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The effects of an omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid enriched diet alone and in combination with gamma irradiation (IR) therapy in nude mice bearing a human MDA-MB231 breast cancer xenograft were tested. The cancer cells were injected into the mammary fat pad of young female mice. Six weeks later, mice were randomly divided into two diet groups: 1) mice with 10% corn oil (rich in omega 6 fatty acids) in their food, 2) mice consuming a 10% fat diet that was enriched in n-3 fatty acids. After two weeks on the diet, treatment with 200 cGy of IR every second day for four treatments (total 800 cGy) was initiated on half of the mice from each diet group. Some mice in each of the 4 groups were euthanized 24 hours after the end of IR while the remaining mice were followed for 3 additional weeks. Tumor sections were stained for endothelial cells with CD31 and PAS and for hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF-α).  相似文献   
Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) from Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire and Maine (USA), was transplanted in outdoor mesocosms and subjected to four light treatments (100, 58, 34 and 11% surface irradiance, SI) between May and September 2003 to investigate the relationship between light availability and the growth and survival of eelgrass. Evaluating eelgrass seedlings and adult mature plants demonstrated no differences in photosynthetic response after 22 days of acclimation. During at least the first 19 days of shading, maximum electron transport rate (ETRmax) rate of eelgrass did not differ significantly between light treatments. After 40 days, a significant reduction in ETRmax and minimum saturating light was observed in plants growing at 34% SI and below. Morphological responses exhibited a linear increasing trend with greater light. 34% SI exhibited drastic reductions (to less than 25% of control) in rhizome growth, shoot density, shoot production, number of nodes per plant and plant weight at the end of the study (81 days). Shoot to root ratio at 34% SI increased by > 50%. Plants shaded to 58% SI showed no significant difference from the control in plant parameters except an increased rate of rhizome elongation. Our results link the lower shoot densities with shading to the slow growth rate of horizontal rhizomes and a total lack of lateral expansion at 11% SI. ETRmax declined over time in plants at 11% SI resulting in 81% mortality, no lateral branching and no morphological development, indicating that the minimum light required for long-term eelgrass growth and survival is greater than the previously suggested 11% SI. We demonstrate that eelgrass plants at these latitudes can persist at light levels of 58% SI and above, and are light-limited at 34% SI and below.  相似文献   
Activation of protein 4.1R exon 16 (E16) inclusion during erythropoiesis represents a physiologically important splicing switch that increases 4.1R affinity for spectrin and actin. Previous studies showed that negative regulation of E16 splicing is mediated by the binding of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A/B proteins to silencer elements in the exon and that down-regulation of hnRNP A/B proteins in erythroblasts leads to activation of E16 inclusion. This article demonstrates that positive regulation of E16 splicing can be mediated by Fox-2 or Fox-1, two closely related splicing factors that possess identical RNA recognition motifs. SELEX experiments with human Fox-1 revealed highly selective binding to the hexamer UGCAUG. Both Fox-1 and Fox-2 were able to bind the conserved UGCAUG elements in the proximal intron downstream of E16, and both could activate E16 splicing in HeLa cell co-transfection assays in a UGCAUG-dependent manner. Conversely, knockdown of Fox-2 expression, achieved with two different siRNA sequences resulted in decreased E16 splicing. Moreover, immunoblot experiments demonstrate mouse erythroblasts express Fox-2. These findings suggest that Fox-2 is a physiological activator of E16 splicing in differentiating erythroid cells in vivo. Recent experiments show that UGCAUG is present in the proximal intron sequence of many tissue-specific alternative exons, and we propose that the Fox family of splicing enhancers plays an important role in alternative splicing switches during differentiation in metazoan organisms.  相似文献   
In winter, rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) accumulate glycerol and produce an antifreeze protein (AFP), which both contribute to freeze resistance. The role of differential gene expression in the seasonal pattern of these adaptations was investigated. First, cDNAs encoding smelt and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and smelt glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were cloned so that all sequences required for expression analysis would be available. Using quantitative PCR, expression of beta actin in rainbow smelt liver was compared with that of GAPDH in order to determine its validity as a reference gene. Then, levels of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH), PEPCK, and AFP relative to beta actin were measured in smelt liver over a fall-winter-spring interval. Levels of GPDH mRNA increased in the fall just before plasma glycerol accumulation, implying a driving role in glycerol synthesis. GPDH mRNA levels then declined during winter, well in advance of serum glycerol, suggesting the possibility of GPDH enzyme or glycerol conservation in smelt during the winter months. PEPCK mRNA levels rose in parallel with serum glycerol in the fall, consistent with an increasing requirement for amino acids as metabolic precursors, remained elevated for much of the winter, and then declined in advance of the decline in plasma glycerol. AFP mRNA was elevated at the onset of fall sampling in October and remained elevated until April, implying separate regulation from GPDH and PEPCK. Thus, winter freezing point depression in smelt appears to result from a seasonal cycle of GPDH gene expression, with an ensuing increase in the expression of PEPCK, and a similar but independent cycle of AFP gene expression.  相似文献   
During lymphangiogenesis in the mammalian embryo, a subset of vascular endothelial cells in the cardinal veins is reprogrammed to adopt a lymphatic endothelial fate. The prevailing model of lymphangiogenesis contends that these lymphatic precursor cells migrate away from the cardinal veins and reassemble peripherally as lymph sacs from which a lymphatic vasculature is generated. However, this model fails to account for a number of observations that, as a result, have remained anecdotal. Here, we use optical projection tomography, confocal microscopy and in vivo live imaging to uncover three key stages of lymphatic vascular morphogenesis in the mouse embryo at high resolution. First, we define territories or "pre-lymphatic clusters" of Prox1-positive lymphatic endothelial progenitor cells along the antero-posterior axis of the cardinal veins. Second, these pre-lymphatic clusters undergo progressive extrusion ("ballooning") to generate primitive lymph sacs. Third, lymphatic vessels emerge by a combination of mechanisms including sprouting from the lymph sacs and direct delamination of streams of cells from the cardinal veins. Our data support a new model for lymphatic vascular patterning and morphogenesis, as a basis for identifying the molecular cues governing these processes.  相似文献   
Reduced defense against infection is commonly observed as a consequence of reproductive activity, but little is known about how post-mating immunosuppression occurs. In this work, we use Drosophila melanogaster as a model to test the role of seminal fluid components and egg production in suppressing post-mating immune defense. We also evaluate whether systemic immune system activity is altered during infection in mated females. We find that post-mating reduction in female defense depends critically on male transfer of sperm and seminal fluid proteins, including the accessory gland protein known as "sex peptide." However, the effect of these male factors is dependent on the presence of the female germline. We find that mated females have lower antimicrobial peptide gene expression than virgin females in response to systemic infection, and that this lower expression correlates with higher systemic bacterial loads. We conclude that, upon receipt of sperm and seminal fluid proteins, females experience a germline-dependent physiological shift that directly or indirectly reduces their overall ability to defend against infection, at least in part through alteration of humoral immune system activity.  相似文献   
A study on historical range and movement patterns of the African savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana africana) in Ethiopia was made from December 2004 to November 2008. Babile Elephant Sanctuary is one of the strongholds of elephants in the country, where it now supports approximately 27% of the elephant population in Ethiopia. Elephant movement routes and ranges were identified based on interviews of local people and by tracking the animals in the field. Elephants of the Sanctuary were categorized into two distinctive groups or clans based on their movement patterns and their associations to each other. Three major valleys, namely Gobele, Erer and Dakata, were crossed by elephants. Elephants in the population had an estimated annual range of 3014 km2. Of this, 85.7% (2583 km2) was inside the Sanctuary and 14.3% (430 km2) outside but adjacent to the Sanctuary. Elephant use outside of the Sanctuary included three different areas: Upper Erer Valley (8 km2), Upper Gobele Valley (48 km2) and west of Gobele Valley (374 km2). The extent of range varied seasonally. During the wet season, elephant range was restricted to Erer Valley and its tributaries (1266 km2 and a density of approximately 0.25 animal km?2), or 42% smaller than the dry season range (1417 km2, 0.23 elephant km?2). Range use was smallest (332 km2) in October to November and from April to May. During the dry season, elephants were found in two distinctive groups, one using Gobele Valley and the other Erer Valley.  相似文献   
We documented brood parasitism by the poorly studied Large Hawk‐Cuckoo on a previously unknown host species, the Chinese Babax. Furthermore, we describe a new egg colour for the Large Hawk‐Cuckoo. The parasitism rate of Chinese Babax nests over 4 years was 6.9% (11 of 159 nests), with significant temporal variation. The Large Hawk‐Cuckoo laid immaculate white eggs that appeared non‐mimetic to the blue Babax eggs, an impression that was confirmed by avian visual modelling. Nevertheless, most Cuckoo eggs were accepted by the host, suggesting that this host–parasite system may be evolutionarily recent.  相似文献   
The current consensus is that Microsporidia belong to a select group of parasites capable of causing both intersexuality and complete sex reversal in their hosts. Indeed, species such as Nosema granulosis and Dictyocoela duebenum, which infect amphipod crustaceans, are regularly referred to as 'feminising microsporidians'. This categorisation is based on a combination of findings: that these species are vertically transmitted and occur at a high prevalence of infection in intersex and female amphipods, that infected amphipod populations are female-biased, and that infected females have significantly female-biased broods with no concurrent increase in mortality. In this study, we report on a population of the amphipod Echinogammarus marinus presenting both female bias and high levels of intersexuality, which are infected with D. deubenum. In keeping with its feminising classification, infection is prevalent in animals presenting female and intersex phenotypes. However, a further screen revealed the presence of a previously unknown paramyxean parasite related to organisms of the genus Marteilia, a group known to cause catastrophic sexual dysfunction in bivalves. We found that the paramyxean parasite was also vertically transmitted, with infections being more prevalent in females and intersex animals. Critically, every animal infected with D. deubenum was also co-infected with the paramyxean, with few animals presenting an independent paramyxean infection. In contrast, co-infection of E. marinus with a paramyxean and the non-feminising microsporidian Dictyocoela berillonum rarely occurred. These observations raise a new hypothesis, namely, that D. duebenum and other feminising microsporidians are not actually capable of host feminisation but instead 'hitch-hike' together with a feminising paramyxean parasite.  相似文献   
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