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The gastro-protective and antioxidant effects of methanol extract of Ficus asperifolia bark on indomethacin induced gastric ulcer were investigated in male rats. Thirty two male rats divided into 4 equal groups and were treated as follows: group1 (control), 0.5ml of 5% tween 80 (vehicle for the extract), groups 2 and 3, 100 and 500mg/kg of Ficus asperifolia extract respectively and group 4, cimetidine (100mg/kg). After two weeks of daily oral administration of vehicle, extract or cimetidine, gastric ulcer was induced in all rats with indomethacin (40 mg/kg, p.o). Gastric juice pH, gastric acid concentration, gastric ulcer score, percentage gastric ulcer inhibition, activity levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and malondiadehyde (MDA) were determined. Ficus asperifolia extract significantly increased gastric pH (p.  相似文献   
Abstract: Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Upper Barremian ammonite genus Gassendiceras (Gassendiceratinae) was performed using a cladistic analysis incorporating continuous data. Some morphological features were found to vary identically among all the analysed species and therefore carry no phylogenetic information (= symplesiomorphic). The single obtained cladogram allows interpreting the evolution of the Gassendiceras as an anagenetic succession of eight species, in stratigraphic order of appearance, Gassendiceras multicostatum, G. alpinum, G. hoheneggeri, G. rebouleti, G. bosellii, G. quelquejeui, G. coulletae and G. enayi. The clade Pseudoshasticrioceras/Imerites is derived from G. enayi, so the genus Gassendiceras appears to be paraphyletic. But here, we accept this fact as the best evolutive classification. The evolution over time of Gassendiceras is modulated by some processes, which could have constrained the inferred phylogenetic pattern with the drift of the global variability towards the most gracile forms over time. It is tempting to interpret this evolution as a constant selection over time of the Gassendiceras modulated by environmental control due to eustatic variation across a transgressive sequence. Thus, the most peramorphic (gracile) individuals seemed favoured at the expense of those most robust (paedomorphic).  相似文献   
Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) is a natural enemy of pest mites used worldwide in many crops. Its correct identification is thus essential to ensure biological control success. The present study aimed to characterize molecular and morphological intraspecific variations for assisting in the diagnosis of the species and to build baseline information about expected variations within a commercially important phytoseiid species. Morphological and molecular [12S rRNA, cytochrome b mitochondrial (mt)DNA, and internal transcribed spacer] analyses were carried out on fourteen populations collected worldwide and on one mass‐reared strain. The genetic distances between the specimens of N. californicus and another related species were high and no overlap was observed, sustaining the reliability of such molecular methods for assisting a specific diagnosis. Furthermore, the genetic distances between populations of N. californicus were very low and overlap between intra‐ and interpopulations distances was observed, except for two populations collected in France (Marsillargues and Midi‐Pyrénées). The high mitochondrial differentiation between these two latter populations and the others questions their specific status: do they belong to the species N. californicus or to another cryptic species? However, using nuclear DNA marker analyses, no distinct differences were observed. Furthermore, even if significant morphological differences were observed between the populations, these differences were very small and the standard errors within each population were very low. We thus concluded that all the populations studied belong to the species N. californicus, despite unexpected high mitochondrial variations. The present study thus displays the importance of an integrative taxonomic approach for avoiding misidentifications. A discussion on morphological and mtDNA variations in relation to diagnostic reliability is developped. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 393–406.  相似文献   
The numerous data in the International Whaling Statistics relating foetal length to date of catch have been studied. They can be used as alternatives to cube roots of foetal weights to give rates of foetal growth and for the computation of data of conception and foetal ages. There are major differences between the Mysticeti and Odontoceti. The main gestation period for the former is 10.8.±1-2 months and for the latter 14 ± 2 months. In both groups the greatest birth-weight is attained by an increased foetal growth rate, to such an extent in the rorquals that the gestation period in the largest is actually shorter than in the smaller species. There are dietetic and metabolic differences between the two sub-cohorts. The outstanding one is that pregnant mysticetes appear to stop feeding and lose body fat to the foetus during late pregnancy, at the time when the foetal increase in size is maximal. The causes of the differences in growth and metabolism of the two groups are unknown, apart from those imposed by differences in their ecology.  相似文献   
Climate and litter quality are primary drivers of terrestrial decomposition and, based on evidence from multisite experiments at regional and global scales, are universally factored into global decomposition models. In contrast, soil animals are considered key regulators of decomposition at local scales but their role at larger scales is unresolved. Soil animals are consequently excluded from global models of organic mineralization processes. Incomplete assessment of the roles of soil animals stems from the difficulties of manipulating invertebrate animals experimentally across large geographic gradients. This is compounded by deficient or inconsistent taxonomy. We report a global decomposition experiment to assess the importance of soil animals in C mineralization, in which a common grass litter substrate was exposed to natural decomposition in either control or reduced animal treatments across 30 sites distributed from 43°S to 68°N on six continents. Animals in the mesofaunal size range were recovered from the litter by Tullgren extraction and identified to common specifications, mostly at the ordinal level. The design of the trials enabled faunal contribution to be evaluated against abiotic parameters between sites. Soil animals increase decomposition rates in temperate and wet tropical climates, but have neutral effects where temperature or moisture constrain biological activity. Our findings highlight that faunal influences on decomposition are dependent on prevailing climatic conditions. We conclude that (1) inclusion of soil animals will improve the predictive capabilities of region‐ or biome‐scale decomposition models, (2) soil animal influences on decomposition are important at the regional scale when attempting to predict global change scenarios, and (3) the statistical relationship between decomposition rates and climate, at the global scale, is robust against changes in soil faunal abundance and diversity.  相似文献   
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