelerate the assay design process. We developed the control pool, an oligonucleotide ligation probe set for training and quality-control purposes, which interrogates 48 SNPs simultaneously. We present performance data from this control pool obtained by testing genomic DNA samples from 44 individuals. in addition, we present data from a study that analyzed 521 SNPs in 92 individuals. Combined, both studies show the SNPlex Genotyping system to have a 99.32% overall call rate, 99.95% precision, and 99.84% concordance with genotypes analyzed by TaqMan probe-based assays. The SNPlex Genotyping System is an efficient and reliable tool for a broad range of genotyping applications, supported by applications for study design, data analysis, and data management.  相似文献   
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