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Cao Liu 《古生物学报》1990,(2):143-145
This paper makes an analysis and study on altogether 8 palyniferous samples from the volcano-sedimentary rock series in the Half Three Point area of the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica, the rock series being grey tuffaceous siltstone in lithological characters, about 5m in thickness. Only after making a number of analyses, could we find the relatively abundant sporopollen fossils from 4 samples (Nos. GWP 4—7). But the fossils are poorly preserved, and most of them can hardly be identifi...  相似文献   
Summary A case of D ring chromosome identified with trypsin banding as a 13 with loss of the bands p12 and q34 is reported. The clinical features characteristically associated with the loss of these specific segments were present.  相似文献   
Predicting species abundance is one of the most fundamental pursuits of ecology. Combining the information encoded in functional traits and metacommunities provides a new perspective to predict the abundance of species in communities. We applied a community assembly via trait selection model to predict quadrat-scale species abundances using functional trait variation on ontogenetic stages and metacommunity information for over 490 plant species in a subtropical forest and a lowland tropical forest in Yunnan, China. The relative importance of trait-based selection, mass effects, and stochasticity in shaping local species abundances is evaluated using different null models. We found both mass effects and trait selection contribute to local abundance patterns. Trait selection was detectable at all studied spatial scales (0.04–1 ha), with its strength stronger at larger scales and in the subtropical forest. In contrast, the importance of stochasticity decreased with spatial scale. A significant mass effect of the metacommunity was observed at small spatial scales. Our results indicate that tree community assembly is primarily driven by ontogenetic traits and metacommunity effects. Our findings also demonstrate that including ontogenetic trait variation into predictive frameworks allows ecologists to infer ecological mechanisms operating in community assembly at the individual level.  相似文献   
嗜热菌是乳粉中的常见污染菌,是影响乳粉品质的一个重要因素。本文综述乳粉中嗜热菌的种类、污染源对乳品工业的危害及其控制手段的研究进展,为国内相关领域研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Sophora japonica is a medium-size deciduous tree belonging to Leguminosae family and famous for its high ecological, economic and medicinal value. Here, we reveal a draft genome of S. japonica, which was ∼511.49 Mb long (contig N50 size of 17.34 Mb) based on Illumina, Nanopore and Hi-C data. We reliably assembled 110 contigs into 14 chromosomes, representing 91.62% of the total genome, with an improved N50 size of 31.32 Mb based on Hi-C data. Further investigation identified 271.76 Mb (53.13%) of repetitive sequences and 31,000 protein-coding genes, of which 30,721 (99.1%) were functionally annotated. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that S. japonica separated from Arabidopsis thaliana and Glycine max ∼107.53 and 61.24 million years ago, respectively. We detected evidence of species-specific and common-legume whole-genome duplication events in S. japonica. We further found that multiple TF families (e.g. BBX and PAL) have expanded in S. japonica, which might have led to its enhanced tolerance to abiotic stress. In addition, S. japonica harbours more genes involved in the lignin and cellulose biosynthesis pathways than the other two species. Finally, population genomic analyses revealed no obvious differentiation among geographical groups and the effective population size continuously declined since 2 Ma. Our genomic data provide a powerful comparative framework to study the adaptation, evolution and active ingredients biosynthesis in S. japonica. More importantly, our high-quality S. japonica genome is important for elucidating the biosynthesis of its main bioactive components, and improving its production and/or processing.  相似文献   
三峡水库运行期间原生动物群落的时空异质性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑金秀  池仕运  李聃  汪红军  胡菊香 《生态学报》2015,35(11):3569-3579
于2010年10月—2011年6月三峡水库正常运行周期内对库区干流原生动物进行调查,研究其空间分布及水库周期排蓄期间的变化。共检测到原生动物99种,蓄水后纤毛虫有增多的趋势。水库运行的不同阶段优势种不同,大致演变为:砂壳纤毛虫(蓄水期)—非砂壳类纤毛虫(高位运行期间)—有壳肉足虫(低位运行期间)。不同水域优势种也存在差异,从上游到下游特征指示种变化为:有壳肉足虫(变动回水区)—纤毛虫(湖泊区)。结果表明,三峡水库原生动物的分布具有明显的时空异质性(P0.05),影响原生动物时空分布的主要因素有透明度、温度、电导率和叶绿素a。原生动物平均密度为952.19个/L,平均生物量为8.14μg/L。蓄水期上游现存量高于下游,低位运行期间则低于下游。原生动物Marglef和Shannonn-Weiver多样性指数平均值分别为3.78和2.18,1月份最低,6月份最高。蓄水175 m后上游变动回水区原生动物具有较高的丰度。水库冬蓄夏排的运行模式模糊了河流本身的季节变化,使原生动物的种类和现存量更多的受水库水动力学的影响,使水体理化因子和水文特征呈现明显的时空差异,最终形成原生动物种群的时空异质性分布。  相似文献   
李嗣新  胡菊香  池仕运  胡俊 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1233-1243
汞是唯一参与全球循环的液态重金属。1974年,自美国学者Smith首次报道水库中鱼类总汞含量高于邻近自然湖泊以来,水库中鱼类汞升高的风险成为新建水库环境影响评价中的重要内容之一。汞在水库生态系统生物组分和非生物组分中含量升高的现象先后在世界各国报道,包括加拿大、美国、芬兰、泰国和巴西等。通过对系列的野外研究进行回顾,表明了水库形成后生态系统中汞的甲基化过程发生了变化。水库形成对汞在食物网中的鱼类、底栖生物、浮游生物的累积产生影响。水库中汞的生物累积、迁移转化主要与被淹没土壤和植物腐解过程有着直接或间接的关系。水库形成后,总汞、甲基汞和甲基汞比例在生态系统食物网各组分中的变化并不一致。蓄水后,水体中总汞变化较小,甲基汞和甲基汞比例上升明显;浮游生物尤其是浮游动物中总汞升高,但甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高更为明显;与浮游动物类似,底栖水生昆虫中总汞升高,甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高也更为明显;鱼类作为食物网顶级消费者,甲基汞比例一般在80%以上,在水库形成后鱼类总汞和甲基汞均明显升高,但甲基汞比例变化已经不大。这些变化揭示了水库形成后甲基汞在食物网传递的两个主要可能途径,一是微型生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、浮游植物、浮游动物这一环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例有明显的增加。第二个途径是底层生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、细菌、碎屑食性底栖水生昆虫、肉食型底栖水生昆虫环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例明显增加。这两种途径均能导致以水生昆虫、小鱼、甲壳类等为食的肉食性鱼类汞含量增加。水库形成后,生态系统中汞的甲基化发生了明显的"加速"过程。这种"加速"过程最直接的因素是成库后大量土壤淹没使得汞的甲基化平衡被打破。这个过程主要有两方面的影响。一方面是直接影响,被淹没土壤和植被在腐解过程中主动或被动地将甲基汞释放到水库生态系统中;另一方面是间接影响,被淹没土壤和植被的腐解使水库底部形成厌氧环境,有利于无机汞从被淹没土壤和植被中溶出,为甲基化反应提供充裕的、可供甲基化的无机汞,同时腐解产生的大量营养物质为微生物提供丰富食物来源,使硫酸盐还原菌大量繁殖,促进无机汞的甲基化。在我国,有关汞在新建水库食物网中生物累积和风险评价的研究有待进一步加强。  相似文献   
植酸钠对黑曲霉柠檬酸发酵产酸的促进效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李林  傅庭治  曹幼琴   《微生物学通报》1994,21(4):220-224
研究了植酸钠对黑曲霉柠檬酸发酵产酸的促进效应。在葡萄糖全合成培养基中添加1%的植酸钠,可使产酸比对照提高2.4倍;在薯粉、玉米粉等天然培养基中添加1%植酸钠,柠檬酸产量分别提高1.7倍和1.3倍。酶活性测定分析表明,植酸钠对柠檬酸代谢途径中的几种关键酶的活性有影响。  相似文献   
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