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根据嗜水气单胞菌溶血素保护性抗原基因序列(GenBank Accession No. AF539467)设计一对引物, 以嗜水气单胞菌河北分离株基因组为模板, 经PCR扩增得到hly基因。序列分析表明, 该基因产物大小为1485 bp, 经测序与GenBank报道的多个嗜水气单胞菌hly基因序列一致性高于99%。将得到的hly基因定向克隆到原核表达载体pET-28a中构建原核重组质粒pET-28a- hly, 转化大肠杆菌 BL21(DE3)中, 得到重组菌株BL21(DE3)(pET-28a-hly), 经IPTG诱导后, SDS-PAGE分析可见一条56 kD的特异条带。Western blotting分析结果显示表达的Hly蛋白能与抗体发生特异性结合,说明其具有较好的免疫原性。将表达的溶血素蛋白制成类毒素疫苗免疫小鼠后, 具有较高的保护效力, 表明该类毒素疫苗有望作为预防由嗜水气单胞菌引起疾病的基因工程类毒素疫苗。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to develop a feasible approach to promote bone healing in osteoporotic rats using autogenous bone tissue-engineering and gene transfection of human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (hBMP-2). METHODS: Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) from the left tibia of osteoporotic rats were transfected with the hBMP-2 gene in vitro which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization and Western blotting. Autogenous transfected or untransfected BMSCs were seeded on macroporous coral hydroxyapatite (CHA) scaffolds. Each cell-scaffold construct was implanted into a defect site which was created in the ramus of the mandible of osteoporotic rats. Four or eight weeks after implantation in situ hybridization was performed in BMSCs transfected with hBMP-2, X-ray examinations, histological and histomorphological analyses were used to evaluate the effect of tissue-engineered bone on osseous defect repair. RESULTS: Newly formed bone was observed at the margin of the defect 4 weeks after implantation with BMSCs transfected with BMP-2. Mature bone was observed 8 weeks after treatment. In the control group there was considerably less new bone and some adipose tissue was observed at the defect margins 8 weeks after implantation. CONCLUSIONS: Autogenous cells transfected with hBMP-2 promote bone formation in osteoporotic rats. BMSC-mediated BMP-2 gene therapy used in conjunction with bone tissue engineering may be used to successfully treat bone defects in osteoporotic rats. This method provides a powerful tool for bone regeneration and other tissue engineering.  相似文献   
渤海海域渤东凹陷沙河街组四段内发现了丰富的孢粉、藻类和轮藻类化石组合,孢粉组合与渤海湾沿岸地区沙河街组四段的E phedri pites-Ulmoidei pites tricostatus-Pterisis porites组合特征一致,沟鞭藻类见有Luxadinium elongatum,Cangaianella e...  相似文献   
杉木人工林水量平衡和蒸散的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 本文根据我们严密设计的小集水区径流场连续6年的水文测定数据,进行了杉木人工林水量平衡和蒸散的研究。结果表明:集水区年平均降雨量1065.5mm, 在林冠作用面降雨量的分配中,林冠截留雨量264.6mm,截留率24.8%;穿透过林冠层的雨量799.82mm,树干径流量1.08mm,分别占降雨量的75.1%和0.1%。林内降水到达林地时,在枯枝落叶层这个作用面上净降水进行再分配,其中,地表径流量9.27mm,地下径流量203.00mm,总径流系数0.199。土壤蓄水量月变化较大,但年变化很小,占降雨量的1.2%。系统水量最大的输出是蒸散,每年以气态形式返回大气的水量866.03mm,占降雨量81.3%。在蒸散的水量中,林冠截留雨量的直接物理蒸发量为264.6mm,占总蒸散量的31.6%。  相似文献   
Tuna purse seine fisheries target fish aggregated in schools, including free schools that are formed naturally based on fish biology and aggregations associated with natural and/or artificial drifting objects. Using data collected from skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fisheries, we evaluated differences in size structures between drifting-floating-object-associated schools and unassociated schools. We developed a generalized linear model to remove impacts of environmental variables on skipjack size composition. This study indicates that the drifting-floating-object-associated schools tended to have significantly wider size ranges than the unassociated schools. This suggests that unassociated schools were likely formed based on similarity in sizes among individuals within a school while drifting-floating-object-associated schools were probably composed of individuals of large size ranges and their formation was not based on the “size selection” rule. We concluded that the unassociated schools and the drifting-floating-object-associated schools were formed through different mechanisms, and drifting floating objects could aggregate unassociated schools of different size structures. Thus, a large scale of deployment of man-made floating objects might disrupt the spatial aggregation pattern of fish that otherwise tended to school based on their sizes in the absence of floating objects.  相似文献   
为研究在饲料中添加凝结芽胞杆菌BC01对白羽肉鸡生产性能、免疫器官指数及肠道大肠埃希菌的影响,将240只白羽肉鸡随机分为4组,试验组1、试验组2、试验组3在饲料中添加凝结芽胞杆菌BC01的终浓度分别为1×10~8、2×10~8、3×10~8 cfu/kg,对照组日粮中不添加任何微生态制剂,饲养6周。结果显示,日粮中添加凝结芽胞杆菌BC01可显著提高肉鸡平均日增重(P0.05),显著降低料重比(P0.05),降低死淘率(P0.05),胸腺指数、法氏囊指数均显著高于对照组(P0.05),降低肠道中的大肠埃希菌数量。结果表明,日粮中添加凝结芽胞杆菌BC01,对肉鸡的生长性能有一定的促进作用,提高饲料转化率,提升肉鸡的免疫力,提高肉鸡饲养的经济价值。凝结芽胞杆菌BC01的最佳添加浓度为每公斤饲料添加2×10~8 cfu/kg。  相似文献   
介绍人卵巢浆液性囊腺癌永生化细胞系的建立 ,研究其生物学特性 .以卵巢浆液性乳头状囊腺癌的腹水细胞为材料 ,进行体外培养 .将永生化基因———SV4 0T抗原基因转染第 2代细胞 ,得到永生化细胞系 .通过光学显微镜、生长曲线测定、染色体分析、双层软琼脂培养、裸鼠接种、免疫组化等 ,研究其生物学特性 ,并与其来源细胞的生物学特性进行比较 .建立了一株人卵巢浆液性囊腺癌永生化细胞系 ,命名为BUPH∶OVCA 3,现已传至 6 0余代 .其生物学特性为 ,细胞生长旺盛 ;具有人体恶性细胞的核型特征 ;细胞恶性度较低 ,不具有集落形成能力及裸鼠接种致瘤性 ;除较未永生化细胞生长速率增快 ,饱和密度增加外 ,仍保留上皮细胞的分化表型 .结果表明 ,BUPH∶OVCA 3为一株恶性度较低的人卵巢浆液性囊腺癌永生化细胞系 ,保留其来源细胞的生物学特性 ,可作为研究恶性度较低的卵巢上皮癌的体外模型  相似文献   
We explored the effects of exogenous methyl salicylate (MeSA) on the development of chilling injury symptom, and the structure and composition of the pericarp, in mango ( Mangifera indica L. cv. 'Red 6') fruit under low-temperature stress using histochemical analysis and scanning electron microscopy together with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis. The results indicated that chilling injury symptom was remarkably limited in the fruit treated with MeSA at 0.1 m M as compared to the 5°C control, demonstrating the positive effects of MeSA in reducing chilling injury of mango fruit in low-temperature storage. In MeSA-treated fruit, the pericarp wax surface showed many cracks, and exocarp cells exhibited normal separation. The cell wall of exocarp contained lower amounts of pectic substances, aliphatics and phenolics in MeSA-treated fruit. In addition, MeSA-treated fruit contained more esterified substances and less carboxylate and carboxyl substances. Our work revealed the importance of MeSA in enhancing fruit tolerance to low-temperature stress and suggested a contribution of cellular structure and composition to this effect, which has not been reported previously.  相似文献   
同型半胱氨酸对大鼠血管平滑肌细胞增殖的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
血中同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,HCY)浓度的升高已成为动脉粥样硬化发生的一个独立危险因子.为进一步阐明HCY促进血管平滑肌细胞(vascularsmoothmusclecels,VSMCs)增殖,从而引起动脉粥样硬化发生的机理.本实验采用细胞计数、3H-TdR参入、细胞周期分析、Northern杂交方法证明,一定剂量的HCY可促进离体培养的WKY大鼠血管平滑肌细胞增殖,使其DNA合成增加,细胞周期中S期细胞所占比例增加43%,并促进c-myc与c-fos原癌基因mRNA表达增加.提示HCY可能通过促进VSMCs增殖而诱发动脉粥样硬化  相似文献   
观察了20位志愿者在接种试验性流行性出血热(EHF)地鼠肾细胞(GHKC)双价灭活疫苗后的细胞免疫反应,并以其体液免疫反应作对照观察。用淋巴细胞转化试验测定细胞免疫水平。结果首针疫苗接种后42天和56天,特异性刺激指数(SSI)和非特异性刺激指数(NSI)均较免疫前显著增高(P_(SSI)<0.001;P_(NSI)<0.02),免疫后SSI累计阳转率为100%,NSI累计阳转率为60%,免疫后6个月二者均降低至正常水平。免疫后56天测定抗体,荧光抗体阳转率为100%;微量感染性中和试验表明,针对家鼠型病毒L99株中和抗体阳转率为95%,而针对野鼠型病毒JR株阳转率为65%。  相似文献   
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