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Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum during excitation--contraction coupling is likely to be mediated by conformational changes in the foot protein moiety of the triadic vesicles. As a preparative step toward the studies of dynamic conformational changes in the foot protein moiety, we have developed a new method that permits specific labeling of the foot protein moiety of the isolated membranes with a fluorophore. A novel fluorescent cleavable photoaffinity cross-linking reagent, sulfosuccinimidyl 3-((2-(7-azido-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetamido)ethyl)dithio)propionate (SAED), was conjugated with site-directing carriers, polylysine (Ca(2+)-release inducer) and neomycin (Ca(2+)-release blocker). The conjugates were allowed to bind to polylysine- and neomycin-binding sites of the heavy fraction of SR (HSR). After photolysis, the cross-linked reagent was cleaved by reduction and the fluorescently labeled HSR was separated from the carriers by centrifugation. These procedures led to specific incorporation of the methylcoumarin acetate (MCA) into the foot protein. Polylysine and neomycin bound to different sites of the foot protein, since neomycin, at release-blocking concentrations, did not interfere with polylysine binding. The fluorescence intensity of the foot protein labeled with the carrier, neomycin, showed biphasic changes as a function of ryanodine concentration (increasing up to 1 microM ryanodine and decreasing above it), while with the carrier polylysine, ryanodine induced no change in fluorescence intensity. In contrast, the fluorescence intensity of the foot protein labeled with each of the two carriers, neomycin and polylysine, showed almost identical calcium dependence (first increasing from 0.1 microM to about 3.0 microM calcium concentration, and then decreasing at higher calcium concentrations).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Interdependent MHC-DRB exon-plus-intron evolution in artiodactyls   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Exon 2 sequences of an expressed MHC-DRB locus from sheep were examined for polymorphisms in both the antigen-binding regions and the adjacent intronic mixed simple tandem repeat. Twenty-one novel exon 2 Ovar-DRB alleles were identified. Short nucleotide motifs are extensively shared between certain exon 2 regions of Ovar-DRB alleles. The simple repeat variations, the number of different amino acids at usually polymorphic sites, and the number of silent substitutions were reduced in the intraspecies analyses of sheep DRB sequences, compared with those of cattle and goats. It was paradoxical that the abundance of different sheep alleles was similar to that of cattle and goats. This paradox may be explained by postulating a relatively small number of "ancient" alleles, with the present-day Ovar-DRB alleles being generated by reciprocal exchange of nucleotide motifs. At the antigen-binding sites, new combinations of amino acids were maintained in Ovar-DRB alleles by strong positive selection. In sheep--and less pronounced in goats and cattle--the DRB alleles can be divided into two groups. In one group, silent substitutions are increased when compared with the other. This suggests separate evolutionary pathways for certain groups of DRB alleles within a species. The simple repetitive sequences are also discussed with respect to the evolution of DRB alleles.   相似文献   
A study was done to determine if the differentiation and activation phenotype of T cells in synovial fluid (SF) from patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is associated with T-cell proliferation in situ. Mononuclear cells were isolated from 44 paired samples of peripheral blood and SF. Differentiation and activation markers were determined on CD4 and CD8 T cells by flow cytometry. Cell-cycle analysis was performed by propidium iodide staining, and surface-marker expression was also assessed after culture of the T cells under conditions similar to those found in the synovial compartment. The majority of the T cells in the SF were CD45RO+CD45RBdull. There was greater expression of the activation markers CD69, HLA-DR, CD25 and CD71 on T cells from SF than on those from peripheral blood. Actively dividing cells accounted for less than 1% of the total T-cell population in SF. The presence or absence of IL-16 in T-cell cultures with SF or in a hypoxic environment did not affect the expression of markers of T-cell activation. T cells from the SF of patients with JIA were highly differentiated and expressed early and late markers of activation with little evidence of in situ proliferation. This observation refines and extends previous reports of the SF T-cell phenotype in JIA and may have important implications for our understanding of chronic inflammation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Co-evolving positions within protein sequences have been used as spatial constraints to develop a computational approach for modeling membrane protein structures.  相似文献   
Phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) allozymes were isolated from the wing- polymorphic water strider, Limnoporus canaliculatus, and were characterized biochemically with respect to temperature-dependent kinetic and thermostability properties. At higher temperatures, the allozymes exhibited significant differences in Michaelis constant (Km) values for substrates of both the forward and reverse reaction directions. Results were consistent with expectations of adaptive kinetic differentiation based on the latitudinal variation of PGI allele frequencies. PGI genotypes also differed with regard to maximal velocity (Vmax)/Km ratios at higher temperatures. These differences were due primarily, if not exclusively, to allozyme-dependent variation in Km values. The allozymes also exhibited dramatic differences in thermostability. However, no thermostability differences were observed when the substrate analogue 6-phosphogluconate was present in the incubation medium. The data from this study, together with data from Mytilus edulis and Metridium senile on temperature-dependent kinetic variation among PGI allozymes, form a consistent picture of natural selection influencing the clinal variation of alleles at this locus in these three phylogenetically distant organisms. More definitive support of this hypothesis, however, must await additional studies on the physiological effects of the allozymic variation as well as direct measurements of fitness differences among the enzyme genotypes.   相似文献   
Discocytic human red cells undergo discocyte-echinocyte and discocytestomatocyte transformations under the action of a wide variety of lipid-soluble anionic and cationic agents respectively. These shape transformations are explained by the bilayer couple hypothesis of Sheetz and Singer to be the result of preferential distribution of the anionic agents in the outer half of the bilayer and the cationic agents in the inner half of the bilayer. We demonstrate that echinocytogenic effects indeed occur when the naturally occurring phospholipid lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) is localized in the outer half of the bilayer, and stomatocytogenic effects occur when LPC is in the inner half. However, in contrast to the bilayer couple hypothesis, our results show that simple equivalent membrane surface area expansion on each layer is insufficient to maintain the discocytic shape and there exists a differential concentration effect of LPC on the two halves of the bilayer.  相似文献   
BackgroundThe anti-inflammatory effects of the selective phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors cilostazol (PDE 3), RO 20-1724 (PDE 4) and sildenafil (PDE 5) were examined in a murine model of allergic asthma. These compounds were used alone and in combination to determine any potential synergism, with dexamethasone included as a positive control.MethodsControl and ovalbumin sensitised Balb/C mice were administered orally with each of the possible combinations of drugs at a dose of 3 mg/Kg for 10 days.ResultsWhen used alone, RO 20-1724 significantly reduced eosinophil influx into lungs and lowered tumour necrosis factor-α, interleukin-4 and interleukin-5 levels in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid when compared to untreated mice. Treatment with cilostazol or sildenafil did not significantly inhibit any markers of inflammation measured. Combining any of these PDE inhibitors produced no additive or synergistic effects. Indeed, the anti-inflammatory effects of RO 20-1724 were attenuated by co-administration of either cilostazol or sildenafil.ConclusionsThese results suggest that concurrent treatment with a PDE 3 and/or PDE 5 inhibitor will reduce the anti-inflammatory effectiveness of a PDE 4 inhibitor.  相似文献   
Length changes in human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are potentially useful markers for inferring the evolutionary history of populations. One such length change is a nine base pair (9-bp) deletion that is located in the intergenic region between the COII gene and the Lysine tRNA gene (COII/tRNALys intergenic region). This deletion has been used as a genetic marker to trace descent from peoples of East Asian origin. A geographic cline of the deletion frequency across modern Pacific Islander populations suggests that the deletion may be useful for tracing prehistoric Polynesian origins and affinities. Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation within two variable segments of the control region (CR) permits a number of inferences regarding the evolutionary history of the 9-bp deletion that cannot be determined from frequency data alone. We obtained CR sequences from 74 mtDNAs with the 9-bp deletion from Indonesia, coastal Papua New Guinea (PNG), and American Samoa. Phylogenetic and pairwise distribution analysis of these CR sequences pooled with previously published CR sequences reveals that the deletion arose independently in Africa and Asia and suggests possible multiple origins of the deletion in Asia. A clinal increase of the frequency of the 9-bp deletion across the three Pacific populations is associated with a decrease in CR sequence diversity, consistent with founder events. Furthermore, analysis of pairwise difference distributions indicates an expansion time of proto-Polynesians that began 5,500 yr ago from Southeast Asia. These results are consistent with the express train model of Polynesian origins.   相似文献   
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